At The End of The Hard Way

The Hard Way




 “Kyu… Baby…”




 “My God… Kyu… I miss you so much!!”


Siwon woke up and winced at the sunlight barging into his tired eyes. It was morning already. Siwon didn’t want to get up just yet.


‘What a beautiful dream....’ he thought.


He wished he didn’t wake up. He wished he could get back to sleep and continue the dream he was having, the dream in which he was happy, the dream in which he had Kyuhyun. Siwon sighed and shut his eyes. Well, he could at least try to sleep and dream some more.


But then he felt movement on the other side of the bed. He turned his head around and nearly cried from the view. There, sleeping on his side, with a permanent smile plastered on his face as if he was having a very nice dream, was Kyuhyun. He was as beautiful as the day Siwon met him, it was as if he didn’t age at all.


So last night was real...’ Siwon thought, putting his palm on his lips, trying to muffle whatever slipping out of his mouth that could risk the sleeping beauty in front of him to wake up.


Finding Kyuhyun in the church was real. Hugging and kissing in the church was real. Getting caught kissing by the priest was real. Getting thrown out from the church was real. Spending hours sitting on the beach with Kyuhyun was real.


Siwon looked around the familiar room and smiled.


 ‘Going back into the hotel with Kyuhyun was real.’


Touching Kyuhyun, feeling his soft skin again was real. And just with the thought of the fun they had last night, Siwon felt waking up again. It seemed that his entire body was as excited as he was to see Kyuhyun again. They literally yearned for every inch of the younger boy.


Siwon then brought his hand up and ran a finger over Kyuhyun’s perfect-shaped nose. One , two , three , Kyuhyun purred like a cat, and Siwon always loved it when his precious Kyuhyun was acting like a kitten. Siwon tried to hold back the urge to kiss Kyuhyun’s luscious lips so not to wake the man, but who was he to deny such beautiful inviting lips?


“Just kiss me, Goddamn it!” Kyuhyun suddenly ordered with still closed eyes.


Siwon laughed and proceeded to kiss each of Kyuhyun’s eyes, the tip of his nose, and finally landed one right on the lips.


“Good morning, beautiful…” he said as one of his palm found its way to Kyuhyun’s cheek. The cheek wasn’t as full and chubby as he remembered; he knew Kyuhyun must have lost weight.


“Cheesiness in the morning, this is gonna be a hard day.” Kyuhyun faked an annoyed sigh, but in the end he smiled and snuggled closer to Siwon’s bare chest and gave him a peck on the cheek, Kyuhyun’s way of saying ‘Thank You’.


Siwon wrapped his arms around Kyuhyun’s body and closed his eyes, inhaling Kyuhyun’s sweet body scent, pondering at how perfect their bodies fit each other. It’s like heaven-sent.


“So tell me, Kyu… Did you really stay in that church all this while?”


Kyuhyun nodded.




“Well, “ Kyuhyun started speaking and Siwon felt his deep voice resonanting through his back, “Father Jose heard me sing. He liked my voice and listened to my story. He convinced me you would come. Then he asked me where I would stay. And when I said I didn’t know yet, he offered me to stay in the seminary, free room and free food in exchange for a few household chores and singing on Sunday services. It sounded like a good deal to me, so I agreed.”


Siwon smiled at the story.


“Nice guy.” Siwon commented,”Now go get a shower! I will book our plane tickets home. And we need to go somewhere.”


“Are you sure you don’t want another round?” Kyuhyun nuzzled his nose on Siwon’s chest, brushing over his occasionally, sending shivers down Siwon’s spine. There goes the cute kitten again, but Siwon was determined this time.


“Of course I do.” Siwon said as he ran fingers on Kyuhyun’s hair, “But it would have to wait.”


“Fine!” Kyuhyun gave up and crept down the bed, “Where are we going anyway?”


“You’ll see.” Siwon winked, his dimples almost seemed like they winked too.


Kyuhyun scoffed and scooted to the bathroom, but before he closed the door, he heard Siwon exclaimed.


“Wear something nice!"




“Kyu, meet my good friends, Pau, Xisco, Adrian, Eva, and Tony.”


Kyuhyun smiled and offered his hand to the group of people.


“Nice to meet you all. I’m Kyuhyun.”


The four men and one woman suddenly started commenting all at once. Most of them were saying ‘beautiful’, ‘lovely’, ‘cute’, ‘good looking’, ‘lucky’, and ‘Welcome to Club Eden’. Kyuhyun was blushing the whole time, he can’t help but to feel embarrassed because everyone there seemed to know about his story. So Kyuhyun hid in the background and just watched in silence as Siwon and his new friends talked and joked. Until someone grabbed his hand.


“Come with me, Kyu. I want to show you something.” Eva, the only girl in the group suddenly pulled him away from the crowd with sparkles in her eyes.


Kyuhyun glanced at Siwon, seeking for permission, and when he saw Siwon nodded encouragingly, he let himself being dragged away by Eva.


He was taken to the back side of the club. Eva was eager to show him around, saying that this was the place where Siwon would spend the night after a long day of searching and looking for Kyuhyun all over Ibiza. There was a really nice private room in the corner, it had a nice view to the beach, secluded from the rest of the club, and was neatly decorated,too.


They went past the one spot to another, Eva even showed Kyuhyun the restrooms and the kitchen. Kyuhyun smiled thinking it actually felt like he was actually buying the club, instead of just strolling around. And after a tour of the staff room and the guest dressing room, Eva led Kyuhyun through a big wooden door and out into a beautifully decorated garden.


There weren’t chairs except the few park benches under palm trees scattered around the garden. But there flower-stands forming two lines, each connected by semi-transparent white veils accented with blue satin sashes. And then a passage trailed with abundant petals of clean white roses, a passage where Father Jose and Siwon waiting on its end.


Kyuhyun blinked rapidly, not believing in what he saw. He glanced sideways and found Eva smiling at him, cocking her head to the direction of Siwon, signalling Kyuhyun to follow her steps. Kyuhyun didn’t know what to think, he absentmindedly let Eva took his hand once more and led him across the white flowery passage.


Siwon was looking like a prince coming out  straight from a fairy tale. He was smiling ear to ear, showing his deepest dimples Kyuhyun had yet ever seen. The face alone nearly caused Kyuhyun a fatal cardiac arrest. And when Siwon stretched out his arm, asking for Kyuhyun to come to his side, Kyuhyun knew nothing could go wrong from here.


That was the moment he fell in love all over again.


“Father Jose...” Kyuhyun whispered as he reached the end of the passage and Eva took her place on the side.


“Hello Kyu.” The man smiled and patted Kyuhyun on the shoulder.


Siwon smiled happily seeing the radiant hint of red of Kyuhyun’s cheeks. He felt like he had done a great job.


“When did you plan this?” Kyuhyun asked Siwon as he let Siwon guided him to his place, their intertwined fingers never left each other.


“Plan on marrying you?” Siwon asked back, “From the day you kissed my cheeks after your musical performance.”


Kyuhyun giggled as his thoughts flew back to that moment. I guess it’s where it all really starts.


“I meant, this!” Kyuhyun said with a blush as he look around the perimater and smiled at the sweet scene and at his new friends’ happy faces.


“Oh.” Siwon exclaimed and the others laughed, “Did I tell you that Pau knows every person living in Ibiza? Well, he had his ways. I asked him to prepare something last night and Voila! Look what he gave us!”


Pau looked like he was utterly embarrased despite the massive size of his body. If his skin color was a tad lighter, Kyuhyun was sure he would have been caught blushing. But he decided maintain his scary image by giving Siwon a playful hit on the arm.


“Ummm... This is really nice, Pau. Thank you.” Kyuhyun reached out and gave Pau’s huge hand some soft pats, “But I would really appreciate it if you don’t kill my boyfriend.”


Everyone laughed again at Kyuhyun’s joke. Then Father Jose motioned everyone to start the ceremony. It wasn’t as grand as how Siwon had wanted it to be, there weren’t even their closest friends to share their moments with, but the people standing there with them were also their close friends, also their family.


So what they had then was perfect enought for both of them.


Their eyes never left each other’s faces as they spoke their vows. Kyuhyun was all smiles the whole time while Siwon looked was pretty much glowing radiance in full force. Kyuhyun’s eyes grew big when Siwon slipped a beautiful Victorian styled wedding ring into his finger. He was about to ask another ‘when’, but one gentle blink on Siwon’s eyes that there rings had been kept for long. And now they were finally on their rightful place.


“Forever and ever?” Siwon asked after they were announced officially married. He brought both Kyuhyun’s hands with with own to his lips and kissed those long slender fingers gently.


Kyuhyun smiled and leaned towards the  intertwined fingers, making their foreheads rested against each other.


“Forever and ever and more.”






Kyuhyun almost ran across the the Arrival Gate of Incheon Airport, laughing like a kid on sugar rush. He jumped into one of the people waiting just outside the gate.


“I miss you too, Changmin-ah!” Kyuhyun hugged Changmin’s tall-build mercilessly. They were so close they could easily read through each other’s venomous tongue and caught the implied sweetness behind it.


Heechul didn’t say anything. He just spread both arms wide and Kyuhyun scooted right away into his embrace and purred like a baby kitten. Then Kyuhyun hugged all his friends one by one with an incredible yearning in his eyes. Donghae was practically crying by now, and everyone bullied him for the cry-baby that he was. People were still busy hugging him and asking him various questions and fussing over him, like how it had always been with this particular group of friends.


But suddenly Kibum yanked his left hand.


“What is this?!” He asked, then turned his head to the direction of Siwon’s hand and let out a triumphant “HA!” when he found matching ring on Siwon’s finger. Always the observant Kibum.


“Hey hey... Easy, Sherlock!” Siwon said calmly.


“You got married?!” Kibum accused. All eyes turned to the couple who just grinned smugly. Then the commotion started again.










Kyuhyun finally raised his hands and silenced the noisy group of friends he would forever cherish and smiled shyly.


“Even I was suprised. It happened so fast and I think, we were just being responsive to the situation at hand. Even if we told you before, I don’t think you guys would make it.” Kyuhyun explained apologetically.


“You could’ve flown us there with one of you private jets!” HyukJae said to Siwon.


“”Even if he had a private jet, you guys wouldn’t make it in time.” Kyuhyun argued.


“Oh he has it, really.”Heechul smirked, “But why did you have to get married so fast?”


Kyuhyun and Siwon glanced at each other, then Siwon took turn to speak.


“We’ve waste too much time already. And I really don’t think can wait any longer.”




Siwon took Kyuhyun straight to his parent’s house from the airport. After gaining hopeful luck from their friends, he felt a bit more confident about confronting his parents. And he really thought that now that they were married, Kyuhyun would gain a stronger position in his life and things would fall easy.


Just how wrong he was.


As the taxi driver brought them closer to the lion’s den, Siwon felt his confident weakened. Half the ride away and doubts and fear started to consume his thoughts. Kyuhyun apparently sensed Siwon’s worsening nerve because the usually warm hand wrapping his own was now cold and sweaty.


Kyuhyun brought Siwon’s hands to his lap and patted in gently, giving assuring strength with each skin contact.


“All that matter is we’re together now.” Kyuhyun said with a beautiful smile that worked on Siwon like a strong hypnosis, because when they reached Siwon’s parents’ house, Siwon was fully determined to live up to his father’s challenge and prove the man wrong about Kyuhyun.


“Abeoji.... Eommoni....” he called.

The man who was reading an English newspaper turned his head towards the voice, so did the woman who sat on the other classic chair with a magazine on her lap. Siwon held his breath waiting for their reaction before continuing his speech. His grip around Kyuhyun’s palm hardened.


“I want you to meet Kyuhyun, “ he started, “your son-in-law.”


The sentence dropped like a bomb. Both his parents immediately stood from their seats and threw them a surprised look.


“Kyu... Hyun...” his mother stuttered as she put her hand over his mouth. Her eyes started to brim with water and soon drops of tears fell rapidly on her blushed cheeks. She glanced to her husband and he put a light kiss on her shoulder. Then she walked towards the two man standing hand in hand.


It hurted Siwon to see his mother cry like that. It’s devastating that he had to be the son who broke his parents’ hearts.But as the vow he promised Kyuhyun back in Ibiza, he would protect him, even from his own mother. Siwon was preparing to take a place between Kyuhyun and his mother, shielding him from whatever she tried to do to him. But one gentle push on his side let him know that Kyuhyun wanted him to stay aside.


He stayed in full alrt though. And his jaw almost drop when all of a sudden his mother pulled Kyuhyun into a hug and ran gentle on his brown locks.

“Kyuhyun-ah... It must have been hard on you, right? I’m really sorry...”


“It’s okay, Eommonim... Don’t be sorry. I’m really okay.” Kyuhyun whispered as he hugged back his mother-in-law.


Siwon stood agape at the scene, not understanding what was happening before his eyes. Then he felt a squeeze on his shoulders. He was so observed in watching Kyuhyun and his mother, he didn’t realized that his father had stood right in front of him.


“You did well, son. You did well.” His father said proudly. “You keep this up, you hear me?! Stand up for your love, don’t let anything get in your happiness. Protect your love.”


Siwon didn’t understand what was happening. He didn’t understand the sudden change of his family’s behavior. He didn’t understand why all of a sudden his parents just accepted about him and Kyuhyun. Could it be because of his stubborness? Could it be because of the time they spent in trial? Could it be because Kyuhyun’s irresistible personality?


Siwon didn’t understand. And he couldn’t care less. All that mattered now was that he knew Kyuhyun had gained the place he deserved in his family. Seeing his mother and his Kyuhyun smile and laugh together was all he needed to be sure that everything would be okay from here on.





They might be going the hard way, but they’re here in the end. And no matter how rocky the road might get, as long as they’re together, they knew that they would make it.




This chapter got a lot longer that I planned. But since you're reading this, then I guess I can assume you survived the long chapter. And as you see, this is the end. I hope it's happy enough for you lovely readers. 

Thank you for staying with me all this while, I genuinely hoped I improved through the story, even if just a little.

And if you still have the strength to read some more, there's an Epilogue right after this. I wrote the Epilogue before I wrote all the 24 chapters, and it's pretty much the main idea of this long story.

Please leave a comment about this chapter or the story in general. It would help me in the future.

So until then, See Ya!!

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the end is nigh... lol...


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Chapter 25: This story is one of my favorite along with some WK aff. Thank you, kept me inspired <3
Chapter 1: Too cute of an intro, some love stories start innocent lol
Chapter 11: Thank Kyu.I love Wonkyu.
Merettevan #4
Chapter 25: Woah I loved it! I had a great time reading it, though there was some angst, it was mostly them being sweet and cute and adorable!!!
There were some moments where my heart hurt but their relationship was so strong that they could finally end up together without hiding their love to the ones they love the most (their families -especially Siwon's and friends).
I liked the idea of Kyu's order for the cities and I was surprised for the twist regarding all that. And when they met again, I got teary! Thanks a lot!
Mina1715 #5
Chapter 11: Chapter 11 : "I didn't have to learn anything. The advantage of being the younger and the bottom in the relationship is you do all the hard work while all I need to do was lay back and look y."
Nyahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! Nailed it, Kyuhyun!!!!
Chapter 25: When I first saw the title, I thought it might be angst but this was just so cute and fluffy and nice... I loved it ♥
And the epilogue was awesome though I was suspecting something like this at the end of chp 24 but yeah, the twist was so cool!
Guixianbaobei #7
Chapter 25: I only got to read this story today. But this indeed a very well written story. Well Dove. Simply love it...especially the twist. Thanks
gendplaga_elf #8
Chapter 25: Omg this is awesome and the epilogue woah such a twist!
monshine #9
Chapter 25: Awwww.....he he he....twists and turns and than happy ending. Perfect fic. :)
Omg Authornim thanks for this wonderfull fic.