Chapter 10

Double Love triangle

2 months has passed

Himchan and Seohyun were really happy togheter.
Jieun and Sunhwa still hated seohyun, but she forgived oppa because Hyosung said.
Sunhwa actually didn't but she forced herself to.
Himchan wanted to suprise Seohyun, because they were 2months togheter. But suddenly seohyun dissapeard.



This is a short chapter, but i like to tease kekek. There will come more (:


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jiosne #1
Chapter 27: dont make himchan with seohyun! Make hyochan together T_T
natalaki #2
Chapter 27: i wanted to say himchan
natalaki #3
Chapter 27: please update soon i want to know if hyosung break up with himachan...
ichiru #4
Chapter 24: oh...please don't break up...want hyosung be with himchan...
smonkey #5
will do it soon!
KamiliaBBC #6
smonkey #7
soon keke
when is SooYoung appearing?
ichiru #9
wish someone will appear and claim that he like hyosung a lot...let see what himchan will do...he he (my imagination)
ichiru #10
so quick huh..?i like it...
update more...!!!!