Holding Hands.

It's a story!


“Really? We’re going to SHINee’s concert?” Sarra asked as she raised her eyebrows. Hangeng nodded his head. The girls then suddenly started bouncig and cheering around!

“But there’s no ticket for you guys.” Kyuhyun explained. “You have to go practice for the next few days after school.” “Bwoh? What do we need to pratice and what do you mean that there’s no tickets for us but we are going to SHINee’s concert? Explain oppa! ” Splitz said as she tugged in Yesung’s shirt.

“You guys will have to go as their backup dancer.” Lee Teuk said. “Practice starts next Monday for three hours after school. It will be at the dance room downstairs”

The girls then looked at one another, “But what about after school classes?” Xin asked her oppa. “Then you wouldn’t have to go!” “Hooray! Best news everrrrrrrrr~” Splitz shouted.

The girls grinned and head to bed. They were all excited as they exit the school the next afternoon. “I heard that SHINee is going to pick us up before we head home.” Sarra squealed.

“Jinja?” Xin asked. I can’t wait to see Taemin! She thought deeply. Moments later, a van arrived. As it was raining heavily, they ran from the shelter to the van.

“Hey girls!” Minho said once they got on. Seeing Xin all wet, Taemin took a few towels and passed it around. He helped Xin to dry herself up. Xin blushed when Taemin cleaned her face. “Why is your cheek so red?” Taemin asked her. “Are you sick?”

“Ani.” Xin shook her head. “She’s just shy.” Splitz said. Xin kicked her. Jam started giggling along with Sarra.

SHINee members went to the dance practice room while the girls changed out of their uniforms. They went back down quickly after.

“We had a good practice today.” Diva key said after all the practice is over. The girls were all sprawled on the practice room floor. “I need some ice cream.” Splitz said. “Now I know why oppa bought sleeping bags the other and left them in the practice room.”

“Why? Is it because if they slept upstairs in their own rooms, they will stink it up?” Jjong said. Sarra giggled, “No. It’s because they are too tired.” I wished we had our practice room together with our dorms too.” Minho said. “How about raise four sisters? Probably we will get a dorm like that too.” Key said as he looked at the girls.

“Let’s go! I will treat you guys ice cream!” Onew then said. The girls immediately shot up and ran up to the main door to put on their shoes.

“Are you sure it’s okay if you go out with us like that?” Taemin asked them, while looking at Xin. “They can’t bear to kill us.” Splitz said as she grab onto Jjong’s hands. “Yeah, they love us too much.” Jam said as she tried to catch up with Key. Sarra just kept quiet walking behind them with Minho. “They are always like that aye?” Minho asked her. Sarra spaced out of a moment and then smiled. Sarra didn’t feel like talking that much, so she nodded her head. “You’re different you know?” Minho then said. “That’s what I liked about you.” 

“What flavour would you want to have?” Onew asked them when they got to the ice cream parlor. “Strawberry!” Taemin and Xin said at the same time. They looked at each other and smiled. The rest of them ordered their ice cream and we managed to find a sit at the ice cream parlor. 

Some fans recognized SHINee and came over to ask for autographs. They sat there for awhile and talked about their oppas. It was late when they decided to head home.

“Omo. It’s so cold.” Xin complaint as they walked back to their dorm. Upon hearing that, Taemin held Xin’s hand all of a sudden. Xin blushed and walked side by side with him. “Look at my hand,” Key told Jam. Jam lifted her finger and pointed to the cut. “You mean this?” Jam asked him. “Yeah,” Key replied her and quickly grabbed her hand. Jam then said, “Don’t beat about the bush.” They held hands and walked towards the dorm. 

“Are you cold?” Minho asked Sarra. Sarra shook her head. They walked quietly side by side and enjoyed one another’s company. “Look what I have!” Jjong said as he lifted it up. “Why do you need a coupe glove?” Splitz asked him with a questioned look on her face. “A fan gave this to me.” Jjong told her. “Are you cold?” He asked. 

Splitz nodded her head and took the couple glove from him. She put her both hands through it and walked on her own. “YAH!” Jjong shouted, “You don’t wear it like this.” He said as he took the glove away from her. “But I like it like this.” Splitz ignored him and just walked home. Suddenly, Jjong put his arm through her and walked by the side of her. A car then screeched to a stop in front of them. “YAH!” Key shouted back at the car. Lee Teuk came down the car and look at them.

“Aish,” Lee Teuk said as he scratched his hair. “You guys are supposed to be practicing and not dating.” He snatched Xin’s hand away from Taemin. Yesung, Kyuhyun and Hangeng then stared at the rest of the members. Feeling frightened, Key, Jonghyun and Minho then took 10 steps away from them.

“Oppa!” Xin then said. “Why are you like that to them? We were just feeling cold and they were taking care of us.” “Then you guys shouldn’t have left the house.” Lee Teuk said. “But we wanted to have ice cream after practice and Onew was gonna treat us.” Splitz told the oppas. “Any case, you guys can’t go out without letting us know.” Yesung then said while holding on to Splitz. The girls knew that it was time to bid goodbye to the SHINee members. 

They went up to give each of them a hug. “Remember there’s no practice tomorrow!” Key shouted before they left. The girls then got up the van. “You’ve got some explanation to do.” They shrugged and walk into their room. The house calmed down moments after when the lights went out.

“Hurry up. We have to go now or we will be late!” Xin hurried them as they prepare their stuffs and changed into their attire. The attire consists of a black long sleeve top, black shoes, black pants/skirts and a black headband.

Who knows, something interesting is going to happen. 


Hello all, thanks for subscribing. I hope you guys like the story. And give me feedback on them if possible. Thank you. 

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blastoise #1
Awesome haha
koreankendi #2
Done reading!! ^_^<br />
Me likey!!!!
vikKiBeoMin #3
<br />
anyway, love your story!<br />
imma read the sequel! ;p
kaytbear3 #5
aww cute ending for all of them!!! too bad the story is done tho, it would be nice to have a sequal or just more chapters but its your story so you can end it however.<br />
o yeah i forgot.... I LOVED THE STORY!!!! IT WAS SOO ADORABLE!!!!!!!
:O!!!!!!! XD I WISH THIS IS LIKE REAL!!! we need hankyung back :[ oppa..... ;w;
O.O :D xD omg update that bridge chapter is making me wanna scream xD from eagerness ;) I love it update soon hwaiting
:O it says u updated but chu didnt o.o
:O HWAITING XIN :O i hope its gonna b ike usual >.< i think shes gonna feel sad if they treat her mroe special than others D:
:O teukie oppa dun cry </3 D: both of u don't deserve to get punished DX update soon!!