Love is better the second time around

Love is better the second time around


“You are 6 weeks’ pregnant.”

He stared blankly at the doctor. The words reached him; they just didn’t make any sense.

Even as he made his way out of the hospital, he is still feeling cold and numbed.

What kind of joke is this?

His feet faltered slightly as he staggers towards the exit. 

First he lost his love because he will never be able to carry a child for him. And now he is all alone, he suddenly has a life growing within him? The doctor was exhilarated to be part of this miracle but it sure did not feel anything like that to Kyuhyun.

At least that explains all that vomiting in the morning for the past week, and the fatigue, and general sense of unwell.

His mind is still rolling and crashing with turmoil, his eyes trained on the automatic doors as if the moment he made it through them he will wake up from this terrible nightmare. Dragging his heavy feet, he is vaguely aware that the air around him is gradually turning too thick to breathe.

The automatic doors sprung open and a man walked in. He is very tall, and very fit. He turned his head left then right before deciding to walk forward towards the bank of elevators. He couldn’t help taking notice of the young man walking towards him. Very pale, to the point of sickly actually, with a very beautiful face, and a lithe body complete with long slender arms and legs that went on forever.

As they brush past each other, the taller man felt a tight grasp on his arm. He turned slightly due to the sudden jerk in time to see the sickly looking young man crumple. Reflexively he reached out to hold the falling body. Weighted down by the sudden movement, he sat down heavily onto the tiled floor still holding the unconscious man in his hands.

“Hey, are you all right!?” He asks loudly, tapping a cold cheek with concern. The closed eyes opened slightly to look at him then close again as the body sagged against his chest.


Kyuhyun opened his eyes tentatively. The white blur that is the ceiling cleared and he turned his head slightly to the left and right to take in the room he is in. He remembered clearly that he fainted in the hospital lobby so it is no surprise to him that he is in a hospital bed now. 

“Welcome back, Mr Cho.” A female voice filled with amusement called to him and he turned towards it. It is a nurse looking at him with a kind smile. “How are you feeling?”

“I feel dizzy.” He mutters thickly closing his eyes against the slightly spinning room.

“I’ll get the doctor for you.” The nurse offered and left.

He recalls the face he glanced at briefly before darkness consumed him totally. Something about it made his heart raced a little harder. Nothing unpleasant though, it felt nice.

“Mr Cho?” He opens his eyes again at the voice calling him. It’s the doctor. He’s reading the medical chart intently. “All your tests came back fine. You probably fainted from stress.”

You have no idea…..he bit back a snarky reply.

“Is there someone you can call to see you home?” The doctor asks and he shook his head mutely. “Then we must keep you here for the night. You need rest and it’s not advisable for you to leave alone in your condition.”

Condition? Oh yes, I’m pregnant. He thought bitterly.

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Kooky1106 #1
Chapter 42: This was my perfect ascape story for the weekend... This was awesome and I enjoyed reading this within these 2 days... Your an awesome writter authornim <3
Kyured #2
Chapter 42: What a beautiful WonKyu story ^^ thanKyu authornim!
joannaxdiaz #3
Chapter 42: thank you for this story..
monshine #4
Chapter 42: Perfect one. :)
Chapter 42: Reading all of it again ^^
Luhma1817 #6
Chapter 42: I can only thank them for their work and for my fun
Angela17 #7
Chapter 42: Wow... I love this fic so much... 40 chaps didn't feel long at all...
Sometimes i felt sorry for Kyu's health and his child experience, but Siwon really pampered him a lot i even envied myself.. Lol..
Great story, i enjoy it so much.. Marathon read in 2 days of my holiday.. Yeay..
Anhyun #8
Chapter 18: what a nice dream :) :)
Anhyun #9
Chapter 17: baby kyuuuuuu....
you have 3 adorable brother :) :) :)
Anhyun #10
Chapter 16: owwww...
that's cute :) :)
they fall for each other :) :)