Chapter 20

Double Love triangle

Sooyoung POV

So that girl was Hyosung ...... 
i should hate her, but she's too kind and she is pretty, so i know why yongguk likes her.
But still, why doesn't he like me? He's my best friend, but i've also a crush on him.
I try to get attention from him, but he only has his eyes for her unfortunately.. Maybe im a bad friend, but right now i feel really jealous.
I was thiking like thise the whole time, till Sunhwa and Jieun suddenly said: "we're going"
They left, and it became akward, at least for me it became akward.
She suddenly said: "do you have a boyfriend"
Me: "Aniyo, but i llike someone, but he already likes someone else.. what about you?"
She: "is it posible i know that person? and yes i have a boyfriend"
Wait what did she say? she has already one? Does yongguk knows that too? Omg i still have a chance then.
So i said: "ah thats nice, whats his name? "
She: "himchan"
Me: "jinjja? he already told me he had a gf, but he never told me the name"
She: "thats funny, and weird, we hang out with same people, but we never met eachother"
Me: "yeah, iknow"
She: "but still, tell me, whats the name of your crush? "'
I didnt know if i must say it but i deceided to say: 'Yongguk"
She: "ahh, thats nice, but just like you said, he likes someone else unfortunately"
Me: "what do you know? "
She: "nothing much, he only said he liked someone who works in same workplace as me, but he didnt want to tell the name"
Me: "ah okay"
i didnt know if i must say it or not,, i guess i should say it later"
She: "do you know? "
MeL "aniyo, he didnt want to tell me either"
She"ah okay"
And there was a silence, she looked her watch and said"its 1AM, i should sleep"
Me" arasseo goodnight"
Few minutes later she already fell asleep..
.I grabbed my phone and texted to Yongguk "yah, you know she had a boyfriend, and he is also your bestfriend?" 
He respond immediately: "ara,  what to do?"
Me"forget her"
He:" i cant, she's too kind"
Me: "she is, but she also breaks your heart"
He: "ara,... im gonna sleep, goodnight"
Aishhh that kid is too good for her, idont know why, but i fell really jealous... why does he like her, and not me?
I guess, i needed to sleep now....

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jiosne #1
Chapter 27: dont make himchan with seohyun! Make hyochan together T_T
natalaki #2
Chapter 27: i wanted to say himchan
natalaki #3
Chapter 27: please update soon i want to know if hyosung break up with himachan...
ichiru #4
Chapter 24: oh...please don't break up...want hyosung be with himchan...
smonkey #5
will do it soon!
KamiliaBBC #6
smonkey #7
soon keke
when is SooYoung appearing?
ichiru #9
wish someone will appear and claim that he like hyosung a lot...let see what himchan will do...he he (my imagination)
ichiru #10
so quick huh..?i like it...
update more...!!!!