When he saves you from a drunk guy

Big Bang One Shots and Scenarios

                All you wanted was a night spent hanging out with your friends, dancing with sweaty strangers, and getting a little tipsy. That was all you wanted. Was it too much to ask? Apparently so because you seemed to be attracting drunk s like moths to a flame.

                You took another sip of your fruity alcoholic beverage and wished that you had ordered something stronger. A shot of vodka would be nice right about now. “Hey y, how you doing?” a man slurred as he leaned towards you with a cheesy smile that made you frown in disgust. His breath reeked of alcohol; cheap alcohol.

                “That’s none of your business,” you replied before turning away from him. He frowned and tried to make a grab for your arm but you pulled it out of his grasp. He tried to make a grab for you again, but you slapped his hand away.

                “That’s not nice!”

                “Go away,” you snapped.

                “I just want to dance,” he said before stifling a belch. You blanched and scooted a little farther away from him. You shook your head and was about to say that you wouldn’t dance with him even if were the last man left on earth, but someone beat you to it.



                “Don’t you think you should try someone else?” Jiyong piped in, getting annoyed by the man’s persistence, “It obviously isn’t working.” He had just been about to ask to dance with you when that idiot came over.

                “Yes it is,” the man said as he winked at you. You shivered, not in the good way, and made Jiyong chuckled. The sound was drowned out by the booming music, but the man didn’t miss it.

                “What are you laughing at?”

                “You,” Jiyong said simply. The man looked like he was about to reach around you to get at your savior, but you decided enough was enough. You got up and held your hand out for Jiyong to take with an expecting look. He smiled and tossed back the rest of his drink before following you onto the dance floor.

               “Thank you,” you nearly shouted in his ear to be heard over the music since you were so close to the speakers now.

                “No problem.” His hands rested firmly on your hips as he scanned the crowd to look for the man. He was still sitting at the bar, staring at the pair of you. Jiyong leaned down to nuzzle your neck so he wouldn’t have to look at him anymore.

                “He still there?”

                “Yup. I wouldn’t finish that drink if I were you.”

                “Oh God.”

                “Jiyong actually, but close.” You laughed and pulled him closer. He seemed to keep the jerks away, so might as well stay close. He didn’t seem to mind either. He pressed butterfly kisses against your neck as your bodies moved in tandem. Looks like the night hadn’t been ruined after all.



                “Can I buy you a drink?” a deep voice asked, causing both you and the drunken man to turn and look at him. He was definitely better looking than the drunk, and he didn’t seem to be intoxicated. Another plus. He smiled at you and you couldn’t help but smile back softly.

                “I already have a drink.”

                “I’ll buy you another.”

                “Trying to get me drunk?”

                “No,” he said, stepping in between you and the other man. He ordered two drinks, causing you to chuckle slightly as you set your previous one aside.

                “Hey! I was talking to her!”

                Seunghyun turned and gave the man an icy glare, “Yeah, you were talking to her. Now, I am. Shoo.” The man was rendered utterly speechless while Seunghyun turned back to you. He introduced himself before you offered your name in return. He smiled and told you your name was pretty; it was cheesy, but you couldn’t help but like it.

                The man stayed at the bar, staring at Seunghyun’s back for a few minutes before slinking off. You let out a sigh of relief when you saw him leave. “Thank you,” you said to Seunghyun.

                “No problem, but if you really want to thank me,” he said obviously trying to hide a goofy grin, “you could give me your number.” You laughed but put your number into his phone anyways.

                “So, can I actually expect a call?” you asked. He raised an eyebrow at you before putting his phone into his back pocket. He brushed off his jacket, which seemed like a little too much clothing for a club, but it fit him well. He got up and began walking towards the exit. It seemed like some of his friends were waiting for him.

                “Of course,” he said.

                “Of course what?” you shouted after him.

                “Of course you can expect a call,” he shouted back. You smiled like a giddy teenager before mentally chiding yourself. Still, you couldn’t wait for him to call.



                “I think you should leave her alone,” Taeyang’s voice could barely be heard over the thumping bass. The drunken man turned to him with a slightly confused expression. He wobbled as he tried to stand up.

                “What?” the man asked, trying to puff out his chest. You rolled your eyes at the display. It was like something off of Animal Planet. Taeyang pulled his shoulders back, trying to make himself look more menacing as well.

                “You should leave,” Taeyang said, “She obviously wants you to leave her alone.” You smiled slightly at the man in the Mohawk. He made eye contact with you and blushed slightly before turning his gaze back to the other man.

                “And who are you to tell me I should leave?” the man slurred.  You sighed before getting up to go to the bathroom. As much as you appreciated mohawk-man defending you, you didn’t really want to deal with the drunk anymore. So, you went to the bathroom to freshen your makeup before carefully stepping back out into the club.

                When you got back to the bar, the man with a Mohawk was sitting there but the other guy was gone. You sat down and he turned to smile at you, revealing a bruised cheek. “Did you fight him?” you asked.

                He blushed, offering a shrug as a response. You chuckled slightly before planting a kiss on his cheek. His face turned an even brighter shade of red as you asked for his number. He gladly obliged, making you giggle. You never thought you would meet a guy like him, especially at a place like this. “By the way,” you began, “What’s your name?”


                “I’m ______.”

                “Nice to meet you, ______-ssi.”

                “Nice to meet you too.”



                “Excuse me,” a man with died bleach blonde hair interrupted, “I think she wants you to leave her alone.” Both you and the drunkard stared at him. You looked him up and down. He had a very nice body; his t-shirt was tight enough to reveal his muscles. His face wasn’t the typical handsome, but you still thought he was cute.

                “Who’re you?” the drunken man slurred.

                “Daesung,” he answered, shortly.

                “Do you want a drink?” the words fell out of your mouth. Both of you blushed but he nodded. You smiled and turned to order him something, but the drunk wasn’t going to let that happen.

                “Whoa!” he exclaimed, “I saw her first!”

                “Sure but she doesn’t like you,” Daesung said, watching as the man stumbled off of the seat in an attempt to stand up. He almost fell flat on his face, but used to bar stool to help him steady himself.

                “You want a fight?” he slurred. Daesung shook his head and glanced over at you worriedly, but that response changed nothing. The man threw himself forward as he attempted to punch Daesung. Unfortunately, the blow hit. Daesung stumbled back slightly as the man attempted to stand up straight again.

                “I really don’t think we should do this here,” Daesung said, rubbing his cheek as it began to turn black and blue. Once again, the man paid no attention, but Daesung was the one who landed the blow this time, sending the guy flying back. He knocked over a couple of the bar stools. You got up and moved away, watching the two frightfully.

                It didn’t take long before a couple of bouncers came over to break the fight up. Two had to drag the man out, kicking and screaming like a child, while another kindly escorted Daesung out. You set some money down on the bar before chasing after him.

                Daesung was standing outside, rubbing his cheek and moving his jaw to make sure that everything was okay. “Thank you,” you said, in a soft voice. He turned and smiled to you, the smile lighting up his face and making him look handsome despite the bruises.

                “No problem.”

                “So… Can I buy my hero dinner sometime?” you asked.

                “There’s a fast food place over there,” he pointed down towards the corner. You smiled and the two of you began walking towards it. French fries and chocolate shakes were sometimes better than booze and dancing, especially if it was shared with a cute guy.



                “Hey, babe,” a guy said, wrapping his arm around your waist as if it was the normal thing to do, “Is this guy bugging you?” You turned to look at him and was pleasantly surprised by his appearance. Despite the dark circles under his eyes, he was very handsome.

                “Who are you?” you whispered in his ear. He chuckled and his lips quirked up in a small smirk as his arm tightened around your waist.

                “Right now, your boyfriend,” he whispered back, “Just play along.”

                “Yeah,” you said, leaning in to his touch as if you were dating him, “he just won’t leave me alone.”

                “She’s yours?” the drunken man asked, his eyebrows rising in disbelief.

                “She’s my girlfriend if that’s what you mean,” your “boyfriend’s” eyes narrowed at the question, making you like him even more. It was idiotic to ask if someone belonged to someone else.

                “You got to watch her better man,” the drunk said with a giggle, “With a dress like that, she’s asking for it.”

                “Asking for what?”

                “S-” Before the man could finish his sentence, your “boyfriend” detached himself from you and punched him right in the middle of his face, giving him a bloody nose. The man fell backwards, hitting the ground with a loud thump.

                “I hate idiots like you.” The drunk somehow managed to get up and run towards the exit. You smiled slightly at the way your “boyfriend” was massaging his knuckles. You walked over and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

                “Is there any way I can repay you?” you asked, making him smile again.

                “Give me your number,” he said, turning towards you.

                “I will after you give me your name.”

                “Seunghyun, but most call me Seungri.”

                “Well then, Seungri-ssi, I’m ______,” you introduced yourself before inputting your number in to his phone. You definitely wouldn’t mind him being your actual boyfriend.

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