The Forgotten Memories Of The Past

Light And Dark

A long brown haired man looked sadly toward Hoya’s office. There he saw Hoya and Sunggyu talked together, sometimes even laughed with each other. They looked so close, so warm…

And so full of life…and…dared he say…love….

The brown haired man sighed before he walked to the rooftop of FBI’s headquarters. He enjoyed the wind that blew his hairs messily before pulled out his cellphone and dialed a number. Didn’t need a long time before someone’s voice, a voice that he loved more than anything, heard at the other line.

“Yes?” the voice asked warmly, made the brown haired man smiled. He liked the sound of that voice, the warmth that the cold man always preserved only to him. He loved to hear that sound, and also…loved the owner of the voice.

“Myungie…” he muttered softly. “About Sunggyu-hyung…don’t you feel enough?”

“What is enough?’ said Myungsoo. “He is the one that want to get to FBI to search for his memories. Sunggyu-hyung…he needs to know about what he had forgotten. FBI…is the only thing that can make him remember everything.”

“But…he will not know anything!” the brown haired man said. “Woohyun will never let anyone reveal the truth to Sunggyu-hyung! No matter what happened! No matter how much Sunggyu-hyung struggles to remember, Woohyun will never let him remember!”

“That’s why I put you there as a spy, right?” Myungsoo said softly. “I let you there not only as someone to keep an eye to Lee Howon, I also ask you to keep an eye for Sunggyu-hyung! I already told Woohyun that I give you full authority about Sunggyu-hyung at FBI, he will never put his hands into Sunggyu-hyung’s business as long as Sunggyu-hyung is at FBI.”

“Myungie…enough,” said the brown haired boy. “Deep down at Sunggyu-hyung’s heart I know he love Woohyun but now…with his closeness with Hoya…maybe that love will be changed soo---”

“Let him love that Lee Howon if that love is true…” Myungsoo muttered softly. “And if fate really tied Woohyun and Sunggyu-hyung together, they will be together no matter who is the one that stand between them. I…believe Sunggyu-hyung can choose who is the one that he loves the most through time.” Myungsoo kept silent for a moment before he opened his mouth.

“I don’t want…to lose Sunggyu-hyung again,” said Myungsoo softly. “Not when I finally can meet him again after all this darkness and blood that I’ve lived all this time. And now…when I can find him again…I want him to remember…what had been happened…between us a long time ago.”

The brown haired man also fell into deep silence before sighed. “Alright I understand…I will keep an eye for Sunggyu-hyung. I must go now…be alright, ne?”

“Yes…” Myungsoo said softly while he smiled softly (although he knew that no one would see that). “Thank you….”

“Okay, I must go now. I…love you, Myungie…” said the brown haired man softly.

“I love you too…Sungyeol,” said Myungsoo. “Love you so much….”

And the last words that Myungsoo had been given to him made a smile formed at Sungyeol’s lips before he turned his body around and walked down from the rooftop.

Sunggyu yawned again when he kept looking at the documents about the fires that Hoya had been given to him. According to this documents, all the places that had been burnt was being built at illegal places, made Hoya immediately suspected that all those places had been used to keep illegal things, like drugs or illegal things. That suspicions immediately confirmed by Dongwoo, he said that he already made sure that all the things that had been kept at all those places was illegal or drugs.

But then again…he didn’t think Woohyun would try to burn something like this. And also…there were no victims at all those places, and that made Sunggyu confirmed immediately (to himself) that the one who did this not Woohyun, and definitely not Infinite. Woohyun was a very dedicated man at his job, he would always did whatever L told him to do, and L…Sunggyu knew that the ice prince never let all the people that he considered as failures to keep living. L also really cared about anything that he could consider as something useful, he never made anything that he could think as something useful to waste away. With such big numbers of drugs, illegal things and weapons, and illegal documents, it was impossible for Sunggyu to think that L would tell Woohyun to burn down the place without taking anything useful from the place first.

So…if it was not Woohyun, then who was the one that did this? And why…they must framed Infinite?

Sunggyu looked at the document that he held once more. Fire….

Unconsciously…Sunggyu’s eyes became blank when suddenly…a swept of memories played at his mind.

Hot…it was so hot….

A little kid, around seven or eight years old, ran around the house, all the way cried and coughed because of the fire that burnt everything around him. The brown haired kid ran while around the way.

“Father! Myungsoo!” the kid yelled once more. “Myungsoo, where are you?!”

The little kid kept ran around the house when he finally arrived at his father’s office room. He desperately tried to open the door with his tiny hands and yelled when the door was finally opened. “Father!”

And what he saw…made the kid’s eyes widened.

He saw a man, around forty years old, lied motionless at the pool of crimson liquid. A bullet hole at his head and chest still poured out blood. The man looked at the little kid with blank, dark eyes. The kid stepped ahead in fear when he looked at the sight in front of him.

“F…father….?” He muttered in fear. Tears streamed down his face endlessly while he sobbed in fear. “Father, wake up! Father!”

“Oh? So there are still one more person, here?” a voice suddenly heard from behind him. The kid looked back and saw a man smirked with a gun pointed at his head. “And so lucky…it is the child of the insolent man. How about…I meet you with your father at the heaven now?”

And the next moment, a sound of gunshot echoed through the air….

“Gyu! Sunggyu-hyung!”

Sunggyu immediately snapped out of his daydreaming. The brown haired man looked up to see Hoya that looked at him with concerned gazes. “Are you alright, Sunggyu-hyung?” he asked softly.

Sunggyu shook his head for a moment before smiled to the dark haired boy. “I am alright, Hoya. I think I just a bit tired….”

Hoya looked unconvinced for a moment before decided to just let it go and nodded his head. “Sorry, I ask you to work late with me. You must be quite tired.”

“No, no it’s alright,” Sunggyu said immediately when he saw Hoya’s guilty expression. “The sooner the cases are finished, it will be better, right? After all…I don’t have any other activities to do too today. Worked with you is so much better than spend time alone at my boring apartment.”

Beside…Sunggyu looked beside him to see Sungyeol’s empty chair. Since Yeollie said that L held an organization meeting tonight, that means Woohyun will go there too…and maybe will not come home tonight….

Hoya smiled when he heard Sunggyu’s answer. “Thank you Sunggyu-hyung,” he said while he smiled warmly. “I will make you a coffee then, maybe it will make you better.” The black haired man immediately left the room, leaved Sunggyu alone at the office. Sunggyu sighed and put his head at his table and sighed loudly.

Who…was the kid that he just saw at his memories just now? He couldn’t see the kid’s face, made him couldn’t recognize him at all. And…who was this Myungsoo? He didn’t know why but it felt like…he knew that someone with the name of Myungsoo, but then again…he never heard that name before…right?

Sunggyu sighed and rubbed his head in frustrations. He felt confused. The fact that something as horrible as that was in his mind, meant that he knew something about it but…at the same time, he didn’t know anything about that. He never seen someone closes to him died, especially killed.

So…what was that memories actually?

Sunggyu just sighed before he decided to close his eyes and took a rest for several moments. He let himself succumbed to sleep and it was not long after that he was feel asleep peacefully.

Hoya just walked back at the office with a mug of coffee clutched at his hand when he saw Sunggyu had been fell asleep at his table. The black haired boy smiled a bit before put the cup at his table and walked toward Sunggyu’s, inspected the brown haired man’s sleeping face.

Sunggyu…Hoya must admit that Sunggyu looked adorable when the brown haired man was asleep. His bangs fell to cover his closed eyes and his mouth parted open slightly to help him breathe. Hoya raised his face and brushed Sunggyu’s bangs aside, unconsciously let his hand lingered longer than necessary to caress Sunggyu’s hair and cheeks. Sunggyu snuggled more into his hands when he felt Hoya’s hand, made the black haired boy chuckled a bit when he saw the cute reaction from the brown haired man.

Hoya…to be honest… he felt so grateful for Sunggyu to always stay at his life. With his dark childhood, Hoya couldn’t trust anyone, except Dongwoo that he had known since he was a child. And now…with the warmth and kindness that Sunggyu had been given to him Hoya became used to the brown haired man’s existence. He became used to receive the warmth and kindness from Sunggyu, made him became scared to lose that and became alone anymore. He felt lose…trapped at the darkness when Sunggyu walked away from his life…like everyone else that Hoya had been known.

He didn’t want to let go of Sunggyu’s hand. He couldn’t live without Sunggyu beside him. He couldn’t…let Sunggyu went from his life, like everybody else in his life.

At this time…only for a Kim Sunggyu…Hoya wouldn’t let him go. Whatever happened, he would never let Sunggyu went from his life.

Hoya walked to Sunggyu and carried him bridal-style toward the long sofa at their office and laid Sunggyu there. Hoya looked at the brown haired man’s sleeping face once more before bent down and kissed Sunggyu’s lips in a tender, loving kiss. The black haired man clutched Sunggyu’s hand tightly, like he didn’t want to let Sunggyu leave. “Please…Sunggyu-hyung…never leave me alone. Don’t let me alone. I can’t leave…when you are not….”

Hoya stopped abruptly before chuckled pathetically. “I am so pathetic. For what I said that to him? He…is not mine, right?” he whispered slightly. Hoya bent down once more before kissed Sunggyu’s lips once more. “Goodnight…hyung…” he whispered once more before wrapped Sunggyu’s body with his jacket and leaved the office for a moment.

When Sunggyu heard the sound of the door closed, the brown haired man immediately opened his eyes. His face smeared with blush when he touched his lips and remembered the kiss that Hoya had been given to him.

‘Ho…Hoya…he…he kissed me…right?’ Sunggyu thought while he felt his face became hotter. ‘He…he really kiss me, right? I am not dreaming, right? He really…kisses…me….”

Sunggyu closed his eyes for a moment before touched his lips once more and rubbed it, like felt the taste of Hoya’s lips at his lips.

‘But his kiss…is so sweet…’ Sunggyu thought. ‘So full of love…and soft…different with Woohyun.’

‘If I can…I want to feel the kiss once more…. But…I can’t ask him for it, right? It will be so selfish of me, because me and Hoya…’ Sunggyu chuckled bitterly. ‘Live at two different worlds altogether and we… are not destined to be together…. ‘ Gyu become more mysterious, right? Why Myungsoo become so concerned with Sunggyu so suddenly? And what happened at Sunggyu's past? Hehe...I like make Sunggyu mysterious! -getbricked-

anyway~now I present a bit of sweet HoGyu for all of you and OMG is Sunggyu already attracted to Hoya but then...what happened with Woohyun? Ahhh~I am so much in love with Gyuxeveryone that I don't know who I want Sunggyu to be with XDD I am such a bad author! and for anyone who guessed that L's boyfriend is Sungyeol, congratulations you're right! I love MyungYeol all the way! for me the one that can have Myungsoo beside Yeol is just Sunggyu! -getkicked-

and for the comments:

mitsuchan: Yep, you're right L's boyfriend is Yeol XP and yeah! I agree, Sunggyu can cheated with anyone in Infinite all he want, but if Woohyun dare to cheat from Sunggyu with others, I will kidnap Sunggyu right away and kill Woohyun LOL  just kidding XDD anyway thank you for your comment and I hope you like this chapter XDD

AnchiYuki: Well...yes, L's boyfriend is Sungyeol! I am MyungYeol shipper FTW! XDD and I present sweet HoGyu for you, I love two-faced Sunggyu, he is become more attractive that way -getkicked- Okay, thank you for your comment and I hope you like this chapter XDD

Sunggyunf_: Well...yeah, Yeollie is the spy but not for Hoya but for Sunggyu? Hmm...wonder why? -getbricked- and...I give you a bit HoGyu at this chapter, I hope you love it XD thank you so much for your comment and I hope you will like this chapter XDD

And thank you so much for all the subscribers that I receive, it really make my day and surely make me very happy! that's why please keep subscribe and comment, okay guys? Since it will make me really happy and motivate me to writing and update faster. You are so kind, guys, I love you and once more thank you so much, okay? XDD

Okay, guys, I love you, Annyeong! ^______^

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Chapter 17: please update soon authorniiiim~~
moonlightangel77 #2
Chapter 17: Update soon!
moonlightangel77 #3
Chapter 9: I luv Detective Conan lol. I immediately thought of that when Sunggyu was kidnapped! XD
ceilzephyr #4
PLEASE update soon
Chapter 1: :O omg!!! sunggyu did?
Chapter 17: ive been waitin for this fic since ever so pllz
Chapter 17: yearing for this fics!!!
Chapter 17: Ypdate s o o n
lilycho #9
Chapter 17: Wow! I really like this fic! I have finished all the chapters you posted! Really look forward to your next chapters!
But you will not let Sungjonggie alone, won't you?! :-s
Chapter 17: did Hyunnie said something worry!