Love is better the second time around

Love is better the second time around

Siwon glanced at the clock hanging on the kitchen wall as he rinsed a dinner plate under the running tap. 

Almost midnight. 

It’s late, and he is in a hurry to get home and get some sleep before the sun rises and he has to get back to work. 

He had gotten off work really late today and rushed over to Kyuhyun’s in time to prepare dinner; actually it’s closer to supper by the time they sat down to eat. He is delighted to see that Kyuhyun has polished off half of his plate before pushing it away. The man is definitely eating more than he was during the past couple of weeks. His cheeks are starting to fill up a little, subtle improvements here and there only someone who sees him everyday will be able to notice. 

Hearing a light shuffle, he turned curiously and saw Kyuhyun standing at the kitchen door. “Do you need something, Kyu? I can get it for you.” 

“I want some ice cream.” Kyuhyun said almost shyly. Siwon’s worried face broke into a grin and he nodded. 

“Come sit over here at the table, I’ll get you some. Butterscotch?” Siwon asks and the other nodded again without a word, sitting down at his kitchen table. 

Siwon made out two bowls since he’s planning on joining Kyuhyun whenever he eats so he can encourage him to eat more.

“Thanks.” Kyuhyun murmurs into the scoop of ice cream placed before him. He chose to ignore the man who sat down next to him, instead picking at the ice cream absently, putting a spoonful into his mouth now and then.  

Total silence. 

“Leave the bowl to me, Kyu.” Siwon said when Kyuhyun stood up with the empty bowl in his hand. He stole a quick glance at the clock again as Kyuhyun place the dirty bowl into the sink and move towards the kitchen door. 

“If you were really the engineer for this building you will know that I have 2 bedrooms.” Kyuhyun said cryptically before leaving. Siwon blinked once, twice, and then he beamed like a man who won a billion dollars. 

He is sure Kyuhyun just invited him to stay the night!

Humming loudly he went back to his washing. Boy, is he in a great mood now! After spending some time with him, he knows that Kyuhyun will not speak his mind most of the time. It will be up to him to decipher the unspoken words. 

Done with the dishes, he switched off all the lights in the house and went into the spare bedroom. He was pleasantly surprised to find it fully furnished and for a moment he fantasized spending more time in this room from now on.

Wait a minute! What kind of a silly idea is that, Choi Siwon? Of course your aim is to spend more time in Kyuhyun’s bed, not alone in this cold room! He chided himself. I have been single too long I’m starting to think like a monk, he laughed. 

Grabbing a clean towel from the closet, he went out again to the bathroom to get a bath before bed.

Kyuhyun curls himself into a ball as he lay fetal under his covers in the semi darkness. After his ‘incident’ he has developed a fear for the dark and have to leave a night light on when he sleeps. The irony is that the glare from the night light made falling asleep difficult and so he has not slept at night since, catching up on his sleep in the day. 

He listens intently as footsteps padded pass outside his bedroom door.  

What had made him invite Siwon to stay the night? He concludes that he must have gone quite mad.

He doesn’t hate the man, not anymore anyway. The man had taken care of him without a single word of complaint, fussing over him even when he was pushing him away. Kyuhyun blushed as he recalls how rude he was to Siwon in the beginning. His mother certainly did not raise him to be that rude, he felt sorry for Siwon now.

But he had told himself that he will never accept Siwon’s love. He’s damaged, Siwon deserves better, and he’s pretty sure there are better ones by the truckloads outside. In a moment of weakness he had let Siwon kissed him. It had felt good, it had felt right, it had felt like something he really needed. But no, it has to stop. 

Yes, once I am healthy enough to go back to work, I will tell him that everything has to come to an end then. 

Kyuhyun tossed and turned under the covers. Why did his resolve send an ache through his heart? It felt like death has claimed someone he loved. Tossing and turning some more, the turmoil in his mind will not allow him peace enough to rest. In a fit, he sat up and walked out of his room intending to get some water from the kitchen. 

As he walked past the bathroom, the door opened abruptly. Two sets of eyes widened in surprise. Siwon watched with amusement as Kyuhyun’s eyes roved uncontrollably till they settled on Siwon’s perfectly toned abs.  

Kyuhyun swallowed once before continuing his walk to the kitchen. Siwon grinned knowingly as he heads back to the bedroom. 

Without a change of clothes available, Siwon could only sleep totally bare. He is thankful that Kyuhyun has installed a heater in the room and provided enough blankets. Burrowing under, he to his side and fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow.  

He isn’t sure how long he has slept, but he heard the door to the room opened and closed softly. “Hmm…” He mumbles sleepily. In his sleepy haze, he thought he saw Kyuhyun moved into his line of vision. The next thing he saw made his heart raced. 

Kyuhyun wondered into his spare bedroom as quietly as he could manage. Standing by the bed, he took a moment to ascertain in the moonlight how attractive the man lying in bed really is; his thick brows, his straight nose, his ruby red bow-shaped lips. 

Then he turned his back to him, and slowly s his pajama top, letting it slip off his shoulders. Next to go is his bottoms. Then he lifts a corner of the bedcover and climbed in next to Siwon. Searching for Siwon’s arm with his hands, he found it, lifts it up and huddles close till their bodies are pressed flush tight against each other. Siwon’s breath hitched silently as Kyuhyun wrap his arm around himself and pressed his own hand over his. Their fingers entwined as Kyuhyun’s body relaxed into sleep. 

Siwon grinned despite his mind and eyes are heavy with fatigue. Squeezing his arm a little harder, he felt the warm flesh of Kyuhyun’s back pressed into his chest. With a satisfied sigh, he went back to sleep. 

Siwon woke up at 6am – his usual waking time. The sun has just peeked in through the curtains as he rubs sleep out of his eyes. He felt refreshed, haven’t had that feeling for a long time. Turning slightly, the reason he feels like the king of the world now is lying next to him still asleep. The covers had fell away slightly and reveal a corner of Kyuhyun’s snow white shoulder to him. Impulsively he moved closer and plants a small kiss on the pale skin. 

“Good morning, baby.” He mutters with a tender smile before getting out of bed gingerly to get dressed and get some breakfast ready. Today, he is planning on bringing Kyuhyun breakfast in bed. 

Kyuhyun revived still groggy with sleep. For a second he could not remember where he is. A quick look around tells him that he is in his spare bedroom, and he became aware of his ness under the covers. Immediately his cheeks burn as he remembers what he did last night.

He’s embarrassed for sure. But he can’t really understand why he did it. But he knows he hadn’t had such a good night’s sleep for a long time.

The doorknob turned and the door opened. His eyes rise to it in alarm as he sat up in a quick hurry. The covers fell away and pooled around his hips. Siwon enters holding a breakfast tray and a sunshine smile on his face. 

“Good morning, baby! You’re up! Good, in time for breakfast!” He nattered cheerfully as he walked to the bedside. 

Kyuhyun is so stunned by the sudden inrusion that he could only gape at the man, unaware that his bare torso is on full display. Realization only hit him when he saw Siwon’s eyes roved wantonly and he wet his lower lip rather indiscreetly. Kyuhyun grabbed the covers around him, effectively shutting the sight from Siwon who proceed to look quite disappointed. 

“I ne-need to get dressed.” Kyuhyun squirms uncomfortably and when Siwon did not react, he shot the goofy man a glare. 

“Oh-oh sure, I’ll be right back. Forgot the milk.” Siwon’s face fell being denied the chance to see his beloved in his full glory. He puts down the tray and left the room. 

“And did you call me ‘baby’ just now? Don’t ever do that.” Kyuhyun said flatly when Siwon returns with a carton of milk and he is fully dressed again. 

“B-but….” Siwon stammers almost in tears. After the lovely evening they had together, he felt deprived being denied of everything he wants. 

“No buts.” Kyuhyun states with finality. 

Breakfast became a silent and sullen affair. Siwon ate quickly and left for work as soon as he could. Kyuhyun felt like trash for treating him like that but he convinced himself that it must be done. Simply because Siwon deserves much better. 

He’s sure he has managed to turn Siwon off totally and the man will be staying away.

Nothing can be more wrong. 

Apparently Kyuhyun doesn’t know Siwon well. 

Siwon appeared on the dot with fresh ingredients that he claimed he needs to make pasta for dinner. While Kyuhyun stared wide eyed and slack mouthed, Siwon bustled about in the kitchen. 

Kyuhyun’s outburst that morning is of course not forgotten, but conveniently ignored. Siwon is a man deeply in love; nothing is going to turn him away from his love. And no matter how much Kyuhyun may protest he is going to call him ‘baby’. 

Siwon giggled at the thought of the sullen man who is actually cute as a button but simply refuse to be anything but macho. Obviously Kyuhyun has no clue how beautiful and adorable he really is. 

“Did I miss a joke?” Kyuhyun pouts from his seat at the kitchen table grating cheese. Siwon had the audacity to insist that he helps with the dinner preparations. 

“Not really. I was just thinking how you are totally oblivious of the fact that you are very beautiful and adorable.” Siwon grinned. 


Kyuhyun cringed in a flash. The poor fella is just starting to learn how cheesy Siwon can get. 

Siwon hummed to himself as he enjoyed how flushed Kyuhyun’s cheeks instantly became. He is fully aware of his cheesy nature, he happens to enjoy being one, and showering his loved one with it too. It’s his way of showing how much he loves the other.

“I-I need to wash my face.” Kyuhyun stutters, dropping the grater and block of cheese and dashing off to the bathroom. 

“You look sick.” Hyukjae comments as he places some files on the desk. 

“That’s because I am.” Siwon grimaced as he felt another sneeze coming up. Hyukjae waited for the loud explosion to pass before continuing his speech. 

“You should see the doctor and get some rest.” 

“That would be ideal, but I have a ton of work to do here.” Siwon mutters unhappily. 

“You need me to drop by Kyuhyun’s place and take care of him?”Hyukjae offers. 

“Would you really? That would be great! He’s still weak and I don’t want to infect him with this virus.” 

“Sure, I’ll head over after work.” Hyukjae replied with an easy smile. 

“Thanks buddy. I owe you one.” Siwon said as he left with a dismissive wave of his hand. 

With Kyuhyun in good hands, Siwon decides that he would put in some overtime to clear his reports undisturbed. His phone rang after he plowed through two hours’ worth of paperwork. A headache had developed somewhere along the way and the throbbing is keeping him edgy.

Babykyu. It kept flashing. 

“Is everything alright, baby?” He asked anxiously. The sudden jerk of shock made him winced as the dull throbbing in his head exploded into a massive ache that came with a collage of stars. 

“Don’t call me baby.” The caller snapped but his voice contains no venom so Siwon chuckled.”And thanks for sending over Hyukkie but the man can’t cook. He gave me a raw dinner.”

“Raw dinner!?” Siwon is alarmed. He began imagining raw meat dripping with blood. 

“Yes, raw veggies, raw fish, plain water, fresh fruits…..” Kyuhyun complains, whining slowly creeping into his voice. 

Siwon was distracted for a moment as he tries to recall if the Kyuhyun he knew before the ‘incident’ ever whined. Not that he recalled…. 

But he’s so godamn adorable! It must be the power of love. Siwon thought wistfully. 

“ ~ wich.” 

“What did you say, baby?” 

“I said buy me a sandwich when you drop by later.” Kyuhyun repeats himself. Siwon glanced at his wristwatch and realized that it’s almost 10. 

“But baby, it’s already 10 ~” 

“Are you saying you are not coming today?” Kyuhyun’s voice suddenly drops to a soft whisper and he did not attempt to hide his disappointment and sadness. 

Siwon is a er. “N-no baby, no, I’m just saying it’s kind of late, maybe you would like to go to bed soon?” 

“Not on an empty stomach, I won’t.” Kyuhyun’s voice resumes strength. “And if you leave your office now, it will take you only an hour to get here.” 

“Hmm…sure…sure baby.”Siwon mutters absently as he studies the mess on his office desk. With an inward sigh he knows where his heart is leading him. 

“See you in an hour, Siwon-sshi.” Kyuhyun said with finality. “And don’t call me baby!” He snapped again before hanging up. 

Siwon chuckles to himself. As long as Kyuhyun continues to act so adorably, he will remain the er in this relationship, he decides. Standing up, he left the mess behind, grabbing his coat and briefcase on his way out of his office. 

Kyuhyun put down the receiver in his hand. He was feeling appalled, at his own behavior. What did he just do? Not only did he called Siwon on his own initiative, he even badgered the man to come even though he made it quite clear that he is not going to. And what’s with all that flirting? 

Cho Kyuhyun, you have fallen for him so bad you are not letting go now, aren’t you? 

No! No, I have to make him leave! I don’t deserve him. 

I will tell him when he comes over later, tell him it’s all over and not to come ever again…. 

Taking a special detour, Siwon went to a very famous sandwich shop to get his adorable Kyuhyun a special roast beef sandwich. When he finally arrived at Kyuhyun’s apartment, his throbbing head is feeling quite warm and he is feeling a sense of general unwell. 

Opening the door with his key, he found Kyuhyun seated in the living room staring at the tv. 

“Hey baby.” He greeted. 

“You look flushed.” Was the reply. 

“Erh, yes, I do feel a little warm.” Siwon said sheepishly. 

“Are you feeling alright?” Kyuhyun frowned with concern. 

“Yes, don’t worry about me, baby. Here’s your sandwich. I bought you some fries to go with it.” 

“Thank you.” Kyuhyun mutters as he took the package held out to him. 

“Erh, baby, if you don’t mind too much, can I spend the night here?” Siwon asks shyly. 

“Su-sure.” Kyuhyun blushed. 

“Thanks, baby! Go have your dinner now. I’ll just go lie down for a while before taking a bath.” 

He watched as Siwon made his way into the spare bedroom before pivoting towards the kitchen. Putting the paper bag down, Kyuhyun sat down heavily and ponders. Tonight’s the perfect opportunity to clear things up with him. If he doesn’t attempt it today, he knows he will lose his nerve when the sun rises in the morning.

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Kooky1106 #1
Chapter 42: This was my perfect ascape story for the weekend... This was awesome and I enjoyed reading this within these 2 days... Your an awesome writter authornim <3
Kyured #2
Chapter 42: What a beautiful WonKyu story ^^ thanKyu authornim!
joannaxdiaz #3
Chapter 42: thank you for this story..
monshine #4
Chapter 42: Perfect one. :)
Chapter 42: Reading all of it again ^^
Luhma1817 #6
Chapter 42: I can only thank them for their work and for my fun
Angela17 #7
Chapter 42: Wow... I love this fic so much... 40 chaps didn't feel long at all...
Sometimes i felt sorry for Kyu's health and his child experience, but Siwon really pampered him a lot i even envied myself.. Lol..
Great story, i enjoy it so much.. Marathon read in 2 days of my holiday.. Yeay..
Anhyun #8
Chapter 18: what a nice dream :) :)
Anhyun #9
Chapter 17: baby kyuuuuuu....
you have 3 adorable brother :) :) :)
Anhyun #10
Chapter 16: owwww...
that's cute :) :)
they fall for each other :) :)