Chapter 18

Be A Man


After school, Myungsoo and I were sitting at the dining table as he tutored me.

“How would you do this problem?” he asked me.

“Multiply equation one by 2 to cancel out the y...?”

“Ani~ you have to remember that when you cancel it out, it has to be opposites!” he corrected and lightly hit my forehead with the pencil.

I scratched my head. “Then...multiply by negative 2?”

He smiled and high-fived me. “You got it.” he said in English. “Now finish the problem.”

I nodded and continued to do the problem.


Sungyeol and Sungjong were both lounging on the couch while the others started to leave.

“Where are you going?” Sungjong asked.

“Dance practice.” Woohyun said.


“Of course. There's another competition in a couple months. Got to come up with new choreography and perfect it...” Sunggyu explained.

They started to leave.

Hoya walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek. “Study hard.” he said.

“Kim Myungsoo. Do anything to my girl and you're dead. Sung brothers...keep an eye on him.” Hoya warned.

Myungsoo smirked.

“Yeah yeah yeah...” Sungyeol waved them away and the door closed.


I continued to work on the problem.

“If you get the problem get a reward.” Myungsoo told me.

I looked at him. “Reward?”

He nodded and grinned.

“What is it?”

He zipped his lips and threw away the key.

“Tch fine...aren't you gonna do the problem?” I asked him.

“Already done.”

My eyes widened. Indeed...he was already done.


I finally finished and smiled. “x=3 y=-1 z=4”

He checked his paper and looked at me.

He sat up, leaned across the table and placed a soft kiss on my lips. “Correct.” he whispered.

My eyes blinked in surprise.

“Y-yah!” I pushed him. The last time I felt those lips were when I had my first kiss...

He sat back down in his chair with a happy grin on his face.

I turned around and I could hear snores coming from the living room. Of course...

But a part of me was happy they didn't catch us.


“ question.” he said and pointed to the textbook.

“Uh, I think I get it now! Thanks oppa!” I said and got up.

“Nuh have to try it with substitution too. Sit. The quiz will most likely have both methods.”

He was right. I sat down and started on the next problem.

After about 5 minutes or so, I finally got the answer.

“OH! The answer is infinite! Right? Infinite solutions?!” I said.

He smiled.

I fist pumped. I understand both methods now!

He leaned in with a smirk on his lips. I froze and put my finger to his lips. He stopped.

“Don't you want your reward?” he asked.

I looked up at him and my gaze shifted to his lips. I had to admit...they were tempting, but I had to stay loyal to Hoya.

“Thanks for tutoring me oppa. I really appreciate it.” I smiled at him and got up.


He went around the table and grabbed my wrist.


I turned to him. “Yeah?”

“Hoya calls you baby...what can I call you?” he asked.

“ name.”

“Pabo...I meant a nickname. Can I call you...jagiya?” he asked bringing his face closer and looking into my eyes.

“W-what? Jagiya?”

He nodded.

“But we're not together...”

“I'm here. You're here. We're together.” he said.

I stared at him. Did he really just say that?

“I'll call you by the first thing that comes to my head. Arasso?” he asked.

“Better be good names...”

“Of course they will. There's nothing bad about you, cutie pie.”

I cringed. “Ew...corny.”

“But it's true...”


That night, Dongwoo cooked us yummy fried rice and we all ate together.

“Say ah~” Hoya said holding a spoonful of fried rice to my lips.

“Oppa...I can eat myself.”

“But you barely touched your food!”

“Sorry...just spacing out.”

Hoya frowned. “ made my girlfriend study too hard! Look at her...she's like brain dead.” he said to Myungsoo.

“No...she seemed pretty fine earlier. Especially when I gave her a--” he stopped.

“Gave her what?!”

I stared at Myungsoo with wide eyes.

“Gave her good marks on her paper for getting the answers right.”

I sighed in relief.

“Tch...whatever. Now eat, or you'll get sick.” he said to me.

I nodded and took bites of my food.


The next day it was time for the pop quiz. The teacher passed out the papers.

Hoya took my hand and squeezed it. “You'll do fine. I believe in you.”

“Thanks oppa.” I smiled.

Myungsoo walked passed me and smiled at me. He whispered a 'hwaiting' and sat in his seat behind me.

“Okay class...turn over your papers and you may start.”

I stared at the equations in front of me.

My pencil scribbled across the paper like lightening. Oh yeah...I got this...


“Okay class. Time's up! Pass up your papers.” he said after 45 minutes.

I passed up my paper and sighed.

“How'd you do?” Hoya asked.

“I don't know...hopefully good.” I answered.

“Turn to page 288 and do the questions in the back. That assignment should take you to lunch. You may work in groups.” The teacher assigned.

Me, Hoya, Sungjong, Sungyeol and Myungsoo all put our desks together and worked on the assignment. Lunch came around and we ate at our usual spot. Once we got back in the class, the teacher held up our quizzes.

“During lunch I graded your quizzes. Honestly, I'm disappointed in some of your grades...” he said as he started to pass some back out. I saw the students sulk in their seat as they saw their grade.

“Kim Myungsoo...perfect score again.”

Of course...

“Park Jason...” I froze and closed my eyes. Please be good...please be good.

I heard the paper slam on the desk. I opened one eye. I stared at the 92% written in red ink.

“Great job. Second highest grade in the class.”


“Good job babe.” Hoya whispered in my ear. I smiled at him.

“You did great, smart pabo.” Myungsoo said from behind me.

I glared at him as he chuckled and winked.

I blushed slightly and turned back around.

I actually did it.


I got back to the dorm and started to pack my clothes.

“I'm so excited!” I jumped.

“Bad news...” Woohyun said and as I walked in the living room.


“We all got assigned to a tent. 3 people per tent...” Sunggyu said to me.

“Okay? So...who am I assigned with?” I looked around. Everyone had nervous faces on.

Except for Hoya and Myungsoo.

Hoya looked pissed beyond belief, with his eyebrows furrowed. [a/n Hoyabrows~]

Myungsoo looked extremely calm, with a smirk plastered to his lips.



i think you all can guess wi's sharing a tent... :3

high five for the irony!!! hahaha.

and the tutoring session...that's actually what i have my test on in algebra. lol.

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Chapter 24: WOAHH I ALSO WANT BOYFRIENDS LIKE MYUNGSOO AND HOYA JSHSJJSJUW WHAT A LUCKY GIRL (☄ฺ◣д◢)☄ฺ i don't think I'll read the sequel bc obviously one of them will hurt and i don't think i can take it if one of them is hurting
Chapter 15: Oh nununu i can smell jealousy and rivalry ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Chapter 3: if i have to guess who are the love interests..i think its either myungsoo or hoya or woohyun ?
JungJeWon #4
Chapter 19: teenfinite yeowonhi (4 ever)
ReenRieX #5
Chapter 10: Chapter 10: OMMO !! I can't believed they just kiss ~ .. And hoya thinks he is gay !!! I never thought the story would go like this ... HEOLLLLLL~ DEABAK !!
ReenRieX #6
OMMO !!!!!!! I THINK I HAVE FALLEN in love with the character right now !! thank authornim for making the beautiful story !!
daeljoejinyoung96 #7
Chapter 24: i hope she end up with myungsoo........
daeljoejinyoung96 #8
Chapter 24: i hope she end up with myungsoo........
Lulusshi #9
Chapter 7: Haha! i'm a boy..well it's kind of awkward reading 'that' at first~ it feels like oh my....what... And your story is daebak! Why didn't i notice it earlier? Fuh~ a few more chapters to read! :)
blossomblackandwhite #10
Chapter 23: OMGGGGG....... i really hope she end up with hoya ... Cause he is the first person ~~ :( but the ending seems different with other fanfic huh? kekeke~~~!