Love is better the second time around

Love is better the second time around

Kyuhyun is vaguely aware of Siwon busy banging at his laptop all morning but he did not pry. Instead he is seated before the tv munching on a bag of chips contentedly watching a soap opera.

Above the noise of the tv, he heard an occasional chuckle or a small yelp of cheer from the man behind him but nothing else.

The ending music of the soap opera came on and Kyuhyun sat up to stretch languidly. A nap is in order, he decides but he is too lazy to move from where he is lounging.

Maybe I can get Wonnie to carry me to bed…Kyuhyun contemplated seriously.

“Baby, would you like to come over for a minute? I have something to show you.” Siwon spoke up before he could make up his mind. Instead he struggles to his feet and plodded to where the taller man is seating hunched over his laptop.

“What is it?” He asks curiously as his eyes grew bigger at what’s on the small sized screen.

“Let’s go online shopping!” Siwon cheers. “I discovered that we could get you tons of beautiful clothes online. We don’t even have to step out of the house.”

Kyuhyun felt utterly moved. “That’s what you have been busy all morning, Wonnie?”

“Ahuh!” Siwon grinned as a roll of measuring tape appears miraculously in his hand. “First, let’s get you measured up!”

On the whole, Siwon did a great job taking the measurements. And when they came to the tummy area, both men dissolved into uncontrollable giggles as Siwon attempts to measure Kyuhyun’s waistline.

“Oh my goodness! I’m so fat!” Kyuhyun exclaimed giggling.

The ease and the volume of choices available made it very difficult to stop surfing and they ended up with a ton (slight exaggeration?) of new clothes for a very exultant Kyuhyun and many matching ones for Siwon.

“Oh Wonnie, look!” Kyuhyun cried pointing at something on screen.

It is a set of three fiery red t-shirts, plain except for the words printed on each; Papa, Mama, and Baby.

“Let’s get them too!” Siwon cried happily as he clicked his mouse to add a set to the online shopping cart. Kyuhyun giggled happily as he envisioned themselves in those t-shirts strolling in the park, the envy of everyone there.

Shopping is hungry business, online or otherwise. After Siwon made all the payments dutifully like a good husband should, Kyuhyun realised that he is peckish in a huge way.

“Wonnie….me and baby is hungry….” Kyuhyun pouts cutely, puppy eyes power on full force. Siwon swears that his knees turned into wobbly jello just looking at how cute both his babies are (well, he couldn’t see the unborn one yet but in his opinion, he’s just as cute as the mother, if not cuter)

Siwon chuckled. “What would both my babies want for tea today?”

“Hmmm….” Kyuhyun place a finger on his lip as he hums thoughtfully.

“I want a club sandwich, cucumbers and ham and cheese. And baby wants a bacon and fried egg on toast.”

Siwon chuckles again as Kyuhyun grinned. “Okay, and orange juice.” He adds trying his best to balance the diet for both of them.

“Okay!” Kyuhyun replied excitedly.

“You want to keep me company while I make them, baby?” Siwon asks as he heads for the kitchen.

“Can I have some dried nuts while waiting?” Kyuhyun asks as he moves slowly after him.


Kyuhyun glides his hand fondly across the table top. He had been sitting behind this same desk since he joined the company 6 years ago after his graduation. It represented the start of his adult life. And now, he is about to bid goodbye to it and move on to begin another phase of his adult life.

All the personal stuff he had accumulated over the years is neatly packed into two paper boxes. This is the second time he saw his table top uncluttered, totally devoid of paper or any other object, the first time being his first week on the job.

“Kyuhyun? Could you come out for a minute?” His secretary pops her head through his opened door to ask. He nodded as he stood up and made his way outside.

The downcast feeling that enveloped him all day dissolved in an instant when he saw the whole outer office decorated with baby blue streamers and balloons. There is even a baby blue banner with the words “Congratulations! It’s a boy!” written on it. And all his colleagues standing underneath it looking genuinely happy for him.

“Oh my….what’s all this?” He mutters feeling a tad overwhelmed but he couldn’t stop smiling.

“We figured that since we will not be able to throw you a baby shower when the time comes, we’ll do it now.” His secretary explains as the crowd parted and a few of his colleagues approached him with a baby blue cake.

“Oh!” He exclaimed in surprise.

The cake was cut after he blew out the candle on behalf of his unborn child. Next he was plied with presents, everyone insisting that he opened each one. There was everything an expecting family and a newborn child will ever need.

“Thank you! Thank you everyone!” Kyuhyun is on the verge of tears when his boss approached him with an envelope.

“And now, my turn.” The elderly man said.

“Thank you…” Kyuhyun’s tears finally broke the dam and came tumbling down.

“I got you mommy and baby spa vouchers.” The elderly man said with a proud smile. “For all the years you worked for me, Kyuhyun, you never once relaxed. I figured that you deserve some relaxation now.”

“That’s because you are a slave driver.” Kyuhyun replied playfully and everyone burst out laughing. “No, seriously, you are a boss everyone would kill to have.” He said hurriedly and everyone nodded in agreement.

“And you are an employee I had to kill a lot of competitors to retain.” The elderly man returned the compliment. “You know, your job will always be here waiting for you.”

“I……” Kyuhyun wept, speechless and truly touched. He raised his hand to dry his tears and caught sight of Siwon standing quietly by the door watching with a soft smile on his face.

“Won ~” He called out and everyone turned to look. Siwon had no choice but to step into the wave of congratulations from everyone. Kyuhyun stood by his side smiling silently down at his unborn child; both hands on his hardly visible baby bump one on top of the other patting lightly with a look of indulgence on his face.

Reaching home, Kyuhyun changed out of his office suit and hang it back into the closet. Taking a moment to finger the fabric ruefully before he closed the closet door firmly.

“Wonnie?” He called when he heard the doorbell rang.

“In the bathroom, babe. Can you get the door please?” Siwon shouted back.

“Got it!” Kyuhyun replied as he made his way carefully to the door.

Outside stood two deliverymen with a myriad of paper cartons and another one standing by a leather recliner.

“Delivery for Mr Cho.” One spoke up.

“Yes, that’s me. Please bring them in here.” He replied opening the door wider.

Siwon joined him at the door just as the chair is moved in. “What’s that for?” Kyuhyun asks pointing to it.

Siwon tipped the deliverymen and closed the door before turning to answer. “It’s for you. Now you will have more time to sit and rest so I figured a comfortable ergonomic shaped recliner will be better to support your back.”

“Oh Wonnie!” Kyuhyun squealed happily.

“Let me get it in place by the tv.” Siwon grinned as he starts tugging at the chair. “Those boxes must be the new clothes we ordered.”

“Ahuh!” Kyuhyun replied as he knelt down amongst the boxes and began digging excitedly like a child on Christmas morning. In between the noises of paper tearing are more squeals of delight.

“Come try out your new chair, babe.” Siwon said reaching out to help him onto his feet and manoeuvre his way out of the maze of boxes scattered about.

“How does it feel?” Siwon asks eagerly whilst studying the contented look on Kyuhyun’s face as the smaller man sunk into the chair and lay back with a soft sigh. He’s clearly enjoying himself.

“It’s perfect!” He gasps dreamily. “I can fall asleep in this.” Siwon ‘s grin grew wider as he perched himself on the edge of the leg rest. Kyuhyun shifts slightly to give him more room.

“Baby, now that you are off work, promise me that you will get plenty of rest?” Siwon said. “Don’t worry about the housework, I have employed a ahjumma. She will come in everyday to cook and clean for us.”

“But Wonnie……what am I going to do to occupy my time if she does everything?” Kyuhyun huffs, blowing up his bubble cheeks.

Siwon laughed as he pinched a bubble cheek. “ You can sleep as late as you want, as much as you want. Watch all the tv you want, read up on all the baby books to prepare us and listen to lots of music to prepare our baby.

“I am putting you in charge of the pre-natal development.”

“Well, just as long as you don’t expect me to knit or crochet or sew.” Kyuhyun retorts playfully.

“What are you saying?! I signed you up for classes!” Siwon exclaimed disapprovingly.

“What!!?” Kyuhyun  turned pale with horror which turned into confusion as Siwon started guffawing.

“Gotcha ~” Siwon mutters chuckling as he leans forward to steal a kiss.

Kyuhyun’s lips curled sullenly when he realised that he had fallen for Siwon’s joke easily. As the taller man closed in, he put up his hands and shove him away unceremoniously.

“For the record, I am now pregnant and my moods are heavily affected by hormonal changes. Just now I was in a happy mood, now I am not.” He snaps with mock annoyance.

“Awwww……” Siwon coos adoringly but his attempt to pinch Kyuhyun’s cheek again is swatted away.

“Don’t touch me.” Kyuhyun huffed.

Siwon’s face fell and he gave a loud dramatic sigh. “That means I have to call mom and tell her we won't be going back for dinner then, since we are fighting and all and you will have no appetite.

“A pity really, because mom is making all your favourite foods tonight.” Siwon mutters on, stealing a glance at the smaller man from the corner of his eye.

Kyuhyun fidgets restlessly. He doesn’t want to give in to Siwon just yet but he so wants to go for dinner with Siwon’s parents. He is looking forward to (No, scrape that) he’s craving for his mother in law’s cooking. In fact, he’s craving so hard he is salivating hard right now!

Siwon could hardly contain his laughter seeing his mate looking more miserable as every minute passes.To further (because really, it’s rare to see him resembling a lost child) Siwon pulls his cell phone out of his pocket and made a big show of pressing the buttons. A soft whimper escaped Kyuhyun’s lips as he watched with dread.

“Hi mom!” Siwon greeted when his call is answered on the other end, turning his back to Kyuhyun. “Kyu’s fine, baby’s fine.”

Kyuhyun’s pout became more pronounced as he observed Siwon’s cheerfulness.

“I called to ask if you could make your special kimbap for Kyu. I think he will be craving for them tonight. Oh, and if you could rustle up some kimchi for us to bring back home. Yes, summer is coming and I’m afraid Kyu will lose his appetite if it gets too hot. He loves your homemade kimchi.”

After a few more minutes of chatting with his mother, Siwon ends the call. He is just pushing his phone back into his pocket when a pair of arms wrapped themselves tight around his midriff from the back. He smiled as Kyuhyun snuggles into his back.


“You are so good to me, Wonnie….” Kyuhyun’s voice, soft and sultry replied him.

“Because you’re worth it, baby.” Siwon said, unconsciously aware that he sounded like a tagline in a commercial. Oh well, I’m the cheesy one in the relationship anyway.

Covering Kyuhyun’s hands with his own, he began humming softly. Kyuhyun yawned, a face of unadulterated bliss as he listens to the low vibrations resonating from within the man he loves.

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Kooky1106 #1
Chapter 42: This was my perfect ascape story for the weekend... This was awesome and I enjoyed reading this within these 2 days... Your an awesome writter authornim <3
Kyured #2
Chapter 42: What a beautiful WonKyu story ^^ thanKyu authornim!
joannaxdiaz #3
Chapter 42: thank you for this story..
monshine #4
Chapter 42: Perfect one. :)
Chapter 42: Reading all of it again ^^
Luhma1817 #6
Chapter 42: I can only thank them for their work and for my fun
Angela17 #7
Chapter 42: Wow... I love this fic so much... 40 chaps didn't feel long at all...
Sometimes i felt sorry for Kyu's health and his child experience, but Siwon really pampered him a lot i even envied myself.. Lol..
Great story, i enjoy it so much.. Marathon read in 2 days of my holiday.. Yeay..
Anhyun #8
Chapter 18: what a nice dream :) :)
Anhyun #9
Chapter 17: baby kyuuuuuu....
you have 3 adorable brother :) :) :)
Anhyun #10
Chapter 16: owwww...
that's cute :) :)
they fall for each other :) :)