Love is better the second time around

Love is better the second time around


Siwon paced the airport floor restlessly alternating between standing still and staring into the luggage area behind the glass.

“Hyuk ~” Siwon started to say before he realized that he is all alone. Whipping around he saw no sign of anyone he knows. "YAH!” He yelled at the approaching man an ice cream cone. “Don’t run about! Kyu is arriving any minute now!”

“I was thirsty….” Hyukjae replied apologetically. “Here, I got ~ oh they are coming out!”

Siwon pivoted around quick enough to get whiplash, the eagerness and joy radiating on his face like a man who won the lottery. Hyukjae stood beside him his cone quietly. Both men stared as the first arrivals appear at the luggage belt.

Kyuhyun is coming home for the first time in 6 months since he left for Japan. Siwon should have no real reason to be this excited except that he has ‘plans’. Kyuhyun has called and informed him that Donghae is coming back with him this time, hence the presence of Hyukjae who has the task of distracting the unwelcome tag-along.

Siwon tapped his foot impatiently as they see the tall lanky man strode towards them carrying only a small overnight bag, a much shorter but just as skinny man tagging along with a small haversack on his back. Siwon had to resist his strong urge to run forward and grab his precious Kyuhyun into his arms instead shifting from one leg to another with impatience.

At last they came to a stop before him and Siwon pulled the smaller man into his arms. “Welcome home, baby.” He breathes into his ear before unravellling his arms from around the lithe body.

“Welcome home, Hae.” Siwon said politely.

“Thank you, Siwon-sshi.” Donghae replied excitedly as he looked around curiously.

“Hyukjae, it’s nice to see you again.” Kyuhyun beamed at the small man on a melting cone.

“Kyu!” Gummy grin reply.

“This is Donghae, my friend from Japan.” Kyuhyun introduces.

“Hi!” Donghae greeted, his eyes eagerly sizing up the unusually skinny man infront of him.

“This is for you! You like ice cream, yes?” Hyukjae said shyly as he push the cone intended for Siwon into Donghae’s hand.

“Thank you!” Donghae’s face lit up with childish delight. “I love ice cream!”

“Let’s go.” Siwon said abruptly, grabbing Kyuhyun’s hand and tugging at it insistently.

“Dong ~” Kyuhyun started to say.

“Hyukkie will take care of Hae. Let’s go.” Siwon cuts in in an urgent conspiratory tone as he pulls the other away hurriedly.

Siwon started running towards the exit, pulling the man behind him struggling with his bulky bag. “Si-Siwon sshi…..” Kyuhyun calls out breathlessly but still they did not stop till they reach Siwon’s car in the carpark.

“Wh-why are we run-running?” Kyuhyun wheezed as Siwon took his bag.

“Our alone time is too precious to be wasted!” Siwon grinned as he opens the car door for Kyuhyun and guides him in before running across to climb behind the wheel. He is sure that the not so subtle hints in his words would no doubt be picked up by Kyuhyun and when he turned to see the man in the passenger seat next to him sitting with his head lowered he is pretty sure Kyuhyun has an inkling of what is going to happen next.

Not if I can help it. Siwon thought gleefully.

Meanwhile in the airport……

“Where did Siwon-sshi and Kyu go!?” Donghae cried out alarmed when he and Hyukjae finally stopped chatting and realized that they are alone.

“I think they left without us.” Hyukjae scratched his head confused.

“Oh no……I don’t know where Kyu’s apartment is!!!” Donghae whined.

“You are staying with Kyu?” Hyukjae asked in surprise and Donghae nodded sorrowfully. “Don’t worry! I know where it is! I will bring you there!”


“This is not the way home.” Kyuhyun points out.

“We are not going home.” Siwon replied with a mysterious smirk.


“I’ve us booked into a hotel for the weekend.”

“Hotel? Us?” Kyuhyun’s eyes widened with surprise.

“Yes! We are going to live like kings for the next two days!”


“Lots of people at our beck and call, all the luxurious comforts, and food, lots of food.” Siwon tried again with a seduction slur in his voice.

“Food!” Unfortunately for him, only one word caught Kyuhyun’s attention.

Oh well… long as something caught his attention. Siwon thought with amused resignation.

Kyuhyun frankly wasn’t expecting such grandeur. He stared jaw slacked at the sheer size and show of opulence of the lobby he is standing in while Siwon checked them in. He certainly did not expect Siwon to choose the most expensive hotel in town; but then he has not yet had any prior experience with the side of Siwon who prefer to go all out in everything he does.

Still feeling overwhelmed and giddy, Kyuhyun is led to their penthouse by Siwon. The sight of everything within his sight when Siwon opened the door rooted him to the carpeted floor and the taller man had to lead him in. Immediately he is overcome with vertigo; the whole room is a freaking glass cube! Not a brick in sight, glass, glass, and more glass!

“This is ~”

“Lovely, isn’t it?” Siwon said enthusiastically as he led him to one of the large couches occupying the room.

“It is er…..” Kyuhyun mutters absently as the architect in him rears and he began studying the details. Siwon could see that happening and shook his head in mirth before leaving him to his study, preoccupying himself with the task of ordering room service.

“Wow…….” Kyuhyun said with a wide smile as Siwon joins him again by his side.

“Glad you like it, baby.” Siwon replied his dimples deeply etched in his cheeks. Moving closer, he took Kyuhyun’s hands in his and them tenderly. “Look baby, listen. I arranged this weekend because I want you to just relax and enjoy some off time.”

“Siwon-sshi………” Siwon could see the first traces of gratitude in Kyuhyun’s eyes.

First stage….passed!

The second and third stage of Siwon’s plans was completed with ease; because really, how difficult is it to win Kyuhyun’s heart with a complete spa session and a table laden with as much delicacies as he can eat?

Siwon mentally pat himself on the back as he begins the fourth stage of his plan. He began plying the smaller man with wine.

“I can’t drink anymore.” Kyuhyun declares after they finished the second bottle of red wine. He tries to soothe his bulgy stomach stuffed with too much food and drink.

“But you are still sober.” Siwon said disappointingly.

“Erm yes, I have a high tolerance for alcohol.” Kyuhyun agrees in surprise.

Now he tells me. Siwon grimaced.

“Are you trying to get me drunk, Siwon-sshi?” Kyuhyun narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

“Drunk? Me? N-no! No!” Siwon’s cheeks flared as his eyes shifts away fugitively.

“Ok then.” Kyuhyun is not fully convinced but he decides not to dwell anymore into it so he replaced the sullen look on his face with an endearing smile. “I think I will go get a bath before bed.”

“Sure, baby. Enjoy your bath.” Siwon replies with a forced smile as he watches the smaller man enters the bathroom and closed the door.



Siwon face-palmed himself repeatedly as he scolds himself for his clumsiness.

YOU BIG CLUMSY IDIOT! Siwon could hear Heechul’s shriek in his ear.


That’s it, I am not going to try anymore of this amore stuff. Siwon thought miserably. He’s tired; and confused and Kyuhyun really doesn’t deserve to be his lab rat. He decides that he will give it another shot only after he has a better grasp of this seduction business.

“Si-Siwon sshi?” Kyuhyun’s voice floated out from the bathroom.

“Yes, baby?” Siwon sits up at attention.

“I ~ can you help me……my bathrobe is on the bed.” Kyuhyun said hesitantly.

“I’ve got it!” Siwon replied as he stood up to retrieve the robe. The bathroom door is ajar. “Baby?”

“Will you bring it in please?” Kyuhyun’s voice came from deeper within.

Siwon pushed the door wider apart and enter. “Baby, I’ll ~” His words is instantly interrupted as a pair of arms wrapped themselves around his chest holding him from behind. His breath hitched as he feels Kyuhyun’s tongue slides gently along the side of his neck.

“Baby ~” He moans huskily.

The hands on his chest began their excruciatingly slow exploring as the tongue on his neck is replaced by a set of lips and teeth. Kyuhyun nips and at the soft skin and when Siwon hissed from the sting, he will soothe the abused spot with a and kiss. By now one of the wandering hands has already reached Siwon’s groin and kneading in a gentle rhythm with his slender fingers.

Siwon knows he will lost control if he allows Kyuhyun to continue so he turned in one fast moment, flipping the smaller man around and imprisoning him in his arms. He is pleasantly surprised to find Kyuhyun clad in nothing except a pair of black briefs. The expression on his face reads yearning; eyes gleaming with anticipation, lips puffy and apart with want. Siwon pressed their noses together briefly before grazing the other’s bottom lip lightly with his teeth.

Kyuhyun closed his eyes and moaned into his mouth, squirming but Siwon held on tightly.

Bending lower, Siwon proceed to mark the smaller man as Kyuhyun tilts his head to allow him complete access.

The frigid air in the bathroom is gradually heating up as their making out intensified. Beads of perspiration rolled down the bare surfaces of their bodies, making their grips on each other slippery and urgent, their breathings strained.

“Bed, baby.” Siwon breathes into Kyuhyun’s ear where he has been nuzzling. Kyuhyun follows as he moves, lips latched onto each other, lower bodies pressed tight together. Stumbling clumsily towards the king-sized bed, Siwon managed to shed his wet shirt without breaking off their kiss.

As soon as the back of his legs came in contact with the edge of the bed, Kyuhyun fell backwards on it with Siwon falling along with him. The taller of both broke the kiss, running his tongue lightly over the heated flesh he just relinquished. Then he moved lower to mark the delicate neck, harshly till he heard Kyuhyun hiss loudly. Smirking with sadist satisfaction, he slides further down, moving at a rather feverish pace to the pale expand of Kyuhyun’s chest, planting kisses on every inch of the exposed skin, paying attention to the two nubs till they are fiery red and swollen.

Meanwhile his hand is busy down south, kneading flesh under cloth. Mewls and ragged moans came out of Kyuhyun’s mouth as he writhed under the hovering of the larger man above him. Siwon’s mind is a total blank, lust making every movement an instinctive reflex. His heart pumping so fast all he can hear is roaring in his ears.

That would probably explains why it took him a while before his senses cleared enough for him to hear a different kind of whimpering. His head snapped upright to listen better, his hand working feverishly inside Kyuhyun’s briefs stopped abruptly.

His brows flew up, eyes widened in fear as he realized that Kyuhyun’s body is cold, taut and trembling slightly in his grasp. Fallen tears glistened on his cheeks, chewed bottom lip speckled with bloodied broken skin, eyes wide open but unstaring.

“N-no, plea-please, no….” Whispers of pleas over and over again like a broken record graced the shaking lips.

“Kyu? Kyu! What’s wrong?” Siwon grabbed hold of the thin shoulders and shook hard a couple of times. “Kyu! Are you hurt? Where!? Tell me! Talk to me!”

Kyuhyun closed his eyes and more tears seeped through his wet lashes. “Please, no….” He pleads feebly.

Siwon is scared out of his mind as he gathered the still cold and trembling body into his arms and held him tight. The younger man wept with so much pain it brought tears to Siwon’s eyes too. Not knowing, unable to understand, Siwon is going mad with anxiety but he forced himself to stay immobile, the smaller man’s hair to comfort him.

At last the weeping reduced to sobs and then dwindled to ragging breathing. He buries his face into Siwon’s chest and nestles there in total silence. The on his hair did not stop but at least Siwon’s breathing has regularized.

“I’m sorry.”

“Ssssh ~”

“I didn’t mean to ~”

“It’s alright, baby. Don’t think about it anymore.”

Kyuhyun pushes his body away slightly and looked up. Siwon raised a hand to his cheek and dried the tear marks under his eyes. There is so much unsaid sadness in those beautiful brown orbs.

“You can tell me about it when you are ready.” Siwon said with a smile so filled with love it made Kyuhyun’s heart ache.

Kyuhyun shook his head resolutely. “I’m sorry. I seduced you but I just can’t go through with it. The thought of…..of……so much pain…..I…….I……” He stuttered tearfully.

“Sssssh……..don’t worry…….” Realizing what just happened, his heart throbbed with pain for his beloved. Pressing him against his broad chest again, he attempted to comfort Kyuhyun whose body is still shaking lightly. “We don’t have to do it till you are well and ready. Plenty of time for us, no need to rush.”

“I’m sorry.” Kyuhyun’s voice is on the verge of cracking.

“No, it’s my fault. I started the whole mess.” Siwon said with genuine disgust for his selfish actions.

“That is why I can’t accept your love…..” Kyuhyun’s warm breath ghosts over Siwon’s chest and the taller man fought the urge to shiver. “I’m damaged.”

“No baby, you can never be damaged.” Siwon put a finger under the smooth edge of Kyuhyun’s chin and lift it till their eyes met. “You are perfect, every inch of you. You must believe that.”

“Won~” Kyuhyun’s breathy new rendition of his name is music to Siwon’s ears. His heart soared for he recognized that their relationship has finally taken a step forward. Tightening his arms just a little more, he buries his face into his beloved’s hair and inhales the scent that is solely his.

Exhausted, Kyuhyun fell asleep a little while later and Siwon lay with him, spooning the lanky body. His arms wrapped protectively around his waist under the covers. His nose and lips lightly resting against the back of a shoulder, Kyuhyun’s tight against his chest and abdomen.

Never have Siwon felt like a total failure as tonight. Nothing can convince him that he does not at seduction or that he is a bad lover for ignoring Kyuhyun’s feelings. Resisting the urge to sigh in case he woke the sleeping man next to him, his eyes drifted to the lights outside the glass wall next to the bed they are lying in.

I’ll have to do better the next time.


Hyukjae digs around in the potted foliage next to the locked front door. “I’m sure it’s in here somewhere! I saw it the last time I was here!” He mutters grumpily.

“Erm, Hyukkie ~” Donghae tried to attract the attention of the man crouched by the large flower pot digging and sending fresh earth flying in all directions.

“Just a minute, Hae. I’m sure it’s in here.”

“Let’s just forget it, Hyukkie.” Donghae whined. “I’m tired, and hungry ~” Hyukjae stops digging and stood up hurriedly.

“You’re hungry, Hae?”

“Ahuh.” Donghae puts on his best sad puppy impersonation and nod.

“Ok then, let’s get us some delicious food!” Hyukjae grinned and Donghae cheered. “Then you can come stay with me till we find Kyu.”

“YEAH!” Donghae cheered loudly as he grabbed Hyukjae by the wrist and runs towards the elevator.


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Kooky1106 #1
Chapter 42: This was my perfect ascape story for the weekend... This was awesome and I enjoyed reading this within these 2 days... Your an awesome writter authornim <3
Kyured #2
Chapter 42: What a beautiful WonKyu story ^^ thanKyu authornim!
joannaxdiaz #3
Chapter 42: thank you for this story..
monshine #4
Chapter 42: Perfect one. :)
Chapter 42: Reading all of it again ^^
Luhma1817 #6
Chapter 42: I can only thank them for their work and for my fun
Angela17 #7
Chapter 42: Wow... I love this fic so much... 40 chaps didn't feel long at all...
Sometimes i felt sorry for Kyu's health and his child experience, but Siwon really pampered him a lot i even envied myself.. Lol..
Great story, i enjoy it so much.. Marathon read in 2 days of my holiday.. Yeay..
Anhyun #8
Chapter 18: what a nice dream :) :)
Anhyun #9
Chapter 17: baby kyuuuuuu....
you have 3 adorable brother :) :) :)
Anhyun #10
Chapter 16: owwww...
that's cute :) :)
they fall for each other :) :)