
It's a story!



“Damn it key.” Jam said. “Don’t do this here.” Key closed the door behind him. “Ugh, I can’t wait anymore. I’ve got to do it!” Key then said. “But, people walk pass here all the time, and it’s going to be pretty noisy.” Jam tried to argue back. “My patience has reached it’s limit.” Key then said. 


After 5 minutes, Key walked out from behing the pillar and saw Xin there in a wheelchair. He scratched his head and mumbled, “There’s something wrong with me.” He turned back and pulled Jam out. “Ugh, I’m trying to straighten my clothes diva!” Jam spat. Key pointed to Xin hoping that Jam will understand what he wanted her to know. After Jam was done tidying her clothes, she looked at what Key was pointing too and screamed. 

Panicking, Xin quickly pushed herself towards Jam and covered . Key wanted to get away from this mess and he quickly tried to escape. But too bad, Xin caught him before he was able to run. 

“Missed me?” Xin let go of them and said as she smiled from ear to ear. It was only when Key promised to not breathe a sound of Xin’s presence that Xin let him go while Jam stayed for some girl talk with her. 

“How have you been baby?” Jam asked her . Xin shrugged. “Come on,” Xin tugged Jam and said, “Tell me what has happened so far.” “I though Sarra would have told you,” Jam replied Xin, “Yeah.” Xin mumbled, “But she didn’t do a detailed one.” “Alright, alright.” Jam told Xin and started telling her what happened. 

Two weeks ago, 

Her phone vibrated at two am. At two ing am! She was so pissed, as she was very tired that day after going for gymnastic class with Sarra and Splitz. She looked over to the beds beside her and saw Sarra hiding under the blanket while Splitz was sprawled on the bed with her arms and legs opened up. She look ahead to the other bed and saw it empty. Xin. She thought as she reached out to grab her phone from her side desk. She clicked the button on top of her iPhone and saw a message, 

Go on a date with me. –Key 

Ugh. What’s wrong with you texting people at 2am? – Jam

Missed you, that’s why. So will you go on a date with me? – Key

For goodness sake diva, no one text a girl and ask her out at this god damn hour. – Jam

Well, there are people who do that. And that’s me! So are you gonna go or not? – key

Jam stared at her phone. How am I going to convince oppa that I can go? She thought for a really long time until she fell asleep. “Yah! Wake up!” Kyuhyun barged into their bedroom that morning and woke the girls up for school. The girls mumbled and dragged themselves out of bed and to the bathroom. “Your phone kept vibrating.” Splitz passed Jam her phone. “It’s so annoying.” She walked away to put on her uniform after that. 

Yes or No? – key

Its my first time asking a person out. Tell me yes please. – Key 

Do you need a reason to come? – Key

Are you afraid that your Kyuhyun hyung might not allow you to go? – Key

I think you fell asleep. Annyeong Jammie. – Key

Good morning! Are you going to school today? – Key

You have lunch at 4th period right? Let’s eat together. I made some food for you. – Key

Don’t be late! – Key

Seriously, What’s with this guy. Jam thought as she typed a reply and sent it to him furiously. 

Arraso. Why are you so naggy like an umma? – Jam

That’s what they all call the diva. See ya later! – Key

Jam smiled to her phone and went to the breakfast table to have her breakfast. That morning started sweetly, and with Sungmin oppa’s most famous pancakes with maple syrup. That day just top Jam’s favourite day of year 2010. 

During lunch, Jam excused herself by telling Splitz and Sarra that she would have to go to the library to check out some books. She then secretly met up with Key at the back garden of the school instead. 

“This is yours.” Key said as he handed her a bento set with a pair of chopsticks on top of it. The bento was packed with sushi, mango salad, rice and some tempura. Jam’s mouth turned from a simple smile to a small o. “You woke up in the morning to make this?” Jam asked Key shockingly. “Not really I made it last night and reheated it in the morning.” Key said as Jam broke her chopstick into two. “Yah~” Jam said as he hit Key playful on his shoulder. 

Key looked at Jam for a moment and smiled. Seeing Jam’s hair falling off from the side, he hesitently push them back behind the ear for her. Jam’s face blushed. Key quickly broke off the awkwardness by asking Jam to go ahead with her lunch. When Jam was about to dug into her food, she turned and looked at Key. “I’ll go on a date with you.” Jam said. “Chinja?!” Key asked her being overjoyed. “But you’ll have to explain to my oppa.” Jam mumbled. “I will!” Key said excitedly, “Now eat your lunch.” Key grinned like a child who has just receieved a packet of sweets and begin planning the date in his mind while he watched Jam eat her lunch and he ate his at the same time. For a guy, don’t you think he is awesome at multitasking? 

4pm. Han river. 10/10/2010. I’ll see you then. – Key

Jam grinned from ear to ear when she read that message during her geography class. “Is Vietnam the capital of Thailand?” The teacher asked the class. “Jam?” Jam looked up at the teacher immediately as the teacher looked at her hoping for an answer. “Deh~” Jam said after awhile. The whole class burst into laughter as Jam’s face turned red. “Vietnam is the capital of Thailand?” The teacher asked her the question again. Seeing as what the question was, Jam’s hands immediately covered her face as she pulled the chair to sit down. Omg. I feel like hiding. She thought. 

Four days later~ 

“Good luck Jam!” Splitz told her before she left the house. Jam grinned and smiled at her while Sarra came over and gave Jam a good luck hug. 

Good luck baby girl! – Xin 

As Jam was about to type a reply, her phone vibrated again. 

See you soon! ☺ - Key 

She smiled to herself as she typed a quickly reply to Xin and stepped out of the house and towards her destination.


Hello all~ I'm feeling so happy that exam is over and school's out for me! I've been kinda busy doing some catching up with dramas that I've missed. And I'm glad that I can continue writing even though the story . :/ Thanks for reading still and I look forward to the comments that you give me. Thank you. ✌

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blastoise #1
Awesome haha
koreankendi #2
Done reading!! ^_^<br />
Me likey!!!!
vikKiBeoMin #3
<br />
anyway, love your story!<br />
imma read the sequel! ;p
kaytbear3 #5
aww cute ending for all of them!!! too bad the story is done tho, it would be nice to have a sequal or just more chapters but its your story so you can end it however.<br />
o yeah i forgot.... I LOVED THE STORY!!!! IT WAS SOO ADORABLE!!!!!!!
:O!!!!!!! XD I WISH THIS IS LIKE REAL!!! we need hankyung back :[ oppa..... ;w;
O.O :D xD omg update that bridge chapter is making me wanna scream xD from eagerness ;) I love it update soon hwaiting
:O it says u updated but chu didnt o.o
:O HWAITING XIN :O i hope its gonna b ike usual >.< i think shes gonna feel sad if they treat her mroe special than others D:
:O teukie oppa dun cry </3 D: both of u don't deserve to get punished DX update soon!!