
Seungri and You - Unexpected

We continued searching instensely but we could fine no one. And to add on to our exasperation, a discouraging announcement was made.

"Mission 60% complete!"

How did they manage to complete it so fast? Is their mission easier than our previous one? 

We were walking tiredly down the corridor and realised that there was a one way turn. Before we knew it a blue silhouette crashed into us.

All three of us yelled in shock. Then we realised we had found Gary!

Gary was about to shove his way through the both of us when buff and muscular Seungri grabbed him. 
"You're not going anywhere hyung!" he said playfully.
"Let me go!!" Gary struggled.
Seungri swiftly grabbed and tore his nametag.

"Gary out! Gary out!"

Yes!! Seungri and I high-fived. Gary playfully smacked Seungri's back before being taken away by a cameraman. 

We continued to search and then we chanced upon a room filled with business suits hanging everywhere. 
"Hello" said the friendly lady who was drycleaning a suit herself. "This is the drycleaning room. May I help you?"
"Have you sen any blue and red people around, unnie?" I asked.
"No, I haven't." the lady said. She seemed pretty honest.
Seungri said, "Okay then, thanks for your help - "


No the lady did not sneeze. Neither did Seungri and I. Somebody else was here.

Immediately, Seungri and I dived into a piles of clothes. We found a shaken Jae-Suk oppa hidden under a pile of suits.

The lady laughed hysterically. "He must have dived in when I wasn't around."

We laughed and Jae-suk turned red. "Goodbye hyung!" Seungri said as he tore of his nametag.

"Jae-Suk out! Jae-Suk out!"

Seungri and I hi-fived again. We walked off happily.

But our happiness was short-lived.

"Mission 80% complete!"

Yah! how did so many things happen so fast? We have two more people to take down, but they only have one more part of their mission to complete!
Just then, we found an exhausted Bom panting and walking towards us.

"Tried to chase one of them but they ran too fast!" she said. "How come you two are together?" her tone of voice suddenly became suspicious.
"Haha, this dork didn't dare go alone" I said as I lightly punched his shoulder.
"No! I was just trying to help you!" He said defensively but playfully.
I could feel the awkwardness Bom was putting in the atmosphere. I think she likes Seungri and is clearly not happy with me being with him. Andbeing closer to him than she is to him. 

"Anyway Seungri, since she is doing so well, why dont you help me out a little?" her tone of voice hardened when she mentioned me but became as high as an aegyo voice when she asked Seungri to help her.

"Erm.. Yeah, Seungri, you should help unnie. I... I think I can do it... Unless you really want to stay?" I awkwardly said.
"Nah, since you're so good I don't think you need his help." She said rather coldly to me. "Seungri! I couldn't catch the Running Man so you have to help me!"
Seungri was hestitant but just said "Erm, okay noona, I'll go with you."

As the two were walking away, Seungri looked back and showed me an apologetic face. I waved him off and laughed. Seungri smiled and continued to walk with Bom.

I walked off but I was not concentrating much on my search. It was a good thing there was no cameraman with us, it certainly would have stirred up some drama if on air. Bom clearly liked Seungri! I, I dont think I like him that way, but he is my best friend, really. I was just thinking how Bom is 7 years older than Seungri but still throws herself upon Seungri and does aegyo to attract him. Maybe Seungri would find her cute eventually. Sigh, they are labelmates after all. But the thought of Seungri and Bom together made me uneasy. I was rather confused myself. Did I like Seungri? If Bom and Seungri were to get together, I think I would have a tinge of jealousy, and probably feel the same way Bom does now.

Then I stopped in my tracks.
I like Seungri??


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Mizore #1
Chapter 18: Awwww Its really cute at the end
Chapter 1: omg love it sooooo much <3 xnjsjzkakxndjksssjjwjsjaj
cj_lyh #3
lol yep the jiyoung part, i kinda mistook the girl's name and thought she was Jiyoung from Kara!! Stupid right -facepalm- but nevermind, lets just imagine her as part of running man ~
faerie2010 #4
Me with Choi Minho
krehyong #5
lol..i also love running man..:) daebak! daebak!
faerie2010 #6
Wait, I thought Jiyong was a guy. The last part of this chapter is confusing.
faerie2010 #7
I love Running Man too, and it's another tab on my computer while reading this.
cj_lyh #8
@Maddynevergivesup thank you! Yes I will keep writing, this is my favourite storyline plan yet! :)
Maddynevergivesup #9
Plz keep writeing