Candy kisses

Big Bang One Shots and Scenarios



                “Look what I have,” Jiyong said as he held up a small bag of Hershey’s kisses.

                “Why do you have those?” you asked with a laugh before sitting up on the couch. Gaho grumbled and moved from the couch to the floor, knowing that his owner was going to kick him off in a minute anyways. Sure enough, Jiyong sat down in that very spot and opened the bag.

                “I don’t know. I felt like buying them for some reason,” he said before taking one out and unwrapping it.

                “Sounds good to me,” you said with a laugh, “As long as you share that is.”

                He paused before smirking slightly, “Share? Of course I’ll share with you. Here, this one is for you.”

                He said that but he was holding onto the small candy with his lips. You tried not to laugh as you shook your head at him. “You’re acting like a kid,” you noted, but he shrugged. You sighed before leaning over and kissing him in order to get the chocolate. You pulled back quickly and let it melt in your mouth. He his lips before taking out another one.

                “I’m glad I bought these now.”



                Seunghyun was sitting at the table with a bag of your favorite strawberry candies. You were sitting across from him with a couple carrot sticks. He was taunting you. Ever since you started your diet he had started doing things like this. It was torture.

                “Would you go away with those?” you asked before munching on one of the carrots.

                “Nope,” he chuckled before popping another one into his mouth.

                “I’m trying to diet!” you exclaimed, exasperated with him.

                “You’re perfect the way you are.”

                “I’m fat.”

                “No you’re not,” he popped another one into his mouth and let out a sigh of happiness. You glared at him but his plan was working.

                “You’re evil.” He shrugged before pulling out the last candy from the bag. He slowly unwrapped it and placed it in his mouth, watching you with a smug expression the entire time. “That’s it!” you exclaimed before reaching across the table and pulling him by the collar of his shirt. You crashed your lips against his but he easily dominated the kiss.

                You pulled back a little bit later having successfully stolen the candy. He was grinning ear to ear like a kid while you felt happy and guilty all at the same time.



                Taeyang was laying on the couch with a box of pepero (Korean pocky) while you were finishing up some homework on the dining room table. You were getting fed up with doing what you were supposed to be doing while your boyfriend was less than ten feet away. He barely ever had free time like this, so you much preferred to be with him than your statistics homework.

               Eventually, you gave up on being a good student and wandered out into the living room. “Did you finish?” he asked, looking a little hopeful.

               “Most of it,” you said, sheepishly.

               He frowned, “You need to finish it. I don’t want your grades to drop because of me.”

                “I’ll do it later,” you said before kicking his legs off the couch and sitting next to him. He bit his lip, wanting to spend time with you but also wanting to be a “good influence.” He took out another pepero and left part of it hanging out of his mouth.

                You noticed this and smirked slightly before leaning over and biting off the end of it, getting close enough to brush your lips against his. “Ah, I love pepero,” you smiled while he blushed.

               “Go back to your homework,” he said, wanting to ignore you. You giggled before giving his lips a quick peck and stealing another piece of pepero from the box.



                You and Daesung were walking around a carnival with Daesung in disguise. This time, that disguise meant wearing an animal mask. He had chosen a monkey and you had gone along with it and chosen another mask for yourself. You two walked hand in hand down a series of booths before Daesung stopped in front of one that was selling cotton candy.

                He bought a bag full and walked back over to you. “So how are you going to eat that, hm?” you teased, knowing that he couldn’t take his mask off, but you could. You pulled it off and took some of the cotton candy before popping it into your mouth. You by taking some more, but Daesung grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards a secluded spot.

                He lifted his mask up and kissed your lips, flicking his tongue out to some of the sugar off your lips. Before you could do anything, he pulled back and took a large bite of cotton candy before fixing his mask. “I can eat it like that,” he said before intertwining his fingers with yours. You blushed bright red before laughing slightly.

               “You’re such a dork, Oppa.”



                You were sitting in one of the comfy chairs in the living room, watching a drama on the TV. You had a box of chocolates Seungri had bought you opened on your lap. You were currently working on eating them when the door opened. “You home?” you called out, not wanting to break away from Lee Minho’s amazing acting skills.

                “No I’m at the North Pole,” he replied before walking over to crash on the couch.

               “You’re watching it again?” he whined. You nodded and chuckled at his attitude. He had a sort of competition going with Lee Minho. While Seungri was your boyfriend, Lee Minho was your ultimate fan girl crush. “Instead of watching that, you should pay attention to me,” Seungri whined, starting the first battle of the night.

                “But I love this drama.”

                “No, you love that actor.”

                You decided to ignore him as you ate another chocolate in order to stifle a squeal at your favorite actor’s intense stare. Seungri glared at the TV and pouted before getting up. He sat down on the arm of the chair you were sitting on before pulling your chin so you would look at him. He leaned down and some chocolate off of your lips before getting up and walking back to the bedroom. “I’ll win eventually.”


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

requested by lolwutlife

hope you enjoyed even if it was REALLY late

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