A Fire Of Lust

Light And Dark

After that day, Hoya and Sunggyu became closer. Well…maybe not as close as Sunggyu wanted them to be, but now at least Hoya could talk to him like how he talked to Dongwoo or Sungyeol that quite close to him. Sunggyu relieved because of this, at least now they could work as a partner without felt awkward with each other and Sunggyu found out…that Hoya was actually not a bad person at all…he just not too…smart to express himself, just that.

But with their close relationship, came a storm to them….

A storm called jealousy and envy….

One day, Hoya and Sunggyu just lazing around without anything to do since they just finished a case that they had been inspected since several days ago. Hoya just sat around at his seat, reading a book while Sunggyu cleaned their table and put the archives at the rack beside them. He knew that with their busy schedule, this place would be messed up again, so it was futile to clean their office, but really…Sunggyu couldn’t stand a place where everything so messy!

“Hey, Hoya…” Sunggyu asked suddenly to the younger man behind him, that just being answered with a hum from the black haired boy. “I know…that Infinite killed so many people and all, but…why seemed…so obsessed with Woohyun?”

True, Sunggyu always felt curious about Hoya’s obsession with Woohyun. He knew that Woohyun was a cold-blooded killer that killed so many people and all, sometimes even for just a mere entertainment. But…for a FBI, to hold an obsession to a man until forced himself to work late and inspected so many cases…Sunggyu thought it just too much to call it as a mere FBI’s duty to catch a killer and protect civilians (even thought Sunggyu knew…people that Woohyun killed couldn’t called as ‘good people’ either….).

Hoya just kept silent. Until now, the only person that knew the real reason about why he became so obsessed with Woohyun was just Dongwoo (the dark blue haired man must forced it too). He knew…deep down in his heart…his obsession to Woohyun not something that had any relations with FBI and all. His obsession with Woohyun was just purely for himself.

He wanted to win…in a small game that he and Woohyun had held. He didn’t care if he must used all FBI’s connection to be closer to Woohyun, to catch him, as long as he could catch that black haired assassin and win their game. He couldn’t lose! Because he knew once he lose to Woohyun, the assassin would kill him.

“Let’s just say…if I can’t catch him he will kill me…” Hoya whispered softly. He couldn’t let Sunggyu knew now. Sunggyu was not someone that Hoya could involve with in his bloody game with Woohyun. He wouldn’t let Sunggyu knew…how selfish and coward Hoya actually be, used other people just to protect himself. He wanted to stand as a winner in their game, even if he must do any dirty things to win.

Suddenly, Hoya’s phone rang. Hoya pulled his cellphone out and saw Dongwoo’s name as the caller. The handsome black haired man raised his eyebrows in confusion before answered it.

“Hello?” Hoya asked. “What’s wrong? It’s so rare to hear you call me in the middle of your work.”

“Well…I called you because I need your help,” Dongwoo said hesitantly. “There’s a fire at one house that my division suspected as a place to keep illegal drugs and all….”

Hoya raised his eyebrows more when he heard Dongwoo’s statement. “So? I work in murder investigations division, not a disaster and fire investigators division. What can I do if there is a fire at a place where a person, or maybe more, keeps illegal drugs? That’s not my job, except that there was a person that get killed there, but Minho-hyung didn’t give me any job so…there was no one dead there, right?”

“Well…no,” said Dongwoo. “But…there was a letter that found out in front of the house. The letter…said it was Woohyun that burn the house, so that’s why…I need you here. Police suspected that the fire was caused by Infinite since this house kept illegal drugs and all.”

Hoya’s face was completely become serious, made Sunggyu a bit curious about the sudden change of expression at the black haired man’s face. “I understand,” Hoya said lowly. “I will come there immediately.”

Hoya and Sunggyu walked into the house that being told by Dongwoo. They saw the dark blue haired man told some officers to open some boxes there to know the content, while he looked at the drugs that could be seen from some open boxes there. Looked at the numbers of the drugs at the house, Sunggyu suspected that whoever the person (or maybe a group) that work behind this was not a person to be underestimated.

“Dongwoo-hyung!” Hoya said when he and Sunggyu walked to the dark blue haired man. The older man immediately looked up from his work and smiled toward the two men.

“Hey, Hoya, Sunggyu-hyung,” Dongwoo said while he bowed slightly to greet them. “Sorry, I must take your time to relax so sudden.”

“It’s alright; we don’t have anything to do now anyway…” Sunggyu said while he smiled slightly.

Dongwoo smiled while he asked an officer about something. Not long after, the officer brought a transparent bag, with a paper inside it. Dongwoo gave it up to Hoya that immediately looked at it intently.

This house…is a useless thing to keep up.

They immediately became enemy for us when they try to betray us. L doesn’t need an enemy to step themselves into our organization. That’s why I kill them.


“So? Do you think it’s really him?” asked Dongwoo. “I ask Sungyeol but he is hesitant to say that it is Infinite’s doing because…well…he said that the letter…is different.”

“I agree with him,” Hoya said. “The letters that we always receive from Woohyun and other Infinite members always written by hand, each in their own signature color. Woohyun always write in red ink, suit with his titles, but…this letter…is printed with black ink.” He looked at the letter once more. “And the language…is different too, Woohyun usually more…arrogant than this?”

“So…you think it is false?” Sunggyu asked the younger boy.

“I don’t know but…I think it’s not a big deal if we inspect it,” said Hoya. “Dongwoo-hyung, I want the documents and investigations about this case and other cases if anything like this happens again,” said Hoya seriously to the dark blue haired man that just smiled and nodded his head.

Sunggyu kept silent when he walked home into his own apartment. He immediately walked into the livingroom, where Woohyun sat with a smile in his lips. “What’s wrong, Gyu? You seem so sour and gloomy. Did something happen at your office?” Woohyun asked

Sunggyu threw all the documents that Dongwoo and Hoya had been given to him to Woohyun that immediately looked at it. “Someone tries to frame your organization with all the fires that happened recently,” said Sunggyu coldly. “L will not be happy if he knew about this.”

“He surely not,” Woohyun said simply. “And this guy has nerve to admit himself as me? Such a fool!” Woohyun put all the documents back at the table. “But…L already know about this, from him~ and he already asked me to kill this ‘Woohyun’ because of this.”

“Ah~him again~” Sunggyu whistled loudly. “L sweet boyfriend, that played his role as a two faced person better than me! Make me sick, he just a sweet liar! Wonder how L falls in love with him!”

“Because both of them are a sweet liar,” Woohyun said while he smirked sadistically. “Liars are trapped each other with lies, so they know perfectly which are lies, which are real, but when they are with each other, there are no lies. There are just love, like you and me.”

“You better shut up, Mr. greasy assassin,” Sunggyu hissed. “Because me and him, L and you…we are completely different. They fall in love with warmth and kindness, but we…we fall in love with coldness and blood….”

“That’s why…you like being closer to that Lee Howon?” Woohyun asked, his voice became cold so suddenly. “Because he can provide you with warmth and kindness while I can’t?”

Woohyun stood up and immediately threw Sunggyu on the sofa, with himself hovering above him. Sunggyu looked at Woohyun with a blank stare, but a sinister smile formed at his lips, like challenged Woohyun. “True…that Hoya is sweet and gentle, different with you. I must admit…he is not a bad person to be with. Wonder…how the taste of his lips, the warmth of his hug and maybe…his touch and….”

Woohyun growled and immediately crashed his lips to Sunggyu’s in a fiery kiss. Without any moment to be hesitant, the handsome black haired man slipped his tongue into Sunggyu’s open mouth, let their tongue danced with each other in a passionate kiss. Sunggyu moaned softly when he felt Woohyun opened his shirt and touched his neck and chest.

After several minutes, both of them pulled away from each other, in need of oxygen. Woohyun smirked when he saw Sunggyu’s flushed face when the cute brown haired man tried to regain his breath. Woohyun bent down once more and bit Sunggyu’s earlobe, earned a soft moan from the cute brown haired man.

“You’re mine, Sunggyu,” Woohyun whispered when he trailed his hand to Sunggyu’s shoulder and neck. “I will never give you to anyone or let you go to anyone else. I will make sure of that….” He gripped Sunggyu’s hand tightly while he Sunggyu’s neck and chest.

“Even if I must kill for that….”


Yep, everyone, this one is WooGyu again~ Do you like it XD? I hope you do! Anyway~ this Woohyun is just so possessive over Gyu, right? Well...I love that Woohyun that's why I hope everyone like that too XP hope you don't mind, guys!

Anyway~do any of you know who is L's boyfriend that I said at the story XDD? He will be an important character in this fanfic soon, but...I will not say it yet XD.

and for the comments:

Valerija: Thank you so much X///D! well...that's two different relationship with WooGyu and HoGyu is the point of this relationship anyway XP thank you for the comment, and I hope you like this chapter XDD

Hysterie_: Well...with I introduce L's boyfriend in this story, do you still think Gyu is the spy? Who know,  maybe L's boyfriend is the spy, but maybe...it is really Gyu XDD -getbricked- Well...here I present you with possessive Woohyun, I hope you love it XP! Thank you for your comment, and I hope you like this chapter X)

mitsuchan: Yep, Gyu is a little bastard, but I love that Gyu~ In infinite, he is the real cutie that anyone love anyway, how can he be paired with anyone in Infinite?!! (Okay, nowadays, pairing in Infinite is messed up, but still...how can GyuGyu become so sweet and suit to be paired with anyone?!!) Even thought  I admit I love Gyuxeveryone -getbricked- Okay, thank you for your comment and I hope you like this chapter XDD

And thank you so much for all the subscribers that I receive, it really make my day and surely make me very happy! that's why please keep subscribe and comment, okay guys? Since it will make me really happy and motivate me to writing and update faster. You are so kind, guys, I love you and once more thank you so much, okay? XDD

Okay, guys, I love you, Annyeong! ^______^


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Chapter 17: please update soon authorniiiim~~
moonlightangel77 #2
Chapter 17: Update soon!
moonlightangel77 #3
Chapter 9: I luv Detective Conan lol. I immediately thought of that when Sunggyu was kidnapped! XD
ceilzephyr #4
PLEASE update soon
Chapter 1: :O omg!!! sunggyu did?
Chapter 17: ive been waitin for this fic since ever so pllz
Chapter 17: yearing for this fics!!!
Chapter 17: Ypdate s o o n
lilycho #9
Chapter 17: Wow! I really like this fic! I have finished all the chapters you posted! Really look forward to your next chapters!
But you will not let Sungjonggie alone, won't you?! :-s
Chapter 17: did Hyunnie said something worry!