
The Boy I Thought I'll Never See

Ria walked as fast as she can away from the building. She can’t believe that she can get humiliated that much, above all before the people that she admires. Tears kept pouring down her face as if it was a river, suddenly someone grabbed her hand and made her face that person. To her surprise, it was Ren.

                “Hey,” he said.

                Ria wanted to look away to hide her tears from him but she was so stiff that she can’t even do it, so she just tried to hold her tears. Ren hugged her and said:

                “You don’t have to hold back just cry I’ll cover you so no one will see,” He said with full of compassion.

                Ria once again broke into tears. She knows she mustn’t cry in front of her crush, but she just can’t help it. Once she was done she backed away from Ren thinking how embarrassing it was to cry on his chest (ARGGGH I SO WANNA BE IN THAT POSITION). She looked at him to the face and noticed that he was flustered. Ren backed away too but he almost trip, luckily Ria was able to stop him from falling.

                “Hey are you alright?” She asked.

                “Yeah I’m fine,” he replied.

                “Are you sure? You don’t look well to me.”

                “Seriously I’m fi-” he suddenly collapsed.

                Ria tried to stop his fall. “REN! YA REN WAKE UP REN!” his phone suddenly rang. She looked who was calling him and it was Baekho. She answered the phone she was about to speak when she got cut off.

                “YAA REN WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?” he said

                “Ummm…Baekho this is Ria.”

                “Huh Ria? Why do you have his phone?”

                “Well Ren he’s……”



                “He’ll be fine now just let him rest…arrgh I guess I need to stay here to take care of him…I’ll just call manager and tell him what happened.” Beakho said as he stood up and fixed Ren’s foot that was hanging from his bed..

                They were in their dorm. When Ria told Ren collapsed he dashed off to where they were and carried him to their dorm which was not that far away. Baekho was about to press the call button when Ria spoke.

                “Umm if you want I’ll stay by him here so you can go o practice.”

                “Is that so? That’ll be great…well I’ll be going back there now…I’ll tell manager that Ren won’t be practicing today, so please take care of him for me.”


                With that Beakho left the dorm.

                Ria looked at Ren. Thougher than how you look eh….you got sick just by getting aliitle bit wet yesterday….anyways….first things first….She went to the kitchen and got a basin with water and a cloth to wipe Ren’s face. Next she checked the refrigerator to see what she can cook. Hmm they have enough ingredients to make porridge. While she was cooking, she heard Ren waking up. She dashed to his room to check on him. She pushed him back to bed since he was very sick. Then, Ren suddenly stared at him and uttered a name that she never heard of.

                “Minha,” he said.

                “Huuh? Who?”

                “Minha!” He suddenly hugged her tighter than when she was crying. Ria heard him sobbing. “Why did you leave me…don’t ever do that ever again ….I love you so much.”

                The last phrase got Ria surprised. Ren likes someone….rather than that he has a….

                “Minha, I love you more than anything.”

                “R-Ren l-let go I can’t,” Ria tried to cut Ren’s delusions. However, Ren’s hug got even tighter.

                “NO! I won’t, I’ll never let you leave me again… NEVER!”

                Ria’s tears poured down, realizing that the guy she likes already have someone he loves. She hugged him back pretending that she is this ‘Minha’ that he keeps on mentioning. “I won’t…I won’t leave you Ren…” Her tears kept on flowing.

                “Tell me you love me Minha,” he ordered.

                Ria bit her lip hesitating to say it but still… “I- I love you ….very much…I love you Ren.”

                Ren cupped her face and leaned in for a kiss. Ria closed her eyes and waited for him to kiss her. He gave her a very passionate kiss…a kiss that is not for Ria but for MInha….He pulled back from the kiss and collapsed again. Ria was just sat there crying.

                “Idiot,” was all the she said.


                Ria entered Jenny’s apartment.

                “Yo Ria you’re home,” Jenny said as she walked closer.

                Ria looked to the woman still with a stunned look.

                “Look I’m really sorry for what happened earlier I shouldn’t have asked you in the first place…I should have thought carefully…I’m really sorry.”

                “It’s alright, it’s kinda my fault too I shouldn’t have agreed to it since I don’t have enough experience to things like that.”

                Jenny hugged her. “By the way I heard that you took care of Ren…so how was it?” Jenny flashed a very mischievous smile. Ria just walked away, that made Jenny loose her smile. “Is something the matter?”

                “No nothing I’m just tired…Ren was hard to take care of,” she lied.

                Ria headed to her room then she suddenly stop. “Unnie… do Pledis have a contract like those in Japan that their artist can’t have a boyfriend or girlfriend?” Ria said as her back faced Jenny.

                “As far as I know we don’t have that kind of contract,” Jenny replied.

                “I see.”

                “Why did you ask?”

                Ria faced jenny and smiled and said: “Nothing just asking,” cheerfully. Then she ran to her room. She leaned behind the door and slowly collapsed on the floor crying.

                “I’m so stupid…”


                Ren woke up from his sleep feeling a little better. He tried to remember what happened but all he can remember was that he was comforting Ria on the streets after that nothing else. He looked at the table beside his bed and saw a bowl of porridge with a note beside it. He read the note and smiled. It was a get well soon note from Ria. He grabbed the porridge and eats it. Luckily it was still a little bit warm. Suddenly, he remembered a dreamed that he had earlier; Minha hugged him and kissed him. He touched his lips with his finger.

                “It felt so real in my dream.”.


A/N:...........................IT hurts.....waah..REN do you even know that girls don't like it when you mention another girl's name in front of her....well what can I do this is my fanfic......comment and subscrbe.....

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Chapter 27: Awwww~ I hope you get to update soon! I'll be waiting~
Chapter 26: Wahhhhh!!!! Update please! Ang laki ng ngiti ko nung nag kiss sila!! Wahhh!!! Update soon! ❤
Chapter 26: Update yahh! 흐흐흐 ㅠ…ㅠ
Angelz0715 #4
Chapter 25: Omg this is so good!! And so sad at the same time T^T