The Dilemma Between Two Hearts

Light And Dark

Sunggyu gritted his teeth before opened his mouth. “I never think that you still can enjoy this world, you stupid bastard,” he said in cold tone. “How dare you show your ugly face in front of me now? Two of you….”

“…Jang Yong Soo and Kim Min Hwa, right? The bastard that take a part at father’s murders by Lee family…” Sunggyu hissed softly.

Min Hwa scoffed and walked toward Sunggyu, “Well, well, at least he still smart to even remember our full name after six years and all,” he said with a smirk plastered at his face before raised his foot and kicked Sunggyu right at his chest, made the brown haired man gritted his teeth in slight pain. “But still a brat that doesn’t know politeness and respect for older people like us.”

Sunggyu looked at Min Hwa with cold eyes without any emotion at all. “Why I must be polite and respect you? Who are you to be the one who deserve my respect and politeness? You don’t even deserve my harshest behavior to people!”

Min Hwa laughed when he heard Sunggyu’s harsh words before raised his hand and slapped Sunggyu’s cheeks hard. “You are too full of yourself, Kim Sunggyu,” he said with emotionless tone at his voice. “What can you do now? You are defenseless, tied up, and at our mercy. Be a bit polite to both of us when your life is depended to our feelings and mercy to you.”

Sunggyu immediately fell to the floor with bruised cheek. Sunggyu spitted the blood that trickled down from his slightly torn lips. “So you just can kick and hit me when you know that I’m right? And you expect me to beg for your mercy to a bunch of stupid people like you? Do you expect me to believe that ugly, stupid, greedy creatures like you, that willing to kill father that help you to life all this time just for an empty dream to take Infinite, know what is a mercy? Both of you is just a creature that talk big when in reality all of that is just an empty threat. Such a coward,” he said with a sinister smile at his lips. “Really a lousy weak human, both of you.”

 Min Hwa looked enraged when he heard Sunggyu’s sentences. The black haired man immediately raised his hand again, ready to hit Sunggyu once more, if possibly harder than before but when that hand could reached Sunggyu’s face, Yong Soo grabbed the other black haired man, stopped Min Hwa’s hand to hit Sunggyu.

“What are you doing?!!” Min Hwa yelled to the other black haired man. “Let go of my hand! We need to make this stupid, insolent brat a lesson for his disrespect to us!”

“That’s enough for now,” said Yong Soo calmly to the other black haired man in front of him. “Let me talk to him for now.”

Min Hwa just huffed loudly and lowered his head. “Do as much as you want,” he said when he walked out of the door. “But let you know first, I don’t have any intention to let him live. I want him to die, after all with Kim Myungsoo take over the Infinite after their father’s death, it is not use at all to let Kim Sunggyu live, Infinite will not fall down and we can’t take it over too with that Kim ing Myungsoo still live in this world and keep rule Infinite.”

Yong Soo smiled and nodded his head when he heard Min Hwa’s sentences. “I understand,” he said softly. “You can do whatever that you want to him when I finish with him.”

 Min Hwa let out a smirk when he saw the Sunggyu that looked back at him with emotionless expression. “Really can’t wait to see that insolent child death,” he said loudly before stomped out of the room, left both of the men at the room alone.

“So you want to kill me?” Sunggyu said with a smile in his lips. “I should have know that it is something that you will do to me.”

“You don’t seem afraid at all,” Yong Soo said to the brown haired man that now was back to sit at the floor in front of him. “Even though you just heard that we will not let you step out from this room alive.”

“Why must I be afraid about hear that threat?” Sunggyu said with a underestimate tone at his voice. “You are not the one to decide what will happen to my life, I am! So…if I decide that I will not die, I will not die.”

“Such a strong belief,” Yong Soo smiled. “But…just strong confidence is not enough to survive in this dark, underworld world, Kim Sunggyu, everyone that live in this world will understand that. You need skills to survive, something that you don’t have at this time.”

“Really?” Sunggyu said nonchalantly. “Do you think that ‘false father’ of mine never do anything that I can learn all this time. I am not a person that blind with this underworld world that I supposed to live all this time. I know how I must live in this world and the consequence if I can’t.”

“Really, you know?” Yong Soo whispered. “Then why there’s such a different treatment from you to us and another person that supposed to responsible for your parent’s death?”

“Who?” Sunggyu said. “I think there are no other people that involved in father’s murder six years ago that still alive for now. I prettily sure Myungsoo will kill all of them already. It’s a wonder too how you still be alive until now too.”

“I think so too,” Yong Soo said with a smile at his lips. “But I think Myungsoo doesn’t kill the reason for the Lee-ssi planned to take over Infinite, his only son, because I’m prettily sure that he is still alive until now. And the funny thing is…he is so close with you now.”

“Are you talking about Ho…ah, sorry, I mean Lee Howon?” Sunggyu said coldly to the older black haired man in front of him that just nodded his head. “What reason I have for kill Howon? He doesn’t involve himself at the murder of father, he didn’t kill anyone at that night, and he didn’t proud about his parent’s wrongdoing either, in fact he hate what his parents doing for living, he told me that himself.” Sunggyu looked at the black haired man with such emotionless gazes at his eyes. “And different from you two that lived without feel any guilt at all for all your doing by killed father, he…that never did anything at that cursed night six years ago, asked for forgiveness at me. He felt guilt, asked me not to hate him for his parents’ wrongdoings. A person like that…he doesn’t deserve to get hate by me, different with the two of you.”

“Hmm…so like that…” Yong Soo said softly. “You are too kind, or maybe too stupid, Kim Sunggyu. Do you think he will give a damn about your kindness when he realizes who are you and your family are? When he knows that you are a son of the founder of Infinite, the organization that he always chased to throw the entire members of Infinite into jail? He hate Infinite, Sunggyu, despise it even. All that kindness that he has to you will just disappear completely into hate when he knows you are one of them.”

Sunggyu looked at the older black haired man in front of him before looked down to his lap. Unconsciously the brown haired man bit his lip when he thought about what Yong Soo had been said to him.

True, Hoya hate Infinite, especially Woohyun. If that black haired man knew that Sunggyu was Woohyun’s boyfriend and also the older brother of the leader of Infinite...surely all of Hoya’s kindness and affection that the younger black haired man always gave to him would disappear forever. He also…he was supposed to be the ‘true’ leader of Infinite anyway, if that stupid night six years ago never happened and he never lose his memories, really live in a world where he must thought all people like Hoya as enemies. If Hoya knew all of that…Sunggyu sure Hoya will think that Sunggyu deceived him, just try to be closer to him to let him away from his investigations about Infinite. He will think Sunggyu as a traitor, and maybe…no, Sunggyu sure Hoya would never hesitate himself to throw him to jail because of that.

But all of that fact…would never change. It was reality that he…really deceived Hoya, it wasn’t a lie at all. If it was what he deserved for always lied to the younger black haired boy because he always played and used Hoya’s kindness and tender affection for his own benefits like he always did to Hoya…he would take it. He would accept it wholeheartedly.

As his punishment…for his betrayal for Hoya…. Even though he knew that Hoya was already being betrayed numerous times already…when he already promised to always stay beside Hoya and supported the younger black haired boy. He lied to the younger black haired man…when Hoya always supported him, protected him, believed him, and loved him all this time.

 He was a bad, cruel person to Hoya…right? Yes, he was. He wasn’t different at all with all the people that he hated, the people that laughed and continued their life without guilt after they killed their parents. Sunggyu knew…he didn’t have a right to hate people that killed his father when he himself killed so many people, either it was Myungsoo, Woohyun, or Hoya…. The difference is just that he did it emotionally by hurt all of them again and again inside, by hurt and broke their hearts with forgot about them, never cared at all about their sufferings while they fought and sacrificed everything for his happiness, and played their feelings to him again and again this entire time while they suffered themselves for him.

He never deserved their love for him. He never deserves them either.

Not Myungsoo….

Not Woohyun….

And also not Hoya….

Unconsciously a tear slipped out and trickled down at his pale cheek. Yong Soo that saw that tear smirked, thought that he finally succeeded to break the brown haired man’s mind in front of him now.

“I think you are not the one that will judge that,” Sunggyu stated coldly when he finally raised his head to look at Yong Soo. “You’re not Howon, you can’t expect you know what he will do to me about my real identities as Myungsoo’s brother, that now is Infinite’s leader. After all, he is different with you, he not a heartless human. He cares about other people so much, it is his reason to be a FBI’s member, to protect other people’s smiles. A kind people like that…he will not be so heartless to kill me.”

“But your family betrayed him, Kim Sunggyu. Your younger brother killed his parents as revenge for the murder of your father,” said Yong Soo while smirked widely. “Human is a cruel creature, that will betray each other if grudge envelope their hearts, whoever they are, no matter how kind they are. After all, do you know Howon close enough to you to say that you’re sure he will protect you and keep love you if he know who is the real you? With his deep hatred to Infinite? I doubt it.”

“And I think there will not one who understand his feeling except Howon himself,” Sunggyu hissed softly. “You can’t say anything about him because you’re not him! I…if he want to hate him, and even try to kill me I will accept it as the punishment from him but…since you are not him, don’t ever say anything like you know him! You know nothing about him at all!”

Yong Soo looked surprised for a moment before smiled and shook his head like he pitied Sunggyu. “You are so defensive about him, Kim Sunggyu,” he said. “Are you…like him? Love him, even perhaps?”

Sunggyu looked taken aback for a moment. Love? Did he…love Hoya?

True, Hoya always concerned, kind, and acted warm towards him, made him felt warm and safe when he was towards him. He felt he could be at ease when he was with Hoya…same like when he was with Woohyun. And true…he concerned about the younger black haired man, always wanted to help and support him as much as he could. Sunggyu admitted he was seeing Hoya differently now, because he thought Hoya as someone more closer than just a mere acquaintance but more like someone important, that he wanted to protect and support forever…was it because his feelings to the younger man also changed? Not just sympathy but became affection, or maybe love?

But he…had Woohyun. Woohyun that always waited for him for these six years, always held him when he was scared, always made him laugh when he was sad, and always hugged him whenever he needed an affectionate touch from someone. Woohyun gave him the love that disappeared for six years of his amnesia, even though just as a stranger. Woohyun never cared about all that harsh things that Sunggyu had been said to him and always came to him whenever Sunggyu needed him. Woohyun never believed all that lies Sunggyu had said to him, always could see through all his masks that concealed all his weakness and real self that really crave for affection and love from someone. All that warmth, kindness, and love that Woohyun gave him was something that he always wanted from someone, all the feelings that he treasured so much above anything else.

And that were feelings that he couldn’t let disappear…along with the person that always gave that feelings to him. He wanted Woohyun at his life and he would never let him disappear, no matter what.

But he admitted that he couldn’t say that he loved Woohyun as confident as before he known Hoya because…he craved both of their love, thirst for their affection to him, wanted them to spoil him…. Even if it was just a chunk, he admitted to himself that his heart maybe already divided into two parts, both for Hoya and Woohyun.

A really selfish and cruel wish indeed, wanted both of those men that never could cross path to be at his side, that trapped them with stand and acted neutral in the middle, deceived both of them with his innocence and concern for both of them. Sunggyu knew that a wish as cruel and selfish as his was impossible to be granted…or even to think about, even just for the slightest.

That was why…for Sunggyu…it only could always be a wish…and maybe would become a dream through time.

“My feeling for him is not your concern,” Sunggyu stated nonchalantly toward the older black haired man in front of him. “My feeling is mine, and always be mine. After all, even if you know my feeling there is nothing that you can do about it.”

Yong Soo chuckled softly when he heard the brown haired man’s sentences. “Well…I admit that what you are saying is true, it is not my business.” He looked at the watch that wrapped at his wrist for a moment. “Well…I think our time is already up. It is a lovely conversation but I’m sorry, I think you must go to sleep.” The black haired man pulled out a gun and pointed it at Sunggyu that saw it with indifferent reaction. “Your reaction is so boring, can’t you be more shock or something?”

“I know that you will do something like this anyway,” Sunggyu said with a sinister smile formed at his lips. “After all you said that you will not let me out of here alive, right?”

“And you don’t afraid about it? We will kill you here, and you will be really dead,” said Yong Soo while he twirled the gun at his hand for a moment before pointed again at Sunggyu. “Are you not afraid that I will kill you here now?”

“I am not afraid with you,” Sunggyu said confidently. “And after all you are not the one that decides what will happen with my life, and neither am I. If it is already my time to die, I will die, but if not…there will be someone that will save me, it’s as easy as that.” Sunggyu laughed softly. “It’s a gamble. Gamble of life of mine. And I strongly believe that I will win, that I will not die today.”

Yong Soo sighed. “I will never understand your weird way of thinking, Kim Sunggyu,” he complained in a soft voice before put his hand at the trigger of his gun, readied himself to shoot Sunggyu. “Well...if you are so ready to embrace your death and meet your ancestors, who am I to deny your request immediately? I will kill you now. Goodbye…Kim Sunggyu,” he said.

The black haired man immediately clicked the trigger of the gun that he had been held to Sunggyu, made the bullet of the gun pierced the brown haired man’s chest. Sunggyu immediately fell down to the floor with blood pooled beneath him, stained the cream rug with a crimson color.

“You’re too full of yourself,” Yong Soo said while he put back the gun that he held to his pocket. “Who will come to save you here? I doubt that there is anyone that will know where are you now even, so how can they come to save you until it is already late? Well…just rot here, Kim Sunggyu, I hope you meet your father at the afterlife and if we can kill Myungsoo too then Infinite will be ours.”

The black haired man immediately walked out of the room. He kept walking and walking until he finally reached the living room, where he saw Min Hwa sat at the sofa while drank a glass of beer.

“Do you already finish with him?” Min Hwa asked to Yong Soo when he saw the other black haired man sat beside him. Yong Soo just nodded his head while sighed loudly.

“He is really a strange child,” he muttered softly. “When he knew that I will shot him he just smiled and said that he gambled with his life and he would win. What the hell he would win if he died? Who would save him here anyway?”

“Forget it, maybe there is a screw that loose at the brat’s head,” Min Hwa said while he gulped down his beer. “He is that bastard Kim Hyun Soo’s child anyway.”

Suddenly there was the sound of the phone rang at the living room. Min Hwa growled and pulled out his handphone and decided to answer it after he found out that it was one of his gang’s member after put it at the loudspeaker.

“What the hell do you want?” he asked in a harsh tone. “Didn’t I already tell you to wait until we finish at the front gate?!!”

“I…I’m sorry but…I think you must go out from the house now, boss!” the member on the other line said frantically. “We…we’ve been found out! And they go there to catch and kill you! Please run away, boss! They’re…the…”

Suddenly there was a sound of something broken before the conversation cut off with the sound of something fell down. Min Hwa and Yong Soo looked at each other before looked back at the phone.

“Hey, are you alright?” Yong Soo asked with a worry tone at his voice. “What happen?!! Answer me! Hey, please answer me!”

But of course the man would never answer again.

Because now he was laid at his own crimson pool of blood in the ground….

…Along with a bullet hole that still trickled down blood between his now lifeless, empty eyes….


Author note:

Well...I decided to double update today (actually I just update one and repost one XD). I hope you like this chapter! Sorry because I can't update faster :(

Anyway...Sunggyu seems so...bad- right? He (seems) shamelessly admitted that he attracted both to Hoya and Woohyun :) and not care at all to his life and all, really a bad boy :)) anyway...who is the one that shot the man? Infinite's members or the polices? Is it Hoya? Woohyun? Or Other people, , like...Myungsoo maybe? -getshot- Oh well...just wait for the next update, please, okay :)?

And I'm really sorry because of AFF made the previous chapter disappear, all your comments for that chapter are disappear too so I'm very sorry because I can't answer your comments for now :( But still I say thank you so much for all the subscribers that I receive, it really make my day and surely make me very happy! That's why please keep subscribe and comment, okay guys? I really appreciate all the comment and subscribe to my story that I receive, guys! So please do that, okay? You are so kind, guys, I love you and once more thank you so much. My story will be nothing without you all-bows- XDD

Okay, guys, once more I love you ^____^





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Chapter 17: please update soon authorniiiim~~
moonlightangel77 #2
Chapter 17: Update soon!
moonlightangel77 #3
Chapter 9: I luv Detective Conan lol. I immediately thought of that when Sunggyu was kidnapped! XD
ceilzephyr #4
PLEASE update soon
Chapter 1: :O omg!!! sunggyu did?
Chapter 17: ive been waitin for this fic since ever so pllz
Chapter 17: yearing for this fics!!!
Chapter 17: Ypdate s o o n
lilycho #9
Chapter 17: Wow! I really like this fic! I have finished all the chapters you posted! Really look forward to your next chapters!
But you will not let Sungjonggie alone, won't you?! :-s
Chapter 17: did Hyunnie said something worry!