Chapter 23

Double Love triangle

Hyosung POV

Yongguk brought me home.. we didn't say anything..
I was crying the whole time, i was really in shock..
I never saw this side of him...
What was wrong with him? Why didnt he want to tell me what was wrong?
We arrived at my home, yongguk went immediately to the kitchen for some ice for his face..
He came back to the living room and siad: "did it happen for real?"
I nodded. He came next to me and he hugged..  i appreciate it,, his hug was really nice...only thing i did was crying...

Yongguk POV

She cried the whole time.. it really hurted me...
What was wrong with himchan?
I'm gonna ask him later.. i was still hugging hyosung, and she still cried..
Suddenly she asked while sniffing "c..can you t.text jieun and sunhwa.. a..about t..this.
Me"neh" i texted them what happed,, and in no time sunhwa texted back"im gonna kill that guy, omw to him"
I said to Hyosung "uhm i better didnt say to sunhwa, she is going to him now"
She" omg no, that kid will kill him"
Me"iknow,, should we stop her? "
She "we can try, but she wont listen,,,"
Me "true, let her do her thing"
She "neh" and she kinda laughed
Me "ah, you finally laugh"
She "neh,, because i see everything happening already, its kinda funny"
Me" yeah i get what you mean"
I looked at her, and my heart started beating faster. She was damn pretty,, she looked at me and smiled"
I wiped of her tears.I dont know , but i said "saranghae"
She" uhm what"
Me"well uhm,, the girl at the bar i liked,,, that is uhmm.."
She"thats me , right?"
Me: "mmh neh..."
She"but why didnt you tell anyone?"
Me" because you were with himchand, and if he would find out,,, then he 'd get angry, just like today"
She "but, if  he didnt know, why would he become angry? are you sure, no one knows"
Me"well, only sooyoung know, but she wouldnt tell anyone...iguess"
She" mmh , sunhwa will find out soon, so we will know then"
I laughed "she is our private detective"
She"yeah" and she smiled again..
And it became silence...
We were still looking at eachother, i lent towards her and she also came closer... 
My heart started beating faster and faster.. finally i touched her lips, and my heart stopped..
Wauw, she had the most soft lips ever, and it tasted well.. we were like a minute like this,, but suddenly she pushed me away...
She looked a bit shocked.. she stuttered "i uhm.. this cant be,, im sorry,,, i,, wanna rest now,, so please leave now"
Me"im sorry, i didnt ment to.." i stood up, and walked away... and went to the car ... wow.. what happend? 

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jiosne #1
Chapter 27: dont make himchan with seohyun! Make hyochan together T_T
natalaki #2
Chapter 27: i wanted to say himchan
natalaki #3
Chapter 27: please update soon i want to know if hyosung break up with himachan...
ichiru #4
Chapter 24: oh...please don't break up...want hyosung be with himchan...
smonkey #5
will do it soon!
KamiliaBBC #6
smonkey #7
soon keke
when is SooYoung appearing?
ichiru #9
wish someone will appear and claim that he like hyosung a lot...let see what himchan will do...he he (my imagination)
ichiru #10
so quick huh..?i like it...
update more...!!!!