The Fight Of Death

Light And Dark

Woohyun’s eyes narrowed and darken with lust to kill and rage while he put the silencer at his gun and clicked the safety of his gun off. “Is that so? So…you already hurt Sunggyu? Such a pity then…I must change my plan now. You know…actually I want to give you just a slight painful death for kidnap Sunggyu but because you dare to hurt him…I will change my mind.”

The black haired man immediately walked forward to Min Hwa with his gun pointed deadly at his hand toward the older black haired man in front of him. “I will kill you…as painfully as possible…for my revenge and Sunggyu’s revenge…. Prepare yourself to suffer before your death, because I will have no mercy to you….”

“Well…so it is like that, huh?” Min Hwa said. “Too bad, I don’t want to die here before I see that dead expression at Kim Sunggyu’s face. So…” without any warning at all, the older black haired man immediately run upstairs, made Woohyun looked at the man in rage and growled before sprinted off to after him.

“Min Hwa-ssi, stop there!” Woohyun said while he also ran upstairs quickly. “Don’t run away! I’ll kill you!” He immediately caught the sight of Min Hwa that already turned at the end of the corridor of the first floor and quicken his steps.

He didn’t have much time to waste away. If what that bastard Min Hwa said was true, then Sunggyu now was hurt somewhere. He must immediately do his job and save Sunggyu, before that brown haired man lost too much blood and die.

Because if that happened and Sunggyu did die, not only Myungsoo, he wouldn’t forgive himself either.

When Woohyun just turned around at the corner of the corridor, he stopped immediately when he felt something pressed at his forehead.

Something that felt cold and hard.

Min Hwa smiled cynically to the younger black haired man’s direction. His hand pressed the mouth of his gun to Woohyun’s forehead.

“…You bastard…” Woohyun hissed full of hatred and venom. His brown orbs stared with so much killing gazes to the black haired man that stood in front of him.

“Woohyun-ssi, you are one of the elite team of Infinite, lead directly by Myungsoo-ssi,” said Min Hwa while laughed lightly. “And here you are, fall into my trap easily and stupidly,” he continued in a proud tone with his gun still pointed straightly towards Woohyun.

“Really? Are you think that I am that stupid, Kim Min Hwa-ssi?” Woohyun said softly before a smirk formed at his lips, made Min Hwa startled and looked at him with confusion and anger in his eyes. “You already know I am one of the elite team of Infinite and you think I will not think that you will do something like this? You are the stupid one, Kim Min Hwa-ssi. You are stupid…because you never expected me to know that you already want to trap me and already prepared myself if I am in a situation when you give a sudden attack to me like this.”

Min Hwa’s eyes became more wider when he realized that Woohyun also pointed his handgun to the older black haired man’s chest.

“Cih!” Min Hwa immediately dodged Woohyun’s gunshot, exactly before the younger black haired man pulled the trigger of his gun, made Woohyun’s shot just hit a mere empty air.

A pair of brown eyes looked at each other in grudge and thirst for revenge. Each of the man gripped the weapons at their hands tightly, prepared to protect any parts of their body from their enemy’s attack.

“Because of your help to that Lee family’s rebellion six years ago I must lose Sunggyu-hyung. That itself is already unforgiveable for me but now…you dare to kidnap and hurt him again! Your sins will not disappear in my eyes if you don’t die at my hand!” Woohyun hissed full of hatred. His brown orbs flashed with dangerous gleam, told about the anger that the black haired man’s felt to the older black haired man in front of him. With a quick movement, Woohyun immediately raised his right hand and pointed his gun to Min Hwa’s figure. “You must die!”

“Hmm…I afraid with your threat, Woohyun-ssi,” Min Hwa said while he also lifted his gun, pointed it straight to Woohyun’s figure. “I will not let you kill me so easily.” A cruel smirk formed at Min Hwa’s lips. “That’s why…you are the one that must die at my hand tonight…”


“Wha…what is this?!!”

Hoya looked with wide eyes to the bloodied scenes in front of him. Bloody corpses laid everywhere with blood stained their bodies and the ground beneath and around them. Bullet holes were visible at the fatal spot at their bodies, made Hoya knew immediately what had been caused of their death. Dongwoo that now stood beside Hoya, gripped the younger black haired boy’s jacket with his shaken hands to, at least try to, calm himself when he saw that gruesome sights in front of his eyes. As a police at illegal and drugs transactions he never used to a kind of gruesome sights like multiplied corpses like what had been in front of him like this.

“So sadist isn’t it?” Sungyeol, that suddenly came from nowhere, approached them. Hoya looked at the tall brown haired man that now stood beside him with questioning gazes like asked the younger man what had been happened here.

“Well…I am arrive here not long ago and it is already like this,” Sungyeol said with worried tone and gazes at his face and voice. “I just went around the mansion to look at the condition, and saw the similar situation. All around this mansion there are so many people got killed. I don’t know who the one who killed them though.”

…Obviously a lie, but Sungyeol knew better to say what had happened in reality to Hoya and busted himself, right?

Hoya bent down to inspect one of the corpses in front of him. Hoya saw that the man in front of him. He saw that a man in front of him dead with a blood poured from between his eyes. His eyes now lifeless and emotionless, really the eye of the death. He wore his investigation gloves and rolled the corpses until it moved slightly from its first spot. Hoya looked at the ground beneath the corpses and dug it slightly until he got a bullet at the tip of his fingers.

“What’s that?” Sungyeol said while he tried to see the bullet at Hoya’s fingers.

“I think this is the bullet that the killer used,” Hoya said softly while he twirled the bullet at his fingers to look at it better. “It looks like this bullet is 7.62x54mmR. With this kind of bullet, I think the killers use a rifle, and it looks like that he is a quite skilled sniper.” Hoya took a transparent bag from his jacket’s pocket and put the bullet inside. “And looks from the type of these bullets…the type of guns that used this are so many…Mosin-Nagant, Dragunov, Romak-3, Zastava M76, or Zastava M91…. These bullets are too common to use by snipers in the underground world or any snipers in the world, so I don’t know exactly what type of gun that the sniper uses too….”

“I think there’s no use even if we know what gun that the sniper used. Rifle is not something that used and bought by sniper only, there are also military people and gun collectors. Because of its efficiency to shot far range, rifle is something common to use and buy by people, legally or illegally. We don’t know how this sniper got his gun, legally or illegally. We also don’t know where and when this sniper buy this gun and if this sniper only uses this gun or not. There are so many things to investigate just for one bullets and one gun. How do you expect us to find that person?!!” Sungyeol exclaimed. Hoya sighed and nodded his head.

“I agree,” Hoya said. “Well…snipers and assassins are the most difficult person to find out without knowing all the structures of one of the underworld organization. Usually to know about this, we must disguise ourselves, join the underworld organization, and look who are the snipers and assassins by ourselves.”

“So? What will we do about that?” Sungyeol said. “Must we report this first to Minho-hyung? The people that got killed are so many, this is serious!”

Hoya silent for a while before stood up and turned his head to Dongwoo. “Dongwoo-hyung, tell Changmin-hyung, Byunghyun, or whoever people that still not arrive here and tell them to inform this to Minho-hyung!”

“But their mission to catch Yong Soo or Min Hwa…” Dongwoo said. Hoya immediately shook his head to cut off the dark blue haired man’s sentence, silenced Dongwoo immediately.

“It’s no use…whoever that kill all these people outside surely already killed all the people inside too. With their death, it is not their jurisdiction anymore. It’s my division’s.”

Dongwoo hesitated for a moment before grabbed his cellphone and immediately called Changmin and told the older tall man about what actually happened.

“Can we get inside?” Hoya said to Sungyeol. Sungyeol shook his head to answer the older black haired man’s question.

“All the doors and windows had been sealed shut,” Sungyeol said. “I think it is to prevent someone inside to get outside or the opposite, to prevent someone outside to get inside.”

“For what reasons he prevents someone inside to get outside?” Hoya said in confusion. “And anyway who does he prevent to get outside in this mansion?”

Sungyeol hesitated for a moment before tilted his head and looked at the older black haired man in worry gazes. “…Em…maybe it is stupid of me to suggest this but maybe…Sunggyu-hyung? He does get missing because he get kidnapped, right?”

Hoya’s body got rigid for a moment before bit his lips. “Yeah…” he muttered softly. “There is possibility about that…”

And at that time, the sound of gunshot echoed from the inside of the mansion, made Hoya and Sungyeol immediately looked toward the mansion with wide eyed, full of surprised and fears.

“What was that? A gunshot?!!” Hoya exclaimed when he ran toward the front door of the mansion while twisted the doorknob of the door furiously. “What happened in there?!!” Hoya just wanted to break the door down when Sungyeol immediately looked to the direction beside him and grabbed the older black haired man.

“Watch out!” Sungyeol yelled while he pulled Hoya back until both of them fell to the ground. In the same time while they fell to the ground a bullet immediately pierced the door, right at the spot where Hoya’s chest would have been there if he didn’t move from his previous spot.

“Hoya, are you alright?” Sungyeol said where he and Hoya just stared unblinkingly at the spot where the bullet pierced the door. Hoya just nodded his head softly, still stunned with the death that so near to meet him just a moment ago.

“I think…the sniper that killed all the people here still there and look at the condition of this mansion, Hoya…and if we just barge in carelessly we will be the next victim…” Sungyeol whispered to the older black haired man that sat motionless in front of him. “…I think…how if we…wait for a minute or so to see the condition until we think it is safe to enter the mansion?”

Hoya…that couldn’t think any other solutions except what Sungyeol had been said to him only could only nod his head hesitantly.



Min Hwa screamed in pain when he felt a small dagger stabbed his right leg. Blood trickled down from his leg when the older black haired man pulled the dagger out of his leg and threw it to his side.

Woohyun, that stood in front of Min Hwa smirked when he saw the older black haired man howled in pain. The dagger was thrown out by Woohyun. Right exactly before Min Hwa fired his gun to Woohyun, Woohyun immediately threw the dagger to the older man, made the older man’s shot missed and shot the wall beside Woohyun instead. If the black haired man didn’t throw the dagger, surely the shot would hit him.

Woohyun twirled the knife that he held at his right hand while saw Min Hwa that still screamed in pain while clutched his injured leg. The younger black haired man still pointed his gun toward Min Hwa, ready if the older man still decided to attack him again.

“Bastard!” Min Hwa yelled in rage. He still knelt down at the floor, held his injured leg. “You’re cheating, you bastard!!!”

“It is necessary for us to do anything necessary to take down our enemies, right?” Woohyun said lazily. “You also cheated to kill me before, right? So it’s even for me to do the same. You do something, I have a right to do the same thing because we live in the same black world of blood. Now let me kill you to avenge Kim’s family, Myungsoo,  and Sunggyu’s sufferings for all this six years.”

“…I will not let you kill me…” Min Hwa whispered softly before run away again and shot one window beside him, made the window was broken and the older black haired man immediately jumped down, even though struggled and slightly difficulty with his injured leg. Woohyun immediately started followed him to jump down before looked right and left, to avoid to be seen by polices that maybe that already came there, especially Hoya.

Because if that black haired police saw him he won’t have another choice except to involve himself into another fight and made the time to save Sunggyu became longer.

At one corner of his eyes Woohyun saw that Min Hwa turned into the end of the mansion. He immediately pushed the button of his cellphone and called someone when he kept running to after Min Hwa that ran ahead of him.

“Hello Yeol! This bastard Min Hwa decided to run away! Can you tell Joongie to shot him? What, he can’t! Why? The polices already here and he must stay to focused himself to the front part of the mansion to prevent the police to enter the mansion?! Oh well, okay! What, well…from what I see I think he ran to garage…” Woohyun heard the brown haired man’s sentences at the other line intently before a smirk formed at his lips and he nodded his head.

“So that’s what happens, huh? Okay, I understand. Just shoo away all the police from the part of the garage for…fifteen minutes, okay?”

And the black haired man immediately followed Min Hwa and entered the garage.

Woohyun sighed and closed his eyes before opened it and started his search. His steps careful and soundless while he walked around the garage. His gun held tightly at his hands, ready to shot anytime.


One shot from nowhere almost pierced Woohyun’s head. Luckily, the younger black haired man dodged it with bent down his head a bit. The bullet pierced one of the cars’ at the garage. While he started to walk again, Woohyun’s sharp eyes saw Min Hwa’s black hair from behind the Mercedes Benz. The older man figure just looked for a moment before hid himself again behind other cars.


Woohyun fired two guns that echoed inside the garage. “Get out, you bastard!” Woohyun yelled in frustrations while he fired his gun again, made holes at the Mercedes Benz’s body.

Min Hwa didn’t move at all. He busied himself to crawl between cars at the garage, avoide Woohyun’s gunshots. The black haired man kept shoting the cars at the garage, made the cars’ sharp glasses’ fell around the garage’s floor. The older man kept crawling under the cars to avoid Woohyun’s attack. Min Hwa cursed when he heard Woohyun’s constant shoting above him. At first, he wanted to attack back, but Woohyun’s constant shots really endangered his life. Min Hwa understood that if he just raised his head slightly higher than the cars in the garage, he would be dead with bullet holes at his head. That’s why he decided to just kept crawling under the cars, to avoid Woohyun’s attack.

He knew that his life far more important than his pride for now.

But he couldn’t avoid Woohyun forever. The older man immediately arrived at the last car at the rows where he crawled under. The gap between the cars where he stayed under and the garage’s door was far enough and if he risked himself to run towards the exit he would be dead immediately at Woohyun’s hand, especially because of Woohyun’s title as an excellent shooter.


“You can’t go anywhere anymore, Min Hwa-ssi,” Woohyun said with a cold tone at his voice. So uncaring and so heartless. The mouth of his gun still let out a smoke after shot many bullets to the cars.

No way. Min Hwa wouldn’t give up so easily to Woohyun’s threat.

In panic, Min Hwa started to look for solutions to run away from this urgent situations. His heart beat loudly, pumped the adrenaline faster into his body. His eyes widened in panic when he saw Woohyun’s figure that walked closer toward him to his hiding place slowly. The gun ready to fire bullets to his body now.

And in the middle of his panic, Min Hwa found one way to run away. With a quick movement, he crawled back under the car and shot Woohyun’s leg from the gap between the wheels and the body of the cars.


“ARGH!” Woohyun yelled in pain when the bullet found a way to his leg. A pain made the younger man fell to the floor while clutched his leg in pain while hissed softly. Woohyun immediately shot the cars where Min Hwa hid himself. Unfortunately, the person that he targeted already ran into the car, ready to run away. “Stop, you bastard! Don’t run away!” Woohyun yelled while he shot the yellow Lamborghini that Min Hwa rode into.

The older man sat at the driver’s seat and locked it. A loud laugh heard from Min Hwa’s mouth because Woohyun failed to kill him. “I’m pity you, Woohyun-ssi! How about you are the one that die here for me!”

He immediately started the engine of the car while Woohyun kept shoting the cars when suddenly….


The yellow Lamborghini immediately exploded, made it covered by the bright red fires. From the middle of the car, Woohyun heard a howl of pain. Min Hwa immediately walked out from the car and fell to the garage’s floor. His clothes already burnt, along with several parts of his body. The older man rolled himself at the cold garage’s floor to try to decrease the pain, still yelled and howled in pain.

Woohyun ripped a piece of cloth at his coat’s pocket and used it as a bandage for his injured leg. He stood and walked toward the burnt figure of Min Hwa that still rolled around the floor before lifted his gun. Without any hesitation at all, he pulled the trigger of his gun to Min Hwa’s head. Pierced the burnt man straight at his head, made him dead immediately.

Woohyun sighed while he saw the emotionless figure of Min Hwa. “Luckily Sungyeol already sprayed oil to all the cars in this garage so I just have to shot the cars until there’s a spark of fire and burn the cars. Thank you Sungyeol, you are really my savior~” Woohyun said while smiled happily before walked out of the garage that still shine brightly because of the fire.

“…Now, I must go save Sunggyu-hyung…” Woohyun said while he walked to the back door of the mansion to re-enter the mansion.

Hoya walked around the mansion after he heard a loud explosion happened from the back of the mansion. He just wanted to walk to the direction of the garage when he saw a broken glass at the second floor. Hoya looked at the broken window for a moment and realized that there was a tree branch that grew toward the window. Hoya looked hesitant for a moment before his eyes shone in determination and immediately climbed the tree where the branch grew and hopped into the second floor from the broken window. He looked around the corridor and frowned when he heard the quietness of the room.

He didn’t know why but he felt uneasy so suddenly….

The handsome black haired man prepared his gun and walked slowly toward the corridor of the mansion. He arrived at the first floor at the floor and after a bit hesitation tried to open it. Hoya’s eyes widened immediately when he saw that the door was not even locked.

And his eyes became wider when he saw what, or who, was the one that had been in the room.

Sunggyu, that seemed unconscious laid in a small pool of crimson, that looked like that it was the brown haired man’s blood.


Hoya just wanted to run into the room and checked Sunggyu’s condition when suddenly…


Hoya felt an extreme pain at his left chest. The black haired man immediately looked down and saw that his white shirt now had been stained with crimson color. Hoya hesitantly put his hand at the stain, looked that now the crimson stain also colored his hand with the similar color.

A fresh blood, that still poured out from the bullet holes at his left chest.

Hoya groaned in pain and fell at his knees. The extreme pain that he had been felt had been spread around in his body quickly, made his eyes became blurry in seconds. The black haired man immediately laid at the floor in front of Sunggyu, motionless.

Author note:

I bet now many of you want to kill me, right? -runaway- Well...let's see...what will happen to Hoya? Don't worry I don't think I will make him dead...for now and forever maybe. but for now...sorry, must hurt him for a bit. It's not fair if Woohyun get hurt and Hoya isn't, right? So...anyone please be patient for the next chapter to know what had happened to Hoya.

Okay, as usual for now I will just say thank you so much for all the subscribers that I receive, it really make my day and surely make me very happy! That's why please keep subscribe and comment, okay guys? I really appreciate all the comment and subscribe to my story that I receive, guys! So please do that, okay? You are so kind, guys, I love you and once more thank you so much. My story will be nothing without you all-bows- XDD

Okay, guys, once more I love you ^____^. Have a good day and once more thank you~ ^____^

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Chapter 17: please update soon authorniiiim~~
moonlightangel77 #2
Chapter 17: Update soon!
moonlightangel77 #3
Chapter 9: I luv Detective Conan lol. I immediately thought of that when Sunggyu was kidnapped! XD
ceilzephyr #4
PLEASE update soon
Chapter 1: :O omg!!! sunggyu did?
Chapter 17: ive been waitin for this fic since ever so pllz
Chapter 17: yearing for this fics!!!
Chapter 17: Ypdate s o o n
lilycho #9
Chapter 17: Wow! I really like this fic! I have finished all the chapters you posted! Really look forward to your next chapters!
But you will not let Sungjonggie alone, won't you?! :-s
Chapter 17: did Hyunnie said something worry!