Sudden Outburst

The Hard Way

“I like you, okay?!” There. He said it. It wasn’t planned, but he finally said it.

“Pardon me?” Kyuhyun asked in a puzzled tone.

Siwon sighed.

“I said I like you, Kyu... I think- I think I have fallen in love with you. And it makes me confused. I don’t know what to do, I don’t know how to handle things, I don’t even know what to think of myself. Dammit!” Siwon said desperately.

Kyuhyun, being shocked by Siwon’s sudden outburst of confession, was totally paralyzed from head to toe, partly because of disbelieve, and partly because of the indescribable sad aura emitting from Siwon’s shirtless body.

“I’m going crazy here, Kyuhyun.... I’m out my mind. I’m not used to being this helpless, Kyu... And it’s frustrating! Tell me what I should do. How do I deal with this feeling?!” Siwon said, still with his head hung low.

“You... fell in love with me?” Kyuhyun asked nervously. His voice was shaking.

Siwon finally lift his head up to meet Kyuhyun’s gaze. And looking at those clear dark orbs, that super fair skin, those brown locks, those pair of cherry lips, Siwon just lost his composure, and a second later, he had jumped on the boy that he loved, pushed him onto the restroom wall, and started kissing his lips hungrily.

But then he felt nudges on his chest, and suddenly it all felt wrong. Siwon broke his kiss. He stare at Kyuhyun’s face for the whole minute, searching for a hint of forgiveness in the younger’s eyes. When he couldn’t find it, he pressed his palms onto the wall, trapping Kyuhyun in between his muscled arms, and dropped his head lifelessly on Kyuhyun’s shoulder.

“You see, Kyu? You got me going crazy. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m really sorry, Kyu... I’m a monster. I’m sorry.”

It was silent for a while. Then Kyuhyun took the momentum to flip their position and he slammed and pinned Siwon on the wall with an unexpected strength.

“Honestly,” he spoke while glaring angrily at Siwon’s eyes, “I liked you, too. I have loved you, too. I wanted to be with you, too. I liked spending time with you. And I wanted to be able to kiss you, too... But not like this, Siwon. I’m sorry, too... But I think, it’s better for us to stay away, at least until we can sort things out. Goodbye, Siwon....”

And with that, Kyuhyun stormed outside. Siwon watched as Kyuhyun’s back went further and further away. His chest hurt. His head hurt. And that moment, for the first time God-knows-how-many years, he cried.


“What’s up, champ?”

“Hyung...” Siwon whined on the telephone, “I’m screwed.”

There was a loud gasp comig out from the phone.

“Don’t tell me--?? Your father saw you drinking?” the guy on the phone guessed.

“No.” Siwon said weakly.

“You killed someone?”

“What?! No!!!”

“Then what is it?”

Siwon took long deep breath.

“I... fell in love.” He stammered, the voice on the other line almost laughed maniacally when he continued, “with a guy.”

Then the both of them fell silent.

“Oh.” Said the guy on the phone, “Who is this guy?”

“A kid from the other school nearby.”

“Is he cute?”


“Figured.” The guy chuckled, “I can imagine your type. What’s his name?”

“Why does it matter?”

“It matters because I want to know”

“And why should I tell you?”

“You want to die?!”

“Kyuhyun.” Siwon finally gave up. In his entire life, never had he won an argument against his cousin, not even once.

“And this Kyuhyun doesn’t like you back?”

Siwon thought for a moment, assessing the situation.

“Actually, he does, but---“


“The problem is.... I’m gay, hyung!!! GAAAYYY!!!” Siwon yelled back at his phone. His free hand were pulling hairs out of his head.

“I know.” The cousin finally said, “And apparently so is this Kyuhyun guy.”

“Wait. You know?!” Siwon frowned, “How did you know?”

“It takes one to know one.”

“What?! Hyung??? Are you--??”

“Oh, zip it, brotha! We’re talking about you here, not me. And I still can’t see your problem. You said he likes you too! Why don’t you just---“

“I don’t know, hyung.... After what happened today, I don’t he will like me anymore. Maybe he hates me now.”

Weird. Siwon swore he felt anger radiating from his phone. And somehow he knew that his favorite cousing was probably fuming whereever he was that moment.


“I-forced a kiss on him. But I swear it was out of despair. I was confused, okay?! I wasn’t thinking, I mean- I’ve been thinking too much, It just--- happened.”

“I don’t care why you did it, Siwon. But you need to man up and apologize to that boy. If I were him, I probably won’t forgive you, but hey, at least I won’t hate you that much, right?!”

Siwon gulped. The cousin tried to sound as careless as possible, but he know that Siwon had gotten his point.

“But, my dad----“

“We’ll deal with him later. Now stop being a and apologize!!!”


It was around 3 in the afternoon. Kids were walking out of the gate of Yeongdam High School, some in pairs, some in groups, and some alone. On the contrary, a handsome guy with dark, wavy, shoulder-long hair, was rushing into the school gate. Well, maybe pretty was a more suitable word to describe the guy.

“Hey,” he stopped a girl who wasn’t staring and mewling over him like some of the others, “Can you tell me where Kyuhyun is?”

The girl tilted her head sideways.

“Cho Kyuhyun? Or Shin Kyuhyun?”

“Which one of them is cute?”

“Cho Kyuhyun.” She said without a doubt.

“Then Cho Kyuhyun it is.”

“Want me to call him out?” the girl asked.

“Oh sure.” He said sweetly.

“Okay, wait here.” She said, then went back into the school. She came back a few minutes later with a pale boy with brown hair, a pair of long legs and a pair of y lips.

Exactly how I expect him to be. He smiled victoriously at the sight.

“Here he is.” The girl said.

“Thanks.” The pretty guy winked at her, earning a few slight ‘aaahhh...’ from some girls who are watching hopefully around them.

“Sure.” The girl shrugged and walked away.

“Cho Kyuhyun.” The guy wasted no time and offered a hand to Kyuhyun as soon as the girl left, “I’m Kim Heechul, Choi Siwon’s cousin. Come with me.”


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the end is nigh... lol...


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Chapter 25: This story is one of my favorite along with some WK aff. Thank you, kept me inspired <3
Chapter 1: Too cute of an intro, some love stories start innocent lol
Chapter 11: Thank Kyu.I love Wonkyu.
Merettevan #4
Chapter 25: Woah I loved it! I had a great time reading it, though there was some angst, it was mostly them being sweet and cute and adorable!!!
There were some moments where my heart hurt but their relationship was so strong that they could finally end up together without hiding their love to the ones they love the most (their families -especially Siwon's and friends).
I liked the idea of Kyu's order for the cities and I was surprised for the twist regarding all that. And when they met again, I got teary! Thanks a lot!
Mina1715 #5
Chapter 11: Chapter 11 : "I didn't have to learn anything. The advantage of being the younger and the bottom in the relationship is you do all the hard work while all I need to do was lay back and look y."
Nyahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! Nailed it, Kyuhyun!!!!
Chapter 25: When I first saw the title, I thought it might be angst but this was just so cute and fluffy and nice... I loved it ♥
And the epilogue was awesome though I was suspecting something like this at the end of chp 24 but yeah, the twist was so cool!
Guixianbaobei #7
Chapter 25: I only got to read this story today. But this indeed a very well written story. Well Dove. Simply love it...especially the twist. Thanks
gendplaga_elf #8
Chapter 25: Omg this is awesome and the epilogue woah such a twist!
monshine #9
Chapter 25: Awwww.....he he he....twists and turns and than happy ending. Perfect fic. :)
Omg Authornim thanks for this wonderfull fic.