Love is better the second time around

Love is better the second time around

Kyuhyun returned to work looking extremely worn out. His wan and gaunt appearance did not escape any of his colleagues and so he told anyone who asked that he had another bout of flu. To lend credibility to his lie, he had lost his appetite. And to make it more miserable for him, he has a meeting scheduled with Siwon; the last person he wants to meet right now.

Siwon walked into his office punctually carrying a huge bouquet of champagne roses. He is all cheer and ready to brighten Kyuhyun’s day but the pitiful sight of the man he is infatuated with stopped him in his tracks. The dullness in those beautiful eyes, the pallid complexion, the layers of dark bags underneath his eyes, the paleness of his full lips; everything served to hurt Siwon a little more than the last.

The younger man eyed the bouquet suspiciously. “They are for you.” Siwon replied to his unasked question. “To cheer you up.”

“I need cheering up?” Kyuhyun gave him a skeptical look.

“Yes, you do.” Siwon replied sincerely. “Look, let’s play hooky today.”

“Play hooky?” Kyuhyun stares at him in confusion. Where does this man come up with all these funny words?

“Yeah, let’s dump work and go out for some serious fun.”

“I don’t kno ~”

“Aww come on! It will be fun!” Siwon said excitedly. Putting the flowers down, he moved forward to take the other’s hand into his. Without allowing him another moment to protest, he bound out of the room pulling him along.

“Where are we going?” Kyuhyun asks worriedly in the lift on their way down.

“I think we need breakfast first.” Siwon replied eyeing him from head to toe.

“I don’t have an appetite.” The smaller man replied almost apologetically.

“Leave it to me!”

Siwon drove out of the city into the suburbs, all the time keeping silent of their destination. Kyuhyun sat silently by his side not really ready to talk.

“Here we are!”

Kyuhyun eyed the apartment building SIwon stopped infront of. Cranking his head around, he searched for signs of an eating place but found none. So he gave the taller man a confused look.

“Welcome to Choi’s café!”

“Choi’s café?”

“Yes!” Siwon laughs as he hurries over to open the door for Kyuhyun. “I’m your chef today, Choi Siwon.”

“You are going to cook!?”

“Now, now, what’s that expression?” Siwon pretends to be look hurt.

"Erm, yes, sorry….” Came the embarrassed reply and he beamed again as he ushers the smaller man into his apartment.

The architect in Kyuhyun began appraising the interior of the house the moment he stepped in. He concluded that SIwon really does have good if not expensive taste.

“Kitchen’s that way. Come on in.” Siwon started shredding his coat as he led the way. Pointing to the bar stools placed before the kitchen counter, “Make yourself comfy.”

“Let’s see….” Siwon mutters thoughtfully as he peers into his fridge, trying to recall some of the nutritional facts he read in books for pregnancy. He would love to pull some of them out now and follow the recipes inscribed in them but he did not want to risk embarrassing Kyuhyun so he can only rely on his memory.

Luckily I stocked up on most of the ingredients recommended in the books.

Siwon has no way of knowing when he will ever be able to invite Kyuhyun to his home for a meal but he stocked up anyways. Decisions made, he turned to face the younger man who is still wearing quite a lost look on his face.

“We’ll have spinach and shredded chicken salad for starters; egg Benedict, and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.” Siwon declares and his guest could only nod.

“Should I help?” Kyuhyun asks uncertainly.

“It’s ok, I can manage on my own.” Siwon grinned. “Why don’t you make yourself comfortable in the living room instead?”

Again Kyuhyun nodded mutely and walk out of the kitchen into the living area. Deciding that a little exploration will not hurt, he began to walk the perimeters of the room, reading titles off books and CDs sitting on the floor to ceiling bookshelves. Apparently Siwon has a mish-mash of interests and that struck him as funny so he chuckled softly before taking a seat on the couch.

Siwon was true to his word and managed to put breakfast on the table within 20 minutes. The thought that Kyuhyun may be feeling hungry gave him the need for speed. After checking again that the table is set as he wanted, he left the kitchen to invite his guest to the table.

He’s asleep…..

He watches over the figure lying on his couch. Kyuhyun had pulled his knees to his chest and is now lying asleep curled up in a tight ball. Siwon instinctively checked for a draft in his house before fetching a blanket from his linen cupboard to drape over the sleeping figure. Then he sat down on the floor next to his head and proceeds to indulge himself in watching the man he is so deeply attracted to sleep peacefully.

He must be really tired.

Another ten minutes of indulgence is all he allowed himself; his guest needs to eat. Reluctantly he taps Kyuhyun gently on the shoulder and called out to him softly till the man woke up.

“Breakfast is served.” He said with flourish and a smile.

“I’m not hungry.” Kyuhyun mutters and is about to fall back asleep.

“Eat first then you sleep.” Siwon disagrees, putting his hands on Kyuhyun’s sides and sitting him upright. The blanket slides off his thin shoulders as he blinked sleep out of his eyes. Siwon’s heart pounded heavily as he gazed fondly at the sleepy kitten-like man on his couch rubbing his eyes with a sullen pout.

Allowing himself to be dragged into the kitchen again and deposited into a chair at the dining table, his eyes widened significantly when he saw Siwon’s effort in preparing the food and setting the table. Suddenly he felt ravenous.
“It’s delicious.” Kyuhyun said as he spears another spinach leaf into his mouth. He did not notice that the man sitting opposite him is not touching his food at all, instead staring straight at him with a goofy grin on his face.

“Choi’s café is open for dinner too!” Siwon said hurriedly. “If you like…”

‘Oh no, I can’t trouble you twice in a day!” Kyuhyun looked horrified.

But I want to feed you every meal, every day……Siwon thought wistfully.

“No matter, it will stay open for you in case you feel like eating again later.” Siwon offers.

"Later? I thought we are going back to work after this.”

“Ugh no! I said we’ll play hooky all day, this is just the beginning.”

“But ~”

“No buts.” Siwon wagged his finger disapprovingly. “When was the last time you took a break?”

“Point taken.” Kyuhyun mutters in a conceding tone and Siwon smiled victoriously.

“Hmm…..where should we go after this?”

“Do you know somewhere we can take a quiet stroll?” Kyuhyun asks.

“And see some great architecture?” Siwon asks as the younger architect’s eyes sparkled at the mention of his favorite topic. “I know just the place!”

Kyuhyun is still feeling slightly awkward about spending time alone with Siwon. But the latter seems to be pretty oblivious. As they strolled along the quiet afternoon streets, Siwon revealed his sensitive side. He always knows when a rest is needed, he’s always ready with a drink when he felt parched, and he never runs out of things to say to keep the walk entertaining.

Siwon is enjoying himself immensely too. Kyuhyun may not be much of a chatterer, but he is attentive and ready with a smile or a thoughtful reply.

With the sun setting at last, their attempt at playing hooky came to an end too, Siwon was feeling kinda letdown as he drove Kyuhyun home. During moments when he dares to take his eyes off the road, he turned to grace the sleeping man next to him a tender look.

The gauntness is partially gone, color has returned to his cheeks. A day away from work did wonders for Kyuhyun. Siwon is glad he was able to help, just as reading all the books on pregnancy was his way of attempting to help.

Hey Kyu….I don’t care whose baby you are carrying. I love you, I will love your baby too.

“Now if only I have to guts to say it to his face.” He mutters peevishly under his breath.



Kyuhyun stood on the pavement watching as Siwon finally drove off. He felt tired, of course, but in a relaxing way. He can’t help thinking that Siwon is a good person to go out of his way to do so much to help him.

He’s a good friend. If we can’t be romantically linked maybe we can still be good friends.



“Hey buddy.” Heechul burst into the room without even knocking. Hyukjae followed behind sheepishly.

Siwon was reading an article on relieving swollen feet and scrambled to hide the book in his drawer before they sees it. Heechul frowned.

“What’s that you are reading?” He demands.



“Probably some engineering text.” Hyukjae offers weakly.

‘Erm, yes, yes.” Siwon looked at him gratefully.

“Yeah, whatever.” Heechul’s interest shifted. He took a seat in the chair infront of Siwon. “How are things between you and Beauty lately?”

“Erm ~” Siwon hesitates.

“Oh, nevermind him. I brought him up to speed on the subject.” Heechul waves a hand dismissively. Siwon baulked, he certainly did not expect his love story to be spread far and wide.

“Sorry.” Hyukjae mouthed apologetically.

“Yeah, yeah, so answer my question already!”

“Nothing.” Siwon replied nonchalantly.

“Nothing? What do you mean nothing?” Heechul nearly screeched.

Like I am going to share with you what I did. Siwon thought warily.

“You are the reigning champion of cheesiness and sappiness. With that level of infatuation you have going for Beauty, you can’t possibly do ‘nothing’!”

Siwon rolled his eyes at his demanding friend and they started a staring match.

“FINE! Don’t tell me! I don’t want to know!” Heechul broke the stare first and stomped off angrily. Hyukjae lingered a moment longer to say his apologies before turning to leave.




“No problem.”

“Could you…do you think….today….”


Siwon’s troubled face brightens and Hyukjae grinned. The chief engineer found out that Siwon has been attending all the meetings with Kyuhyun personally and put a stop to it immediately. It is unheard of for a top engineer to do all the gaunt work when he is allotted two assistants.

He was really using the almost daily meetings to bring Kyuhyun food he prepared with the recipes in the pregnancy books. Kyuhyun is always so pale and sometimes sickly looking; Siwon hopes that the nutrients from his carefully concocted dishes will help somehow.

Unable to deliver personally, Siwon thought long and hard before deciding to give the task to Hyukjae who is better known for his discretion if not anything.

The first time Hyukjae walked into Kyuhyun’s office, both men got a shock. The former gaining an instant understanding of why Heechul refers to the creature before him as ‘Beauty’ and Siwon is head over heels in love with. The latter is certainly disappointed not to see Siwon.

“Hello, I am Lee Hyukjae.” He introduces himself formally. “I will be representing Mr Choi during our subsequent meetings.”

“I see. Nice to meet you Mr Lee.” Kyuhyun bowed.

“Call me Hyukjae, please.”


“Mr Ch~, I mean Kyuhyun, Mr Choi wanted me to pass you something.” Hyukjae said as he opens his briefcase and retrieves a nicely packed lunchbox. Kyuhyun’s eyes widened in surprise as he accepts the gift. “Mr Choi hopes that you will like what is inside.”

“Thank you.” Kyuhyun said rather stiffly. ‘Shall we begin?”

And that is how Hyukjae became Siwon’s ambassador.

“Give him a call when you have the time.” Hyukjae said one day.

Siwon’s brows shot up in a panic. “Why? What happened? Is he hurt?”

Of course he has not shared with Hyukjae that Kyuhyun is actually pregnant so his reaction sure seems weird.

“No, he’s fine. But he was asking about you this past couple of meetings. And he does look a little sickly today.”

“I see….”

“And he seems to have put on a bit of weight around the stomach lately, and his face is all puffy-like. Maybe he has taken up drinking excessively? You should check if he is drinking right.”

Siwon is shocked to listen to Hyukjae’s detailed analysis. “Erm, yes, I will. Thanks Hyukkie.”

“Hello, Cho Kyuhyun speaking.”

“Hi Kyuhyun, this is Siwon.”

“Yes, I know.”

“Erm so, how are you doing these days?”

“I’m….it’s ok.”

“I heard you didn’t look too well this morning.”

“Y-yes….but I am feeling fine now.”

Silence, apart from labored breathing from Kyuhyun’s side of the line.

“You know something?” Siwon asks.


“Choi’s café is opened tonight.” Siwon offers brightly. “Do you wanna do a candlelight dinner with me?”

“N-no….I can’t.” Kyuhyun’s voice falters and Siwon’s heart fell.

“I see….you have something to do tonight?”

“N-not really…..I just don’t want to trouble you.”

“No trouble at all!” Siwon’s voice brightens again. “I’ll pick you up from the office at 6!”

Before Kyuhyun could get another word in the phone is disconnected. On his tired face is a small smile. He wasn’t looking forward to a lonely evening cooped up at home, now he has something to look forward to.

He must have alien antennas or something, how does he always manage to do the right thing at the right time? Kyuhyun mused.

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Kooky1106 #1
Chapter 42: This was my perfect ascape story for the weekend... This was awesome and I enjoyed reading this within these 2 days... Your an awesome writter authornim <3
Kyured #2
Chapter 42: What a beautiful WonKyu story ^^ thanKyu authornim!
joannaxdiaz #3
Chapter 42: thank you for this story..
monshine #4
Chapter 42: Perfect one. :)
Chapter 42: Reading all of it again ^^
Luhma1817 #6
Chapter 42: I can only thank them for their work and for my fun
Angela17 #7
Chapter 42: Wow... I love this fic so much... 40 chaps didn't feel long at all...
Sometimes i felt sorry for Kyu's health and his child experience, but Siwon really pampered him a lot i even envied myself.. Lol..
Great story, i enjoy it so much.. Marathon read in 2 days of my holiday.. Yeay..
Anhyun #8
Chapter 18: what a nice dream :) :)
Anhyun #9
Chapter 17: baby kyuuuuuu....
you have 3 adorable brother :) :) :)
Anhyun #10
Chapter 16: owwww...
that's cute :) :)
they fall for each other :) :)