
Exo Planet: Shoot Anonymous

There was so much tension between Xiu Min and I for the next three days that when we battled I wasn’t sure if it was for practice or if we were really trying to kill each other. Tao was too shy to tell Phoebe how he felt, so I knew there was nothing to worry about there. What annoyed me was that Phoebe didn’t seem to be taking interest in any of us. We spent friendly time together as usual, but nothing more. She got along with everyone just fine (besides Kris) and treated them only as brothers.

“This is so fun!” Phoebe laughed while Xiu Min showed her how to write with frost.

“I’ll show you something cooler,” he smiled and put his arms around her to guide her. I immediately got up and headed toward them.

“Xiu Min,” I called with a fake smile. “How are you feeling?”

“Can’t you see we’re busy?” he asked in annoyance.

“Oh, sorry. Having constipation must be a terrible experience, so I just wanted to make sure you were okay,” I said innocently.

His face turned red with a mix of anger and embarrassment and he released his hold around Phoebe. He gave me an icy stare, then smirked, “And I suppose you’re doing well too? Athlete’s foot must be painful… and gross.”

“I- I…” I was so angry that speaking became out of the question. I quickly glanced at Phoebe, then back at Xiu Min.

“Guys,” Phoebe spoke up. “If you’re in pain, you should really talk to Lay. I’m sure he could cure whatever it is. It’s not good to keep things like this a secret because you’re embarrassed.”

“Phoebe, Kris needs you over here!” Chen called.

“Ugh, I’ll be right there!” she shouted back. She gave us each a nod and headed off to see what the leader needed.

“Athlete’s foot? Really?” I scoffed at Xiu Min once Phoebe was out of earshot.

“You’re the one that started it. I mean constipation? At least try to think of something clever!” he fired back.

“Oh, because athlete’s foot is so original,” I rolled my eyes.

“Aish, why can’t you just let it go? Phoebe obviously doesn’t have any romantic feelings for you.”

“She doesn’t for you either,” I stuck out my tongue.

“So childish,” he shook his head.

“Look, right now Phoebe doesn’t seem to be romantically interested in anybody, and I think it’s for the best. This war with Anonymous is very important and needs all our focus and dedication. How about we call it a truce until all of this is over?”

“The best fighter wins the girl?” Xiu Min offered me his hand.

“She’s not an object to be won,” I pushed his hand aside. “It comes down to whoever she chooses.”

“Fine,” he sighed. “And if she never chooses?”

“We leave it at that and neither one of us pursues her,” I offered him my hand now. “Deal?”

“Deal,” he agreed, shaking in agreement.

We stared each other down for a moment before breaking apart.

“Now,” he said. “Let’s fight.”

---Point of View Switch: Phoebe---

“What is it?” I sighed in annoyance and stood in front of the leader. Thanks to Lay, he was strong enough to leave his bed the same evening he was attacked, and now even fight.

He tossed me a sword in response. “We need to train together.”

“Why us?” I asked, unhappy with the idea.

“Because, we need as much fighting experience as we can get with different people. If you always sword fight with Tao, you’ll start to get comfortable with his style. Anonymous’ tactics are very different from ours, so you need some diversity. Shall we begin?”

“Oh, yes master,” I gave a mock bow. However, I came back up to see Kris taking a swing at me.

“Oh!” I exclaimed, smashing my sword against his just in time to save my throat.

“Like I said,” he smirked. “Too comfortable.”

“Do you want to fight or stand there with that stupid grin on your face all day?” I glared.

He raised an eyebrow and in the blink of an eye we were in full battle. We didn’t need the practice ring.  Kris had been encouraging us to fight on the regular land, considering that’s where we’d be during the real battle. I’d learned to take in my surroundings immediately, incase a random attack was sprung, so I was ready when Kris tried to push me back into a boulder. I ducked to the side and turned our fight so that the sun was in his eyes, giving me the upper hand.

“Was that a coincidence?” Kris grunted while deflecting my blade. “Or is there actually some judgment bouncing around in that empty head of yours?”

“I’ve been trained by the best,” I retorted, ducked under his swing and giving his leg a kick. He fell to the ground, but before I knew it I was on the ground too. We wrestled for a few seconds before I grabbed my sword. He took this chance to shove me off of him. We were both on our feet in a matter of seconds, stabbing and deflecting as before.

“The best? That’s impossible,” he laughed. “You haven’t been trained by me.”

“Just because you’ve claimed yourself the leader, doesn’t mean you’re the best,” I pointed out.

“It doesn’t mean I’m not either.”

I took a useless jab at him, trying to buy myself some time. We were a pretty equal match for each other. I figured the best way to win would be to pace myself and tire him out first. Then I’d come at him full force and take him down.

“You think you’re pretty great, don’t you?” he suddenly said while the intensity of his fighting increased. “Coming here all helpless, then learning day by day how to fight. Just remember that we’re the ones that trained you and helped you. We could’ve left you to die.”

“But you didn’t,” I said matter-of-factly. “Aw, does that mean Krisie has a little crush on Phoebe?”

“You’d like that wouldn’t you,” he laughed. “You just want everyone wrapped around your finger. Well you need a wakeup call, missy.” Suddenly he stopped mid-swipe and went for a quick jab at my stomach.

“Ugh!” I exclaimed, falling to my knees and grabbing the wound.

“Remember your place,” he threatened, throwing down his sword next to me. “And learn how to fight.” He walked away and Lay came over immediately to take care of the stab.

“Are you okay?” he asked while he set to work.

“I’m fine,” I said in annoyance. “Am I really as full of myself as he says I am?”

“Kris is just like that,” he laughed. “If he sees a potential threat in anyone, then he’ll knock them down to make sure they don’t take his place; physically or verbally.”

“You mean I have what it takes to take Kris’s position? He’s really scared of me?” I exclaimed in glee.

Lay gave me an uncomfortable look. “Just don’t go looking for trouble, okay? I don’t want to have to constantly worry about my mèi mei.”

“You don’t have to worry about me,” I smiled. “I’m tough!”

“That’s what I’m afraid of,” he messed my hair. “Now why don’t we have a duel? My sword skills haven’t been so sharp lately.”

“You’re on,” I smiled, handing him Kris’s abandoned sword and taking up my own.

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SHINeeOnew27's new username is now Woobear27!!!^^


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Chapter 33: The story was AWESOME!!! I cried so hard the moment Luhan started saying those HunHan moments from the past.. And I'm sure El Dorado will be as awesome^^
sunrize #2
Chapter 33: Oh geez O.O IT IS COOLxD
I actually read this story a few months ago. I swear, I cried at the part where LuHan reminisced his and Sehun's moments. I read this for three days; so far, I cried, I laughed, I smiled. This was one of my favorite stories~ This was awesome! Gonna read the sequel~
Chapter 34: Author-nim daebak!! I'm off to the sequel.. ^-^
Chapter 32: Ok i finished the story it is amayseeeng~!! going to read the sequel keke.
Chapter 1: Seriously,Phoebe? Why would u choose that name it's so rare. At first I thought you did this auto-name-thing and they somehow found out my real name although I never wrote it anywhere in aff, it's actually kinda creepy xD i only read the first chap but it's really interesting and good, i like it!
AlyssaLuvsSHINee #7
Chapter 31: This story is so good! I can't wait for the sequel! You are such a good writer! I felt like I was reading a real book! There was just enough of everything; romance, action, suspense, and sadness. I was so sad when anyone died. :( But the story just wouldn't be the same without it!
fantasticbabyx #8
Chapter 32: This story was amazing. You are amazing. I shed tears and laughed to myself out loud in public haha it was so good!! I was so into it I wish more fanfics were like this too or something...can't wait until summer 2013!! That's when I graduate too so it'll be something I will look forward to :)) <333

ITS ONE OF A KIND! AS IN, it actually made me think and stuffs.

I'm glad that theres a sequel. So I am now too excited for Summer 2013 to come already. ARGH!