Chapter 16

Double Love triangle


Sunhwa POV

It was 6pm, I finished my work. I was worried about Hyosung. She isn’t like this, if she’s sick she will say… I called her for 1000 times but she didn’t pick up. Not even a minute later she text: “can you come to the hospital? “
I immediately went, and asked the reception: “ where is Jeon Hyosung?”
They brought me to the room. I opened the door, she was laying in the bed. She had a bandage around her head and leg. I looked at her face and saw her crying. I walked to her and asked: “what happened?”
She stared outside and said: “I was in an accident, I cant remember at all.”
I shocked “is it really bad?”
She: “neh.. I am not able to walk again” and she started crying again.
I huged her and sad: “aigooo, im sorry, I uhm… mianhe, I don’t know what to say”
She wiped off her tears, and smiled a little: “its okay, youre like this, you never know what to say, or you say stupid things”
Me: “iknow, mianhe”
She smiled: “Its okay,,, Can you do a favor for me?”
Me: “neh what is it?”
She: “I had a meeting with himchan and yongguk, but I cant go there, can you tell him I couldn’t make it, cause I needed to work till late,, don’t say anything about this”
Me: “arasseo I will lie then”
She: “but you need to go now to favorite bar”
Me: “Neh, see you soon, don’t worry to much” I hugged her and went to our place.

When I arrived Himchan already sat there. When he saw me he asked: “whats up”
Me: “just being a messager, Hyosung couldn’t make it tonight, she need to work longer”
He: “ah, I will go there”
Me: “ani, you cant, cause today there is an inspection, if she get disturbed, she will get fired”
He: “since when is that”
Me: “I don’t know either”
Suddenly I got a message from Hyosung: “yah , come quickly back please, if youre done”
I said to himchan: “I need to go again, byebye”
He: “neh, bye”
I went outside and saw Yongguk.
He knew when I was sad or in shock or something, so he asked: “whats wrong”
Me:”Hyosung is in the hospital, she was in an accident. She cant make it tonight, so I told himchan, but I lied about it, so don’t tell himchan, just act like you don’t know anything”
He: wow, neh, arasseo, is she okay
Me: “yes she is okay, and thanks, I need to hurry now, see you later bye”
He: “byebye”
I went to Hyosung again, this time she smiled.
Me: Waeguraeo
She: Those idiots in the hospital made a huge mistake, I broke my leg, but later I am able to walk!”
She laughed: “neh, I get you, yah babo, can you do one more favor, can you stay with me, im bored otherwise”
Me: “arasseo, I’ll stay till you fall asleep”
She: “gomaweo”



Yongguk POV

Eventhough I didn’t met Hyosung, I was worried. I was hoping nothing was wrong with her.
I saw himchan sitting there. I acted like I didn’t knew anything, im a bad friend, but I also made a promise…
I asked: “when will your girl come”
He: “she couldn’t make it, she had to work, you’ll meet another time”
Me: “aigo to bad, I wanted to meet her, I wanna know how she looks like”
He: “ah, she is y, and she has a y body too
Me: “nice to know,, yah did you see her body already?”
He: “yah hyung, you wold do the same, when you’ve a girlfriend”
Me: “but not the first day”and I started lauging
He: “talking about it, how’s your lovelife, do you have a chick? “
Me: “mmh, can I ask you something?”
He: “yesh ofcourse hyung, whats it?”
Me: “is it possible to fall in love with a person you never talked with? I mean, there is a girl, I see her every Saturday in a bar, and I already fell for her, even though I didn’t speak with her. I don’t know her name either”
He: “ah yeah, love at first sight… its possible”
Me: “ah neh, I didn’t see that girl today, and I missed her already”
He: “next time, ask her name and number”
Me: “arasseo I will,, but uhm, tell me more about Hyosung”
He: “I don’t know what to say, just meet her next time, you’ll see yourself”
Me: “arasseo”


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jiosne #1
Chapter 27: dont make himchan with seohyun! Make hyochan together T_T
natalaki #2
Chapter 27: i wanted to say himchan
natalaki #3
Chapter 27: please update soon i want to know if hyosung break up with himachan...
ichiru #4
Chapter 24: oh...please don't break up...want hyosung be with himchan...
smonkey #5
will do it soon!
KamiliaBBC #6
smonkey #7
soon keke
when is SooYoung appearing?
ichiru #9
wish someone will appear and claim that he like hyosung a lot...let see what himchan will do...he he (my imagination)
ichiru #10
so quick huh..?i like it...
update more...!!!!