The Rivalry Of Love

Light And Dark

“Sunggyu-hyung!” Hoya screamed at his phone. He called Sunggyu’s number several times but there were no answer from the brown haired boy. Well…he even didn’t get any dial tone, so it was impossible to get an anwer.

“Damn!” the black haired boy cursed while threw his cellphone to the pillow beside him and ruffled his hair out of frustrations.

Well…the rage and anxiety that Hoya felt was reasonable. Several minutes ago, he got a call from Sunggyu, with a voice full of excitement from the older brown haired man, that wanted to tell him the culprit of the fire cases. But before the brown haired man just wanted to tell him who was the culprit, the called was ended abruptly. And what made Hoya afraid, when the call ended, he faintly heard something fell at the other line. He tried to call Sunggyu but he got no answers at all from the older boy and when he tried to call it again, there was no dial tone at all.

“What happen to you, hyung…” he whispered with a worry tone in his voice. The black haired man didn’t know why but his feelings told him something bad had been happened to the older brown haired boy.

Something that he didn’t want to be happened to Sunggyu at all….

In a flash, Hoya decided that just waiting in his apartment would just be useless and would gain nothing. Hoya immediately scrambled out from his bed and grabbed his clothes. The black haired man immediately changed his clothes while his hand busy dialed a number at his phone that he knew would believe him rather than threw a tantrum at him for called him at night.

“Dongwoo-hyung, please don’t ask any question for now! Just listen to me, okay?” Hoya begged desperately to the dark blue haired man when he heard the older man’s voice at the other line. “Please…come to the place that I said to be the next target of the fire cases and see if Sunggyu-hyung is there. No, I…I don’t know why but I think…there is something bad happened to him, hyung…. I think he is attacked by someone….”

The sound of the phone rang awoke Woohyun from his deep slumber. The handsome black haired man scrambled and tried to reach his cellphone with dim eyes because he still sleepy. Woohyun looked at the clock and saw that it just past midnight.

“Who the hell is the one that call in the midnight like this? Is he a Dracula?” Woohyun mumbled softly before put the ‘call’ button at his cellphone.

“Who the is this?!!” Woohyun snapped to the person at the other line. Hell, he was so pissed off right now. He was in the middle of beautiful sleep and suddenly there was this stupid call disturbed him.

“You are so rude, Woohyun. Even though I am younger than you I am your boss, you know,” Myungsoo’s voice heard from the other line. Heard the younger black haired man’s voice Woohyun immediately became snapped out of his sleep muddled mind.

“I am sorry Myungsoo…” Woohyun rambled at the phone. “I…”

“Ah, whatever I don’t care,” said Myungsoo coldly. “I want to ask something from you. Is Sunggyu-hyung there?”

“Sunggyu?” Woohyun looked at the room for a moment. Seeing the silence and darkness of the house and all he didn’t think Sunggyu was home. “No, I don’t think so. He tell me around two hours ago that he have to work late with others, so I think he is still at his office or something, maybe,” said Woohyun.

‘That if he doesn’t lie and just go somewhere for unknown reason…’ Woohyun thought.

“Work late?” Myungsoo’s voice sound surprised. “But…if he work with others…Yeollie already went home. He is even with me now.”

Woohyun’s eyes widened when he heard Myungsoo’s statement. He immediately rose up from his seat while cursed in his though. He knew it, Sunggyu lied to him!

“I am a bit afraid of him,” Myungsoo said. “You know that the culprit of the fire cases is the rebellion of the organization. And if he involved with dad’s murder six years ago…maybe Sunggyu-hyung’s life is in danger.”

Woohyun’s body immediately went rigid when he heard Myungsoo’s words. He…he never thought that possibility. How stupid of him! Why he never thought of that! That was the reason Sunggyu lied to him! He wanted to inspect the fire cases alone, maybe to look for the next crime scene and all…and he lied to Woohyun because the brown haired man knew that Woohyun would not allow him to do anything like that because Woohyun knew and believed that it was dangerous.

“Stupid Gyu-hyung!” Woohyun shouted loudly at the silence of the room. Yes...he knew for sure what was the reason for Sunggyu to lie now. And stupid of him, he just let that older brown haired man to do something dangerous without any suspicion at all.

“What did you say?” Myungsoo’s voice heard again from the other line of the call. Heard the younger black haired boy’s voice, Woohyun immediately remembered that he was not alone…well, maybe he was alone at the apartment but he called Myungsoo now. Woohyun sighed and prepared himself for a moment.

“Myungsoo, I’m sorry but I think…” Woohyun bit his lip for a moment. “…Sunggyu-hyung already been attacked by that insolent bastard that kill your parents six years ago.”


Sunggyu slowly opened his eyes. He groaned softly when he felt that his head was throbbing in pain. The brown haired man feel something sticky stuck at the side of his head and smelt the metallic smell that very familiar for him Sunggyu immediately concluded that it was a blood.

His blood to be exact.

Sunggyu closed his eyes for a moment once more when he felt the dried blood that stuck at his head. He tried to lift his hand to at least wipe the blood at his face. But he immediately found out that he couldn’t move his hand, because now it was tied behind his back.

Sunggyu tried to look around the room where he was now. He found out that he was now at a bedroom and concluded from the scenery of the sky and top of the trees that he could see from the glass window at the corner of the room, it looked like the bedroom that he was in now was high, maybe around second or third floor.

But when he tried to inspect the room further, he froze. He recognized this room. He recognized the room, he recognized the wide white bed at the corner of the room, he recognized the oak brown table beside the bed, he recognized the balcony at the end of his bedroom, he recognized the white curtain that blew softly by the wind at the window.  He recognized all the belongings at the room clearly.

This…was his room. His bedroom at his foster parent’s house. The room that he had been left after Woohyun killed his ‘foster father’ that always tortured him. The room that always trapped him into darkness, fears, and blood.

The room that held all his scary and bloody past…before Woohyun came and ended all his sufferings.

Suddenly the brown haired man heard the sound of the door being opened. Sunggyu immediately turned his head toward the sound of the room, which was the entrance of his room. His eyes widened immediately when he saw two men around twenty five or thirty years old stood at the entrance of the door with a smirk at their face. Sunggyu narrowed his eyes when he saw the man before he closed his eyes when he felt a surge of pain stabbed through his head.

And his eyes widened when all of the past that he had been forget all this time came rushed into his head. Yes…he remembered his past clearly now. All the fog of his past was already gone, he remembered all of that past that he wanted to forget all this time. He remembered about him, who was he. He remembered about Myungsoo, his younger brother that now sacrificed himself to replace him as the leader of Infinite, the brother that he always abandoned and left alone for six years already. And he remembered his father…his and Myungsoo’s father, that get killed in cold blood at that night six years ago.

The damn cursed night when he was lost everyone that he considered as someone important in his life. He lost everyone important for him without any mercy and kindness at all. His father…Myungsoo…and also…


 And everything lost…because these two men that stood in front of him now….

“Are you remembering us now, Kim Sunggyu?” One man that stood at the side of the door said to him. “Or must we hit your head again to cure your stupid amnesia?”

Sunggyu looked at the two men in front of him with such an icy gaze, full of hatred and grudge. He hated this men, he hated them so much for ended his childhood’s happiness, for made his younger brother suffered for six years, supported Infinite with all his power without any family’s support to him, and they made Woohyun suffered too…suffered to look for him for six years, and always stayed beside him all this time…even though Sunggyu never remember him.

He would never forgive them…forgave this ing bastard for all of that.

Sunggyu gritted his teeth before opened his mouth. “I never think that you still can enjoy this world, you stupid bastard,” he said in cold tone. “How dare you show your ugly face in front of me now? Two of you….”

“Well…you’re right, the storage that you said as the next crime scene was burnt last night. Thankfully when I arrive there with firefighters the fires was not too big so there’s no heavy damage,” said Dongwoo while he looked at Hoya that kept tapped his fingers at his table and bit his lips in worry.

“We don’t find Sunggyu-hyung there, but…” Dongwoo looked at Hoya for a moment with sad gazes. “There’s a trace of blood, next to a metal pipe that also had the same blood stains at it. We don’t know for sure whose blood was that, so we still waited for DNA’s report. But when you said that Sunggyu-hyung was gone missing, I think…the blood is Sunggyu-hyung’s. Right like you said, he got attacked by the culprit when he tried to inspect the storage.”

“Is there any fingerprints at the pipe?” Hoya said coldly. Dongwoo glanced to the younger black haired man for a moment. From the younger black haired man’s expression, cold behavior, and cold sentences Dongwoo could conclude that Hoya was beyond pissed and barely contained himself to lash out to anyone because of the rage that he felt right now for the confirmation from him now that Sunggyu got kidnapped…and possibly was at the culprit’s hand right now.

“Sorry, Hoya…but…no,” said Dongwoo softly. “The culprit really smart to not leave anything that can connect us to him. And it looked like he crushed Sunggyu-hyung’s cellphone, that’s why you couldn’t call him.” Dongwoo put the transparent bag that contained remains of Sunggyu’s cellphone.

Hoya just kept being silent when he saw the remains of Sunggyu’s cellphone. He gritted his teeth in rage when he saw that remains. That culprit…how dare he hurt Sunggyu! Hoya sighed loudly.

“I can’t do anything for now…” Hoya said softly. “I can’t track Sunggyu-hyung…because his cellphone already was being destroyed.”

Dongwoo also became silent when he heard Hoya’s sentences. Even though that was something that heard and felt so heartless, the dark blue haired man must admit that the younger black haired boy’s sentences were true. They didn’t know who took Sunggyu, so how could they know where the brown haired man now. They didn’t know who the culprit, if they knew maybe they could follow him and found where he hide Sunggyu. So they didn’t knew how to help Sunggyu, there were nothing that they could do for now.

After all…Dongwoo knew that Hoya was the one that suffered the most for knew that there was nothing that he could do for Sunggyu. Hoya was the one that cared for Sunggyu the most, the one that thought Sunggyu as the most important person for him…and the one that loved Sunggyu the most between all of them….

Even though Dongwoo knew…that Sunggyu’s heart was not Hoya’s and would never be. Because a thick wall named ‘a past’ that separated both of them so far away…especially if Sunggyu remembered everything about his past….

Suddenly there was a knock at the office’s door. Hoya and Dongwoo immediately looked up when the door opened, revealed Lee Byunghun, their junior that worked with Dongwoo at the drugs and illegal transactions division walked into their room. The younger blond haired man held several documents at his hands.

“What’s wrong, Byunghyun?” asked Hoya nonchalantly. “It is really rare to see you come here. After all your division’s office isn’t here. Or…are you have business with Dongwoo-hyung?”

“Actually…I have business with both of you, Hoya-hyung,” said Byunghun with a cocky smile at his lips. “Both of you…I want to ask…you know these men, right?”

 The younger blond haired man put up two documents at Hoya’s table. Both of the older men at the room and saw the photo of Jang Yong Soo and Kim Min Hwa. Hoya looked to the blond haired man and nodded his head.

“Yes, my division suspected them as the suspect for the recent fire cases and I know for sure they have a link to the underworld organization, even though I don’t know which one,” Hoya said softly. “What’s wrong about them?”

“Well…my group got a job from Changmin-hyung about illegal weapons transactions in a large numbers each time that happened for several years already,” Byunghyun said. “They are the one that got said as the sellers. We actually wanted to catch them for a long time but you know…not enough evidence because it was confirmed that they got the weapons that they sells in illegal ways too and we can’t track the links of their transactions to their organization to get that weapons.”

“Of course, they’re involved in underworld activities,” Hoya muttered softly. “Sell illegal weapons for them maybe are daily activities.”

‘Yes, that’s right. But…we already suspected it too and followed them, with disguise ourselves as the new buyer and all,” Byunghyun said and Hoya and Dongwoo just nodded their head intently while they heard the younger blond haired boy’s sentences. “And…we found out that the number of weapons that they sell was increasing since the fire cases that happened. So that’s why I want to ask Dongwoo-hyung, is there any weapons that went missing from the fire cases?”

“Well…I don’t know how many things that being saved at the storages because all the documents also burnt down, so we can’t confirmed that there is something disappeared or not from the storages yet,” said Dongwoo with an apology smile formed at his lips. “But I think it’s too much coincidence if the number of weapons selling increasing with the fire cases….”

“Wait…” said Hoya suddenly. “Isn’t Infinite got their profit most from illegal weapons transactions?”

“Yes, they are,” Dongwoo said with an uncaring tone at his voice. “In fact, Infinite is one of the biggest underworld organizations that deal with the most illegal transactions….”

Long silence immediately happened at the office, made both Dongwoo and Byunghun looked at the black haired boy that now looked like he was in deep thought in curiosity.

“What’s wrong?” Dongwoo said while he shook Hoya’s body slightly. “Hoya? Are you alright?”

“I think I know the reason of the fires now!” Hoya exclaimed so suddenly. “We can catch him, Byunghun. I’m sure! Why don’t we going to catch them right away?!”

Byunghyun’s face looked hesitant for a moment. “Well…glad to know you can help us, hyung but the problem is that….”

At the same time at Infinite’s headquarters….

“They’re missing?!!” Myungsoo exclaimed in rage. Sungjong flinched for a moment before nodded his head.

“Well…yeah,” the young brown haired boy said hesitantly. “Me and Woohyun look to their house and find that they’re not there. Their belongings still there but several personal things like their clothes, cellphone, car, moneys, and other are missing from their room...”

“They planned to stay somewhere for several days?” Sungyeol said. “For…what reason?”

“Most likely…” Sungjong looked down for a moment before looked to Myungsoo again. “They planned this for a long time. Maybe they go to somewhere private…to torture Sunggyu-hyung!”

Myungsoo slammed his hands to his table, made Sungjong, Sungyeol, and Woohyun jumped a bit. “Don’t I tell you to keep an eye to them in case they reach their hand to Sunggyu-hyung?!! What are you doing all day until they can get away from all of you?!! And Woohyun, don’t I tell you to keep an eye to Sunggyu-hyung? Why you are so stupid to let him go to somewhere dangerous if you know he lied about his work?!”

“I’m sorry, I am tired and not think straight,” Woohyun said. “But then again who the hell told him about to go to that crime scene?!! It must be someone at the FBI, why blame me?!! I can’t stop Sunggyu-hyung, he went straight from the FBI’s headquarters! If we want someone to stop him, ask someone that work there to stop him, not me that is miles away from him!!!”

Myungsoo immediately shifted his gazes to Sungyeol. Sungyeol looked down immediately to avoid looking at Myungsoo’s piercing gazes that full of rage and disappointment. Yes…he was the one closest to Sunggyu at that time. He was the one that supposedly stop Sunggyu from did something reckless like that, but he just cared to get rest immediately and not care about Sunggyu at all.

“I’m sorry…” Sungyeol muttered softly while he bowed slightly to Myungsoo. “It’s true what Woohyun said, I, as the one closest to Sunggyu at that time is the one that supposed to keep an eye to him and stop him from doing anything reckless. It’s mainly my fault and for that…I’m deeply sorry…. I will take any punishment necessary for my reckless act.”

Myungsoo’s eyes softened when he saw Sungyeol’s apology. He couldn’t blame Sungyeol, After all the tall brown haired man worked eight until ten hours straight at FBI, sometimes worked at the field for a long time, and did paperwork and all...Myungsoo could understand that the brown haired boy must be tired as hell. So how could he think about Sunggyu when he was also had his hands full with works and all? After all…Sungyeol maybe the busiest between all of them with worked both at FBI and Infinite all days….

“It’s alright, I will not blame you, Yeollie,” said Myungsoo with a soft voice. “After all…it’s no use to think about who is the one to blame now when Sunggyu-hyung was already kidnapped. I think for now we must focus ourselves to find them and Sunggyu-hyung to avoid Sunggyu-hyung gets hurt longer.”

All of the people in the room just kept silent while they heard Myungsoo’s words. As much as they agreed with Myungsoo’s sentences, how could they found about someone that his whereabouts was unclear? It would be difficult tasks to do, especially if the one that they looked for now was the members of the organization, that most likely would know that they looked for him and would cut all the connections and everything that connected them with Infinite to get away from their eyes?

Suddenly, Sungyeol’s cellphone rang. The brown haired man snapped out of his musings and immediately grabbed his cellphone. He raised his eyebrows when he saw the caller ID and answered his phone.

“What, Hoya?” Sungyeol said nonchalantly while walked out of the room. The brown haired man listened the younger black haired boy intently. “Sunggyu-hyung got kidnapped?!! And by the culprit of the fire cases too?!!”

Well…even though Sungyeol already knew that, he couldn’t blow his cover as Infinite’s members by knew about that before Hoya told him, right? It would make the black haired man suspicious.

“Then…how can we find them if they are missing from their house?!! Do you want us to inspect the entire world to find them?!!” Sungyeol exclaimed in frustrations, but his face changed immediately when he heard the younger boy’s next sentence.

“You…know where the exact location of Sunggyu-hyung’s kidnapper now?”


Author note:

Well...because it looks like AFF made this chapter disappear yesterday, I decide to repost it :( sorry, for this. I hope you don't mind about that and always want to wait for the next chapter! I will post the next chapter with this chapter today too :D so, please wait for it

Oh well, as usual for the comments:

anchigyu: I never say he loves Hoya and now when he remembers his past maybe that love will have an obstacle :) Well...thank you for your comment and I hope you like this chapter XD

akalimae: Thank you for your comment, I really appreciate it X) well I hope you like this chapter XDD

amanda_clarissa: No, the culprit is not anyone in Infinite, I make sure of that, both of Dongwoo and Sungjong are there with Hoya and Woohyun :P Thank you for your comment and I hope you like this chapter X))

Sunggyunf_: Yep, Conan is the right inspiration for this kind of fic :P anyway...Woohyun didn't go to chase Sunggyu because at that time he doesn't suspect anything dangerous will happen to Gyu, Yep, a bit stupid for a skilled assassin actually but hey, it's Woohyun :) thank you for the comment and I hope you like this chapter :DD

mitsuchan: Now that both Hoya and Woohyu have the same chance to save Sunggyu, who is the one that you want to save our adorable hamster :D? Thank you for your comment and I hope you like this chapter XDD

croWn_nd: I think Woohyun have the same chance to save Sunggyu now~do you want Woohyun to save Sunggyu now or you still want Hoya to save him :)? Thank you for your comment and I hope you like this chapter XDD

AnoBasho: Well...Myungsoo, Hoya, and Woohyun is really frustrated about that too so you think Sunggyu will be fine now? -getbricked- Thank you for your comment and I hope you like this chapter X))

And thank you so much for all the subscribers that I receive, it really make my day and surely make me very happy! That's why please keep subscribe and comment, okay guys? I really appreciate all the comment and subscribe to my story that I receive, guys! So please do that, okay? You are so kind, guys, I love you and once more thank you so much. My story will be nothing without you all-bows- XDD

Okay, guys, once more I love you ^____^


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Chapter 17: please update soon authorniiiim~~
moonlightangel77 #2
Chapter 17: Update soon!
moonlightangel77 #3
Chapter 9: I luv Detective Conan lol. I immediately thought of that when Sunggyu was kidnapped! XD
ceilzephyr #4
PLEASE update soon
Chapter 1: :O omg!!! sunggyu did?
Chapter 17: ive been waitin for this fic since ever so pllz
Chapter 17: yearing for this fics!!!
Chapter 17: Ypdate s o o n
lilycho #9
Chapter 17: Wow! I really like this fic! I have finished all the chapters you posted! Really look forward to your next chapters!
But you will not let Sungjonggie alone, won't you?! :-s
Chapter 17: did Hyunnie said something worry!