The War of Fate

Light And Dark

Hoya sighed when he parked his car at the parking space near the FBI’s headquarter before wore his black jacket and walked out. It didn’t need a long time for him to arrive at his office and slumped down at his chair. Really, worked for a murder division seemed not so much a good idea anymore. What, will always called to one murder to investigate and when he finished and reported it to the head of his division he got another one without any time to rest! Seriously, he tired! Could he just give the cases to another people at his division?! Oh wait…he was the one that asked all that cases….

Jang Dongwoo, Hoya’s friend from a drugs and illegal transactions division looked at the black haired man curiously when he passed Hoya’s desk and saw the slumped man. Really, this was unusual to see a hard working (to the point that sometimes Dongwoo accused him as workaholic) Lee Howon slumped down in tiredness. The dark blue haired man walked to Hoya’s table and rubbing the black haired man’s back in a comforting manner.

“You’re tired, right?” Dongwoo said while he kept rubbing Hoya’s back, tried to ease the tense muscles there. “You know, if you are not so much a workaholic and always give the best investigations between all of the people in this division, maybe you will not get half of the job you get now.”

Hoya mumbled softly from between his hands, made Dongwoo chuckled at Hoya’s (according to him cute) behavior. Really the man could be so be perfect and serious when he worked but at the time he finished with all of that and let go his mask as ‘serious, perfectionist FBI agent, Lee Howon’, Hoya just a spoiled (not in bad way) little kid that always acted so adorable and sometimes made Dongwoo wanted to squish him because of that. Well…after all Dongwoo would not give Hoya nickname ‘Ho-aegi’ for nothing, he gave nickname like that to Hoya because Hoya acted like one when he finished with all of his work and let go of his serious side.

“And please…don’t be too obsesses with Woohyun too,” Dongwoo whispered softly. “I know you want to catch him so bad, but really, I heard Woohyun is the right hand man of his organization! He is the one that killed the most at his organization, and look what happen to you now that you want to get all that murder cases that he had done for you! He killed so many people, you can’t expect yourself to investigate each of them just to get closer to him! Killing and investigating is two different things altogether. What Woohyun did in just a matter of minutes, you need weeks to investigate it!”

Hoya just kept silent when he heard about that. He didn’t have any will to argue back with Dongwoo. Not only because he didn’t want to make Dongwoo became more upset, he also…Dongwoo would not understand. Hell, he even didn’t understand it himself. He didn’t understand why Woohyun made so much a big deal at his life. Well…maybe that was just because Woohyun chose him to be his opponent. He chose Hoya as someone that he wanted to kill before he could catch him and he felt flattered and all…okay, scary and stupid reasons right? But it was true….

The sound of his cellphone rang at the silence of the room. Hoya cursed for a moment before picked up. “Hello?” he asked in a lazy tone. He didn’t care who called him, it couldn’t be the head of his division anyway, so no need for politeness there.

“You sound so gloomy, I just know it will be bad” the sound of his division partner, Lee Sungyeol heard from the other line. “So… since I know that now you are so…not a fun person to talk to…choose one, you want a good news or bad news first, Mr. Lee Howon?.”

Hoya sighed before he ran his hand at his hair in frustration. “Whatever I am now it is not your business, and I want the bad news first!” he retorted.

“The bad news, there is a murder case that you must help me about, so please come to the unused building near the old pier now!” Sungyeol said cheerily, made Hoya groaned in frustration. “And what is the good news for such news?”

“Well the good news is…” Sungyeol stopped for a while. “…Look at the condition of the corpses, there is an indication that the one that killed them is Woohyun!”

Hoya walked to the old unused building at the pier calmly but when you saw the aura of his body you could see that he was anticipated what he would see inside. The aura of curiosity…and a bit of excitement.

Excited…because Woohyun sent another bloody clues for him to catch him and threw him at jail.

He walked upstairs and greeted the police there back flatly when he walked toward the room where he saw a long brown haired man stood calmly with a letter held at his gloved hand. Hoya looked into the room and grimaced when he saw the condition of the corpses at the room. Really…he knew that Woohyun was considered as one of the cold blooded assassin at Infinite, hell all the people in Infinite were cold blooded,  but really…he couldn’t be used with his cold blooded attitude and all.

They were five corpses sprawled everywhere at the room. One of the corpse laid near the door, with a bullet hole at his chest, it seemed like Woohyun killed him instantly when he opened the door for him. Two of the other corpses laid near the emergency exit, with two or three bullets hole at their head and chest, the bullet hole was shallow enough to not make any immediate death, made these two man must be suffered a lot in pain before they died because the loss of blood.  It proved to Hoya that it was true, that Woohyun would always killed people more mercilessly when he believed that they were a coward and tried to run without any fought. The fourth corpse was the corpse with the best condition, with only a bullet between his head (that Hoya knew instantly that this man died instantly), it seemed Woohyun held a bit mercy for this man because he fought back him (with the gun that still clutched at his hand) and decided to give an immediate death to ease his pain.

“Scary, isn’t it?” Sungyeol said while smirked slightly when he saw Hoya approached him. “The title ‘The death reaper with crimson wings’ suit Woohyun well, all his victims drowned in blood, without mercy at all.” Sungyeol gave the letter he held to Hoya. “And another bloody letter from you, really doesn’t he know e-mail or something? Write a letter in this modern day is just so…lame…” muttered the long brown haired man when he walked away to talk to one of the investigators about the crime scene.

Hoya opened the letter. In that letter there were just four or five sentences, written in a crimson ink, like it was written with blood.

I wait for you, and our games still go on.

Come to me before I come to you.

Because if I decided to come to you first, I will let the death reaper hug you with its death embrace

You are the only one that I let to know about my face. You must be proud to have so much privilege from me after all.

So don’t make me disappointed, make our game become more interesting and…more bloody.


p.s. I will try to make this game more interesting. L finds out about our game and decided to help me. He said that he will add another player in our little game. Find this person, it will give you advantage to find not only me, but the entire organization, but try to hurt him, I will not promise to kill you easily.

Hoya gritted his teeth before he crushed the letter with his hand. Yes…between all the FBI agents  Hoya was the only one that ever knew Woohyun’s face, and no…far from people expectation’s Hoya didn’t know about that because he could get Woohyun, he knew about that…because Woohyun came to him and revealed himself to the black haired man.

Hoya sighed tiredly when he walked into his apartment. Really…worked for hours made him tired. Now he just wanted to take a bath and sleep until morning.

The black haired man walked to his bedroom and opened the door and greeted by the gush of the wind that messed his hair. Hoya frowned in confusion…weird…he already locked all the windows at his bedroom so how could there were wind at his room?

And the answer for this question immediately made Hoya’s eyes widened.

He saw a black haired man with a white mask covered his face. A grin formed at the man’s face when he spun around and face Hoya. He bowed like a butler would greet his master when he came home, except he did it in a mocking way. “Welcome back…Mr. Lee Howon,” the man opened his mask, made Hoya saw a handsome looking man with a sharp eyes and strong jaw line looked back at him when he stood again. “I am Nam Woohyun…the ‘death reaper with crimson wings’ from Infinite.”

Hoya’s face looked surprised for a moment before he put an emotionless expression up at his face. “Why a number one assassin at Seoul came to my house? You want me to catch you here and there?”

Woohyun chuckled when he leaned at the table behind him. “No, to be honest I don’t have any plan for that and surely I’m not that stupid to make that happen. This is an introduction…as a praise for you to make me fail to kill that stupid CEO. This is the first time I fail at my mission and I must say I am impressed,” Woohyun said simply. “So…I will give you the chance to prove yourself more to me.”

Hoya looked at him weirdly. “Oh, thank you so much for the compliment Mr. Nam Woohyun,” said Hoya coldly. “And if I already impressed you so much for what I must prove myself to you again?!”

“Because…if you prove yourself worth of me, I will make sure to give you a chance to catch me and put me in jail,” said Woohyun. “Not a bad bargain, right?”

Hoya smirked. “Do you believe I will stupidly fall to your trap, Woohyun-ssi? The bigger chance to catch you also means the bigger chance for you to kill me! Do you think I am that stupid to not realize that?!”

Woohyun just shrugged his shoulder. “Well…it’s even right? You try to catch me, and I will defend myself with try to kill you. This game will go on…until I felt that it is enough. Let’s call this game a You-try-to-catch-me-and-I-try-to-kill-you game.”

Hoya shook his head. “It’s valid, right?” Hoya asked. Hell, he would make sure to not accept this dare if there was a chance that Woohyun bluffed him! He knew that caught Woohyun would be like get the biggest fish in history but if it must paid by his life just because stupid deal, hell no! He wouldn’t accept it!

Woohyun smirked before walked out to the open terrace of Hoya’s bedroom. “As long as you want it to be….” He whispered before he jumped out from the terrace and disappeared into the night.

Hoya sighed before he turned his body and walked to Sungyeol. “So, how is it?” he asked. Sungyeol sighed and shook his head.

“No fingerprints, no footprints too, nothing” Sungyeol grumbled. “And it is really a miracle if we want to think how dusty this building is.”

Hoya shrugged, he expected that sentences to come out from Sungyeol’s mouth anyway. “Well…they will not be called as number one organization at Seoul if something as stupid as that revealed to us,” Hoya muttered. “Not only it will disgrace them, L would not like it, too….”

The Ice prince of death, L huh?” Sungyeol muttered. “It is really amazing how he can be a leader from an organization this scary in a young age....” He also sighed before the long brown haired boy walked out of the building, followed by Hoya. “Really…amazing, really….”

“I don’t care how amazing they are,” Hoya said coldly. “I will catch each of them and put them behind the bars for their entire lives.”

Hoya entered into his office. The letter that Woohyun gave to him still etched into his mind. Woohyun…still continued their stupid deadly game, and it looked like he didn’t have any intention to stop yet, but it looked like warning…that he didn’t want to wait longer. Now, it looked like Woohyun also started his hunt for Hoya, and both of them must be ready to be the hunter and the hunted.

Great…really great…. Could this day be greater than this?

“Ah, Hoya, you come at the right time,” said Choi Minho, the head of his division. “I want to talk to you about something.”

Hoya just raised his eyebrows to the older, taller man. “What is it, hyung?” he asked. He didn’t mean to sound so rude to Minho, but really…all the tiredness and all really make him feel to snap at someone (but if he dare to snap at Minho he must be ready to lose his job too because Minho would not mind to cut all his job, so yeah, no….).

“I think recently you work so hard. You seemed so tired and I think it is because you always force yourself to work alone,” Minho said while he smiled lightly. “So I think I will give you a new partner to share your work, so you can rest for a bit, okay?”

At the time Minho finished his sentences, there were knocks at his door and a man walked inside. Hoya looked at the man for a moment. Brown hair, chubby cheeks, small eyes, milky white skin, not so manly figure…really…the man just screamed ‘cute’ and ‘girly’ from every side and Minho wanted him to be his partner? Was he kidding?

But suddenly, the words at Woohyun’s letter came back to Hoya’s mind.

I will try to make this game more interesting. L finds out about our game and decided to help me. He said that he will add another player in our little game. Find this person, it will give you advantage to find not only me, but the entire organization, but try to hurt him, I will not promise to kill you easily.

Was it…a coincidence? Woohyun just sent him a letter to warn him about someone that would be Woohyun’s spy for him and suddenly this cute brown haired man came and introduced himself as his partner. The timing was too right…. It was really suspicious to just think this as a coincidence.

But with someone as cunning and devious as Woohyun and L would they really put a spy to keep an eye for him in a very suspicious time like this? Surely they knew Hoya would suspect the man immediately so…maybe not? Maybe it was really a coincidence?

“His name is Kim Sunggyu,” Minho said while he brought the brown haired man so that now he stood exactly in front of Hoya. “And from now…he is your partner. So please get along, okay?”

 ‘Kim Sunggyu…’Hoya thought when he saw Sunggyu that smiled sweetly at him and greeted him. ‘Are you…the death spy that Woohyun sent for me to me so he can end my life easier now? Sorry, Woohyun, but no matter who you had been sent for me, I will never fall into your trap that easily….’ I make WooYa rather than HoGyu -getbricked- Well...don't worry guys, Gyu already meet Hoya, so I promise you that HoGyu will came soon. Please wait for it, okay? XD and Do you like this chapter? I surely hope you do, guys XDD

And for the comments:

Hysterie_: Well surely Woohyun is hot, and all that childishness when he challenged Hoya, this is what I wanted from an assassin in a fic, cunning, devious, but childish, perfect XDD and now...what you think happen between WooGyu that night since now Gyu alive and stood in front of Hoya XP Well...I will left that for your interpretation for now XDD well thank you for comment XD and I hope you like this chapter XDD

mitsuchan: Well...yepyep, Woohyun is the greasy y assassin. And now...when Gyu met Hoya, healthy and alive, what do you think happen between WooGyu that night? Please keep read my fanfic if you want to know XDD and thank you for your comment X) and I hope you will like this chapter, okay? XDD

And thank you so much for all the subscribers that I receive, it really make my day and surely make me very happy! that's why please keep subscribe and comment, okay guys? Since it will make me really happy and motivate me to writing and update faster. You are so kind, guys, I love you and once more thank you so much, okay? XDD

Okay, guys, I love you, Annyeong! ^______^

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Chapter 17: please update soon authorniiiim~~
moonlightangel77 #2
Chapter 17: Update soon!
moonlightangel77 #3
Chapter 9: I luv Detective Conan lol. I immediately thought of that when Sunggyu was kidnapped! XD
ceilzephyr #4
PLEASE update soon
Chapter 1: :O omg!!! sunggyu did?
Chapter 17: ive been waitin for this fic since ever so pllz
Chapter 17: yearing for this fics!!!
Chapter 17: Ypdate s o o n
lilycho #9
Chapter 17: Wow! I really like this fic! I have finished all the chapters you posted! Really look forward to your next chapters!
But you will not let Sungjonggie alone, won't you?! :-s
Chapter 17: did Hyunnie said something worry!