The Start Of Revelation

Light And Dark

“So…you all still don’t find anything about all people or organizations that tried to frame us recently?” L said coldly to all the occupants at his office room. All the people that stood in front of L were cowered in fear because they all knew that L was not a person to tolerate mistakes.

“All of you…I consider you as competent people and for searching people that frame us you can’t do that?” L muttered while he stood up from his seat and walked to the person that actually a leader of the group. The stoic man immediately raised and slapped the man’s face hardly, made the man fell down to the group. “Don’t all of you have a nerve to say that all of you are competent?!!”

“We…we’re sorry, L-ssi. It just…the organization really hides themselves well and….”

“I don’t need your stupid excuses!” L yelled coldly to the men in front of him. “Just do your work well and bring me a satisfactory result that can prove to me that you are not a scumbags!” he screamed at them and clicked his gun.

“Or I will not hesitant…to blow your heads off. Do this one job right or I will make sure this will be your last job to do here…and this world.”

All the men became more scared and immediately bowed to L with their shaken bodies and stiff postures. “W…we will do our best, L-ssi….”

“Good, now go from my eyesight!” L said emotionlessly to all of the men. “You ruin my eyesight.”

Without being told twice, all the men ran away from L’s office. L huffed and sat back at his chair. He turned his chair around so he was facing the wide window in front of him. L looked at the blue bright sky in front of him that he could be seen from his office with a cold gazes before sighed and reached out to his table and took a photo frame at his table. He looked at it with a smile at his face.

A photo of him and Sunggyu when they were still a child hugged each other in happiness. A wide smile formed at their face. Looked so happy…and…perfect.

“…Hyung…” L muttered softly when he caressed Sunggyu’s face at the photo frame softly. “…I miss you….”

Yes, he missed Sunggyu. He always considered Sunggyu as important person in his life beside Sungyeol (that also his childhood friend and boyfriend now). Sunggyu was the one that always took care of him because their parents always left them alone with only a butler and nanny to take care of them for their works. Myungsoo was always close to Sunggyu, thought that Sunggyu was someone that always would be here for him whenever he needed him. He loved Sunggyu…really loved him….

Even though his love for Sunggyu always just a mere affection between brothers…because his heart always would be for…Sungyeol. Just for the brown haired man alone….

“Myungie?” the sound at his office door immediately made L slammed out from his daydreaming and turned around. He smiled warmly when he saw Sungyeol ran to him excitedly. The stoic black haired man stood up to greet his boyfriend while he spread his arms. Sungyeol, who understood what L was doing smiled and ran to his boyfriend’s embrace. L smiled and caressed Sungyeol’s brown hair. Really different from his cold stoic behavior several minutes ago.

In Infinite and black underground world, he was L but in front of all the people he considered as someone close, including Sungyeol, he was and always would be Kim Myungsoo.

“You already finish your job at FBI for tonight?” Myungsoo said. Sungyeol giggled before shook his head innocently.

“No, but I am asked by Hoya to buy him and the others dinner~ so I think I can meet you here for a while~”

“And what about the dinner?” Myungsoo asked. “They would be suspicious if you come late to buy dinner than usual.”

“Don’t worry, I ask Joongie to buy the dinner and bring it here,” Sungyeol said before sat himself at Myungsoo’s lap. “But I think…with so many jobs about the fires lately, Hoya will not have a time to think about the possibility of impostor in FBI now.”

“But still…be careful,” Myungsoo said while he trailed his lips down Sungyeol’s neck and Sungyeol’s white shirt one by one slowly, gave the black haired boy the perfect view of Sungyeol’s white flawless skin. “Your position there is a bit risky, if you’re busted you will be put in jail immediately.”

“I know but don’t worry~” Sungyeol said. “I don’t do anything against law there anyway. Just keep an eye to…Sunggyu-hyung, right?”

Myungso’s face changed immediately when he heard Sunggyu’s name. His hand that trailed down Sungyeol’s chest stopped immediately. The black haired boy looked down with sad stares and unconsciously held Sungyeol’s hand tighter.

Sungyeol, who now realized that something was wrong with Myungsoo, immediately brought his other hand that not held by Myungsoo and cupped the black haired man’s cheek tenderly. “He loves you Myungsoo…even if Sunggyu-hyung not remember you…yet, he still loves you.”

Myungsoo immediately closed his eyes to enjoy Sungyeol’s touch to his cheek and leaned his head at Sungyeol’s (now) bare chest. “I…want to think like that but it is already six years…since he disappeared. And six years or so…since he being taken away from me. Live without his tenderness and affection from him all this time is really like…live in emptiness. Sometimes…I am afraid…to live like this without his support. I…really grateful that I finally have you, Yeollie, very grateful it’s just that….”

“Enough Myungie, I understand,” Sungyeol said while he now the one that caressed Myungsoo’s hair. “I understand that Sunggyu-hyung is important to you, that it is not easy for you to lose him. I…will feel the same thing if Joongie is the one that disappear like Sunggyu-hyung. I can’t go on with my life too if Joongie disappears and doesn’t remember anything about me. But….”

Myungsoo looked up when Sungyeol said and said that the brown haired boy smiled lovingly at him. “Believe me…that he will remember you. Bond between families not something that can be broken easily. Woohyun…and all of us will make sure that Sunggyu-hyung will save physically so through time he will start to remember, Myungie. Sunggyu-hyung loves you and you love him…that’s enough for now. For Sunggyu-hyung you’re also important person for him, that’s why…wait for him and believe him, okay?”

Myungsoo looked hesitant before a smile formed at his lips and nodded his head. “Yes…thank you so much Yeollie…” said Myungsoo while he kissed Sunyeol’s cheeks tenderly. “I really feel grateful…that I have you in my life. If I don’t have you here…when I lost Sunggyu-hyung and my family…everything that I have before, I will not have any strength to go on and continue living. I will go mad…and maybe I will end my life. That’s why…thank you…for always be here beside me and…always hold me…whenever I scared all this time since I lost dad and Sunggyu-hyung.”

Sungyeol looked stunned for a moment before a wide smile formed at his lips. He bounced at Myungsoo’s lap childishly and wrapped his hands at Myungsoo’s neck. “You’re welcome, Myungie~” he cooed childishly. “And thank you too…for always loves me all this time. Myungie gives me strength too…to always live all this time. If Myungie didn’t support my family’s corporation now…maybe I…and Joongie will still life in poverty and all after our family went into bankruptcy.”

Myungsoo smiled and caressed Sungyeol’s hair once more. “I will always love you, Sungyeol...forever and ever,” Myungsoo said before kissed the brown haired boy lovingly and tenderly.

“Hyung, are you sure you’re alright? You seem so out of it lately!”

Hoya’s words snapped Sunggyu out of his (nowadays usual) daydreaming and looked at the black haired man blankly. Hoya sighed and caressed the brown haired man’s cheeks. “What is wrong with you, hyung? Do something happen?”

Sunggyu shook his head softly and smiled softly. “It’s alright, Hoya. It just…sometimes I have so much things to think recently, but I’m fine, really!” he said when he saw Hoya’s concerned face.

Hoya looked hesitant for a moment before he sighed and held Sunggyu’s hand softly, made the brown haired man looked surprised for a moment to the black haired man. “Hoya?” Sunggyu asked with an unsure tone in his voice.

“Please…don’t lie to me, hyung,” Hoya said in a soft voice. “I know something bothered you and it is not something easy….”

“Hoya, believe me I’m fine,” said Sunggyu, cut off the black haired man’s sentence. “But thank you…for worry about me and….”

Suddenly, without Sunggyu realized it, Hoya yanked Sunggyu upwards so the brown haired man stumble forward and fell to Hoya’s body. Hoya itself, when he felt Sunggyu’s body hit his chest immediately raised his hands and wrapped it at Sunggyu’s waist and neck, hugged the older man’s body tightly.

Sunggyu’s eyes widened slightly when he found himself at Hoya’s (according to him, warm) embrace. So warm…so soft…and so tender…. He felt so warm, so safe in Hoya’s embrace. Hoya…he like promised Sunggyu that he would be fine, that Hoya would protect him no matter what happen.

“Hyung, you ask me…to trust you, right?” Hoya whispered softly at Sunggyu’s ear, that only answered by a nod from Sunggyu. “Then please…believe me to, hyung.”

Sunggyu just kept silent when he heard Hoya’s sentence. Hoya just rose his hands and clutched Hoya’s shirt tightly and closed his eyes, enjoyed the warm feeling of Hoya’s body.

“Believe me…that I will help you no matter what happened to you, hyung,” Hoya said while he rubbed Sunggyu’s back in a comforting manner. “I will always protect you, hyung. So please…believe me to become your support too….”

Sunggyu smiled for a moment before he looked up and saw Hoya’s eyes. “Thank you…Hoya… for everything.”

Hoya looked at Sunggyu’s eyes back before he bent down and kissed Sunggyu’s lips softly. Sunggyu, even though he looked startled, slowly closed his eyes and kissed Hoya back tenderly.

With a kiss full of deceitful love between both of them…. Love…that trapped between lies and betrayal….

Woohyun gritted his teeth when he saw Hoya and Sunggyu that kissed each other lovingly at their office. His hands formed a tight grip to the point that his knuckles turned white in pure rage and hatred. He saw red, from jealousy and envy.

How dare that Lee Howon took what was actually his! Sunggyu was his! No matter what happen and how long time went through between all of them, Sunggyu promised to be his, and he would never let that promised to be broken.

“Actually I don’t want to separate you two…” Woohyun hissed softly. “But Hoya…you…there is a big dark flaw that will not allow you to be with Sunggyu-hyung and that flaw…I will tell you that flaw to you for you to realize that you and Sunggyu-hyung…is at the two completely different side of the world….”

 Woohyun looked back to both of the men at the office before walked to the darkness of the night. “I will not give Sunggyu-hyung to anyone…especially to a child of the bastard that becomes the start of all this messy stupid fate between all of us! You’re the one that I will forbid to be near Sunggyu-hyung the most!”

“Because your family…is the start of all this…. Your family is the one…that make me, Myungsoo, and Sunggyu-hyung suffered the most! For me…you are the one…that never deserve Sunggyu-hyung for the most!”

Hoya walked back into his apartment, his mind still filled with the thought about Sunggyu. Sunggyu was seemed so out of it lately. He knew that there was something bothering the brown haired man but Sunggyu never told him what was wrong with  him and what was the one that bothering him.

But Hoya suspected it must be something dark…something so gloomy that it made Sunggyu felt lost about the answers of his problems.

Hoya walked into his room but when he his lamp his eyes widened when he saw Woohyun sat at the edge of his bed.

“You know~ you should consider to come back here than make the FBI office your house,” Woohyun said nonchalantly. “This room is waste away uselessly.”

“What are you doing here?” Hoya yelled when he saw Woohyun. “How can you have a nerve to come here again?!!”

“I want to tell you something,” said Woohyun while he played with his white mask. “You…better not taking someone that you not deserve.”

“Huh?” Hoya looked confused for a moment when he heard Woohyun’s statement. “W…what is the meaning of that? Who…are you talking about?”

“Someone by the name of Kim Sunggyu…” Woohyun said while he looked at Hoya with a glare full of hatred and…jealousy. “I think you are so close to him recently at FBI…right?”

Hoya looked surprised for a moment before he looked back at Woohyun with the same glares. “So what if I am close to him? There’s nothing wrong with that! What is your relationship with Sunggyu-hyung anyway?”

“You…can’t be with Sunggyu,” Woohyun said while he smirked sadistically. “You and Sunggyu can’t be together because there is something that makes sure that you will never be together…..”

Woohyun walked to Hoya and stood in front of Hoya without the black haired man’s realization. Woohyun pinned Hoya to the wall behind him hardly, made Hoya winced in pain. “Your family…killed Sunggyu’s parents six years ago…. Your family is the one…that make Sunggyu suffers all this time. Do you think you can make Sunggyu happy…if the reason he is suffering at the first time is because of your parents? Your family is the one that destroys Sunggyu’s happiness, the people that make him and his brother suffer the most!”


Author note:

Okay, anyone expected this chapter to be like this? Well~this story is so cliche, right? Well...I hope you are not disappointed with this chapter guys. I'm so sorry if this chapter is not satisfied enough for all of you, I will try harder to make a better chapter next so I hope you still will read my fanfic after this, guys.

and for the comments:

AnchiYuki: what bf are you talking about, best friends or boy friends -innocentface- -getshot- Oh well...I think from here you can guess what is the relationship between MyungGyu, right? :) thank you so much for your comment and I hope you like this chapter XDD

Sunggyunf_: Hmm...about Hoya...I think from this chapter their relationship will be more complicated XP since...well you already read it! do you think HoGyu relationship will be? thank you so much for your comment and I hope you like this chapter XD

dattebayo-go: Hmmm...MyungGyu? Since I love them that much maybe I will add them here and there Myungie is Yeollie's boyfriend and Sunggyu have Woohyun and Hoya fight over him so...I think it is too much to make them have romantic relationship -coughaffaircough- so I hope you not disappointed much and still enjoyed this fanfic, okay? thank you very much for your comment and I hope you like this chapter :))

And thank you so much for all the subscribers that I receive, it really make my day and surely make me very happy! that's why please keep subscribe and comment, okay guys? Since it will make me really happy. I will really appreciate it if you comment and subscribe to my story, guys! So please do that, okay? You are so kind, guys, I love you and once more thank you so much -bows- XDD

Okay, guys, I love you, Annyeong! ^______^



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Chapter 17: please update soon authorniiiim~~
moonlightangel77 #2
Chapter 17: Update soon!
moonlightangel77 #3
Chapter 9: I luv Detective Conan lol. I immediately thought of that when Sunggyu was kidnapped! XD
ceilzephyr #4
PLEASE update soon
Chapter 1: :O omg!!! sunggyu did?
Chapter 17: ive been waitin for this fic since ever so pllz
Chapter 17: yearing for this fics!!!
Chapter 17: Ypdate s o o n
lilycho #9
Chapter 17: Wow! I really like this fic! I have finished all the chapters you posted! Really look forward to your next chapters!
But you will not let Sungjonggie alone, won't you?! :-s
Chapter 17: did Hyunnie said something worry!