Love is better the second time around

Love is better the second time around

“No matter where we are, I will be there with you.”

“I can’t help it, Wonnie. I miss you.”

“And I miss you too.”

“Come home soon please, Wonnie?”

“Two more days, baby, and I will be home.”

“Can’t wait to see you, baby.”

“Love you, baby. See you in a while.”

“Won ~” Kyuhyun murmurs miserably in his sleep. Jungsu tightens his grasp on his maknae’s hand as he watched his face scrunched up in a frown and tears leaked out of his closed eyes. Jungsu stifled a sigh as he reached out to dry the rapidly falling teardrops.

Kyuhyun’s eyes snapped open and stared fixedly at the man sitting by his side drying his eyes. He couldn’t recognise his own hyung as Jungsu waited patiently.

This isn’t right! Wonnie was just here, where did he go now? Wonnie! Wonnie! Where are you?!!

Kyuhyun’s eyes roved about wildly searching for something that did not exist.

“Wonnie!!” He found the strength to cry out loud in a panic, surprising Jungsu.

“Kyu! Wake up! Kyu!” Jungsu grabbed hold of Kyuhyun’s shoulders and shook him firmly.

“Won ~” Kyuhyun continued to mumble weakly.

“Kyu! Hyung is here! Wake up!” Jungsu kept shaking him, keeping his voice steady, till he could see that his dilated pupils are gathering focus once again.

Hyung?” Kyuhyun wheezed with difficulty.

Hyung is here, Kyu.” Jungsu consoles.

Hyung!  Siwon….he…..he…..” Kyuhyun wailed loudly flinging himself at his brother.

“I know, Kyu, I know.” Jungsu the back of the sobbing man’s head heartbreakingly. “My poor maknae.” He mumbles with tears in his eyes.



I’m dreaming of Wonnie again…..Kyuhyun thought sadly.


“Siwon?” Kyuhyun heard Ryeowook exclaimed in shock.

“Baby?! Please open your eyes, I’m back.”

Kyuhyun’s eyes popped open in disbelief. The man he is pinning for is right in front of him, dishevelled and filthy, heavily bandaged and wearing a neck trauma collar but clasping his hands nevertheless.

“Baby? It’s me! Baby, it’s me!” Siwon is practically begging now at the non-responsive man just staring at him with his mouth opened.

“Won?” Kyuhyun struggled to sit up so he could look closer at the apparition. One of his hyung, not really sure who, helped him up. Siwon’s warm grasp is also on his arms holding him steady.

Kyuhyun’s tears fell as he reached out to caress Siwon’s cheek, feeling the prick of his stubbles. Yet he still could not convince himself that the apparition before him is real.

“Won…..please…..don’t disappear….please….” He begged tearfully. “I will die! I will die! Please….don’t leave me….please…..”

Siwon looked at him earnestly. “I’m here, baby, I’m not going anywhere.  I’m back.”

Hyung, please tell Wonnie not to leave, please……” Kyuhyun turned to Kangin and begged weeping.

“Kyu, he’s real. Siwon is really back.” Kangin replied gently.

And that’s when it finally struck Kyuhyun to turn and cup Siwon’s face with both hands, feeling his warmth and seeing the familiar smile.

“WONNIE!!!!!” Kyuhyun screamed flinging himself at his husband, embracing him tightly. “Wonnie! Where have you been? Do you know how worried I was? How did you ~?”

Siwon chuckled at the torrent of questions Kyuhyun has for him. Tightening his embrace, he buried himself awkwardly in the nook of Kyuhyun’s neck.

It feels so good to be back in Kyuhyun’s arms. Siwon thought happily.

Siwon is ready to tell his story when everyone finally gathered in the hospital room. Kyuhyun reluctantly relinquished his tight grip on Siwon when his parents arrived. Like Kyuhyun, they thought they have lost someone precious too and they need to hold him to convince themselves that he is really well and alive.

Siwon came back to Kyuhyun’s side quickly before beginning his tale. Clasping hands tightly, Kyuhyun rest his head in relief on Siwon’s strong shoulder.

“I left the airport to get Kyu a bracelet he wanted that was sold out in Mauritius Airport. It was sold in a shop a few blocks away and I figured that I could make it back in time for my flight if I took a cab.

“But on the way back to the airport we got into an accident. A huge truck hit us from the side. I was flung out of the cab and hit a lamp post, and my credentials were lost when the cab caught on fire. I had severe concussion, and whiplash and was in a coma for 4 days.

The hospital did not know who to call, they don’t even know my nationality. When I regained consciousness I was still very groggy and took another two days for all my senses to clear. That’s when I heard about the plane crash and I know I have to come home as soon as possible.

I badgered the embassy to send me home without a passport. Everyone wanted me to wait but I know Kyuhyun will be worried. I have to come back.”

Throughout his narration no one spoke, completely overwhelmed by the miracle that happened. But Kyuhyun had tensed up at the mention of Siwon’s injuries

“You are my lucky star, babe.” Siwon turned to smile at his beloved.

“Worried was an understatement. Kyu was in a very bad shape.” Jungsu said dryly.

Siwon frowned anxiously as he look at Kyuhyun, picking up the paleness of his face and lips, and the exhaustion under his eyes.

“I’m so sorry, baby.” Siwon apologised sincerely. “I know I should have taken better care of myself, I should have called first thing when I woke up, I ~”

Kyuhyun smiled as he shook his head. As long as he has his Siwon back safe and sound, he doesn’t begrudge anything. “Wonnie, I have something to tell you.”  He said shyly.

“What is it, baby?” Siwon can’t help feeling worried.

“We are going to have a baby...” Kyuhyun stutters nervously, voice faltering at the end from bashfulness.

Siwon froze. His eyes bulged as he stared at confused face before him. “Won? Did you hear~”

“OH.MY.GOD!!!” Siwon’s abrupt loud bark made everyone jumped. “You are sure, baby?!”

Kyuhyun nodded and lower his head to hide his reddened face, his hand his flat belly lovingly. Siwon turned and beamed proudly at all his friends and family. “Mom! Dad! We are going to have a baby!”

“Congratulations, son!” Mr Choi cheered. Mrs Choi dashed forward and embraced both boys in one sweep.

“Congratulations, my darlings!” She cried.

Heechul, Hyukjae and Donghae added their excited greetings to the noise and the room was an uproar. Everyone is saying something at the same time, Siwon’s grin was so big his face looks like it is cut in half, Kyuhyun just stared with a curious smile.

As the excitement died down, everyone realised that there are 3 men present who had not said a word.

Hyung….” Kyuhyun panicked. From the grim looks on his brothers’ faces, he anticipates unpleasantness. Unconsciously he pressed himself tighter into Siwon’s embrace.

Siwon saw the same grimness and came to the same conclusion but this time he isn’t going to let them ruin the joy of the moment. For his unborn child he is ready to fight eye and tooth for, unconsciously his body tensed ready to fight.

“Please…hyung…..” Kyuhyun bleated timidly as his brothers approached him. His haunted eyes broke Jungsu’s heart but nevertheless he forced himself to smile at his maknae.

“Congratulations kid, you are finally all grown up, going to be a parent soon.”

Hyung….” Grateful tears fell.

“You must take really good care of yourself, and bring us all a healthy baby to celebrate for.”


Kyuhyun is very annoyed.

It is the 4th day of his two weeks’ compulsory bed rest in the hospital.

“Doesn’t bed rest mean I get to sleep in as late as I want?” He grumbled at Siwon who is wearing this silly grin ever since he found out that he is going to be a father.

At daybreak, the nurses will poke and plod the deeply asleep Kyuhyun till he wakes up. They need to take his temperature, they need to check his vitals, they need to feed him breakfast.

“I think the nurses are just all in on this “irritation” business.” Kyuhyun grumbles some more and Siwon just kept grinning.

“Who’s side are you on?” Kyuhyun demands angrily, eyeing his husband dubiously.

“Your side, baby, yours.” Siwon replied in a soothing voice, patting the back of Kyuhyun’s hand like someone would try to placate a sullen child. Because really, a pregnant Kyuhyun is the world’s most ill-tempered child.

“Then go kick some at the nurse station for me.” Kyuhyun demanded again.

“Baby, you have to stop acting so violent. Our baby can hear you and feel your moods.”

Kyuhyun sighed. He didn’t really want to be so surly but he is so bored being confined to the bed all day. “Can you bring me out for a stroll in the garden, Wonnie?”

“I’ll bring you after the two weeks’ up.” Siwon comforts. “You have to stay very still for now.”

Kyuhyun pouts but he knows Siwon is right so he decide against arguing.

Siwon could see how miserable his lover is. “Do you want to play UNO, babe?”

“Not really. “ Kyuhyun replied looking preoccupied. “Wonnie, can you bring your pillow when you visit tomorrow?”

“My pillow? Sure, but why?” Siwon asks in surprise.

“I miss sleeping by your side. At least I have your pillow and your scent.” Kyuhyun said sadly.

“Awww…baby….” Siwon mutters, the smaller man’s sadness rubbing off him too.

And with this pregnancy Kyuhyun finally found out how non-negotiable Siwon can be if he wants to put his foot down seriously.

“But Wonnie ~” Kyuhyun whined.

“I mean it, baby. I forbid you to go back to work.”

“But what am I going to do till our baby’s ready to be delivered?”

“You rest.”


“And erm…..”

“I can’t knit, I can’t crochet, I can’t cook, what do you think I could do apart from sleeping all day?” Kyuhyun challenged.

Kyuhyun is also starting to find out how to get his way with his husband.

“But you need plenty of rest!” Siwon protests but he is no longer so confident.

Kyuhyun decides to try compromising now that Siwon’s demeanour has wavered.

“All I want to do is to clear off the work I have on hand. How about if I talk to my boss, if he would allow me to work from home? I will only leave the house if I have meetings to attend.”

Siwon still looked unconvinced.

“Give me 3 months. I will finish clearing up in 3 months.” Kyuhyun persuades. “Then I will stay at home to await our baby’s arrival.”

Siwon gave in. Kyuhyun is careful to hide his triumphant smile away from his sight. It will not help matters to goad at the defeated husband.

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Kooky1106 #1
Chapter 42: This was my perfect ascape story for the weekend... This was awesome and I enjoyed reading this within these 2 days... Your an awesome writter authornim <3
Kyured #2
Chapter 42: What a beautiful WonKyu story ^^ thanKyu authornim!
joannaxdiaz #3
Chapter 42: thank you for this story..
monshine #4
Chapter 42: Perfect one. :)
Chapter 42: Reading all of it again ^^
Luhma1817 #6
Chapter 42: I can only thank them for their work and for my fun
Angela17 #7
Chapter 42: Wow... I love this fic so much... 40 chaps didn't feel long at all...
Sometimes i felt sorry for Kyu's health and his child experience, but Siwon really pampered him a lot i even envied myself.. Lol..
Great story, i enjoy it so much.. Marathon read in 2 days of my holiday.. Yeay..
Anhyun #8
Chapter 18: what a nice dream :) :)
Anhyun #9
Chapter 17: baby kyuuuuuu....
you have 3 adorable brother :) :) :)
Anhyun #10
Chapter 16: owwww...
that's cute :) :)
they fall for each other :) :)