the rude shock.

Seungri and You - Unexpected


"You know I almost got lost after you went home. Apparently I turned left instead of right." Seungri laughed.

"Haha! That's why I told you I should've sent you back by my car!" I joked."

"Nah man, if you did I wouldn't have been able to kiss you." he said shyly.

I blushed. I was so glad he couldn't see this through a phone call.

"I love you." Seungri said in a soft shy voice.

"...I love you too." I said.

There was silence. We were both in our own world.

"Hey, my manager is coming, text you later?" Seungri said.

"Okay." I replied. "Bye."


I put my phone on my table and sighed. So this is love.

But I was only given half an hour seconds to let his "I love you" sink in.

My phone rang.

"Hello?" I said after picking up,

"DID YOU READ THE PAPERS?" Seungri yelled.

"No! Why!" I said, worried about his sudden tone of voice.

"Somebody was sneaking behind us! Taking pictures of us! And editing them! There are pictures of us walking together, then kissing on the entertainment section! And the tabloids are telling the whole world that we are together! And somebody photoshopped a photo to make it look like we were really kissing!"

I was completely shocked. What will Seungri's manager say. What will my manager say. How will the fans react. Will they hate me for dating Seungri, the man of their dreams? Will this unpopularity affect our careers? Our impending doom was horribly clear.

"Who? Who? In the restaurant there was only a man and a lady who-" I suddenly paused.

"What? I thought they were minding their own business!?" Seungri said, clearly troubled.

I then realised that after we left, the lady left the restaurant as well. Other than that, no one was on the streets with us.
And somehow I just had to suspect that that lady..

That that lady was Bom.

"Was it Bom!!" Seungri seemed to guess my thoughts.

"I don't know. But it must have been that lady."

"Yes! And that lady must be Bom!" Seungri said angrily.

"Well maybe not! We can't just assume can we!" I said.

"I'm going to ask her." Seungri said. And then he abruptly hung up on me.

Yep, he's furious.

But what I am more worried about is what both our entertainment industries will do. It is awkward for the competing industries to have one artiste from each get together. They may try to split us up. In fact, when the first call ended, Seungri told me that his manager was approaching him. I really hope that the manager did not threaten him in any way. And I am scared that Bom when falsely accused, will all the more try and get us to break up.

I couldn't help but wait while lying in my bed in anticipation. I was extremely worried for Seungri, how this may appear to be a scandal for Big Bang, and if Bom is angry with Seungri she may report him to their manager. It just all seemed so wrong, after what seemed like the perfect night.

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Mizore #1
Chapter 18: Awwww Its really cute at the end
Chapter 1: omg love it sooooo much <3 xnjsjzkakxndjksssjjwjsjaj
cj_lyh #3
lol yep the jiyoung part, i kinda mistook the girl's name and thought she was Jiyoung from Kara!! Stupid right -facepalm- but nevermind, lets just imagine her as part of running man ~
faerie2010 #4
Me with Choi Minho
krehyong #5
lol..i also love running man..:) daebak! daebak!
faerie2010 #6
Wait, I thought Jiyong was a guy. The last part of this chapter is confusing.
faerie2010 #7
I love Running Man too, and it's another tab on my computer while reading this.
cj_lyh #8
@Maddynevergivesup thank you! Yes I will keep writing, this is my favourite storyline plan yet! :)
Maddynevergivesup #9
Plz keep writeing