The Dillemma of Love

Light And Dark

“Why?” Hoya asked softly. “Why do all that thing…just for someone like Sunggyu-hyung? Why are you willing to do something as far as kill other people just for Sunggyu-hyung? I am sure there is no other person to ask you to help Sunggyu-hyung, right? You do this with your own decision, and personally too. Why?”

Woohyun became still in his place for several moments before turned his body and smiled to Hoya. A gentle, loving smile that even made Hoya stunned before he whispered something to the younger black haired man and walked out from the room. Let Hoya that stood still in the room in surprise while the last words of Woohyun echoed softly through his ears.

“…Because that’s my job to protect him, to love him, and to keep him happy. I need him to be happy and laugh…as many as he can forever. I think you know what feel I have for him, Lee Howon, because I know…both of us have similar feelings to Sunggyu-hyung. A feelings to let him smile sincerely from the bottom of his heart with pure, real happiness….”

Woohyun walked along the corridor of the mansion while biting his lips while the black haired man tried to find a way to go out from the mansion and brought Sunggyu to the hospital without made any polices suspicious and caught him. He knew that maybe Sungyeol already took care of the police and let them gathered at the front door so he could make out safely through the backdoor but still…that didn’t mean that he could act careless. After all if he got caught it would be difficult to explain about why Sunggyu was at his arms now…

Speaking about Sunggyu….

Woohyun looked down to a brown haired man that still laid motionlessly at his arms. The black haired man’s eyes immediately shined with more worry when he saw the blood stain at Sunggyu’s shirt, right at his left chest. Woohyun sighed before held Sunggyu tighter to his body. Really…he promised to Myungsoo, Sunggyu, and even to himself that he would never let anyone hurt Sunggyu and now here Sunggyu was, laid motionlessly in his arms with pale body and bleeding chest. For the numerous times in his life Woohyun felt so useless when he saw Sunggyu’s condition at his arms.

“I’m sorry Gyu-hyung…” Woohyun whispered softly, even thought he knew that Sunggyu would never heard him. “I promise you…I promise you that I will never let anyone hurt you. And now…here you are, bleeding because I just stupidly let that bastards hurt you. I’m promise...this is the last time Sunggyu-hyung. This is the last time that I will let anyone hurt you…from now on I will never let anyone touch even a hair at your head!”

“Woo…hyun…” the soft whisper that suddenly heard by Woohyun immediately made the black haired man snapped from his thought. He looked down and saw Sunggyu that slowly looked at him with eyes blurry with sleepiness, confusion, and a bit pain. It was clear that the brown haired man struggled to keep awake.

“Gyu-hyung, you’re awake!” Woohyun exclaimed with relief clearly heard at his voice. “How are you? Does your wound still hurt? Don’t worry, hyung, I will immediately bring you to the hospital now! And don’t worry about all that bastards that hurt you I already take care of…”

“I’m…sorry…” Sunggyu said softly again, made Woohyun quickly shut his mouth to hear the brown haired man’s sentences better. “I’m sorry…because I make you broke your promise to me. I’m sorry…that you must kill others for me…because I’m so weak. Sorry for being so helpless…until I make your hands tainted in blood for me.” Sunggyu raised his hand and clutched Woohyun’s black shirt weakly. “Sorry…because I make you sinned…because of my weakness and become useless….”

Woohyun became silent for a moment before shook his head and smiled gently to Sunggyu. “You don’t need to feel guilty when I kill people because they hurt you, Gyu-hyung…because I’m not killing for you, I kill because I want to kill them. I don’t feel obliged to save you and take revenge to anyone who hurt you because it’s my will to do one. I will feel no regret at all if I kill for you, hyung…because I really, really love you. I love you so much, to the point I will not let you go, even to the death. That’s why…I will kill everyone that dare to hurt you and try to take you away from me. So, that’s why Gyu-hyung, you don’t need to feel guilty like that…because I want to do that…I want to kill for you…no matter what happen and no matter what are you thinking about me when I do that….”

Sunggyu just became silent when he heard Woohyun’s sentences. The brown haired man just kept clutching Woohyun’s shirt weakly and laid his head at the black haired man’s chest and closed his eyes slowly. Sunggyu enjoyed the sound of Woohyun’s hearbeat and the black haired man body’s warmth…that seemed to can always give him peaceful and safe feeling.

“…Thank you…Woohyun…” Sunggyu whispered softly. “I…love you….”

Woohyun smiled before bent down and kissed Sunggyu’s forehead tenderly and lovingly. “I love you too Sunggyu-hyung…more than anyone in this world….”

It didn’t need a long time for Woohyun before the black haired man finally arrived safely to his hidden car. The black haired man immediately laid Sunggyu down gently at the backseat of his car before finally covered the brown haired man’s body with a blanket that he had been already saved at his car’s garage. Woohyun smiled sadly when he heard Sunggyu groaned softly in pain while clutched his bleeding chest.

“Sorry, hyung…” Woohyun whispered softly while he raised his hand and caressed Sunggyu’s pale cheek softly. “It is hurt, right…? Sorry…because I am too late to save you. You must be scared there all alone…without anyone to save you and they just want to kill you in cold blood like that….”

Sunggyu smiled gently while he shook his head and held Woohyun’s hand at his cheek gently with his hands. The brown haired man immediately brought the black haired man’s hands to his lips and kissed it gently, made Woohyun blushed slightly. “Call me stupid, idiot…or anything you want…but I…am not scared at all when they shot me…because I believe that you will come to save me. I…don’t fear any threats that they had been said to me and how they hurt me because I know you will come. not fear anything at all…because I believe that you are there…. As long as I have you beside me…I…will not fear anything…Woo…hyun…” Sunggyu said softly. “I just need you…need you to always be here beside me….”

Woohyun stunned when he heard the brown haired man’s sentences before his mouth broke up into a gentle, loving smile. The black haired man immediately caressed Sunggyu’s cheeks gently once more before kissed the brown haired man’s cheek and lips softly for several moments before finally pulled away. “I will always be here beside you, Gyu…for as long as you want me to be…” he whispered softly before went to the driver seat of his car. Not long after, Woohyun immediately drove away from the mansion, let the big, bloody mansion disappeared slowly at their background….

Let the dark of their unforgiving past be buried for the last time at the mansion….

Hoya still stood in the middle of the room when Woohyun had been left him when suddenly his sharp eyes caught a sight of a black car drove away from the mansion. The black haired man narrowed his eyes when he realized that he didn’t recognize the plate number of the car at all, meant that the car’s owner was not someone that he had known.

“Is that…Woohyun’s car, then?” Hoya whispered softly. “He did say that he must go quickly because of Sunggyu-hyung’s injury….”

The black haired man immediately tried to find something to at least write down the plate number. He knew…if he could track the plate number maybe it will bring him closer to Woohyun and he could finally caught the older black haired man but Hoya finally dropped his hand and shook his head softly.

Because he realized that now…it was impossible to try to catch Woohyun…without involved Sunggyu in the middle. And maybe…if he did caught Woohyun now…it would make him and Sunggyu became enemies…and Hoya didn’t want that to happen….

Hoya was definitely not a stupid man. He knew with saw Woohyun’s act and behavior around Sunggyu that Woohyun have a feeling to Sunggyu, and quite deep too. Hoya was sure that Woohyun at least consider Sunggyu as someone important…to make him willing to lost some members of his organization just because of the brown haired man. And with saw Woohyun’s behavior Hoya understood perfectly…that Woohyun loved Sunggyu, and not as acquaintances or brotherly love too.

No…Hoya sure Woohyun love Sunggyu romantically…like he himself loved Sunggyu all this time.

After all the older black haired man did said that both of them had similar feelings to Sunggyu, right? The similar feelings of love…the similar feelings of lust and desire to own the brown haired man for themselves.

And because of that Hoya knew…that Sunggyu surely knew Woohyun, and quite close too. Hoya didn’t know whether Sunggyu knew about Woohyun’s real identity as the number one assassin in Infinite or not but Hoya was sure…that Sunggyu knew Woohyun, and already met face to face with the older black haired man before.

After all…with Woohyun’s personality that was so full of confidence and cockiness, Hoya found it impossible for Woohyun to just let his love feelings for Sunggyu to just stay hidden as secret. Hoya understood perfectly that Woohyun would never hesitate to pursue Sunggyu, to show the brown haired man his love without any shame at all. And with Sunggyu’s kind and warm personality…Hoya knew that Woohyun would decide to pursue Sunggyu and made the brown haired man accepted his love slowly but surely rather than force the brown haired man to accept it in just one try.

So that mean…Sunggyu and Woohyun must be met quite often when Sunggyu didn’t work at FBI with him. And with frequent meeting and all…their relationship must be quite close….

And the fact that Woohyun and Sunggyu knew each other now made Hoya in dilemma…about whether he must kept trying to catch Woohyun or not…because in some ways…no matter whether Sunggyu knew Woohyun was the number one assassin in Infinite or not, Sunggyu could be considered as Woohyun’s acquaintances.

True, there was a possibility that Sunggyu never knew Woohyun as Infinite’s members because he never knew that Woohyun that he knew was Infinite’s Woohyun. After all…Woohyun was not a rare name to be found, so it understandable if Woohyun never said anything about his ‘job’ as an Infinite’s member to Sunggyu and just introduce himself as ‘Nam Woohyun’ in front of Sunggyu. After all…the one who ever saw Woohyun’s face in FBI was just Hoya alone so of course that it was quite understandable if Sunggyu never recognize Woohyun all this time despite being quite close in relationship.

But at the other side, Sunggyu knew who Infinite was. He knew how bad Infinite and how much police tried to catch the members of Infinite. He knew the Infinite’s Woohyun, because Woohyun was the most popular member of Infinite between FBI.  And if Sunggyu did know who Woohyun was but never bothered to tell anyone about that…it could be considered that Sunggyu helped Woohyun to escape from the police’s clutch. In the laws’ eyes…Sunggyu was as much as guilty as Woohyun himself…maybe more because he was a police yet he hides his relationship with a criminal and let that criminal roamed free all this time. If it was proven that Sunggyu helped Woohyun, as another Infinite’s member or personally, Sunggyu would be thrown to jail, no doubt about it.

And that was something that Hoya would never allow himself to happen.

Hoya…loved Sunggyu so much. For the black haired man Sunggyu was the only one who still willing to stay beside him, even after he knew who his parents was. Sunggyu was the only one who wanted to support him and kept him from breaking because of his parents’ dark past. Sunggyu believed that Hoya was not as bad as his parents…and the brown haired man also understood that Hoya tried to be the best FBI’s agent not because he wanted to let go of his dark past and decided to make amend or something, but because he didn’t want to see anymore tears when someone lost their precious person like him. Sunggyu believed him as a good person and the most important thing…Sunggyu saw him as a Lee Howon, not just a mere ‘the oldest son of Lee family, one of the members of Infinite’.

And Hoya…felt grateful and thankful to Sunggyu because of that.

 That’s why…like Woohyun, Hoya would never let anything bad happen to Sunggyu too, and that was including get Sunggyu into jail. Hoya understood perfectly that he ready to break any laws or norms that he believed all this time…even sacrificed his job at FBI for Sunggyu. Hoya knew…if Sunggyu got thrown into the jail he would do anything to let Sunggyu out of there, even if he must manipulate and broken any laws or even if he must be considered as a criminal too…he would do it without any hesitation.

Because his feelings for Sunggyu already trapped him…without any way out at all….

Woohyun walked around in circles at the hospital’s corridor while biting his lip in worry. The black haired man’s eyes never left the sign of ‘emergency room’ in front of him while the lamp above the room still went on, indicated that the people inside still did their best to save Sunggyu.

It was already almost one hour since Sunggyu had been into the emergency room after immediately rushed into it when Woohyun arrived to the hospital and still there were no news at all about Sunggyu’s condition from the doctor. Really…he knew that Sunggyu’s injury was serious since he concluded that Sunggyu must be shot from close range and to the vital part of his body too, that fact, added with the fact that it was already a while since Sunggyu got shot that meant that Woohyun didn’t know for how long already Sunggyu got shot, must be made Sunggyu’s condition became worse.

Woohyun sighed while he finally flopped  himself at one of the chair at the hospital’s corridor. The black haired man closed his eyes for a second before opened it again and looked down at his lap. He tightened his hand into fist so tightly until his knuckles turned white.

Really…he understood that but could someone please tell him about what had happened to Sunggyu than left him at the dark like this? Since he was a child, Woohyun never like it at all if he never knew about something, especially now, when it was about the condition of something/someone important to him.

After around thirty minutes later, the emergency room went off, while at the same time a black haired man walked out from the emergency room. Woohyun  that saw that immediately ran to the man that just smiled kindly to him like he already knew that Woohyun would do something like that.

“Are you Kim Sunggyu’s relative?” the black haired man asked. Woohyun just nodded his head while looked at the (seemingly) older black haired doctor in front of him with worry gazes.

“Yes, I am Nam Woohyun, his…boyfriend.” Woohyun saw the black haired man’s eyes in front of him widened in surprise for a moment before an understanding smile formed at his lips. “How is he, doctor?” Woohyun asked. “Is he alright?”

“Well…to be honest, it is quite a miracle itself that he survives,” the doctor said while he looked at the board that he had been held at his hand. “Kim Sunggyu-ssi was shot at the close range exactly at his heart, usually it is impossible to survive that kind of shot, especially since the blood at his shirt already dry that meant he already being shot for a while. Fortunately, he wore a bulletproof vest inside his shirt so the bullet didn’t shot his heart directly and his wound was quite shallow. So don’t worry his condition is stable now. Well…even though he is alright now, the bullet broke several of his ribs and his head got hit by a hard blunt object quite hard, so I kindly advised to let Kim Sunggyu-ssi to stay here in the hospital for at least one week so we can monitored his condition perfectly. We will move Kim Sunggyu to the general medical bay soon and I will tell the receptionist to inform you which room he will be stayed.”

Woohyun let out a relief sigh while he bowed his body slightly to thank the black haired doctor in front of him. “Thank you so much, Mr…” Woohyun immediately glanced at the nametag that the black haired man in front of him wore in his white doctor’s coat. “…Kim Jaejoong-ssi. May I see him now?”

“Well…for now he is still unconscious because of the sleeping drugs,” Jaejoong said. “The drugs’ effect will wear off after around thirty minutes again so I think it is better if you see him at that time, after he is wake up. And to be honest, I will kindly suggest you to take a rest too for a while; you look like a mess, Woohyun-ssi. I’m afraid that Kim Sunggyu will feel guilt and become depressed if he saw you look like a mess worry over him and after he got shot I think it is better to no make him feel any negative feelings more than he already had, it is not good for his mentality.”

Woohyun nodded his head in understatement when he heard Jaejoong’s sentences. Well…what Jaejoong had been said to him seemed legit, anyway. After all…he still must take Sunggyu’s things that the brown haired man would be needed during his stay in the hospital so it would be good if he returned to their apartment for a little sleep. He also must inform about Sunggyu’s condition to Myungsoo and the others too now (and he knew that called Myungsoo better be done in private). Woohyun bowed his body once more to Jaejoong to say his gratitude before walked out of the hospital and went into his own car.

When the black haired man already arrived into his car, he immediately pulled out his cellphone and called a number. There were several rings from the other line before there was an answer.

“Myungsoo, I got good news, Sunggyu-hyung is fine now! The doctor said he got several broken ribs and a quite hard hit at the head but other than that he is fine! He just must stay at the hospital for at least one week to check his injury.” There were answers from the other line before Woohyun’s lips formed a sad, forced smile.

“You know, Myungsoo, you are his younger brother, you are the one who supposedly visited him first rather than me. Aren’t you thinking that it is better if you visit him rather than just sent your greetings for him to me? I understand that Sunggyu-hyung just knows you as my boss at Infinite and not as his younger brother but visit him is not a bad things to do, after all you want it too, right?” Woohyun said. There were answers from the other line before Woohyun chuckled. “Myungsoo, everything already end! All the people that killed your parents six years ago already dead now! So why not start anew your relationship with Sunggyu-hyung? I think he will be happy if he knows he have an adorable but strong man like you as his brother.”

“I understand! I understand it so much that I am the one who opposed it the most about let Sunggyu-hyung remember his past but now I realize…that the past is not something that we can just abandoned and throw away just because we don’t want that past! The past is the one that make us like we are now! After all…we must face the future not the past, so…even though Sunggyu-hyung’s past is so dark and bloody, it doesn’t mean anything because the one important is his future…with us, Myungsoo!”

“…Because…admit it Myungsoo, you also want him to come back to us, right?”

Author note:

Woohoo~Hoya is so smart, isn't he? He already can conclude what WooGyu's relationship even before Woohyun tell him. Well...actually Woohyun like busted his relationship with Sunggyu to Hoya all the way anyway, so maybe Hoya is not so smart, either...he just learned about WooGyu through his personal experience with both of them, but still I love this dillemma Hoya...-getbricked- Ahahahah...I love this chapter~~especially WooGyu all the way~ -getshot-

Okay, actually I want to post this chapter yesterday to celebrate Sungjongie's (sadly I can't call him 'oppa' because he is YOUNGER than me by several months :() birthday, but unfortunately I 'accidentaly' delete this chapter in my laptop so I must 'rewrite' it again. I hope all of you satisfied with this chapter anyway XD And saengil chukkae hamnida Sungjongie~ so sorry, I can't say it to you yesterday, I hope you're not mad~

Okay, as usual thank you so much for all the subscribers and comments that I receive, it really make my day and surely make me very happy! That's why please, I hope that you will keep subscribe and comment, okay guys? I really appreciate all the comment and subscribe to my story that I receive, so please do that, okay? You are so kind, guys, I love you and once more thank you so much. My story will be nothing without you all-bows- XDD

Okay, guys, once more I love you ^____^. Have a good day and once more thank you~ ^____^

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Chapter 17: please update soon authorniiiim~~
moonlightangel77 #2
Chapter 17: Update soon!
moonlightangel77 #3
Chapter 9: I luv Detective Conan lol. I immediately thought of that when Sunggyu was kidnapped! XD
ceilzephyr #4
PLEASE update soon
Chapter 1: :O omg!!! sunggyu did?
Chapter 17: ive been waitin for this fic since ever so pllz
Chapter 17: yearing for this fics!!!
Chapter 17: Ypdate s o o n
lilycho #9
Chapter 17: Wow! I really like this fic! I have finished all the chapters you posted! Really look forward to your next chapters!
But you will not let Sungjonggie alone, won't you?! :-s
Chapter 17: did Hyunnie said something worry!