The Dilemma Of the Past

Light And Dark

Sunggyu looked in frustrations to the documents that scattered at the coffee table in front of him. He already looked each of that documents until his eyes hurt and all the documents didn’t tell him anything about this Myungsoo that always haunted his dreams, no matter how much he ransacked police archives at the FBI still…he didn’t know anything about this Myungsoo.

Who was he actually?

He already asked all the people that he knew, requested Minho to look for the files at FBI archives, asked Woohyun and Sungyeol, even begged that two men to ask L to look about it at the underground world, but still…nothing! Really, who that Myungsoo actually to make him like he was disappeared from the world?

Sunggyu almost pulled his hair out in frustrations, all this unknown feeling made him…uneasy! He really felt that there was something hid by Woohyun, Sungyeol, all of the people around him! it made him couldn’t believe anyone! How could he believe people around him if they hide something so crucial to him like this?

“Huh…I will try harder next time, maybe tomorrow I will try to ask Minho-ssi to look for the criminal record…”

“What are you doing, Gyu-hyung?” a voice sounded from the front door. Sunggyu immediately looked up in surprise and saw Woohyun stood while smiled softly. Sunggyu stood up and went to the black haired man in front of him.

“Did something happen? You say you don’t have any mission today?” asked Gyu while he ed Woohyun’s black coat and took it off from the younger man. Woohyun just smiled and kissed Sunggyu’s forehead tenderly.

“That I don’t, at least not organization mission,” said Woohyun while he walked away from Sunggyu and flopped down to the sofa at the room. “It’s my personal mission, my personal enjoyment.”

Sunggyu narrowed his eyes while the brown haired man walked back toward Woohyun after folded Woohyun’s coat and put it at the sofa before sat beside the black haired man that now smirked widely.

“You…you don’t do something bad, right? Don’t do anything bad if it is for something personal. It will risk you and Infinite,” said Sunggyu while he touched Woohyun’s shoulder. Woohyun just smiled and leaned his head at Sunggyu’s shoulder.

“I understand, Gyu~” said Woohyun while hummed softly. “I will be careful, don’t worry about me.” The black haired man moved his hands and held Sunggyu’s hand tightly, intertwined their fingers. “I am professional, so don’t worry, I know what I am doing.”

“What are you doing anyway?” Sunggyu whispered while he played with Woohyun’s fingers.

When Woohyun heard Sunggyu’s words, a sadistic smirk immediately formed at his lips. He chuckled for a moment before hugged Sunggyu, buried the older brown haired man at his chest. “Just tell someone to never take someone from other people’s possession…especially if he never deserves the person at the first place.”

Hoya sat emotionlessly at his bedroom’s floor. His eyes looked so full of disbelief. He tightened his hands to the point his knuckles turned white before chuckled bitterly in sadness.

“Why…must be like this?” he muttered softly. “Just when I thought I can trust someone…just when I think I can love someone….”

Hoya clamped his ears like that he was trying to block Woohyun’s sounds that pierced and echoed at his ears before let out a sob and tears started to fall from his eyes. Woohyun’s sound started to hear again.

“Your family…killed Sunggyu’s parents six years ago…. Your family is the one…that make Sunggyu suffered all this time. Do you think you can make Sunggyu happy…if the reason he is suffered at the first time is because of your parents? Your family is the one that destroyed Sunggyu’s happiness, the people that make him and his brother suffered the most!”

The world felt like it was crumble for Hoya when he heard Woohyun’s statement. He felt numb… since Woohyun’s words really something to stab his heart.

“You are lying!” Hoya yelled when it looks like his brain finally could register what Woohyun had said to the younger man in front of him. Woohyun just smirked while he shook his hand like he pathetically sympathize Hoya.

“Why I must be lying? It is something so hard for you to believe that your family kills your crush’s parents?” Woohyun said nonchalantly. “You know that your family is not good people too.”

Hoya was being silent immediately when he heard Woohyun’s sentence. Yeah…he knew that his family was not good people. How could they be good when they were at mafia? Dealt with drugs, human trafficking, illegal transactions…it was not strange things for them to do everyday…so killed people…Hoya not surprised to find out that his family ever did something like that.

But why…why must Sunggyu’s parents? Why must the parents of someone that Hoya cared and maybe the only one…that Hoya ever loved?

Why must Sunggyu?

“W…w…why?” Hoya stammered in fear and guilt. “Why Sunggyu-hyung’s parents…”

Woohyun snorted when he heard Hoya’s questions. “I think…with how much a bastard your parents were…I will not surprised at all if they just kill Sunggyu-hyung’s parents just to pass time to let time go,” he said while he smile sweetly. “Just for pure enjoyment but make someone suffers.”

Hoya’s face was pale when he heard Woohyun’s words. He immediately looked down to avert his gazes away from Woohyun’s stares. He…he didn’t want to believe that…that his parents could be that cruel to kill Sunggyu’s parents.

“So please~ stay away from Kim Sunggyu,” said Woohyun. “Your family gives him endless sufferings, how can you make sure you can give happiness to him? Sunggyu hate your family and when he knows you are their child…do you think all that kindness and warmth still will be yours?”

Woohyun smiled and bend down until his face was right exactly at Hoya’s ear. “No, he will hate you. Despise you so much until he even doesn’t want to see you anymore.”

Hoya lost for words when Woohyun said that. True…human is a creature full of grudge and revenge, no matter how kind the people are. Even he…became cold and don’t trust people anymore, except Sunggyu and Dongwoo so he could understand…how much Sunggyu will hate him if he knew that dark past.

“Stay away from Sunggyu, remember that,” Woohyun said while he walked away. “Because you never deserve him, not even a bit.”

Hoya still let out sobs out for his mouth. No…he didn’t want to believe that. Sunggyu…Sunggyu was everything that Hoya cherished. Sunggyu was the one that let him out from the darkness that trapped him all this time. Sunggyu always believed him no matter what happen. Sunggyu was the reason he could smile, could laugh…and could love again.

But now…why something like this happened? Why…why must be like this. He…he…he didn’t kill Sunggyu’s parents! That was his parents, not him! He didn’t have any fault at all to Sunggyu, but why…why he must be blamed for that? It wasn’t fair! It really wasn’t fair.

Suddenly Hoya realized something. The black haired boy immediately looked to his balcony, where Woohyun disappeared.

How…Woohyun could know about Sunggyu’s parents? Did they knew each other? But Sunggyu surely seemed lost when Hoya asked him about Woohyun and Infinite and just shook his head in clueless. He didn’t know anything about Infinite so it was impossible for Sunggyu to know Woohyun but then again how could Woohyun knew about Sunggyu?

Or…Woohyun lied? Yes…he must be lied. It was impossible for Woohyun to know about Sunggyu when it was clear that Sunggyu didn’t know him. Yes…it must be that. That Nam Woohyun must be lied. He lied about everything…including what his parents had been done to Sunggyu’s family.

But…he couldn’t be that sure either….

“I will try to ask Sunggyu-hyung tomorrow,” said Hoya while he slowly stood up from his bedroom’s floor. “I don’t care if my family killed Sunggyu’s parents or not, I will not let him go! Never!”

Tomorrow morning, Sunggyu looked intently once more at each of the documents that scattered at his table.  He already got Minho’s permission to check all the criminal archives at their division but still found none. Was that means that this Myungsoo never got to their records at all?

“Hyung, what are you doing?” Hoya asked when he walked into the office. Sunggyu immediately closed the archives he was reading when he heard Hoya’s voice. Hoya raised his eyebrows in confusion when he saw Sunggyu’s strange behavior.

“What’s that?” Hoya said while he walked toward Sunggyu’s table and grabbed one of the files at there to examine it. “Our criminal records?” Hoya said while he looked to the records. “What are you doing with this?”

Sunggyu looked down for a moment before looked to Hoya with hesitant, unsure gazes. “I am just…looking for something. About my past and I think I can find it at the criminal records…”

Hoya froze when he heard Sunggyu. Woohyun’s words last night echoed at his ears, made him felt scared. The younger black haired man looked at Sunggyu with scared gazes. Was Sunggyu…looked for the murder of his parents? Was Sunggyu tried to find the one who kill them? His…parents? What Sunggyu would do when he found out that the one that killed Sunggyu’s parents was his family?

Would he…hate him? Like Woohyun had been said to him?

When both of the man at the office fell into silence, Sungyeol walked into the office cheerfully while held some papers at his hands. “Guys~ Dongwoo-hyung give me some of the suspects that they find at the criminal scene of the fire case two days ago, and me and Dongwoo-hyung already interrogated them,” he said, made Sunggyu and Hoya looked to the brown haired man immediately.

“W…how?” Sunggyu said in curiosity. “All this time there were no suspects at all, why so suddenly?”

“Well…I’m not too sure about that but I think it is because the suspect didn’t have a chance to run away. The last place that be burnt down was in the middle of the town so maybe…before he could run away people already ran to there to check the condition and all,” said Sungyeol hesitantly.

Hoya nodded his head to accept Sungyeol’s words. “Well…I agree with Sungyeol,” said the black haired boy. “After all the fire was big, surely it will attract people’s attention.”

Sunggyu nodded his head in agreement when he heard the two younger man’s words, to show that he understood.

“So? Who are the suspect?” said Hoya. Sungyeol immediately opened the files he held and pulled out three papers and put it at Sunggyu’s table for Sunggyu and Hoya to see.

“There are three suspects. All of them said that they came have business at the morning and saw the thick black smoke and run to the criminal scene. Unfortunately…there’s none of the people that have strong alibi about their activities before they came to the crime scene or around dawn when the fires was suspected to happen.” Sungyeol pointed to the first person, a middle aged man around thirty years old.

“This is Jang Yong Soo, a businessman of Lee Corporation. He said he just wanted to go to his office when he saw thick black smoke and decided to see because his home is near the crime scene. Unfortunately he lived alone for these several days because his wife and children went to their family’s house at Busan because their grandmother is sick so we can’t know whether he really said the truth when he said that he was at the house all day to work last night until midnight and sleep like a dead person until 6 am.”

Hoya and Sunggyu just silent when they heard Sungyeol’s words.

“The second person,” Sungyeol continued when he pointed at a photo of a boy around twenty years old. “Is Kim Jung Tae. He’s a student at Seoul University, fifth semester. He said today he just back from his part time job to deliver milk at the morning since 7 am when he heard the siren of the firefighter truck and saw the black smoke and as teenagers…he curious and decided to see the fires by took a shortcut. He said he worked at night club from 9 pm until 11pm and decided to go home. Well…actually he have roommate but unfortunately, his best friend gave him a duplicate key to his apartment because his work at night so he can enter it all he want so he said that his friends can’t give strong alibi for him because he walked in when his friend already asleep and walked out before he wake up.”

“And the last person?” Hoya spoke up while he looked at the man around twenty five until thirty.

“The last is Kim Min Hwa. He is well…I don’t know, he said he didn’t have any job. He said he just woke up and saw the burnt building at the pier. Well…he said he didn’t mind that much at the start because he said that inside the building didn’t have anything except illegal things and all but he worried the fire would burnt his house so he walked there to see the condition. Unfortunately again, he lived alone so no strong alibi when he said he was at the house all night and morning,” said Sungyeol.

Hoya looked at the photo of the three people with curious but suspicious glances. Sunggyu that looked at Hoya became confused with the black haired man glances. “What’s wrong? Do you know them?”

“I’m not sure about this Kim Jung Tae but two other people I saw them…once,” Hoya muttered. “They were my parents’ friends.”

Sungyeol and Sunggyu looked at Hoya with surprised glances. “But…aren’t your parents…”

“Yes,” said Hoya while he looked to those three suspects. The black haired man never hid anything about his ‘dark world’ or how bad his parents were. He knew his parents were bad…but that was not meant that he was also bad. “So I can make sure this two people is not good either. They surely must be involved in underground activities so we can’t just believe all things that they said since there’s a possibility that it is a lie.”

Sungyeol bit his lip for a moment before walked out. “I will tell Dongwoo-hyung about that so they can keep an eye to that three people.”

But when he walked out Sungyeol sighed and grabbed his cellphone and called Myungsoo. “Myungie…the suspects of the fires…. Dongwoo-hyung’s division already found the suspect, maybe out of carelessness or something but the most interesting fact is….” A smirk formed at the brown haired man’s lips. “The three suspects are three people in our organization. I don’t know which one but surely…one of them started to rebel against you and betray you, Myungie. And two of them…involved at the murder of your father…six years ago. So, what will you do now?”

Sunggyu also looked at the photo of the suspect intently. He grabbed the photo and looked at it, like tried to remember something. “Weird…” he mumbled softly.

“What is weird?” said Hoya while he kept thinking about what Sungyeol had said to him.

“It feels like I know them too…” Sunggyu muttered softly. “But how can I know them, surely I never meet them…. And if you said they are your family’s friends…am I know your family too?”

Hoya looked at Sunggyu with confusion at his eyes. “Sunggyu-hyung don’t you remember anything about your childhood?” Hoya asked. Sunggyu smiled and shook his head to the black haired man.

“I don’t remember anything. I am being adopted by the best friends of my father because at the time of my real parent’s death, Yunho-ahjussi still go into college and can’t be legal parents for me yet and Jinki-hyung’s family not financially suitable to adopt me. They said I have slight amnesia because of the accident so I lose some of my childhood memories.” Sunggyu said. “So…everything happened at my childhood…I don’t remember any of them.”

“But are you remember…” Hoya bit his lips softly before opened his mouth again. “…How your parents died?”

Sunggyu shook his head again. “Yunho-ahjussi, Jinki-hyung, everyone said that they died in car accidents but recently…I dreamed that I saw my father covered in blood from gunshot, it made me wonder…did they die…because they were killed by someone?”

Hoya’s blood turned cold when Sunggyu said that. Sunggyu…didn’t remember anything? So…Woohyun’s sentences about his parents killed Sunggyu…maybe it was reality? It is…true?

“What happen…if your parents really get killed?” Hoya said. “Would you hate them?”

Sunggyu laughed while he heard Hoya’s sentences. “Who will not hate people that killed their parents? Everyone will hold a grudge against them, no doubt about it,” Sunggyu said. “I hope…I can know…why they killed him, though? What was wrong with them to make them get killed?”

Hoya bit his lips again when he heard Sunggyu’s innocent words. He…then would Sunggyu hate him because his parents (maybe) were the one that killed his parents? If what Woohyun said to him true…whether Sunggyu would despise him now?

Suddenly Dongwoo walked into their office. “Hey, I need to talk to both of you now. Please come to my division office, okay?” he said while he grinned widely and left them. Sunggyu sighed and started to walk to the door but his feet stopped by Hoya that gripped his hand tightly.

“Hoya?” Sunggyu said in confusion while he felt that Hoya’s hand that held him was shaken slightly. It looked like he was afraid, or even scared about something…didn’t know why.

“Hyung…if you…one day you regain your memories and remember who the killer of your parents just hate them…don’t hate their family, especially their children. They’re innocent…don’t have any fault to you…” Hoya mumbled softly, made Sunggyu became more confused.

“What is that mean?” Sunggyu said while he tilted his head slightly.

“Just promise me…to never hate them!” Hoya said while he looked at Sunggyu with begging eyes, made Sunggyu felt a pang of guilt and made him embraced Hoya tightly.

“I will not hate you, okay?” Sunggyu whispered softly while he caressed Hoya’s hair. “I know your family is bad, and maybe…my family get killed by them but that’s not means that I must held grudge to you because they are already dead and you are the only family left from them that I can be accused as killers. Right…you don’t do anything wrong. I will not hate you! Never! Believe me….” Sunggyu kissed Hoya’s forehead tenderly. “I promise you right…that I will heal your wounds that had been done by your parents…including all the hate you received because of your parents.”

Hoya’s eyes started to water when he heard Sunggyu’s words. He clutched Sunggyu’s shirt tightly while he sobbed loudly at Sunggyu’s chest while Sunggyu kept rubbed Hoya’s back and whispered comforting words to him.

“No matter what…I will always be here…” Sunggyu whispered softly to Hoya that still cried loudly. “…Beside you….”

Sungyeol stood, leaned at their door’s division. He could hear Hoya and Sunggyu’s conversation…about their parents and all.

Sungyeol sighed. “Something is easier to be said than done, hyung…” Sungyeol whispered. “You can say you don’t hate Hoya’s parents now but when you know the reality…I wonder do you still can say you will forgive him. Because even though you do…I doubt Myungsoo and Woohyun, especially Woohyun, can ever forgive him….”


Author note:

Well...I think this story became more complicated? I like it that way~and now Gyu became more tangled with his relationship with Hoya, I think the relationship that really grow in here is HoGyu rather than WooGyu XP I mean...they interact a lot and their feelings seems genuine too and my WooGyu here is so full of playfullness, possessiveness, and mysterious :P Well...anyway, I hope you all will like this chapter! I will try harder to write the better chapter next XD

Oh and for the name of the suspects, I just made it up :P -getbricked- I don't have any heart to use any male idols that I loved to only make them get brutally hurt by Myungsoo, Hoya, or Woohyun later :P yeah, I'm such a bad fans and author :D

And for the comments:

dattebayo-go: How come in Gyu walking in to Hoya's apartment, it will not be happen! Well at least not until a man that have such decency as Hoya will be comfortable to ask his 'crush' to stay the night at his apartment with just the two of them alone there, that, if Woohyun not kill him first -LOL just kidding :P-  thank you for your comment and I hope you like this chapter XD

AnchiYuki: Well...if Woohyun's hurt he hurt Hoya more in this chapter, so they're even now XP. and yep you're right the 'father' that Woohyun killed at 1st chapter is foster father, and I give you hint why Sunggyu have foster parents here, I hope that it is not strange ^__^;;  Anyway thank you for your comment and I hope you like this chapter ^____^

AnoBasho: Thank you so much for subscribe and love my story~ it means so much to me -bow- What about Woohyun now? I kinda...forgotten him? -getbricked- just kidding, I will interact him with Gyu more at the next chapters, so just wait for it XDD thank you for your comment, and I hope you like this chapter :)

mitsuchan: Because he can. Blame that greasy tree that looked all so hot at ranking king when they have that photoshoot, even though it just in simple, casual clothes! Stupid Nam Woohyun, why he must be so hot like that?!! -punchedpillow- Thank you for your comment and I hope you like this chapter XDD

Valerija: Thank you so much for your compliments, I am really glad that you like my chapters -bow- Well...thank you for your comment and I hope you like this chapter X)

And thank you so much for all the subscribers that I receive, it really make my day and surely make me very happy! that's why please keep subscribe and comment, okay guys? Since it will make me really happy. I will really appreciate it if you comment and subscribe to my story, guys! So please do that, okay? You are so kind, guys, I love you and once more thank you so much -bows- XDD

Okay, guys, I love you, Annyeong! ^______^



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Chapter 17: please update soon authorniiiim~~
moonlightangel77 #2
Chapter 17: Update soon!
moonlightangel77 #3
Chapter 9: I luv Detective Conan lol. I immediately thought of that when Sunggyu was kidnapped! XD
ceilzephyr #4
PLEASE update soon
Chapter 1: :O omg!!! sunggyu did?
Chapter 17: ive been waitin for this fic since ever so pllz
Chapter 17: yearing for this fics!!!
Chapter 17: Ypdate s o o n
lilycho #9
Chapter 17: Wow! I really like this fic! I have finished all the chapters you posted! Really look forward to your next chapters!
But you will not let Sungjonggie alone, won't you?! :-s
Chapter 17: did Hyunnie said something worry!