Getting Drunk

Big Bang One Shots and Scenarios

Getting Drunk:



                The music was booming, reverberating through your body as laughter and woops of happiness left your ruby red lips. Your body swayed to the beat, your dress swishing around you. In one hand, you held onto a glass of champagne that occasionally would overflow and drip down onto your hand. You didn’t care; it was your boyfriend’s birthday and this was his party.

                An arm wrapped around your waist, causing you to turn quickly and almost spill your drink on whoever it was. A giggle bubbled up from your throat when you realized it was Jiyong. You placed your free hand on his shoulder and continued to dance, earning a smile from him in return.

                “How many drinks have you had?” he shouted so that way you could actually hear him.

                “I don’t know! A lot!” you shouted back, causing him to an eyebrow. He gently took the glass from your hand and downed the contents himself before pulling you off of the dance floor. He set the empty glass down on the bar before heading towards the back door. He waved bye to Youngbae before helping you walk to the car.

                Another fit of giggles hit you as you sat in the passenger side. “Happy birthday to you,” you sung out of tune as he started up the car.

                “Oh, jagi,” he said, “you are going to have such a headache in the morning.” He reached over and tucked a loose lock of hair behind your ear. You leaned into the touch, still giggling slightly. He nodded, resigning himself to the action of holding back your hair later before driving back to the apartment.



                “Thanks for getting me, jagiya,” Seunghyun slurred as you heaved his weight through the door of his apartment and to the couch. You grunted a reply before finally dropping him off on the couch. Only the top half of him had actually made it though. You groaned before lifting his legs up and getting the rest of him on the couch.

                “You’re the best,” he mumbled; you could smell the alcohol on his breath even from where you knelt at his side. You nodded before removing his shoes and the jewelry he wore. You walked over to the bedroom and grabbed a blanket to tuck him in with. You threw that over him and he snuggled up like a two-year-old.

                “I love you,” he whispered, grabbing hold of your hand for a few moments before turning over on the couch. You stood there, frozen. When you heard his soft snores, you walked into the kitchen and poured him a glass of water. You got some Alka-Seltzer and set it beside the glass on the coffee table before seeing yourself out.

                You had just gotten in the elevator when your phone began to ring. You immediately picked it up, recognizing Eli’s name and picture. “Yeoboseyo?”

                “Did you take care of him?” he asked.

                “Yeah, he’s-”

                “You got to stop this,” he sighed, “He does this every single weekend. You’ve got to stop taking care of him or he’ll never move on. I know you’re just being nice but… but I’d like to spend a weekend with you too, you know.”

                “I know, I will,” you sighed before hanging up, unable to get your ex-boyfriend’s “I love you” out from the back of your mind.



                “You’re the prettiest girl in the whole wide world!” Youngbae said, making you giggle as you drove through the streets of Seoul.

                “I am?”

                “Yeah! And you’re so smart and kind and wonderful and pretty and… and smart,” he said, his face flushed bright red. His face was so red; it reminded you of how much he had been blushing when he had first asked you on a date.

                “You said smart twice,” you reminded him.

                “Well that’s ‘cause you’re extra smart and pretty,” he replied, slurring his words slightly. You really shouldn’t have brought him to your family’s party. It had been stressful and the alcohol had been free. Obviously, your boyfriend had consumed a little too much.

                “At least you’re cute when you’re drunk,” you said with a soft smile.

                 “No you’re cute,” he mumbled, his head resting against the window. You let out a small laugh before driving the rest of the way home.



                You wobbled towards the door of your apartment, heels in one hand and your purse slowly sliding off your shoulder. You giggled as you almost ran into the wall before fumbling with your keys. You finally drew them out of your purse and stumbled inside before shutting the door with your bare foot. You dropped your heels and bag before tip toeing as carefully as you could towards the bedroom. Unfortunately, you were caught.

                “Yeobo, what are doing?” Daesung asked, leaning against the bedroom doorframe. He was clad in a pair of sweatpants and absolutely nothing else. You smiled and a few drunken giggles escaped your worn off red lips as you wobbled over towards him.

                “Nothin’, what are you doing?” you asked before winding your arms around his neck. It was meant to be y but ended up being used more for support so that you wouldn’t fall over.

                “Was that supposed to be a come on?” he asked, smiling in spite of himself.

                “Yup,” you mumbled before laying your head on his shoulder, “So how about it, hot stuff?”

                “We’ll talk when you’re sober,” he replied before wrapping you up in a big bear hug. He dragged you into the bedroom and laid you down on the bed before tucking you in. He kissed you gently on the forehead as he resumed his place in the bed. He was sure that you were going to have a horrible hangover in the morning, but he could focus on sleep for now.



                Seungri sighed as he carried you bridal style into his apartment. You clung to his neck, in the throes of a fit of giggles as he carried you towards the bedroom. “Ah, you must really like my bed to do this to me every Friday night,” he sighed before laying you down gently.

                “It smells like you,” you laughed before rolling around on the cotton sheets. He chuckled before taking off your heels once you had settled down. He winced at the height of the heel, wondering vaguely how women walked and danced in these things.

                “Go to bed,” he said while brushing the hair out of your face, “I’ll buy you your favorite hangover food in the morning.”

                “Like a date!” you exclaimed, “Because you like me too, right? I like you lots, Seunghyun-oppa!”

                “How much?” he asked, chuckling.

                “This much!” you spread your arms out wide before bursting out into laughter again. He snorted at your actions before running a hand through his hair.

                “Why can’t you tell me these things when you’re sober, huh?”

                “Because it’s scary,” you mumbled, finally settling down.

                “Yeah, well tomorrow you’re telling me. I’ll make sure of that,” he replied before grabbing a blanket and heading towards the couch. He turned off the lights and softly shut the door. “The things I do for love…”

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