Love is better the second time around

Love is better the second time around

“Come on, hyung! Dinner’s ready! Everyone’s waiting!” Siwon yelled at the closed door.

It feels like he’s 8 again and yelling at his hyung to come to dinner. Jongwoon is always hiding in his room conducting experiments and always missing mealtimes.

Siwon hammered the door a couple of times then step back to wait for a snarling Jongwoon to open the door and snap at him.

The door opened and an irritated looking Jongwoon stepped out. “Keep your pants on.” He mutters angrily and Siwon is surprised that he no longer snarls? Does growing up do that to you? Grinning widely he put his arm around his hyung’s shoulder.

“Let’s go! Let’s go!”

Kyuhyun is already sitting at the dining table chatting amicably with Mr and Mrs Choi. When the brothers walked in, his body tensed and he lost some color but he remained silent. The atmosphere started cold but warm up real quick as the Choi family members settled down to their usual dinner time behaviour. Kyuhyun kept his smile bright and tongue silent, only answering when he is asked. He tries not to stare but every time his eyes strayed, Jongwoon would be staring at him intently.

“Kyuhyun honey, you need to eat more!” Mrs Choi exclaimed when they realised that he has stopped eating.

“You tell him, mom! I can’t get him to eat enough!” Siwon egged on triumphantly. His breath caught a little when he realised that Kyuhyun used to eat a lot, his appetite worried Heechul once, but he had almost stopped eating since losing his baby.

Kyuhyun kept refusing all the plates of food offered to him creating slight chaos at the dinner table. Jongwoon stared in confusion while the other 3 Choi family members look vexed.

“I’m saving space for desserts.” Kyuhyun is forced to lie at last breaking the stony silence that befell the dining table.

“That’s right, honey! I did some heavy duty baking with Siwonnie’s help this afternoon! You will be spoilt for choice!” Mrs Choi exclaimed happily and Kyuhyun immediately regretted his lie.

After the boisterous dinner and a quiet game of Squabble in the family room, the party starts to break up with Jongwoon excusing himself first to feed his turtles. Papa and Mama Choi excused themselves to go to bed next. And finally Siwon invites Kyuhyun to sit with him on the back porch to view the stars.

“Today isn’t too bad, isn’t it?’ Siwon asks the man quietly nestled against his chest.

Kyuhyun shook his head without pulling away, taking the chance to rub his face against the warm surface. The evening is getting nippy and Siwon tighten his embrace to warm the fragile creature in his arms.

“Tomorrow we’ll discuss the wedding with my folks.” Siwon said. “They will be thrilled to know that you accepted my proposal.”

Siwon is smiling to himself at the happy thought unaware that the man tucked under his chin is blushing furiously and wearing a goofy grin of his own.

“I can’t wait to be married to you.” Siwon remarked still smiling indulgently. “I want to tell the whole world you are mine, let them get horribly jealous.” He chuckled a little evilly and in response Kyuhyun lifts his head and kiss the side of Siwon’s neck.

Silence fell upon them comfortably and Kyuhyun dozed off with his forehead resting against Siwon’s neck.

“Hey kid.” Jongwoon greeted as he sat down next to Siwon.


Jongwoon stretched to peer at Kyuhyun asleep in Siwon’s arms. “He’s asleep?” He asks curiously and Siwon hummed his reply. Neither knew that Kyuhyun was awaken by the approaching footsteps and is now half asleep and listening into their conversation.

“I want to apologise for what happened this afternoon in the bathroom.”  Jongwoon said after taking a long sigh. “Ddangkkomaeng isn’t usually that snappy. Must be the strange environment.”

“Umhmm…” Siwon hummed again absently.

“I apologise for my behaviour too. I am rarely so spontaneous but he’s like an angel standing there. His smile all the lights in my world” Jongwoon said sheepishly.

Siwon grinned. “I understand how you must have felt.”

“Thanks, kiddo. You think Kyuhyun has brothers that look alike him?” Jongwoon asks hopefully.

“Sorry hyung, he’s an orphan. He has hyungs but not blood related.” Siwon said ruefully.

“Figures.” Jongwoon smiled sadly. “But I am glad you found him. You are one lucky kid.”

“Thanks hyung. I thank god everyday for dropping Kyuhyun into my arms.”



Both brothers share a quiet laugh.

“Getting cold out here. You two should head inside.” Jongwoon said with a shiver.

“Baby, baby, wake up, let’s go inside.” Siwon calls in a soft murmur, squeezing his shoulder lightly to wake him.

“I better leave first. Don’t want him feeling uncomfortable in my presence.” Jongwoon offers and sprint into the house as fast as he could.

Jongwoon hyung is such a considerate man. Kyuhyun thought gratefully to himself.

“Baby?” Siwon persists gently.

Kyuhyun made a show of rousing and look drowsily at Siwon.  “Let’s go in, you need to go to bed.”

“Okay.” Kyuhyun replied languidly allowing himself to be pulled to his feet.


If Siwon’s family is happy about the matrimony, Kyuhyun’s hyungs are completely shocked when they heard it over the phone from their maknae. Jungsu is too far geographically to work up too much of an emotion but Kangin is making threatening noises in the background about how he is going to come back and maim Siwon. Ryeowook was the calmest, promising to fly back as soon as he could with Kangin before hanging up without another word.

Siwon was worried to find a depressed looking Kyuhyun after he made his calls to his respective brothers to tell them the good news. Before he could say anything, Kyuhyun burst into tears.

“They don’t love me at all!” He wailed.

But instead of worrying about the whole situation, Siwon became fascinated with Kyuhyun’s rare show of tantrum throwing.

“Are you listening to me, Wonnie?!!!!” Kyuhyun pouts sullenly at the distracted man.

“Y-yes, babe, I am.” Siwon replied quickly. Isn’t he the cutest thing ever! He thought gleefully.

“I don’t understand! Why can’t they happy for me?” Kyuhyun burst into fresh tears.

“What did they say really, babe?” Siwon asks rubbing comforting circles on Kyuhyun’s back.

“Jungsu hyung said he will leave Wookie hyung in charge because he can’t fly back in the short term. Kangin hyung wants to maim you and Wookie hyung just said he’s flying back next week and hung up.” Kyuhyun sulks again.

“Ma-maim me?” Siwon swallowed uneasily. What did I do now? He moaned inwardly.

“If they are going to be so unhappy about it, I don’t want them at our wedding!” Kyuhyun said with childish spite.

And they will skin me alive and feed my poor lifeless body to the wolves in Africa. Siwon grimaced. Judging by how wretched Kyuhyun looked, he probably doesn’t really want his hyungs missing out of one of the happiest moments of his life either.

“Look baby, we cannot leave them out of the wedding. They are your family.” Siwon tries patiently.

“I don’t care! They don’t love me anyway!” Kyuhyun retorts grumpily.

“You said Kangin and Ryeowook are flying back next week. We’ll talk to them and decide then. Alright, baby?” Siwon tries to baby his lover next.

“Don’t baby me! I am not talking to them! You can go ahead if you want to!” Kyuhyun refuses to soften down, his rage boiling fast.

Even Siwon is against me now! Kyuhyun thought angrily. Without another word, he stood up and went into their bedroom, locking himself inside.

“I’m a love guru! What do I know about siblings and family relationships?” Heechul snorts with indignation when Siwon called him for help.

“I’m sure your love for Kyuhyun will guide you well when dealing with his hyungs.” Hyukjae replied with an air of detachment.

The man is turning into a holy man….Siwon mutters in wonder.


“I am going to ***king kill you!” Kangin bellowed when Siwon opened the door.

‘Wh-what! No! Please! No!’ Siwon cried out loudly as he ran for his life. Kangin followed on his heels as he chase fleeing man around the apartment. Siwon tries to put furniture between himself and the growling bear bent on tearing his throat apart.

Ryeowook ambled in with a stiff expression and stood watching with an eye of a passer-by.

Well, he’s no help. Siwon thought panicking as he continues to skirt the largest piece of furniture in the room; the couch.

"What did I do!?” Siwon pleaded.

“You cad!”

“Cad!? No! I ~”

“STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT!” Kyuhyun can be heard shouting above the chaos. He accentuates each shout with a stamp of his foot. Kangin stopped and so did Siwon, and together with Ryeowook, they turn to look at the insolent child glaring at them.

Kyuhyun looks worse for wear, his hair messy, his clothes wrinkled and his face worn out with misery and stress.

“Kyu ~” Kangin called out with an indulgent smile.

“Baby ~” Siwon started but a glare from Kangin stopped him in his tracks.

“What is wrong with you! Why aren’t you happy for me? It’s my wedding, damnit!” This is the first time Siwon hears Kyuhyun swear and he winced.

“We are not impressed with that fellow.” Ryeowook replied offhandedly.

“That fellow has a name! Choi Siwon. His name is Siwon!” Kyuhyun snaps back angrily.

“Whatever. We don’t think he’s good enough for you.” Ryeowook intensifies the look of disdain in his eyes.

“He’s a cad! He will break your heart in record time!” Kangin growled again shooting a death glare at Siwon who jumped involuntarily.

“How would you know?” Kyuhyun shouts back in fury while Siwon looked on wide-eyed.

“We have more experience with life than you have, kid!” Kangin snarled threateningly.

“Oh sure! I bet you seen it all in prison!” Kyuhyun retorted snidely.

The moment the words left his mouth, the temperature in the room fell. Color rushed off his face leaving him pale and shaky with remorse. Siwon’s jaw dropped while Kangin and Ryeowook stiffened.

“I…..” Kyuhyun stutters as he saw Kangin’s face fell with disappointment. He knows he should apologise for his behaviour but his flight instinct took control instead and he fled to his room and locks himself in again.

Except for the slamming of the door, it is still total silence out in the living room. Kangin’s shoulders stooped and he flopped down on the couch next to Ryeowook with a look of total gloominess. Siwon heaved a sigh of relief but at the same time he felt bad for the large man.

“Erm…..let me get you some refreshments.” He fidgets awkwardly.

“Nevermind that. We’re leaving.” Ryeowook cuts in coldly.

“Are you ~” Siwon begins to ask then shrunk away when Kangin glared at him.

“We are going back to Taiwan tomorrow evening since Kyu doesn’t want us here.” Ryeowook replied stiffly.

“Where are you staying at?” Siwon ventured bravely. Ryeowook told him the name of the hotel they are lodging in before taking their leave with end of the world facial expressions.

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Kooky1106 #1
Chapter 42: This was my perfect ascape story for the weekend... This was awesome and I enjoyed reading this within these 2 days... Your an awesome writter authornim <3
Kyured #2
Chapter 42: What a beautiful WonKyu story ^^ thanKyu authornim!
joannaxdiaz #3
Chapter 42: thank you for this story..
monshine #4
Chapter 42: Perfect one. :)
Chapter 42: Reading all of it again ^^
Luhma1817 #6
Chapter 42: I can only thank them for their work and for my fun
Angela17 #7
Chapter 42: Wow... I love this fic so much... 40 chaps didn't feel long at all...
Sometimes i felt sorry for Kyu's health and his child experience, but Siwon really pampered him a lot i even envied myself.. Lol..
Great story, i enjoy it so much.. Marathon read in 2 days of my holiday.. Yeay..
Anhyun #8
Chapter 18: what a nice dream :) :)
Anhyun #9
Chapter 17: baby kyuuuuuu....
you have 3 adorable brother :) :) :)
Anhyun #10
Chapter 16: owwww...
that's cute :) :)
they fall for each other :) :)