The Race Between Two Sides

Light And Dark

Hoya closed his eyes in fears when he felt that Dongwoo drove his car in a crazy speed. The dark blue haired man already the portable siren that he had in his car’s dashboard, made the device made a similar monotonous sound. With the siren, the other cars at the road immediately get away from their way, to make away for the two men that really fought with the time inside. Dongwoo knew that they must immediately arrive to the place that Changjo showed to help Sunggyu.

Immediately, without any moment to waste away.

“Do…Dongwoo-hyung…please…can you…slow down for a bit…?” the younger black haired man that sat at the front passenger side beside Dongwoo asked meekly.

Hoya just opened his eyes slightly and it was shine in fears. His black eyes looked in horror to the cars that they had been passed at the way. Some of the cars that must stop themselves abruptly because of Dongwoo just could only made the drivers swore and cussed the dark blue haired man. The younger black haired man’s face became paler when they almost hit the truck in front of them before Dongwoo dodged it out of the way swiftly just one moment before a terrible accident happened.  Hoya clutched the seatbelt that he wore tightly and panted heavily where he tried to calm down his racing heart.

“We can’t do that, Hoya~” Dongwoo said cheerfully. He really enjoyed his crazy driving when he succeeded to make a maneuver to get away from the red traffic lamp and went into a small alley that not supposedly used for cars. Sometimes his eyes glanced at the GPS’s screen at his car’s dashboard. “You are the one that said that we must help Sunggyu-hyung immediately, right? So we don’t have any time to waste away!”

“I…I did said that we must help Sunggyu-hyung immediately but you know, hyung…you don’t need to― DONGWOO-HYUNG, WATCH OUT!!!”

Dongwoo immediately looked to the front when he heard Hoya’s panicked yell and saw an old man walked so near with the dark blue haired man’s car and didn’t see that insanely fast-speed car. Without any panic and fear at all, Dongwoo just turned the car slightly to the right, successfully avoid the man and immediately get into another small alley before they arrived at the highway again after some minutes.

Hoya sighed in relief. He almost thought that he and Dongwoo would be a suspect for hit and run accident. For the numerous times everytime the younger black haired man took a ride with the older dark blue haired man, Hoya felt grateful for the dark blue haired man’s fast reflexes. He still clutched his chest, to calm down himself. “You know, hyung, if you decide to drive in this crazy speed, please concentrate of the road, Dongwoo-hyung. Not funny if we hit people just because you drove in a crazy speed carelessly…” he mumbled softly.

Dongwoo just laughed when he pressed the gas of his car deeply. His hands started to play with the driving’s wheel and increased the speed of the car. “Calm down Ho-aegi~ I’m not an amateur. Believe with this ‘older brother’ of yours since he is a pro! I always went to a wild racing when I was a teen,” he joked while he pressed the gas harder once more and turned his car again, now to avoid the other red traffic light. “I also know the entire shortcut in this city so we will arrive to Sunggyu-hyung’s place immediately.”

Hoya just looked at the condition of the road from the window beside him while unconsciously he gripped his seatbelt tighter. The cars, other transportations, and people at the streets looked blurry because Dongwoo drove too fast, made him couldn’t recognize anything at all. Hoya started to feel sick because Dongwoo drove his car too fast.

“You know, hyung…I think if you get fired from your job as a police you can try to be a racer as your next job…” he mumbled softly, earned himself a laugh again from the older dark blue haired man beside him.

Meanwhile, at the Infinite’s headquarter….

“I think with Hoya afraid about Sunggyu-hyung, he will go there with Dongwoo-hyung. And Dongwoo-hyung’s driving is a bit insanely fast so they will arrive faster than the rest of the others. We must make sure to arrive there faster than the two of them, so they will not suspect anything,” said Sungyeol while stood in front of the brown haired man’s car with Sungjong and Woohyun looked at him seriously.

“This house…” Sungyeol said while he pointed to a spot at the map at his hand. “…Surely will be guarded by several people while these two imbeciles stayed inside the mansion to torture Sunggyu-hyung. To make it faster, Woohyun, you don’t need to care at all about all the people outside the mansion. When you arrive there just go inside and look for Sunggyu-hyung, okay?”

“Then the people outside? Even if I can go there secretly those two bastards inside still can call them to go inside in a matter of second. Well…even if there is the case I believe I can kill all of them,” said Woohyun while smirked cockily.

“You don’t need to worry about that,” Sungyeol said while he folded the map at his hand. “Sungjong will take care of them.”

“Me?” Sungjong said, slightly surprised to hear that his older brother suddenly gave a task to him so suddenly. Even though he already prepared himself for any tasks that he would get in this mission.

“I will get you to the closest and the tallest building from the mansion. You go to the highest floor and look at the condition at the mansion. When Woohyun already give you signal that he succeeded to enter the mansion. Just kill all the people outside the mansion,” Sungyeol said. “You can do that, right?”

Sungjong seemed hesitant for a moment before his eyes looked determined and he nodded his head firmly. “I will,” he said with the voice full of determination and a sly smirk formed at his lips. “Don’t call me the best sniper in this organization if I can’t do that.”

Sungyeol looked at Sungjong before nodded his head. “Then…as Myungsoo said, kill all of them. Don’t let anyone else, other than Sunggyu-hyung and the polices later, okay? They make Myungsoo suffer, and I will not forgive that.”

Woohyun and Sungjong looked at the brown haired man intently. Sungyeol looked so…icy and scary. In this time, he really didn’t look like Sungyeol, the cheerful, youngest agent at the murder investigations division at FBI.

Now he was Lee Sungyeol, Myungsoo’s right hand man at the underworld world, The best hacker in Infinite and the ruthless executer in Infinite when it was already involved Myungsoo.

The black owl of the death reaper of Infinite….

“We will, Yeol, don’t worry about it,” Woohyun said while he smirked cynically. “I will kill for Sunggyu-hyung and Joongie will kill for you and Myungsoo-hyung, okay?”

Sungyeol smiled and nodded his head. “I will wait at the front of the mansion for the polices and supervise all of you. After you get to Sunggyu-hyung just bring him out and give him to me, but if he…you know, hurt or something, just treat his wound as best as you can and drive him to the hospital. Sunggyu-hyung’s life is the first priority, understood?” he said.

Woohyun nodded his head. “Understand, Yeol,” he said while he turned his body and opened the lock of his car. “Just wait for my call and tell Myungsoo that his older brother is saved already, okay?”

Sungyeol nodded his head while he also unlock his car and get inside with Sungjong. “Prepare yourself to kill, Joongie,” Sungyeol said to his younger brother that now said at the passenger side beside him. “Because you will work harder now. And work carefully because now police will come to the crime scenes too, if they find you…you will be in trouble.”

“Understand, hyung,” Sungjong said cheerfully while he leaned himself at his seat. “And don’t worry, I will work professionally like I always do all this time.”

Sungyeol smiled before his car’s engine and drove away from the Infinite’s headquarters, followed by Woohyun’s car.

Woohyun drove his car while bit his lips slightly. Inside his head, he cursed all the people that kidnap Sunggyu and possibly tortured him now.

But it also mean…he also at fault. Like Myungsoo said, if he just realized that there was something wrong with Sunggyu when he knew that the brown haired man lied to him this would not be happen. Above anyone else…he was the closest person to Sunggyu, a person that supposedly knew that there was something wrong with the older man and protected him, not just ignored something when he knew that that something was wrong.

“Don’t worry, hyung…” he said softly but firmly when his eyes caught a glimpse of the mansion in front of him. “I will save you…and will not let you get away from my sight anymore….”

Woohyun parked his car in a slightly secluded area that made  his car not seen by anyone that guarded the mansion before walked out and walked secretly between the trees and bushes to inspected the condition around the mansion. He scoffed when he saw that at every door of the mansion, there was at least two people guarded it.

“I think it is impossible to get into the mansion through the door,” Woohyun mumbled. “Then maybe…through the window….” The black haired man immediately started to walk around the mansion again, tried to look for a window where he could get into. He frowned once more when he saw that all there was nothing that he could climb into and it looked like all the windows had been locked.

“They really do everything perfectly to make this place became perfectly guarded,” Woohyun said. “Either to prevent someone inside to go outside or someone outside to go inside. Well…I don’t have any time to waste away…or I will get caught by Hoya….” The black haired man immediately pulled out his gun and cellphone.

“Let the crimson devilish angel of ours to get his job done faster then,” Woohyun said with sinister smile at his lips. “Since all of you is not even worth it to die at my hand….”

Sungyeol just stopped his car in front of a building near the mansion where they suspected Sunggyu was there and let Sungjong walked out of his car. Sungyeol looked to his younger brother in worry when he saw Sungjong grabbed his sniper gun from the back passenger seat and slung it over his shoulder.

“Don’t worry about it, hyung. I will do my job as professionally as possible,” Sungjong said while he saw his older brother’s worry gazes. “I will not step myself in this dark world if I can’t kill a person or two…right?”

Sungyeol smiled when he heard the black haired boy’s sentences. “Well…I believe you, Joongie. You will not be on Infinite, as the best sniper and one of the highest members there too if you can’t survive yourself in this dark underworld world. Especially when I don’t teach you anything about your sniper skills. I believe you,” Sungyeol raised his hand and ruffled Sungjong’s black hair. “Don’t disappoint me, okay?”

Sungjong smiled before he started to walk inside the building. He glanced for a moment at the brown haired man that still sat at his car before smiled and nodded his head. The black haired boy immediately disappeared inside the building.

Sungyeol sighed and leaned his head at the driver’s seat of his car. He closed his eyes for a moment before opened it again. The brown haired man just wanted to turn the engine of his car again when he heard his cellphone rang. The brown haired man immediately reached his cellphone and brought it to his ear.

“I’m already near the mansion, Hoya…. I will arrive there around five minutes again at least…” he said while he turned his car’s engine on and started to drive again. He immediately frowned his eyes when he heard Hoya’s voices.

“Are you angry? Your voice just like you…wants to snap to me! Please…don’t blame me when I said that I still not arrive there! I go as fast as I can, you know!” Sungyeol frowned when he heard Hoya’s answer. “You are not mad? Then what happen with you? You get sick? Why you can get sick when you get driving with Dongwoo-hyung? I think you already used to it,” he said through the phone. There was an anwer from the other line before Sungyeol’s lips twitched a bit and formed a smile and he chuckled a bit. “…You know, I think you better not talk to me when you drive with Dongwoo-hyung. You really heard like you just…get…really sick. Don’t worry, I will arrive soon at the mansion, so just prepare yourself to be healthy when you arrive there, okay? Be fine, Hoya…”

He hung up before shook his head. “With condition like that, wonder how he will save Sunggyu-hyung and win to Woohyun. Woohyun surely will beat him to save Sunggyu with that condition…” he mumbled while he kept driving to the mansion.

Sungjong just finished put up his sniper gun and pointed it towards the mansion when his cellphone rang. He frowned and immediately pulled out his cellphone and brought it to his ear after saw who was the one who called him.

“What, hyung? Already can get inside?” Sungjong said to Woohyun that just called him. He heard Woohyun’s sentences for several moments and pouted. “You always use me to make me your job easier when we have mission together! I understand that my job is to kill everyone outside the mansion but it supposedly after you get inside, not when you still outside, stupid!”

There are answers once more from the older black haired man at the other line before sighed and looked the condition of the mansion from his gun. He inspected the condition of the mansion for a moment before sighed.

“Okay, I can do it,” Sungjong said. “I will shoot the people guarded the front door so prepare yourself to get inside now. What do you mean I will miss? Who do you think I am? Do I ever miss my target at my mission anyway?” The black haired boy immediately positioned his gun at the right angle, made sure that he would not miss his target. “Okay, I am ready,” he said. “You can go now.”

The black haired boy saw that Woohyun walked casually to the front of the mansion like he just openly challenged people at the mansion. Sungjong scoffed when he saw the black haired man’s antics. ‘He looks so superior and all but ask my help to get inside. Not worth to die at his hands my , it looks like he underestimates me when he said that, you know. Ah, whatever, when Sunggyu-hyung remember everything I will said anything that stupid tree already said and did to me and demand Sunggyu-hyung to ‘punish’ him.’ he thought while he looked at his victims through his gun’s scope.

“There are so many because that narcissist tree surely attracts attention…” Sungjong said softly when he saw that more people came because of Woohyun. “But still…they are just weakling. That’s not the problem for me. I can kill them…help Woohyun-hyung get Sunggyu-hyung back…and make Myungsoo-hyung happy.”

And with that the black haired boy immediately pulled his gun’s trigger, made his gun’s bullet immediately pierced the enemy’s head and made him laid at his own pool of blood.

“One down~ others will followed soon,” Sungjong said in a sing song voice before kept fired his gun towards the enemies that he saw with his gun, sent them instantly to the afterlife with a direct hit to their head or chest.

Woohyun smiled when the black haired man hung up his phone, ended his call with Sungjong before walked out from his hiding place and walked casually directly to the front door of the mansion, attracted the men’s attention that guarded the front door.

“Hello,” Woohyun said casually to the men that immediately ready to attack him. “Such a nice day today, right? Such a pity…that it will be a day when you die too.”

And exactly after he said that, one of the men immediately feel because his head got shot. Woohyun smirked when he saw the panicked reaction that immediately happened when they saw that one of their friends already laid at the crimson pool of blood and died.

“It looks like Sungjong already did his job to kill all of you,” Woohyun said before looked at his watch in a mocking way. “Well…since I don’t have much time, I’m sorry but I want to enter this house, I have a business with your boss. Don’t get in my way if you don’t want to die.”

All the men at the front door immediately pulled out their weapons. “Ho…How can we let you go inside?!” One of the man said while he pointed his gun to Woohyun. “Min Hwa-ssi already give an order to not let anyone of you go inside!”

Woohyun just shook his head and looked at the man in front of him with a pitying gazes, made the men in front of him became more irritated. “I already told you, am I? That you all will die today, so I think you refuse Min Hwa’s order and let me enter or fight me and let me kill you there’s no difference at all. So, what will you choose to end your life?” he said.

All the men cowered in fear before raised their weapons. “We choose to kill you,” one of them hissed. Woohyun smirked before raised his hand.

“So be it,” he said. “Then die.”

And when he said that all of the men immediately received the bullets from somewhere unknown to their fatal spot at their body, made them immediately laid lifelessly at the ground, stained with blood, and suffered because of the gun’s wound. Some of them groaned in pain before died because the bullets that hit their body weren’t killing them instantly.

“I tell you already, you all will die,” Woohyun said. “And stupidly you choose more painful way, dead by Sungjong’s hand rather than that stupid Min Hwa’s hands. And you already know…that Sungjong is more sadist that anyone in low ranks like you in Infinite.”

And the black haired man immediately stepped forward, not cared at all to the dead bodies that sprawled and laid around him lifelessly and stained the green grass around him with the color of red.

Woohyun opened the door and walked inside. He immediately saw the corridor of the mansion with glares full of hatred and rage before walked further into the mansion. He just reached the living room area before his body tensed and he immediately ducked himself behind the sofa in front of him when there were bullets that pierced the sofa. Woohyun stayed silent behind the sofa until he felt that the shoots stopped and stood up. The black haired man turned toward the source of the shoot and saw Min Hwa that stood in front of him with a gun pointed toward him.

“Such a bastard,” Woohyun said while he tightened his hold at the gun at his hand. “Attack people without any warning at all, what a dirty way to attack people.”

Min Hwa laughed while he reload his gun. “What’s that? It’s a norm of the underworld world, Woohyun-ssi, killed or be killed, no matter what way that we must use to keep living. After all…you kill my people outside without they expected it at all so I have a right to kill you too in the same way, before I kill Sunggyu-ssi too, that if he isn’t die already by Yong Soo that already shot him upstairs.”

Woohyun’s eyes narrowed and darken with lust to kill and rage while he put the silencer at his gun and clicked the safety of his gun off. “Is that so? So…you already hurt Sunggyu? Such a pity then…I must change my plan now. You know…actually I want to give you just a slight painful death for kidnap Sunggyu but because you dare to hurt him…I will change my mind.”

The black haired man immediately walked forward to Min Hwa with his gun pointed deadly at his hand toward the older black haired man in front of him. “I will kill you…as painfully as possible…for my revenge and Sunggyu’s revenge…. Prepare yourself to suffer before your death, because I will have no mercy to you….”


Author note:

Well...I did said that I will get an action's scene done in this chapter, right? Well, but in reality the action scenes' idea not come so easily at my brain and as the result I have no idea what action scenes I must write in this chapter -getbricked- I'm such a bad author, right? Feel free to shoot me as many as you like for break my promise :(

Well...because I must prepare myself for 'Idul Fitri's Day' tomorrow, for now I will just say thank you so much for all the subscribers that I receive, it really make my day and surely make me very happy! That's why please keep subscribe and comment, okay guys? I really appreciate all the comment and subscribe to my story that I receive, guys! So please do that, okay? You are so kind, guys, I love you and once more thank you so much. My story will be nothing without you all-bows- XDD

Okay, guys, once more I love you ^____^. Have a good day and once more thank you~ ^____^

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Chapter 17: please update soon authorniiiim~~
moonlightangel77 #2
Chapter 17: Update soon!
moonlightangel77 #3
Chapter 9: I luv Detective Conan lol. I immediately thought of that when Sunggyu was kidnapped! XD
ceilzephyr #4
PLEASE update soon
Chapter 1: :O omg!!! sunggyu did?
Chapter 17: ive been waitin for this fic since ever so pllz
Chapter 17: yearing for this fics!!!
Chapter 17: Ypdate s o o n
lilycho #9
Chapter 17: Wow! I really like this fic! I have finished all the chapters you posted! Really look forward to your next chapters!
But you will not let Sungjonggie alone, won't you?! :-s
Chapter 17: did Hyunnie said something worry!