the walk home.

Seungri and You - Unexpected

Both of us were silent for a long while. The streets were strewn with a few old newspapers and plastic bags.

It was dark, with the streetlamps lighting the streets with a dim golden light. It was rather romantic..

A chilly gust of wind blew. All the litter flew about, making a rustling sound that broke the silence.

"Are you cold?" He was about to take off his jacket we had put on when we left the cafe.

"Nah man, I'm fine." I said gently. I was extremely warmed by his offer though.

I ed my sleeves and rolled it down because the autumm breeze wouldnt stop blowing.

The whole walk was silent. Just us thinking. With each step it seemed as if my affection for him grew. I suddenly became afraid that he didn't feel the same way. But I couldn't help but glance at him several times. I liked him so much. We both just folded our arms from the chilly wind and walked. 

Then at one point of time when we both relaxed our arms, our hands brushed against each other.

Normally when this happens with strangers I feel extremely awkward and immediately retract my hand in disgust.

This time, I did retract it due to my natural reflex and habit, but somehow that warmth of Seungri's touch stayed on my skin, and I so did want him to hold my hand in his.

After the silent walk down the romantic streets, we arrived at my small house. 

"Thanks for walking me home, Seungri." I said looking down.

Then I looked up and realised he was looking at me. 

Our eyes met.

For just a moment, I stared into his deep brown eyes, and he stared at mine.

For that moment something told me that I loved him.

For that moment nothing mattered.

Then Seungri took my hand and placed it in both of his.

"Have a good night." He said in the most gentle and deep voice I have ever heard from him. It made my heart flutter.

Slowly, he placed his hand on the back of my head, leaned forward and kissed my left cheek. I could feel a stirring in my heart that just grew with more desire. 

Then he looked at me lovingly, smiled and walked away.

I stayed in my position and watched him as he walked back into the empty streets, slowly disappearing from my sight. 

I turned around, feeling overwhelmed, in a good way. I unlocked my door and walked into my house.

I like Seungri.



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Mizore #1
Chapter 18: Awwww Its really cute at the end
Chapter 1: omg love it sooooo much <3 xnjsjzkakxndjksssjjwjsjaj
cj_lyh #3
lol yep the jiyoung part, i kinda mistook the girl's name and thought she was Jiyoung from Kara!! Stupid right -facepalm- but nevermind, lets just imagine her as part of running man ~
faerie2010 #4
Me with Choi Minho
krehyong #5
lol..i also love running man..:) daebak! daebak!
faerie2010 #6
Wait, I thought Jiyong was a guy. The last part of this chapter is confusing.
faerie2010 #7
I love Running Man too, and it's another tab on my computer while reading this.
cj_lyh #8
@Maddynevergivesup thank you! Yes I will keep writing, this is my favourite storyline plan yet! :)
Maddynevergivesup #9
Plz keep writeing