The Initial Leap

The Hard Way

It finally came. Five days after Siwon found out about Kyuhyun’s blog, another post came up. It was the lyrics of a song, but it was all Siwon need to guess where Kyuhyun was. New York.

It took Siwon three days to get himself ready to go. He had the papers he needed to travel abroad. He had settled the matters at work and appointed Heechul, literally by begging on his knees, to cover for him as long as he was away. His father, of course, scolded him for the decision he made, asking him furiously if that boy Kyuhyun is more important than family and the company his family had worked so hard to build. Siwon for once went against his father and answered with a wise “yes”. Yes, Kyuhyun was very important for Siwon, but he he hoped his family would stop making him choose because they were all as equally important to him.

He didn’t know if it was because of his solid answer or simply because his mother had grew tired of him, but in the end, his mother finally told him to go. And he really didn’t care about anything else. It wouldn’t matter if his parents were to disinherit him for chasing after Kyuhyun. He wouldn’t mind. He would rather lose the sumtuousness of his high-class life than losing Kyuhyun entirely. It might took him so long to come to this decision, he even had to lose Kyuhyun to finally see what the younger really meant to him, but now that he had made his decision, he would not stop until he could convince Kyuhyun to take him back.

So here he was, sitting on the edge of the bed he shared with Kyuhyun for almost seven years, running his hands on the sheets lovingly. A memory of one of their mornings slipped into his mind. He could practically see himself laying on his side, with one arm supporting Kyuhyun’s head while the other nestled on Kyuhyun’s waist, watching him cutely waking up as if it was the most entertaining thing in the universe. Well, it probably was.

Kyuhyun wakes up like a kitten. He would yawn and purr and stretch, then open his eyes really slowly before snuggling in closer to Siwon’s chest, pulling him in for another five minutes of sleep. Siwon would always smile at such sight. That one particular morning though, Kyuhyun woke up rather early, and instead of trying to steal more sleep, he turned his on Siwon and peeked with his seductive half-lidded eyes over his smooth and pale shoulder.And then he winked. It was all it took for Siwon to pounce on him and started nibbling on the sweet spot behind his ear.

“You shouldn’t have done that,” Siwon said in between planting butterfly kisses on Kyuhyun’s upper back, “it makes me want to eat you alive.”

Kyuhyun giggled. He rolled over and placed a hand on Siwon’s cheek. Siwon’s unshaved stubble tickled his palm but it somehow turned him on.

“You shouldn’t have said that,” he winked playfully, “it makes me think you have fallen into my trap.”

Siwon smiled as he was remembering the scene. But when he realized he was now staring at an empty bed, his heart sank. How in hell did he manage to let Kyuhyun slip for over a month? How on earth did he survive these days without having Kyuhyun by his side? It had been too much, and it need to change soon. So he whispered fondly to the empty bed.

“I’m gonna leave you for a while, but don’t worry... I’ll bring Kyu home.”

He looked around the room one last time before he finally stood up from the bed and brought his luggages out with him.


It was a sunny day outside when Siwon stepped out of the John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York. The last time he came to New York was around last year, for a business trip with his father. New York felt a little bit stiff and boring that time, too up-tight. But now, it looked hopeful, yet intimidating. He didn’t come to score another business deal, he came to find his lost love, which he would do whatever it takes, even if he had to flip over every tables in the city to search for his one true love. But now that he was there in the big city, he started having doubts.

How am I gonna find Kyuhyun in this huge metropolis? This might as well be a wild-goose-chase...

But first thing first, he should settle on where to stay before he started searching for possibilities of Kyuhyun’s hideout. So he looked around and stretched his arms wide to call out for a cab. He got one.

“To Crowne Plaza Hotel on Broadway, please.” He told the driver kindly with perfectly pronounced English. The driver would never guess that his passenger was brought up in a country that uses different language in their daily life.

He noticed, however, how the handsome stylish young man in his back seat kept looking around out the window of the yellow sedan. The driver was intrigued to know the story of his passenger. So he decided to start a conversation.

“Are you looking for something in particular, young man?” the cab driver who looked like he was old enough to be Siwon’s father asked curiously.

“Oh, yes. But... I’m actually looking for a person, not a place or anything.” Siwon answered truthfully.

“A person? Now that could be tricky...” the driver commented, “Do you have an address or something?”

Siwon shook his head.

“I got nothing.”

The driver took a glance at Siwon from the rear view mirror.

“So you’re gonna search for one person among 19 million people here in New York City?” he asked in disbelieve.

“That’s the plan so far.” Siwon shrugged.

“You’re out of your mind!” the driver exclaimed.

“I most certainly am.” Siwon chuckled bitterly.

“So who is this person?” the driver asked again.

Siwon smiled sadly.

“Just someone that I hurt and love.”


“That, was probably the stupidest yet the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard in my life.” The driver said, “Well, do you have any clue, like, why he came here to NYC?”

“Broadway.” Siwon told the driver.

“Ah! So that’s why you’re staying in Broadway.” The driver concluded.

“Yeah,” Siwon answered shyly, “I was kinda hoping I would run into him somewhere around Broadway.”

The driver smiled encouragingly.

“Well, you gotta start somewhere.” He said. And so that’s how their conversation began. All the way to the hotel, Siwon and the driver talked about a lot of things. By the time Siwon arrived at his destination, Siwon and the driver had gone really friendly and Siwon ended telling him about Kyuhyun. He even showed the driver Kyuhyun’s picture. The driver promised he would also look around and he will call Siwon if he sees Kyuhyun. They exchanged phone numbers before they bid each other goodbye and Siwon went into the hotel lobby to check himself in.

Siwon had just finished unpacking when his phone vibrated, indicating an email coming. It’s probably some company stuff from Heechul. He checked his phone reluctantly and his eyes almost jumped out of their sockets when he saw his inbox.

It was a notification of a new post on Kyuhyun’s blog.

Siwon quickly clicked on the link, then a second later he grabbed his wallet and his tablet and dashed out of the hotel room.

Kyuhyun posted a few pictures. And by Siwon’s luck, those were pictures of Broadway. Siwon happened to know where the buildings in the pictures were, he passed through them just an hour ago. If he’s fast enough, there’s a good chance for catching Kyuhyun.

Siwon ran like a crazy horse, bumping into some people on his way, earning a few “watch out!!”s and some harsh “Hey!!!” from those people. But he didn’t care. He shouted “I’m sorry” but he kept on running while looking around here and there. Until his eyes caught a familiar figure standing, leaning on a lamp post in front of Gershwin Theater.

There you are!!

“KYU!!” Siwon called from a couple of yards away, “KYUHYUN...!!!”


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the end is nigh... lol...


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Chapter 25: This story is one of my favorite along with some WK aff. Thank you, kept me inspired <3
Chapter 1: Too cute of an intro, some love stories start innocent lol
Chapter 11: Thank Kyu.I love Wonkyu.
Merettevan #4
Chapter 25: Woah I loved it! I had a great time reading it, though there was some angst, it was mostly them being sweet and cute and adorable!!!
There were some moments where my heart hurt but their relationship was so strong that they could finally end up together without hiding their love to the ones they love the most (their families -especially Siwon's and friends).
I liked the idea of Kyu's order for the cities and I was surprised for the twist regarding all that. And when they met again, I got teary! Thanks a lot!
Mina1715 #5
Chapter 11: Chapter 11 : "I didn't have to learn anything. The advantage of being the younger and the bottom in the relationship is you do all the hard work while all I need to do was lay back and look y."
Nyahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! Nailed it, Kyuhyun!!!!
Chapter 25: When I first saw the title, I thought it might be angst but this was just so cute and fluffy and nice... I loved it ♥
And the epilogue was awesome though I was suspecting something like this at the end of chp 24 but yeah, the twist was so cool!
Guixianbaobei #7
Chapter 25: I only got to read this story today. But this indeed a very well written story. Well Dove. Simply love it...especially the twist. Thanks
gendplaga_elf #8
Chapter 25: Omg this is awesome and the epilogue woah such a twist!
monshine #9
Chapter 25: Awwww.....he he he....twists and turns and than happy ending. Perfect fic. :)
Omg Authornim thanks for this wonderfull fic.