life as usual.

Seungri and You - Unexpected

My eyes felt like they were glued together.

I slammed my alarm clock in frustration.

I sit up and groan as I stretch myself. I am so exhausted and I could really use 5 more hours of sleep. But I have an intense practice schedule with this new album coming up, and me being the 2nd lead singer and 2nd lead dancer is not helping. Vocal warm ups get more and more strenuous as they try to get the best voice out of you. Dancing rehearsals make my muscles scream. Now my body aches and my throat is dry. But no time to call in sick. Manager won't be happy.

I take some time to kick myself for joining SM entertainment. No, its not the industry's fault. But it was the proud old me who was greedy for fame. Greedy for money. Now I would seriously love to be myself. To stop smiling and walking funnily because cameras are around. Stop having to put on extra layers of clothes and huge sunglasses so I can walk on the street at night without being crowded by fans and papparazis. Just. Be. Me.

I am reminded of time that flies by and immediately rush to my closet. I am glad I can wear whatever I want to rehearsals, and since I am not a fashionista like my other band members, I put on a baggy shirt and sweatpants. I wonder how awkward I will be later with my members all dolled up in skinny jeans and tight fitting shirts. I am so happy I brought these clothes for my temporary stay at the SM dormitory. Its a dull place but I have to stay here during intense rehearsal seasons.

One of the managers of SM entertainment (I can't remember all of them) opened my door and gently reminded me about the rehearsal. I managed a half smile and told him I was getting ready. "Okay.." he said in a lower tone of voice, staring at my horrid outfit. "Well erm, breakfast buffet is downstairs, be there bout 9am." I nodded and before I could thank him he closed the door on me. Pfft.

I decided to wear a more decent shirt that was less baggy shirt that was pink in colour. This clearly pleased the man who came to my room when he saw me during breakfast. The cold serious face broke into a wide grin. I looked away, disappointed that he was that concerned over appearance.But then again its not surprising for the entertainment industry. 

As my band members and I had breakfast, we were chatting alot. Okay, maybe THEY were chatting alot, and me occasionally joking around and causing everyone to laugh. I am a good joker, but not a good gossip girl. So I left them alone most of the time.

Then came singing rehearsals. After warming up we went to the studio to practice and record a few lines. Because I was the 2nd lead singer in the 7 member group, they didn't allow me to sing with autotune, reason being I was expected to be on tune and furthermore, sing the loudest during live performances while the rest lip sing. They would stand in the middle because of their beauty, which is something I can never beat them in.

I was made to sing the chorus twice, and they recorded me many many times, tweaking my voice slightly and cleaning up the audio. The new song is catchy and I like it because of its loud bass beat. The choreogrophy is fun but no one could help but admit it was exhausting. After listening to myself a few times, I was satisfied with my 17th audio recording and decided to use that one in the song. 
I was given a "break" while the rest recorded their parts, but the dance choreogropher made me do some warm ups while waiting. In other words I had no break at all. I did some stretching and jogged around the dance room for a few rounds because I didn't want my legs to ache again. I would have just sat down and lazed around but under the watchful eye of the instructor, I kept stretching and jumping while waiting for the members to stream in after recording. When the last member came in, the dance choreogropher then started warm ups proper.

I didn't exactly count the number of times we ran through the dance steps, but if I had to churn out a number I'd say we did that 1567 times. I was feeling more drained than ever. Finally, we were given free time to ourselves at around 6 in the evening. Even my chattiest bandmates walked quietly to their rooms to rest. I walked to my room and drifted off to sleep.

It was a dreamless sleep. Thank God. I guess my brain was too tired to create a dream.

But I was awoken at 7 by my closest labelmate, Sooyoung. Sooyoung was from SNSD. She wasn't the best singer, neither was she the best dancer or the best looking member. But she was tall alright. I am 1cm shorter than her, but the 7 inch heels she wears make her look giant. But we were great friends and I found her very humble. She barged into my room and jumped onto my bed, giving me a rude shock and jerking me from sleep. "HELLO THERE!! Wake up you sleepy idiot!" She said playfully. I nudged her and laughed. Sooyoung then continued, "Anyway, I heard from Taeyeon that you together with her, will take part in a variety show called Running Man!"


"RUNNING MAN!? HAVE YOU WATCHED RUNNING MAN, SOOYOUNG??" I took her shoulders and shook her vigorously. "Nah, but I heard its popular!" I was close to yelling in excitement at this stage. "SOOYOUNG! Running Man is a game show! And probably the best and most fun game show EVER!" I fell back into my bed. I always LOVED Running Man; it was hilarious and never failed to make my day. Sooyoung, puzzled from my excitement, then added, "Hahaha! Didn;t know you liked it that much! Anyway, you'll be there with Taeyeon, Siwon, Seungri, TOP and Bom!" Seungri..TOP..Bom... I know they're not from SM. Seungri and TOP are from big Bang. Bom is from 2NE1. Big Bang and 2NE1 are under YG entertainment. This game show invites people from all labels.

Well well well, now there is something I really look forward to! 



hope you guys like it! please do comment and keep reading!

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Mizore #1
Chapter 18: Awwww Its really cute at the end
Chapter 1: omg love it sooooo much <3 xnjsjzkakxndjksssjjwjsjaj
cj_lyh #3
lol yep the jiyoung part, i kinda mistook the girl's name and thought she was Jiyoung from Kara!! Stupid right -facepalm- but nevermind, lets just imagine her as part of running man ~
faerie2010 #4
Me with Choi Minho
krehyong #5
lol..i also love running man..:) daebak! daebak!
faerie2010 #6
Wait, I thought Jiyong was a guy. The last part of this chapter is confusing.
faerie2010 #7
I love Running Man too, and it's another tab on my computer while reading this.
cj_lyh #8
@Maddynevergivesup thank you! Yes I will keep writing, this is my favourite storyline plan yet! :)
Maddynevergivesup #9
Plz keep writeing