Love is better the second time around

Love is better the second time around


“You know you don’t love Siwon.” Sungmin insists calmly. 

“I ~”  

“If you do, you would have accepted him and not choose to stay here, so far away from him for such a long time.” Sungmin continues menacingly, dark eyes set on the confused young man before him. 

“No-o….that’s not true…..” 

“You will accept my love instead, I am sure of that!” Sungmin pressed on, moving closer. 

“No, I-I…..le-let go…please….let go…..” 

“You don’t love Siwon! You love me! Me! You want me! You know you want me!” Sungmin chanted over and over again as he struggles to steady his grip of the thrashing man’s arms. “You love me! You love me! Why can’t you accept that!” 

‘No-noo….let go! Let me go!”  

“Let me love you! I am the one for you! Not Choi Siwon!” Sungmin persists, overcoming the man below him easily pinning his arms over his head by the wrists, forcing himself at the smooth expanse of his neck, the soft skin and biting it like some delicacy. 

“Kyu? Kyu! Wake up! Baby!? Wake up!” 

“Noooo!!!!’ Kyuhyun moaned tearfully as he struggles against his ‘restraints’. “Let me go…..please!!!!!” 


“You don’t love me, Kyu, you don’t….” Mi pouted sadly as he looked away. 

“I do! I love you, Mi, please believe me….” 

“You don’t! If you do, you will let me touch you!” Mi argued sadly. 

“I ~ no….I can’t….” 

“I told you so! You don’t love me anymore!” Mi burst out angrily now. 

“I…please Mi….please believe me….I love you….I…..”

“Then let me love you!!!” Mi growled. 

“I ~ it’s hurts too much….please don – “ 

“There’s no real pain, Kyu! It’s all in your mind! Let me show you!” 

“No!! Please!! No!! Please take it out!!!!! No!!!!! It hurts!!! It hurts!!! Please!!!!” 


“Help…..” Kyuhyun whispered weakly, his flailing arms aching from exertion. 


Something soft caught his aching arms and held them in a tender caress and he sighed with relief. 


Kyuhyun opened his eyes to a white ceiling – his ceiling; and Siwon’s pale face. He’s back in his own apartment in his own bed, and Siwon is sitting by his side holding his hand. 

“Baby?” The taller man ventured nervously. 

"Won ~” He replied in a broken voice but it is enough to release Siwon from anxiety. ‘What happened? Why are you looking so worried?”

“You fell asleep and seemed to be struggling with a nightmare. I couldn’t wake you up.” 

Kyuhyun nodded. “Can I have some water, please?” 

“Be right back.” Siwon jumped to his feet and ran to the kitchen to get a glass of water. When he returned, the wan looking man in bed is wiping his eyes mutely. “Here, let me help you.” 

Kyuhyun is supported by Siwon’s strong arm as he drank greedily. When the glass emptied, Siwon moved it away and lay the exhausted looking figure down again as gently as he can manage. “Are you feeling better?” 

Kyuhyun nodded. He blinked a few times with the hope of dispelling the dizziness he is feeling. “Slightly dizzy.” 

‘Shall I call the doctor?” Siwon asks worriedly. 

“No, I’ll be fine after getting some sleep.” Kyuhyun mutters. 



“Will you consider returning to Korea with me?” 

“Another year here and I’ll return of course.” Kyuhyun cannot understand Siwon’s question. 

‘No, I mean now…soon….” Siwon said. “After what you’ve been through with Sungmin, and you haven’t really recover from what Zhou Mi did to you…….I really want to protect you every single moment of your life….” 

Long silence as Kyuhyun contemplates Siwon’s request. 

‘Won…..I’m damaged.” 

“You are not!” Siwon replied heatedly. “That sick bastard coined that term on you just because he wanted to hurt you and you won’t let him!” 

“Won….” Kyuhyun seems to be on the brink of tears again. 

“You are the most perfect being in my eyes, baby.” Siwon assures. “You don’t have to show me how much you love me, I already know you do. But please, let me love you, and protect you!” 

“Kyuhyun is coming home!” Siwon told Heechul excitedly. 

“As in soon?” Heechul is surprised. “I thought he has to stay there till next spring?” 

“I asked him to come home, and his boss found a replacement for him so he will be coming home next month!” Siwon said happily. 

“Wow, you made some serious progress on your last trip there, huh?” Heechul eyed the tall man curiously. 

“I can’t tell you what happened, beyond the fact that I messed someone’s face up so bad he no longer remembers what it looked like before I had a go at it.” Siwon’s face darkens suddenly. Heechul hastily suppressed a gasp of shock and failed when Siwon’s face revert to his dimpled grin just as quickly, all darkness gone. 

That’s a man I don’t want to mess around with. 

“Hyukkie is starting to resemble you on Monday mornings.” Heechul remarked lightly and congratulate himself for changing the topic ever so subtly. 

“Well yes, he and Donghae seemed to have hit it off very well very quickly.” Siwon smiled. “We’ll probably hear some good news from them soon.” 

“All this love floating in the air these days is making me needy.” Heechul sighed dramtically. “I need to go get me some meat too!” 

Watching his ‘love guru’ floats out of his room, Siwon couldn’t stop smiling. He hasn’t told him everything; certainly not that Kyuhyun has also agreed to move in with him. Siwon figured that he will savor this piece of great news all by himself just a little longer before he starts bragging. 

Siwon sneaked a look into his closet while Kyuhyun is taking a shower after unpacking for the last two hours. His face held a perfect dimpled grin as he admired how Kyuhyun’s clothes are hanging amongst his. Pulling open the socks drawer, he recognized Kyuhyun’s from his own.  

To prepare his home for two occupants, Siwon had moved his furniture around and changed a few pieces to accommodate his new ‘room-mate’. His bookshelves now held Kyuhyun’s architectural books too, and a new side table held his laptop. The loveseat in his living room is changed into a bigger couch for two to lounge comfortably. 

Siwon went into the kitchen to make a cup of tea for Kyuhyun. The sight of Kyuhyun’s mug sitting next to his own made him smile even wider.  

What a handsome pair they make. Siwon thought happily.

“Won?” Kyuhyun’s voice came from the kitchen entrance. 

“I made tea, baby. You want a cup?” Siwon asks without turning around as he concentrates on his stirring. 

“Erm….do you have any milk?” Kyuhyun asks timidly. 

“Milk? I think so. You want me to get you a glass?” Siwon turned around and found Kyuhyun seated at the kitchen counter. 

“I like to drink a glass of cold milk after a hot shower.” Kyuhyun explains and Siwon made a mental note to stock up on milk. “Let me get it myself….it’s my home now too.” Kyuhyun replied shyly. 

Oh my god….he said it’s his home too! Siwon’s heart soared and he had to restrain himself from jumping around in the small kitchen. 

Siwon smiled as he watched Kyuhyun explored his fridge. “What do you always have for breakfast, Won?” He heard Kyuhyun asks, his muffled voice reverberating inside the close confines of the ice box. 

“Hmm…..I usually take some cereal with milk and coffee. Why?” 

“Because breakfast is all I can do without burning the kitchen down.” Kyuhyun replied ruefully. As he straightens up and turned to face Siwon, a rosy tint has spread all over his cheeks. Siwon chuckled. 

“Don’t worry about it, baby. I want you to sleep in every morning. I will prepare breakfast.” 

“Really, Won!?” Kyuhyun’s eyes and face lit up with childish delight as he tiptoed and threw his arms around Siwon’s shoulders. “You’re the best! Thank you!” 

“For you babe, anything.” Siwon laughs into his hair, kissing the soft surface. 

Just then the doorbell rang. Kyuhyun released his hug and look at Siwon curiously. “It’s probably Chullie and Hyukkie. They wanted to throw a housewarming party for you.” 

“Housewarming?” Kyuhyun laughed as Siwon took his hand and they walked to the door. 

“Congratulations!” A wave of loud greetings hit them when the door opens. Siwon cringed exaggeratingly while Kyuhyun couldn’t stop smiling. Heechul and Hyukjae stood outside the door holding a pot of blooming African violets and a bottle of wine. 

“That’s so typical housewarming gifts. Don’t you guys have any creativity?” Siwon frowns disapprovingly. 

“The last time we checked we are celebrating for Kyuhyun. And he’s not complaining.” Heechul chides as he walked in. Hyukjae follows grinning widely. 

“Ah~ wait for me!!!” Another voice precedes its owner. Everyone turned curiously and Donghae finally jogged up to the entrance and make his appearance. 

“Hae hyung!” Kyuhyun cried out happily and ran forward to hug the small-built man.

“How are you, Kyu?” Donghae asks with a sincere smile. 

“I’m feeling just fine! What are you doing here?” 

“I’ve decide to move back to Korea!” Donghae replied stealing a glance at Hyukjae who redden lightly. Siwon and Heechul watched in amused silence. 

“Really! That’s great! Now we can meet often!” Kyuhyun said excitedly. “Where are you staying? You have your own place?” 

“I’m bunking with Hyukkie….” Donghae’s voice falters and he blushed too. Hyukjae lowered his head even more as Heechul snickers knowingly. 

“Let’s continue the conversation inside, baby.” Siwon spoke up at last, completely amused with Kyuhyun’s confusion, and Donghae’s and Hyukjae’s embarrassment. 

Heechul proved to be not only a competent love guru, he is also an accomplished party planner. Siwon’s jaw dropped at the sheer amount of food covering his tables after the caterer came and went. Kyuhyun’s eyes roved excitedly like a child on his first trip to the candy store. Hyukjae and Donghae are busy fooling around on the pretext of decorating the room with balloons and streamers. 

There would have been loud music too if Kyuhyun had allowed it. “We mustn’t disturb our neighbors.” He disapproves gently. 

“’Our’ huh?” Heechul is quick to catch on and dig into Siwon’s side with his elbow teasingly but Siwon is too busy grinning like an idiot to reply him. 

Food and drinks proceeded to be consumed at an alarming speed, conversations flew about, silly party games were played. Siwon hovered by Kyuhyun’s side protectively and witnessing his beloved laughing with genuine carefree abandon gladdens his heart too. 

During a Heechul-centric game of Monopoly, Siwon found Kyuhyun dozing at his side. A quick glance at the clock told him that it’s nearing midnight.  

“Guys,” He calls in a harsh whisper and gestured at the sleeping man besides him with his eyes. 

“We’ll clean up before leaving.” Hyukjae whispers. “Come on, Hae.” 

“Thanks.” Siwon acknowledged gratefully as he stood up. Bracing himself, he scoops the flopping body up into his arms and made his way to their bedroom.  

As soon as Siwon lay him down on the bed, Kyuhyun to his side and snuggled into the pillow without waking. Siwon pulled the covers around him and tuck in the edges before pressing a light kiss to his forehead. “Welcome home, baby.” He whispers before dimming the lights and leaving the room.


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Kooky1106 #1
Chapter 42: This was my perfect ascape story for the weekend... This was awesome and I enjoyed reading this within these 2 days... Your an awesome writter authornim <3
Kyured #2
Chapter 42: What a beautiful WonKyu story ^^ thanKyu authornim!
joannaxdiaz #3
Chapter 42: thank you for this story..
monshine #4
Chapter 42: Perfect one. :)
Chapter 42: Reading all of it again ^^
Luhma1817 #6
Chapter 42: I can only thank them for their work and for my fun
Angela17 #7
Chapter 42: Wow... I love this fic so much... 40 chaps didn't feel long at all...
Sometimes i felt sorry for Kyu's health and his child experience, but Siwon really pampered him a lot i even envied myself.. Lol..
Great story, i enjoy it so much.. Marathon read in 2 days of my holiday.. Yeay..
Anhyun #8
Chapter 18: what a nice dream :) :)
Anhyun #9
Chapter 17: baby kyuuuuuu....
you have 3 adorable brother :) :) :)
Anhyun #10
Chapter 16: owwww...
that's cute :) :)
they fall for each other :) :)