
It's a story!


Ever since Xin left for the hospital, Sarra became uneasy easily. She gets scared and tend to mumble to herself. “Dongsaeng ah!” She heard Hangeng called her from the kitchen. She cleared her stuff on her table and went to see what her oppa wanted. 

“Shredded chicken and egg porridge.” Hangeng said as he left the bowl on the dinning table. It was only Hangeng and Sarra at home that very afternoon. Jam and Splitz had to help in some school event and the rest of the oppas had schedules to go to.

“But, I have no appetite oppa.” Sarra mumbled to Hangeng. Just have a little okay, I’ll then bring you out shopping. He messed her hair. Sarra nodded and started eating her porridge. Hangeng looked at her, She resembles mum a lot. He thought hard to himself. He then smiled when Sarra looked up at him. Sarra left the dinning table and went to change. Hangeng cleared the food and prepared to go out. 

It’s been so long since oppa has spent time with me. Sarra thought. She slipped her hands into her oppa’s as they strolled the shopping centre. People often mistook them as couple, but they didn’t deny. They were slibings, they were best friends. They only had each other left in the whole world, and they treasured every single moment together. 

Talking about best friends, Sarra thought. Is Xin okay? Sarra knew where Xin was but none of them talked about her ever since she left. Lee Teuk has been feeling a little guilty and hasn’t slept or ate well. He has called his parents a couple of times and they ensured him that she’s fine. If not, he would tend to overwork and fall sick. Sarra, Splitz and Jam have been sneaking out late at night to go visit her some of the times. They haven’t had a chance to talk to her yet. Everytime they walk into the room, they see a pale girl laying on the bed curled up with the needle in her hand smiling away in her dreamland, unicorn land as Splitz would say. 

“SARRA! SARRA!” Hangeng called her as he waved his hand in front of her face. Sarra jerked and then looked at Hangeng. “Fans found out I’m here.” He told her. “We better walk towards a different direction, I don’t want you to get hurt.” Sarra nodded. Super Junior has been getting famous lately and their fans has somehow gone crazier. Hangeng squeezed her hand one last time as he walked towards the North exit of the shopping mall. Just nice. Sarra thought as she walked towards the direction of the hospital. 

She pushed the door of Xin’s room slowly and let the smell of the chlorine take over her senses. Xin was in her white hospital gown propped up against the bed frame. She smiled weakly when she saw Sarra entering the room. Xin closed the magazine with Super Junior on the cover and waved at Sarra. 

“Hey,” Xin said. Sarra went over and gave her a slight squeeze. “I missed you,” Sarra murmured. “Me too.” Xin said. Sarra took a seat by Xin and gave her a rundown of the events that happened lately. “It has only been a month, is there a lot of things that happened?” Xin asked Sarra. Sarra nodded her head as she began telling Xin what had happened. 

“Jam and Key just started dating a week ago. And they have been inseperateable ever since. Splitz and Jonghyun are like best friends. Ya know about her cray cray personality. Only Jonghyun can actually stand her. Beast has barely been in school ever since their album has been released lately and I heard they are having their first solo concert soon. After SHINee World concert, SHINee has been taking a break, which tells us that they finally have to time to date.” Sarra said, as she took a deep breath. “What about you?” Xin urged. “Minho?” 

Sarra blushed. “I’m starting to open up to him more often now. He is very nice.” She then said. “Omo! Start dating already!” Xin nudged her. “How have you been Xin?” Sarra asked her trying to change the subject. Xin shrugged. “Just the same. Except that I’m going for a dangerous operation soon.” Xin looked at Sarra, “And probably I’d need people to donate blood to me.” 

“How’s Lee Teuk oppa?” Xin then asked, “Is he still mad at me?” She asked Sarra. Sarra sighed and said. “Of course not, he calls and talk to your parents and asks about you all the time.” Sarra then told her. “Don’t you think is time to let Lee Teuk Oppa know about this?” Sarra watched her. Xin turned around and asked Sarra to take her photobook for her. “It’s almost done.” Xin whispered. I admire Xin a lot. She used to be that bubbly girl just jumping around all day in the house though she is really sick. And see her get stuck in the gloomy hospital all the time, It’s like, the happy girl that I once knew is gone. Sarra thought. And she’s like never coming back.Just then, Sarra got up and went out of the room. 

“Come on,” Sarra came back in ten minutes later with a wheelchair. Xin’s eyes shot up and looked at Sarra with smiling eyes. “Where are we going?” Xin asked Sarra. “To play.” Sarra told her with a huge smile on her face. “Chinja?” Xin asked her. Sarra helped Xin to put on a pair of shoes and change into a knee length dress. Then she helped her on to a wheelchair and wheeled her out of the room. Xin’s nurse waved goodbye to her and told Xin to have fun. 

“Can we go see Ryeowook oppa?” Xin asked Sarra as Sarra was driving on the highway. “Okay, let’s go see Ryeowook oppa.” Sarra told her. She made a u-turn at the next traffic light and drived for another 5 minutes. Sarra parked the car and helped Xin out of the car and wheeled her into the building. They took the lift up 6 levels and then went into the third room on the left. 

Knock knock. “Ryeowook oppa?” Xin called out as Sarra pushed her into the room. “Xin?” She heard a guy said. The guy walked towards her from behind the wall. “Oh. Sungmin.” She said a little disappointed. “I thought you are in LA?” He asked her. “Uhm,” Xin said as she turned around and looked at Sarra. “I thought only Ryeowook is suppose to be here today.” Sarra asked Sungmin ignoring his question. 

“There were some last minute changes and so, uhm. We are all here today for practice.” Sungmin expained to her. “Xin?” Ryeowook said when he walked into the room. “How are you?” He asked her. Xin smiled and told him that she was fine just recuprating at the hospital. Ryeowook promised to visit her when he had the time to. They heard noises from the corridor then. “Oh .” Xin shouted as she kept calling Sarra. They quickly pushed her into the linked doors to the next room and pretended that they were talking in the room. 

“Hey I thought I heard Xin’s voice.” Lee teuk said as he walked into the room. Everyone freezed and tried to pretend that nothing happened. “You must be dreaming,” Sarra hit Lee Teuk. “You missed your baby sister so much.” Sarra told him. Lee Teuk then said, “Maybe.” 

Sarra pushed me behind a door quickly. And guess who I saw?



Exam is over~ Yay! I'm going for the KBS Live event tomorrow! Remember to catch KBS at 5:50pm! 

Oh, and my story is getting ier. I'm so so so sorry. Because I'm having a writer's block. :/ Pardon me, I'm trying to make it better. 

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blastoise #1
Awesome haha
koreankendi #2
Done reading!! ^_^<br />
Me likey!!!!
vikKiBeoMin #3
<br />
anyway, love your story!<br />
imma read the sequel! ;p
kaytbear3 #5
aww cute ending for all of them!!! too bad the story is done tho, it would be nice to have a sequal or just more chapters but its your story so you can end it however.<br />
o yeah i forgot.... I LOVED THE STORY!!!! IT WAS SOO ADORABLE!!!!!!!
:O!!!!!!! XD I WISH THIS IS LIKE REAL!!! we need hankyung back :[ oppa..... ;w;
O.O :D xD omg update that bridge chapter is making me wanna scream xD from eagerness ;) I love it update soon hwaiting
:O it says u updated but chu didnt o.o
:O HWAITING XIN :O i hope its gonna b ike usual >.< i think shes gonna feel sad if they treat her mroe special than others D:
:O teukie oppa dun cry </3 D: both of u don't deserve to get punished DX update soon!!