end of first half and beginning of the second

Seungri and You - Unexpected

I was laughing at how silly Seungri was to even think of such a plan. But we were laughing alot, which led to Taeyeon and Bom gossiping more.

Eventually, TOP was out!

By such a close margin, our team had lost the first half.

As soon as the announcement was made, our team sighed in exasperation. But when TOP was brought to us we all praised him for being able to stay for so long. Everybody did a group brofist before going onto the huge MPV and going to our second location!

Everyone was silent in the car, mostly because we were all exhausted from all that running. But now the second half was to our advantage. We were the bell team. We would be the ones chasing.

Our hopes were shortlived though. We all moaned in horror when we saw the second game location.

It was a 10 storey building. Coincidentally what my careless joke was involving previously. Our worst nightmares came true.

How are we supposed to chase the Running Man team in this huge building? Furthermore, it was an office building. There are so many rooms you can hide, so many tables and chairs and... I became certain that we were going to lose.

When we stepped into the building, the table was right there. Both flags were standing so we were the first team to arrive again. We were taken to another room after we had put thebells on our shoes. We were all given tiny walkie talkies because the place was too large. So we were allowed to communicate using these. Furthermore, the advantage the Running Man team had was so great, the producers decided to give us a special power for this episode's second half. 

The man took out a chest and opened it slowly. Everyone peered inside curiously. When the man opened the chest fully we realised they were rings. 
"Everybody please take a ring." The man instructed.
Everybody immediately grabbed a ring and put it on their finger. I took one that had a star on it.
"These rings give you the power to summon any team member from the Running Man team. You will all need to gather and use t as a group. Say the spell, and then the member will be brought to you. However, this spell can only be used once."
Our team just stared at the man, and within a few seconds everybody burst out laughing.
"A spell!" TOP said. 
The man then recited the spell. We each had to say our own name while putting our fists together, then do an epic ballerina twirl and yell: RULE THE SPACE, SUMMON a particular member. It was really funny, but at the same time it was a cool "superpower". After a bit of chatting, we all took our walkie talkies and went off.

I took the lift to the 5th floor, along with a cameraman. I know the Running Man team will have some sort of mission, but we wouldnt know what it is. So all we do is roam menacingly and wait to get our hands on those velcro nametags.
As soon as I got out of the lift I was greeted by rows of office cubicles. Of course, this was an office building, but it seemed so dull as compared to the museum we were at just now.

A few people looked up and immediately recognised who I was. Some girls called me to give them my autographs. I was grateful to have fans at least, because I was never the face of my girl group, and I never knew I had such a big fanbase.

I walked off after signing my autographs and walked through a corridor. On both left and right, there would be doors to meeting rooms and printing rooms etc. My head spun at the thought of having to search these rooms for people. But I still did. We have to win the second half!

I walked into a printing room on the right. There was a man busy photocopying some papers. 
"Sorry to disturb you, oppa. Have you seen any people in a blue and red windbreaker?" I asked. The Running Man team wore blue and red windbreakers while my team wore yellow.
He was close to laughing and then said, "I dont know!" in a funny tone.

I took that as a yes. I immediately searched every corner in the room and the small spaces in between printers. I was about to give up when suddenly I saw a blue person move. I turned around. Jiyoung!

"YAH!!" She yelled and tried to run away. But I closed and blocked the door. Both the man and the cameraman were amused.
"No way of escaping Jiyoung!" I said cheekily.
"Unnie! Please!" She said.
I went to grab her velcro nametag and was about to tear it off when I had an idea.
"Okay, tell your other members to come on this level through your walkie talkie. Then I'll let you go!"
"Really Unnie? Okay!"
While she was talking I immediately told my team to come n the 5th floor.
"Done unnie! Done!"
"Okay, now go."

But as soon as she opened the door she bumped into TOP! TOP mercilessly grabbed the nametag and tore it off.
TOP giggled at Jiyoung's exasperation when she was taken by a cameraman to the waiting room.
"Did you get my message, oppa?" I asked.
"Yes I did. Are the Running Men coming to the 5th level?" He asked back. I nodded.
"Okay then" He said. "I'll go to the stairwell door, and you go to the lift lobby."
"Good idea. Lets go then!" I said.

We went our seperate ways and I stood in front of the two lifts in the lift lobby. Then I thought that was too consicuous, so I leaned on the wall between the lifts so I wont be seen as soon as the doors open. Then, I heard a lift arrive and its doors opened.

Very anti-climatic though. Seungri walked out.

"Yah!! Seungri! Come here!" I said.

Seungri, surprised, turned around and came to me. 

I told him to wait for the Running Men who were coming up to this level.

Before we knew it, the other lift doors opened.

And HaHa oppa walked out puzzled!

Immediately we both pounced on him and tore his nametag off.

"Haha out! Haha out!"

"Yah..." Haha grumbled as he was taken away by our other cameraman.

We continued waiting anticipatingly but no one else came up. We assumed they took the stairs. So we patrolled the level. Seungri insisted on clinging onto me so I just dragged him along.

We checked the office corners and small spaces. We found  Suk-jin hiding pathetically behind a potted plant. 
"Tell us your mission, hyung" Seungri said authoratively.
"I can't do that!" Suk-jin said.

"Mission 40% complete!" went the announcement.

"Well then, we can't let you go either!" I said and without further ado I tore his nametag off.

This was fun.

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Mizore #1
Chapter 18: Awwww Its really cute at the end
Chapter 1: omg love it sooooo much <3 xnjsjzkakxndjksssjjwjsjaj
cj_lyh #3
lol yep the jiyoung part, i kinda mistook the girl's name and thought she was Jiyoung from Kara!! Stupid right -facepalm- but nevermind, lets just imagine her as part of running man ~
faerie2010 #4
Me with Choi Minho
krehyong #5
lol..i also love running man..:) daebak! daebak!
faerie2010 #6
Wait, I thought Jiyong was a guy. The last part of this chapter is confusing.
faerie2010 #7
I love Running Man too, and it's another tab on my computer while reading this.
cj_lyh #8
@Maddynevergivesup thank you! Yes I will keep writing, this is my favourite storyline plan yet! :)
Maddynevergivesup #9
Plz keep writeing