The Cousin Intervenes

The Hard Way

“Cho Kyuhyun.” Kim Heechul reached out his arm, offering the boy in front of him a handshake. Kyuhyun raised one eyebrow but took the hand nonetheless. Heechul had an undeniable aura around him and Kyuhyun was more than curious about the pretty guy’s intention in seeking him out.

“I’m Kim Heechul, Choi Siwon’s cousin. Come with me.” He dragged Kyuhyun to his car that was parked not far from the school gate and shoved him inside the passenger seat.

“Where are we going?” Kyuhyun asked.

“Seatbelts, please.” Heechul said then started the car engine, “We are going to a place where we can get to know each other a lot better.”

“And where would that place be?” Kyuhyun asked again.

“Cake shop.” Heechul grinned and drove off.

“Aaaahhh.... Okay.” Kyuhyun grinned back at Heechul, he could tell that he liked that guy already.

The cake shop Heechul took Kyuhyun to turned out to be the cake shop just one block away from Kyuhyun’s school. Kyuhyun scoffed when they went out of the car and into the shop to find some seats.

“We could’ve just gone by foot, you know.” He rolled his eyes.

“I wanted to take you somewhere far, but there’s always a possibility that we would be kinda awkward at first, so a long drive could mean a long torture. But I guess I shouldn’t consider that possibility, seeing you are comfortable enough to whine at me.” Heechul teased.

“I wasn’t whining, I was merely stating a fact.” Kyuhyun defended.

“Yea, yea.” Heechul sneered back.

“So why are we here?” Kyuhyun went straight to the point.

Heechul took the menu book on the table and waved it around.

“Firstly, we eat. Then we get down to business.” Heechul said and started burying his face in the menu book.

“What business?”

“Patient, Cho. Patient.” He answered without even looking up.

So Kyuhyun stopped asking. They ordered their choice of cakes, Almond Caramel cake and coke for Kyuhyun, classic tiramisu and vanilla latte for Heechul. Kyuhyun just had to chuckled at Heechul’s choice. They were cousins all right. Both were obsessed with coffee. Heechul just shrugged it off.

“So, Cho...” Heechul started after they had done eating their cakes.

“Yes, Kim?” Kyuhyun responded, which earned him a death glare from Heechul.

“YAH!! I’m older than you!” Heechul yelled, causing every person in that small cake shop to turn their heads in their direction.

“How the hell should I know?” Kyuhyun shrugged, “You never told me.”

“Well, I am. So call me hyung.” Heechul screeched.

“Why should I?” Kyuhyun challenged.

“Yah! You want to die?!” Heechul almost yelled again. But Kyuhyun laughed.

“That might work on Siwon, but it wouldn’t work on me.”

“You kids are surely going to kill me one of these days. One is a dumb horse who keeps giving me headache, the other is a smart- who raised my blood pressure.” Heechul sighed, “But I like you both, so yea, call me a masochist.”

Kyuhyun tilted his head sideways and frown, trying to read the older boy’s gestures. Then he shrugged again.

“Well, I kinda like you to, so.... What do you need from me, Heechul-hyung?”

“Good boy...” Heechul patted Kyuhyun on the head, but the latter slap the hand away. “So, what happened between you and horsie?”

Kyuhyun knew that was coming.

“Nothing. Really.” He lied.

“Awww come on! I knew there was something.” Heechul teased.

“Then why do you ask? You already knew.” Kyuhyun pouted.

Heechul smiled wide at the view. He had known by now why Siwon fell for that kid. But the pout brought a whole new level of understanding. That cute and almost y pout is something worth to get crazy about.

“Guilty as charged. But I wanna know your side of the story. Don’t get me wrong, kiddo. I don’t mean to pry into your private lives, but that cousin of mine, I was being serious when I say he’s a horse. I know he’s nice and hot and all, and I love him to death. But by the freaking Looney Tunes I swear his brain is a little slow when it comes to, you know, feelings.”

“What did he say anyway?” Kyuhyun started to get curious.

Heechul lean back on his chair and placed his hands behind his head.

“Nothing much. He just said that he fell for you but he messed up and you probably hate him right now and he’s really sorry and stuffs like that. He was kind of, ummmm, devastated. That’s why I decided to come to the rescue.”

Kyuhyun sighed.

“I don’t hate him.” He said weakly.

“So you love him?!” Heechul finally launched himself to lean closer to Kyuhyun. There’s this mischievous grin on his face, and his sudden action succeeded in giving Kyuhyun a fright.

“What?! Oh... Maybe. I mean, I think... Well, I don’t know, okay? I’m only 16, and this is kinda new t---“

“Wait, WHAT???!!!” Heechul suddenly yelped, “You’re 16?! You’re freaking 16?!!”

Heechul shook his head frantically while Kyuhyun was just sitting there, staring at the older guy’s antics. Confused wasn’t even fit to describe the situation. Kyuhyun was bedazzled.

“No no no no... This won’t do. You’re 16. You’re under aged.” Heechul muttered, “Good job, kid. You made the right choice. You better stay away. Let’s wait until you’re old enough to continue this conversation, okay??

Make sure you call me when you’re 20. Now if you’ll please excuse me, I gotta go. See you later, Kyuhyun. It’s been nice talking to you.” Heechul smiled as he ruffled Kyuhyun’s hair then make way out of the cake shop.

Kyuhyun froze for a while, and when he had regained his conscience, he quickly ran after Heechul, who was walking to his car.

“Hey Heechul-hyung!” Kyuhyun called, “Should I call him and talk?”

Heechul smiled sweetly to Kyuhyun.

“Sure, why not?? Phone calls are good. Talking is good. Just remember, don’t date! Got that??”

Kyuhyun had to laugh at that. Heechul was really a mood maker.

“Hahaha... Got it!” Kyuhyun said, still laughing, “Oh, and Heechul-hyung! Thanks!”

Heechul waved a little then turned his back on Kyuhyun.

Quite an easy one, this kid. Heechul thought to himself as he reached his car, a devilish smirk was planted deep on his face. He drove off with a mind full of other mischief to be managed, things to be done, and another person to be compromised.



From     : Kyuhyun, Cho

Received: Today/16:03:48


We need to talk. Can you come to my house tonight? See you. (Kyuhyun)


Such a simple message, but it’s more than enough reason to make a certain someone to be in some kind of hysteria. Choi Siwon was dancing and jumping, and running around his spacious bedroom with a permanent smile plastered on his face, dimples and all, like a kid on sugar rush. It took him approximately 5 minutes to realize that he hadn’t replied the text message. So he typed fast, “Be there at 6.30. See you.” and sent it. A few seconds later another text message came in, bearing only the word “Ok”, but it got Siwon hyper again. It was another 10 minutes of pure joy until the adrenaline wore off and the excitement subsided with anxiety.

“Okay, stop being so nervous, Siwon. First, apologize, then listen to what Kyu had to say. Fighting!!”


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the end is nigh... lol...


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Chapter 25: This story is one of my favorite along with some WK aff. Thank you, kept me inspired <3
Chapter 1: Too cute of an intro, some love stories start innocent lol
Chapter 11: Thank Kyu.I love Wonkyu.
Merettevan #4
Chapter 25: Woah I loved it! I had a great time reading it, though there was some angst, it was mostly them being sweet and cute and adorable!!!
There were some moments where my heart hurt but their relationship was so strong that they could finally end up together without hiding their love to the ones they love the most (their families -especially Siwon's and friends).
I liked the idea of Kyu's order for the cities and I was surprised for the twist regarding all that. And when they met again, I got teary! Thanks a lot!
Mina1715 #5
Chapter 11: Chapter 11 : "I didn't have to learn anything. The advantage of being the younger and the bottom in the relationship is you do all the hard work while all I need to do was lay back and look y."
Nyahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! Nailed it, Kyuhyun!!!!
Chapter 25: When I first saw the title, I thought it might be angst but this was just so cute and fluffy and nice... I loved it ♥
And the epilogue was awesome though I was suspecting something like this at the end of chp 24 but yeah, the twist was so cool!
Guixianbaobei #7
Chapter 25: I only got to read this story today. But this indeed a very well written story. Well Dove. Simply love it...especially the twist. Thanks
gendplaga_elf #8
Chapter 25: Omg this is awesome and the epilogue woah such a twist!
monshine #9
Chapter 25: Awwww.....he he he....twists and turns and than happy ending. Perfect fic. :)
Omg Authornim thanks for this wonderfull fic.