Love is better the second time around

Love is better the second time around

“Kyu!” Siwon reached the second floor landing and round the corner to the bathroom ready to kick the door in. He stopped short when he realised that the door is opened and there are two people inside. “Hyung?” 

“Welcome home, kid.” His hyung turned around with a distracted grin, in his hand a smallish turtle Siwon had not seen before. 

Kyuhyun is standing at the bathroom sink holding his left thumb. His face is ashen and he is breathing rapidly through his opened mouth. 

“What happened? What’s wrong?” Mr Choi demanded to know once he and his wife reached the doorway. 

“Sorry, Ddangkkomaeng is feeling snappish.” The older boy said with an embarrassed grin. 

Siwon realised instantly why his lover is so pale and silent. Pushing past his hyung, he went to him. Taking his injured finger gently and inspecting the wound. 

“I’m fine, really, it’s just a small bite.” Kyuhyun’s voice is a little shaky. 

“Oh, honey ~” Mrs Choi coos heartbreakingly. 

“I’m sorry for creating such a big commotion.” Kyuhyun smiled weakly while Siwon fusses over the bleeding wound. 

“We should go to a doctor, babe ~”  

“Oh my god! It’s you! You are the one I was looking for!” Siwon’s hyung’s loud shout cut him off. There is total silence in the tiny space as everyone stared at him. 

Hyung? What are you talking about?” Siwon asks dubiously as he watched him move closer still cuddling the turtle. Kyuhyun moved behind Siwon eyeing the unfriendly creature warily. Siwon turned slightly to shield Kyuhyun. “You met my hyung before?” he asked in surprise and Kyuhyun shook his head quickly.

“That smile! That beautiful smile! You are the one I’ve been looking for! The one whom I will give all my unconditional love to!” He declared earnestly. 

Siwon’s heart nearly leapt out of his mouth. His parents stared with their jaws dropped while Kyuhyun is struck dumb by the man holding the turtle trying to push his way around Siwon. The whole scene would have been funny under normal circumstances. 

“Erm…hyung…..Kyuhyun is mine.” Siwon tries to remain as patient as he could manage.  

“Huh?” A quick dart of an eye between Siwon’s forced grin and Kyuhyun’s wide-eyed horror. 

Hyung, I wrote you to tell you about Kyuhyun and me remember?” Siwon persists. 

“I see.” An absentmindedly murmur then the tiny man turned and make his way out of the bathroom hugging his prized turtle. His parents made way for him to pass and watch him go feeling rather mystified as they follow him out of the bathroom. 

Siwon let the stale breath he’s holding out of his lungs. He glanced at Kyuhyun who is still looking rather confused. “Let’s get your wound washed and treated.” He offers in his usual gentle manner. His lover did not reply so he led his thumb under the running tap and proceed to wash it gently. 

“He’s my hyung, Jongwoon.” Siwon explains as he rummaged the medicine cabinet for antiseptic cream. He is struggling to stay cheerful but Kyuhyun only nod mutely. “He’s a mad scientist type ever since we were kids. He burnt things down and I fixed them up again. That’s how he became the scientist and I became the engineer.” Siwon laughed and Kyuhyun graced him with a tight smile. 

A few moments of silence follows as Siwon concentrates on applying the cream and bandaging Kyuhyun’s finger. 

“Thank you, Won.” Kyuhyun said with a grateful smile. 

Siwon rests both arms on Kyuhyun’s shoulders. “Don’t worry too much, baby. My hyung is a genius at work but a really forgetful person in his personal life. He will forget what he said to you very soon. So don’t fret too much, okay?” Siwon reassures, leaning in to nuzzle the tip of his nose with Kyuhyun’s. The smaller man giggled as they share a quick kiss. 

“Let’s go downstairs.” 


Kyuhyun can’t help feeling apprehensive as Siwon took his hand and lead him back downstairs to the den. Luckily, Jongwoon is not there waiting with his parents. 

“How’s your wound, honey?” Mrs Choi asks worriedly as the two boys rejoined them. 

“It’s nothing really. Please don’t worry.” Kyuhyun replied with a soft smile. Siwon, who was watching him quietly, swooned in silence. 

Mr Choi cleared his throat abruptly. “Well, sorry about that, Kyuhyun. Our oldest can get a bit….cough….cough….he tends to over react a lot since he was a kid. At one point of time, we thought he will become an actor when he grows up.” Loud uncomfortable laughter from Mr Choi and Mrs Choi joined in. 

“Please, don’t feel put out. It’s really alright.” Kyuhyun assures sincerely again. 

“You are a really kind boy, Kyuhyun.” Mr Choi replied appreciatively and Kyuhyun blushed agan. 

“Well, what are you boys planning to do this afternoon?’ Mrs Choi asked quickly to diffuse the awkward situation. 

“I was thinking of letting Kyuhyun take a nap while I help mom in the kitchen.” Siwon grinned. “It was a long journey from Seoul and Kyuhyun hasn’t recover completely from the operation yet.” 

“Sounds like a plan.” Mr Choi agrees. 

“I’ll do some baking too then since Wonnie is here to help.” Mrs Choi said cheerfully. 

“That’s okay with you, babe?” Siwon asks and Kyuhyun nodded. He is feeling lethargic and is grateful for a chance to rest. “I’ll show you to our room then.” 

“Please excuse me.” Kyuhyun stood up and bow before following Siwon out of the room. 

Once they are up the stairs and out of earshot, Siwon pulled Kyuhyun into his arms and they hugged on the empty landing. “How are you doing so far?” He asked his lover who is busy snuggling into his embrace. 

“I like your family.” Came the muffled reply. 

“Even my hyung?’ Siwon asks in surprise. 

“Even him.” Kyuhyun chuckles as he burrows into Siwon’s chest and inhale his scent to calm himself down. The taller man managed to laugh too at the reply. 

“You must be exhausted though.” 


“Shall I carry you into the room?” 

“I would like that.” 

Siwon bends his knees and slip his arms under and around the slim body. Kyuhyun lay back against his chest as he allows himself to be carried in and lay onto the bed. 

“Night, Wonnie….” He mutters drowsily as Siwon pull the covers around him and tuck him in tight. A chaste kiss on his forehead and he is out like a light. 

He did not know how long he slept but as the darkness gradually dispels and he is ready to wake up, the first thing he felt was goosebumps up his arms. Someone else is in the room with him, he’s sure of that. Prying open his eyes reluctantly, he had to fight to stop himself from yelping out loud. 

Jongwoon is perched on the bed next to him cuddling another larger sized turtle. The intensity of his stare scares him. 

“You’re awake.” Jongwoon states with a sudden smile so sincere it took the edge off the darkness in his eyes. 

‘Y-yes.” Kyuhyun replied as he pushed himself up into the sitting position. He gave Siwon’s hyung a nervous smile. 

“This is Ddangkkoming. He wanted to see for himself how beautiful you are.” Jongwoon said with a grin. Kyuhyun smiled nervously again as he glanced at the turtle with the “can’t care less” look on its amphibian face.  

Wow, he has really small hands! Kyuhyun thought to himself when he took notice of the hand the turtle’s head. 

“So you are my Siwonnie’s boyfriend.” Jongwoon asks abruptly and Kyuhyun could only nod dumbly. 

“He loves you as much as you love him?” Another impertinent question and a dumb nod. 

“You will not consider giving me a chance to love you?”  

What kind of a question is this? Kyuhyun groaned inwardly but he did not respond. Still, Jongwoon seems to know the answer and lower his head dejectedly. 

“Si-Siwon proposed.” Kyuhyun spoke up at last, pushing his proposal ring bounded hand to Jongwoon for him to see. 

The look of dejection took on a look of extreme grief. With a heavy sigh, Jongwoon looked up. “Congratulations.” 

“Thank you…” 

“As always, I am late again.” Jongwoon grinned sadly as he stood up. 

“Congratulations to you both, you are lucky to have found each other.” Jongwoon mutters dully as he walked towards the door and opened it. Before stepping out, he turned. “I mean it. You two are made for each other.” 

And then he was gone. 

Kyuhyun breathed a sigh of relief. What was that all about? 

A mad scientist of a brother and a cheesy junior….at least the parents are normal. 

Kyuhyun chuckles silently to himself at those thoughts. He love Siwon, he love his family too. He wonders casually if Siwon feels the same about his three hyungs

Probably not. I’m pretty sure they intimidate him. I’ll have to speak to Jungsu hyung, Kangin hyung and Wookie hyung.

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Kooky1106 #1
Chapter 42: This was my perfect ascape story for the weekend... This was awesome and I enjoyed reading this within these 2 days... Your an awesome writter authornim <3
Kyured #2
Chapter 42: What a beautiful WonKyu story ^^ thanKyu authornim!
joannaxdiaz #3
Chapter 42: thank you for this story..
monshine #4
Chapter 42: Perfect one. :)
Chapter 42: Reading all of it again ^^
Luhma1817 #6
Chapter 42: I can only thank them for their work and for my fun
Angela17 #7
Chapter 42: Wow... I love this fic so much... 40 chaps didn't feel long at all...
Sometimes i felt sorry for Kyu's health and his child experience, but Siwon really pampered him a lot i even envied myself.. Lol..
Great story, i enjoy it so much.. Marathon read in 2 days of my holiday.. Yeay..
Anhyun #8
Chapter 18: what a nice dream :) :)
Anhyun #9
Chapter 17: baby kyuuuuuu....
you have 3 adorable brother :) :) :)
Anhyun #10
Chapter 16: owwww...
that's cute :) :)
they fall for each other :) :)