When you're pregnant

Big Bang One Shots and Scenarios

                “Honey,” you said, grabbing onto his hand as the two of you sat on the couch, “I have something to tell you.”

                “What is it?”

                “I’m…” you took a deep breath, “I’m pregnant.”



                “Are you sure?” was his immediate response. You nodded. You had bought three pregnancy tests and all had tested positive. You had even gone to the doctor’s just in case they were all defective. He had confirmed it; you were pregnant.

                He buried his face in his hands; leaving your hand and making you suddenly feel alone. “We were so careful though,” he mumbled, “We always used protection.”

                “Are you mad?” you asked carefully.

                “No,” he shook his head, “I just need to figure out what we’re supposed to do.”

                “We should do that together,” you said, grabbing his hand again, “After all, it’s not just your baby; its mine too.”

                “I know,” he whispered before pulling you into a hug, “You must be scared too…but we’ll figure out what to do together.” You nodded and returned the hug. The two of you stayed quiet for a while, Jiyong thinking while you prayed that he wouldn’t want you to get rid of the life growing inside of you.

                “We’ll talk to YG about it,” he said finally, “and then we’ll go and buy a couple baby books.”

                You nodded and smiled happily. It wasn’t the reaction you had wanted, but it was far from the one you feared. It looked like everything would be alright.



                He stared at you in silence, his face expressionless. You felt tears prickling at the backs of your eyes as you waited for some sort of response. Finally, you broke the silence, “I can always get a… get a…”

                You couldn’t even say the word. Your breathing began to hitch in the back of your throat as the silence continued to loom between you. He lowered himself down onto the ground and placed his ear against your stomach, his eyes closed.

                “We’re going to have a baby,” he mumbled.

                “You want it?” you asked, still unsure of what his reaction meant. His eyes snapped open and he looked up at you in shock.

                “Of course I want it.”

                “What about YG? Your career?”

                “I care more about our baby than I do any of those things,” he said as he reached up and brushed your tears away with the pad of his thumb.

                “What are we going to tell our parents?”

                “That we’re getting married before the baby comes,” he said with a nod before pulling you down to place a soft kiss on your lips. You wrapped your arms around his strong shoulders and clung onto him. You had been so afraid of his reaction, but now you knew everything was going to be okay.



                “We’re having a baby?” he asked, smiling slightly as his grip on your hand tightened. You nodded and let out a small sigh of relief. Youngbae was an amazing boyfriend but news like this could break even the closest couple apart.

                “Do you think I’ll be an okay dad?” he asked suddenly.

                “You’ll be amazing,” you said with a laugh, “but I think we need to worry about getting this kid into the world before you start to stress about that.” He laughed and blushed slightly feeling a little embarrassed.

                “I just don’t want her to hate me.”


                “I want a girl,” he admitted sheepishly, “So that way she’ll be as beautiful as her mother.” It was your turn to blush, your cheeks turning a light shade of pink. You leaned over and placed a soft kiss on his cheek.

                “Well then I want a boy so that way he’ll be as sweet as his father.”

                “Hopefully he won’t inherit my height though,” he mumbled, making the two of you laugh. You laid your head on his shoulder and placed a hand on your stomach. You wondered which one of you would get their wish.



                “No way,” Daesung shook his head, “You’re too skinny for there to be a baby inside of there.” You shook your head at him but couldn’t help a small laugh escape. However, you grabbed one of the pillows and hit him with it.

                “I was being serious,” you said.

                “Why?” he asked, “Did you think I was going to be upset?”

                “I wasn’t sure,” you admitted, one of your hands unconsciously resting on your stomach. He rested his hand on top of it, his fingers warm and soft against the back of your hand.

                “It’ll be alright,” he said, “We’ll get married and have a baby and live happily ever after!”

                “How can you be so sure?” you asked.

                “Because it’s with you,” was his frank reply before leaning in to give you a soft kiss. Later that night, the two of you looked at baby supplies on the internet, everything with a Doraemon theme of course. You wondered if your baby was going to grow up to be as obsessed with it as her or her father.



                “No,” the word fell from his mouth without being filtered by his brain, “You can’t be.”

                “I am,” you said, pulling your hand back away from him. You crossed your arms protectively around your stomach and stared at the floor. You knew his reaction was going to be bad, but you hadn’t expected “no.”

                “No,” he repeated, “No, no, you can’t be. I can’t have another scandal, hyung will be pissed. I’m too young-”

                “And I’m not?” you cut him off, your eyes filling up with tears, “Damn it, you shouldn’t have if you’re not prepared to deal with something like this! Forget it, I’ll just go home.” You stood and walked to the bedroom to pack some things to go home. You needed to tell your sister about this.

                “No,” he got up and grabbed your arm, keeping you from going.

                “You obviously don’t want it-”

                “I do,” he said, “I want a baby with you, but I was hoping it was a few years down the road.”

                “Well it’s not.”

                “I kind of got that,” he sighed, “but we’ll get through this, okay? We’ll figure this out and make it work, but you can’t run away.” You nodded and set your things down on the ground. He pulled you into a hug and sighed, neither of you knew what to do.


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sorry if it's not as sweet as you guys would've hoped, but having a baby is a serious thing that many people have to deal with. It generally doesn't work out well a lot of the time, and i think being in the spotlight like BigBang would make it an even harder thing to deal with

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