Love is better the second time around

Love is better the second time around

The door yield noiselessly. Siwon stepped in through the gap into the empty room. A light morning breeze ruffled the curtains through the open windows. Soft golden sunlight streamed in through the same way, illuminating the room with a golden glow. 

Pausing at the doorway, he admired the room. Kyuhyun’s sensitive and delicate touch everywhere….Kyuhyun….my baby….. 

Siwon made his way to the cupboard at the end of the room, his feet marveling at the soft caress of the carpet under him. Passing by their family portrait wall, he paused again. On the wall hung the picture they took just a week before the baby was due. Siwon raised a hand to the picture of his spouse’s belly, the vinyl surface like he used to the warm flesh. A soft sigh escaped his lips as he remembers Kyuhyun’s beautiful smile that particular day. 

The serenity in the room suddenly feels oppressive, stealing the air in his lungs and pinching his throat closed. Siwon knows he is about to break into tears again. Everytime he enters this room alone, memories are tempted to choke him. 

“Siiiiiiiii ~ Wonnieeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!” A loud shriek came through the open door piercing the thick bubble attempting to engulf Siwon. 

Siwon jumped and turn around in a hurry. 

Hyunki-ah, go have a look why your appa is taking so long.” Siwon heard the voice said and was about to sprint towards the cupboard – his original destination. 

A little boy of 4 dashed into the room, too fast for Siwon to regain his composure. “Appa! Appa!”

Siwon sighed in defeat, turning around with a sheepishly grin. The little boy turned and shouted back out of the door. “Umma! Appa is looking at the wall again!” 

Hyunki-ah ~” Siwon was too slow to stop his son from ratting on him. So he waits in resignation for what’s to come next.

“Wonnie ~” The impatient whining came almost immediately.  

“Yes, baby?” He replied with a grimace. Is that a smug grin on Hyunki’s little toddler face? 

Soft footsteps padded towards the room and Kyuhyun appeared at the doorway carrying a two year old baby. Siwon can’t help noticing that both mother and son are wearing the same irritated frown on their faces. 

And who can blame them really….. 

“Why are you taking so long to get a diaper, Won? HyunSu is getting all upset with his wet diaper.” Kyuhyun chided gently. 

Siwon walked up to mother and child and gave them both a boyish grin. “Sorry baby, sorry son.” While a smile is already forming on Kyuhyun's face reflecting his husband, little Hyunsu is still frowning at his father. 

“I think we better get Hyunsu changed, he doesn’t look too happy.” Siwon mumbled awkwardly at his son’s obvious displeasure with him. 

Kyuhyun chuckles lightly as he laid his second son on the baby bed and Siwon proceeds to change him out of his wet diaper. Hyunki sidled up close to his mother and wrap his tiny arms around Kyuhyun’s thigh as they watched Siwon work in a skillful and efficient manner. 

Baby Hyunsu waved his chubby limbs about and gargled merrily at his father’s dimple smile when he is finally dry and freshly diapered. “There you go, little buddy!” Siwon declares triumphantly holding his younger son to his chest. 

“Appa, Umma, can we go to the swimming pool now?” Hyunki asks like a polite little gentleman his parents are bringing him up to be. 

“Are you feeling well enough to go out today, baby?’ Siwon asks Kyuhyun instead. 

“Why don’t you bring the kids today?” Kyuhyun declined as subtly as he could without alarming his husband and elder son who sees himself as a protector of his Umma. 

Siwon and Hyunki exchanged worried looks. “Maybe ~” Siwon is about to suggest that they call off the outing but Hyunki’s face fell. 

“Hyunki really wants to go to the pool, Wonnie. Please bring them?” Kyuhyun urges gently. “I’ll do some baking while you are gone. When you return we will have chocolate cake!” 

“Yaaaay!!!!” Hyunki cheers and Hyunsu giggles at the commotion. Siwon smiled but his eyes are still filled with doubt. 

Hyunki-ah,  go grab your swimming stuff.” Kyuhyun urged the little boy before Siwon changes his mind. 

Both adults watched as the little boy run up the stairs before turning to each other again. “You sure you’ll be alright alone at home?” Siwon asks worriedly. 

“This is the third baby I am carrying, Wonnie. I have experienced enough to take care of myself for a couple of hours.” Kyuhyun smiled.

“But ~” Siwon is about to argue. 

Kyuhyun knows that Siwon is still heavily traumatized when he nearly lost both his spouse and unborn child on the operating theater. Even when Kyuhyun conceived again, Siwon was very torn between joy and extreme worry. There was even a point of time when Siwon wanted to terminate the pregnancy to protect Kyuhyun. 

Hyunsu’s birth was thankfully uneventful but Siwon remained deeply scarred. He will always be expecting the worst, as with the third child they are expecting.  

Kyuhyun moved closer and kiss Siwon gently on his lips, effectively stopping the man from continuing his argument. Siwon is grateful for the kiss but at the same time he is feeling lost and tormented. 

“I promise you, I will never leave you.” Kyuhyun smiled softly. 

Siwon’s eyes twinkled as the corners of his mouth twitched. “I love you, Cho Kyuhyun.” He whispers, moving Hyunsu out of the way as he presses closer to the smaller man. 

“I love you too, Choi Siwon.” Kyuhyun mutters with a grin of his own as he moves closer too to seal their kiss.


To all my lovely loyal readers:  

Thank you for sticking it out with me for nearly 10 weeks. Your lovely comments made writing this a total pleasure. And you guys are my inspiration to write more and more….and that’s how we end up with 40 chapters. In between I did a couple of missing acts but you stuck with me, picking up the story as if I was never gone…that really heartens me…A LOT! But I have nothing to give back in return except for these 40 chapters. Writing this had made me a lot of new friends, exposed me to a lot of new readers, and improved my writing skills *LOL* 

It’s sad for me to end this story, it has become very much a habit for me to write and post it everyday.  But all things come to an end and really, I am running in danger of boring you if I continue twisting the story. 

Oh! And thank you for being so forgiving when the grammar was terrible, the was embarrassingly awkward and sometimes when the plot was weak.  

Next plan on the pipeline – finishing up my first ever SJ fic – “Losing someone you love hurts”. It’s  not wonkyu but it is something I started and I am determined to finish it before the year ends. I will probably work on other wonkyu fics intermittently. Heaven knows everything wonkyu does sparks a new idea in my head….so yeah… it boys! (just kidding)

Oh heck, who am I kidding?! Hang around everyone…..I’ll probably dig myself out of the self-imposed hiatus and be back with something pretty soon.

Bye for now!

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Kooky1106 #1
Chapter 42: This was my perfect ascape story for the weekend... This was awesome and I enjoyed reading this within these 2 days... Your an awesome writter authornim <3
Kyured #2
Chapter 42: What a beautiful WonKyu story ^^ thanKyu authornim!
joannaxdiaz #3
Chapter 42: thank you for this story..
monshine #4
Chapter 42: Perfect one. :)
Chapter 42: Reading all of it again ^^
Luhma1817 #6
Chapter 42: I can only thank them for their work and for my fun
Angela17 #7
Chapter 42: Wow... I love this fic so much... 40 chaps didn't feel long at all...
Sometimes i felt sorry for Kyu's health and his child experience, but Siwon really pampered him a lot i even envied myself.. Lol..
Great story, i enjoy it so much.. Marathon read in 2 days of my holiday.. Yeay..
Anhyun #8
Chapter 18: what a nice dream :) :)
Anhyun #9
Chapter 17: baby kyuuuuuu....
you have 3 adorable brother :) :) :)
Anhyun #10
Chapter 16: owwww...
that's cute :) :)
they fall for each other :) :)