The Crossroads

The Hard Way

“Are you guys dating?” Hyukjae asked Siwon and Kyuhyun when they hang out one evening. They were planning a graduation get-together with Donghae and Changmin.

Siwon tensed up at the question, but Kyuhyun just shrugged.

“They totally are.” Changmin stated.

“Oh how I envy you both. Hyukjae! Let’s date too!” Donghae suggested out of nowhere.

“WHAT??!!” Hyukjae nearly choked on his drink in a far less than pretty state. Kyuhyun, Siwon, and Changmin was laughing like a bunch of maniacs in an instant.

“You don’t want to date me?” Donghae asked innocently, making Hyukjae blushed and the others burst into another round of laughter.

“Overkill, mate!” Changmin teased Hyukjae intentionally, which earned him a smack on the head.

“What about you, Changmin-ah? Do you want to date me?” Donghae asked Changmin again.

“Sure. You’re cute!” He said lightly, “I’d enjoy going around and showing you off!”

“YAH!!!” Hyukjae yelled, giving Changmin another smack on his head. But the latter just laughed it off. Hyukjae had always been so weak. He’s too nice. And the gang enjoyed bullying him a lot.

So they planned to throw a little party in Donghae’s house right after graduation. Burgers, barbeque, soda, and just a bunch of good friends. It’s amazing how Kyuhyun’s and Siwon’s friends have been getting along so well, it’s almost seemed as though they were actually childhood friends. Donghae kept on suggesting nonsense like having pajamas party and sharing secrets, while Changmin was being his usual bad boy self and suggesting things like watching Hyukjae’s wide collection of .

Hyukjae was totally flushed but Donghae looked interested in the idea. Siwon was feeling a little bit uneasy about it though, because if they were to actually do it, Kyuhyun will be there as well. And he knew for a fact that watching with a certain person who had such a ual effect on him was not good in any way. He’s been having a hard time, using what little of gentleman’s composure he had left, to not pounce on the boy and kiss those luscious lips of his whenever he saw Kyuhyun. And to watch something so provoking with Kyuhyun’s presence near him, he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold himself back.

“Oh hey Heechul-hyung!” Kyuhyun’s voice broke siwon’s train of thoughts. He looked at Kyuhyun and saw him glancing and waving his hand. Everyone turned their heads to see the man of interest.

Donghae’s face lit up in an instant at the sight. He quickly jumped out of his chair and ran to hug the man. Well, Heechul was one of his favorite people on earth.

“Heechul-hyung! Where have you been?? I miss you!!!” he squeaked.

“Yah! I’m in my last year of college! I have tons of assignments. I don’t even have enough time for my beauty sleep anymore.” Heechul pinched Donghae’s cheeks and proceed to the table where Siwon and Kyuhyun sat side by side.

“Sup, kid!” Heechul patted Kyuhyun on the head, his palm bouncing off of Kyuhyun’s hair as if there was some springs hidden beneath the soft fluffy locks.

“How do you know we’re here, hyung?” Siwon asked Heechul as he stood up and gave the latter a bear hug.

“Gadgets these days are very cool, do you know that?” Heechul said as he wiggled free from Siwon’s embrace and went to get a chair for himself, “there’s this not-so-new technology called GPS that tells people where you are.”

Siwon chuckled. Oh how he missed his cousin’s sarcastic traits.

“This is my cousin, Heechul.” Siwon introduced Heechul to the others and turned to whisper on Kyuhyun’s ear.

“Seems like you already know my cousin.”

“Remember the birds I told you about? Well... yeah.” Kyuhyun grinned.

“Who are you calling bird?” Heechul glared at Kyuhyun but the latter only laughed, “I thought I told you not to date?!”

“You did, but I’m not the type who follows orders.” Kyuhyun winked.

“So you ARE dating!” Donghae exclaimed. Kyuhyun rolled his eyes while Siwon could only grin sheepishly.

“So you must be Kyuhyun’s friends.” Heechul addressed the other two on the table.

“Yep. I’m Shim Changmin. And you’re pretty.”

Heechul scoffed.

“In your dreams, kid. I’m not your average High School sweetheart. It’s gonna take a lot more than sweet words.”

“Ouch. That’s mean.” Changmin pretended to be hurt, but Heechul ignored it and turned to Hyukjae instead.

“And you?”

“Oh? I—uh—I’m Lee Hyukjae. Nice to meet you.” He stuttered.

Heechul raised an eyebrow and smirked.

“Shy. Awkward. Needs a little makeover, nothing I can’t fix though, but overall.... Hae-yah! You should keep this one.”

“WHAT?!” Hyukjae nearly fell off his chair.

“Really?!” Donghae’s grinned like a kid who got the best birthday present ever, “But he doesn’t want me.”

“Oh he does. He just doesn’t know it yet. Be patient, my darling Fishy.” Heechul winked.

“I just have an urge to hug you right now.” Changmin said coolly.

“And why is that?” Heechul winced.

“I kinda agree with you. And I just want to.” Changmin shrugged.

“Yah, kid!” Heechul turned and whispered to Kyuhyun, “That one seems a little creepy. I bet he gave you more trouble than all your other friends combined.”

Kyuhyun giggled and nodded eagerly, and Changmin sent him his deadliest glares.

“Kinda like you, to tell you the truth.” Siwon blurted out.

“YAH! You want to die?!” Heechul glared.

“Nope, sorry hyung.”

“Good. By the way, I came to your house with my dad. And our dads were having the usual small talk which ended up to be an argument about you. I didn’t catch what the argument was about, so I guess I’ll just have to find you and give you an early warning. From the look of it, I have a feeling it’s not gonna be pretty.”

Heechul was barely finished talking when Siwon’s phone rang, and his face turned horrid.

“Yes, Abeoji.” He spoke to the phone.

“Out with my friends.”

“What is it?”

“Oh, okay. I’ll be home shortly. Yes, I’m going now.”

“Okay, Abeoji. I’ll see you soon.

Then he hung up the call. Everyone on the table stared at Siwon attentively.

“Speaking of the devil, huh?!” Heechul snorted.

Siwon forced a nervous laugh.

“I gotta go, guys. Duty calls.” He waved his phone, “Keep me updated with the graduation plan, okay?” He said to Donghae, Changmin, and Eunhyuk then he turned to Kyuhyun.

“I’ll call you later.” He said then kissed the top of Kyuhyun’s head.

The sudden display of affection caught everyone off guard, but they didn’t even have time to express their surprise because a second later Siwon left with Heechul, who winked at the group and patted Kyuhyun’s head lovingly before he went with Siwon. Heechul seemed to have grown very fond of Kyuhyun in that short amount of time, and Kyuhyun liked being treated like a little brother by Heechul.

The four boys left were curious about Siwon, but they all thought they could always ask him what happened later. So they just shrugged it off and carried on with planning their little graduation party.


“BUT ABEOJI!!!!” Siwon whined at his father, “I have decided to go with—I have decided to go to KyungHee. They have good Chemistry Department there.”

“No. You will go to Seoul National and study Business.” His father stated firmly.

“But Abeoji~!”

“No buts, Siwon! You’re gonna have to take over our company later, and I want you to be fully prepared when the day comes.”

“But my love and study for Chemistry will be useful for our Pharmacy Line.” Siwon argued.

“We pay scientists and fund researches for that. I have plenty of scientist on my payroll already. What I really need a successor to run the company, not just to run an experiment with the chemicals.”

“But... “ Siwon whined weakly.

“This isn’t just about your passion for Chemistry, is it boy?!” His father asked suspiciously, “Is there a someone, a girl for example, involved behind your blind arguments?”

Siwon’s face turn sour.

“There’s no such thing.” He said bitterly, “Okay, Abeoji. I’ll let you interfere with my life, but only about my studies. I will not let you meddle any further. Now please excuse me, I still have a few things to be managed.” Siwon emphasized on the last word and stormed out of the room, leaving his father behind.


It was around 11 pm when Kyuhyun’s cellphone beeped. Kyuhyun rolled on his bed to reach his phone on the nightstand. It was a chat message from Siwon.


Kyu... Are you awake?

Yes. How did it go with your dad?

I have bad news. He wants me to study Business at Seoul National. I wish I could go to college with you. But my dad didn’t give me options. He didn’t even hear me out L


Kyuhyun sighed and contemplated for a while, typing something and erasing it back over and over again, until he came to a decision and replied.


Are you freaking kidding me, Siwon?! Seoul National is so cool! And they have—like—the best music department in the country. Let’s try applying to Seoul National. Changmin and Victoria are planning to go there too. Man, this is gonna be awesome!

Are you serious? We have already planned a lot for KyungHee.

Of course I am! This is so much better! Okay, it’s decided then. Let’s go to Seoul National University and have dates at the campus every weekend! J

Really? I love you, Kyu....

I know.

What are you doing now, babe?

Stop with the cheesy nicknames, Siwon. And I’m doing nothing. Just chatting with you. How about you?

I’m watching the stars, come watch with me, Kyu... Let’s go out the balcony.

This is stupid, you know that? I’m standing alone looking up at the sky, wishing you were here.

I wish I was there too, Kyu... But hey, at least we’re staring at the same stars.

Pppfffft... That’s lame. You sound like a very old song.

Maybe, but I’m YOUR lame old song.

Yea, whatever.

Hey Kyu... I’m sorry we didn’t get to go to KyungHee.

I told you, I’m happy with this outcome. I wanna go to Seoul National too, you know... We may have many plans set for KyungHee, but seriously, it’s more than enough to be able to go with you. Anywhere is fine.

Thank you, Kyu... Let’s get some sleep. I’ll see you again tomorrow. And.... I love you again!

Aish, this guy!! Alright I’m going to sleep. Good night!

Good night, my Kyu!


Kyuhyun sighed again. He lied. He wasn’t ready to go to sleep yet. So he just stayed there on the balcony, staring blankly into the night horizon. His mind was full of Siwon. He didn’t realize that down inside a car in the parking lot, Siwon was sitting behind the wheel, staring up longingly back at Kyuhyun.

‘You lied, my dear Kyuhyun. I know deep down you are sad that we didn’t get to go to KyungHee. It was your dream. But I’m thankful that you chose to give up your dream and be with me instead. I’m sorry I have to take advantage of it, but I really didn’t have a choice here, Kyu... So please stick with me until the end....’ Siwon whispered silently. A single drop of tears fell down his cheeks. And he went back to watching Kyuhyun until the latter went inside and the light in his room went off.




Sheesh... This is too long... I hope I didn't bore or scare you. But I really don't know where to cut this out. Oh and I haven't proofread this chapter yet, so, my apologies if you find typos and grammatical errors, which I'm sure will be plenty. I will look into it later. And in the mean time, please tell me what do you think about the story so far, which parts you like, which parts you hate, etc.

Now from the deepest of my heart, I thank and love you all.

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the end is nigh... lol...


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Chapter 25: This story is one of my favorite along with some WK aff. Thank you, kept me inspired <3
Chapter 1: Too cute of an intro, some love stories start innocent lol
Chapter 11: Thank Kyu.I love Wonkyu.
Merettevan #4
Chapter 25: Woah I loved it! I had a great time reading it, though there was some angst, it was mostly them being sweet and cute and adorable!!!
There were some moments where my heart hurt but their relationship was so strong that they could finally end up together without hiding their love to the ones they love the most (their families -especially Siwon's and friends).
I liked the idea of Kyu's order for the cities and I was surprised for the twist regarding all that. And when they met again, I got teary! Thanks a lot!
Mina1715 #5
Chapter 11: Chapter 11 : "I didn't have to learn anything. The advantage of being the younger and the bottom in the relationship is you do all the hard work while all I need to do was lay back and look y."
Nyahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! Nailed it, Kyuhyun!!!!
Chapter 25: When I first saw the title, I thought it might be angst but this was just so cute and fluffy and nice... I loved it ♥
And the epilogue was awesome though I was suspecting something like this at the end of chp 24 but yeah, the twist was so cool!
Guixianbaobei #7
Chapter 25: I only got to read this story today. But this indeed a very well written story. Well Dove. Simply love it...especially the twist. Thanks
gendplaga_elf #8
Chapter 25: Omg this is awesome and the epilogue woah such a twist!
monshine #9
Chapter 25: Awwww.....he he he....twists and turns and than happy ending. Perfect fic. :)
Omg Authornim thanks for this wonderfull fic.