When you have really bad cramps

Big Bang One Shots and Scenarios


                “It feels like a shark is biting my stomach,” you groaned, clutching your abdomen as you attempting to get comfortable on the bed. You were currently having the cramps from hell which even the heating bad you had wrapped around your waist did little to dull the pain.

                “Here, jagiya,” Jiyong said, sitting down near you. In his hand were a few ibuprofens and in his other hand was a bottle of water.

                “Thanks,” you tried to smile at him but it turned into a grimace. You swallowed the pills before gulping down about half of the water. It would take a little while to work but at least the medication should do something.

                “Is there anything else I can do?” he asked worriedly.

                “Can you make dinner?” you asked, “I don’t think I’m in any shape to right now.”

                “Sure,” he smiled softly before leaning down to leave a peck on your forehead before walking out of the bedroom towards the kitchen. Hopefully, the food would turn out fine.



                You groaned and buried your face in the pillow, wondering why the hell cramps existed in the first place. What had you ever done to your uterus to deserve this kind of punishment?

                “I’m back,” Seunghyun called from the front door. You grunted in response before curling up into a teeny tiny ball, somehow still managing to hide your face in the pillow. He walked in the room and set two plastic bags down on the bed.

                “I got you some supplies like you asked. I also got you some of that bubble bath you like and three different kinds of chocolate bars,” that caused your head to pop up even if your hair still hid most of your face, “And, because I love you so much, I ordered two large pizzas.”

                “You’re the best,” you smiled before burying you head in the pillow again, “Call me when the pizza is here.”

                “Will do,” he chuckled before placing a blanket over you to snuggle with as well.



                “How are you feeling?” Youngbae asked in a soft voice as you snuggled closer to him. You were currently a blanket burrito with only the top of your head and your feet sticking out. However, you were also wrapped up in your boyfriend’s arms which added an extra layer of comfort.

                “Like a hysterectomy isn’t such a bad idea right now,” you grumbled. He chuckled and you could feel it reverberate through you. He hugged you a little tighter and you pulled the blankets closer.

                “Yeah but if you did that, we wouldn’t be able to have kids in the future,” he stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. You were glad you were so buried or he would have seen your face turn bright red.

                “I guess I can deal with it… for the children.”

                “For the children,” he repeated, blushing just as much as you were.



                “Are they really that bad?” Daesung asked, his voice tinged with worry as you burrowed under several layers of pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals. He was standing in the doorway, looking at the ball of stuff that had at one point been his girlfriend.

                “Uh huh,” you moaned. You had already taken pain killers but they only dulled the pain slightly. You still felt horrible. Daesung bit his bottom lip, wishing he could do something to help before an idea hit him.

                He ran out of the room, leaving you alone to groan and whine while holding on to your favorite stuffed animals. A few minutes later, your blankets and such were suddenly being ripped away from you until you had to face the harsh lights of your bedroom. Well, they were actually pretty dim but compared to the complete blackness you had shrouded yourself in, it was bright.

                “I made you a bath,” he said with a hopeful smile, “I made sure that it was the perfect temperature and everything.”

                “You did?”

                “Will it help?” You nodded and he let out a sigh of relief before helping you hobble to the bathroom.



                “Okay, so I got a pint of chocolate, a pint of strawberry, chocolate syrup, maraschino cherries, and two spoons. Is that good?” he asked after laying out the feast on top of the coffee table in the living room. You were currently wrapped up in your favorite blanket holding the panda stuffed animal he had bought after you begged Seungri saying it looked just like him.

                “Yeah but which movie are we going to watch?” you asked.

                “That depends, are your cramps Rom-Com bad or Action/Adventure bad?” Seungri chuckled, holding up two different choices. You pointed to the Rom-Com and he winced, understanding that that meant they were really hurting you.

                “Well I’m glad I splurged on the cherries then,” he said before popping the DVD in. Almost immediately, he was right by your side with his arm wrapped around you, beginning the snuggle fest that was sure to follow. 


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

If you have any ideas for a scenario or a one shot please let me know :)

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