The Shocking Revelation

Light And Dark

Hoya walked around the mansion after he heard a loud explosion happened from the back of the mansion. He just wanted to walk to the direction of the garage when he saw a broken glass at the second floor. Hoya looked at the broken window for a moment and realized that there was a tree branch that grew toward the window. Hoya looked hesitant for a moment before his eyes shone in determination and immediately climbed the tree where the branch grew and hopped into the second floor from the broken window. He looked around the corridor and frowned when he heard the quietness of the room.

He didn’t know why but he felt uneasy so suddenly….

The handsome black haired man prepared his gun and walked slowly toward the corridor of the mansion. He arrived at the first floor at the floor and after a bit hesitation tried to open it. Hoya’s eyes widened immediately when he saw that the door was not even locked.

And his eyes became wider when he saw what, or who, was the one that had been in the room.

Sunggyu, that seemed unconscious laid in a small pool of crimson, that looked like that it was the brown haired man’s blood.


Hoya just wanted to run into the room and checked Sunggyu’s condition when suddenly…


Hoya felt an extreme pain at his left chest. The black haired man immediately looked down and saw that his white shirt now had been stained with crimson color. Hoya hesitantly put his hand at the stain, looked that now the crimson stain also colored his hand with the similar color.

A fresh blood, that still poured out from the bullet holes at his left chest.

Hoya groaned in pain and fell at his knees. The extreme pain that he had been felt had been spread around in his body quickly, made his eyes became blurry in seconds. The black haired man immediately laid at the floor in front of Sunggyu, motionless.

Yong Soo walked up from his previous hiding place behind the door that had been opened by Hoya before. His eyes held sadness when he saw Hoya that laid motionless at the floor with blood pooled beneath him. He chuckled before stepped over it and stood in front of Sunggyu.

“I don’t know what’s in you that can make you tied the hearts of all people around you, Kim Sunggyu,” Yong Soo said while he looked at Sunggyu that even though unconscious still looked like he had been breathing. “Maybe that is the reason why you are dangerous, you always more lively and humane that your brothers, type that can deceive many people into your sweet trap with your innocent face. Even though your personality is not suit to be the leader of the underworld organization as big and famous like your brothers, Myungsoo, you are the one…that can destroy everyone around you in just the blink of eyes. A dangerous person like you…I can’t let you alive or our goal to get Infinite will never happen. So forgive me but I must kill you now….”

The older black haired man immediately pointed his gun to Sunggyu. But, because he was too focused to his mission to kill Sunggyu, Yong Soo never realized fingers that started to move from the body behind him. He never realized when the owners of the fingers immediately moved his hands around the cold ceramic floor and grabbed the gun that had been thrown a bit far from the body.

And the most important thing, he never realized when a body that had been laid motionlessly behind him started to move, also pointed the gun straight to him.


Yong Soo’s eyes widened when he felt a bullet pierced through his stomach, along with the sound of the gunshot that echoed around the stillness of the room. The gun that Yong Soo had been held all this time slipped out from his shaken fingers while he slid down to the floor. His hand clutched his now blood covered shirt while the wound of the bullet at his stomach still poured out blood. His eyes immediately looked behind, to see who was the one that had been shot him.

And he saw Hoya that stood behind him, with icy sharp piercing gazes, while holding a gun that still let out a smoke when he shot Yong Soo in front of him.

“No matter how much you are so loyal to my family at the past, I will never forgive you…if you dare to hurt Sunggyu-hyung more than what you already did to him, Yong Soo-ssi,” he said coldly while he kept pointed the gun to the older black haired man in front of him.

“Wh…Why…” Yong Soo muttered softly while he turned his body to face Hoya. His hand still clutched his injured stomach. “I am sure…that I already shoot you right at your left chest, it should have been killed you instantly…because the bullet…will pierce your heart…..”

Hoya laughed while he heard the older black haired man’s questions before opened his eyes. He walked until he stood in front of Yong Soo before slapped the older black haired man’s face hard with his hand, made Yong Soo fell with a red cheek.

“Who do you think am I?” Hoya asked coldly. “I am an FBI’s agent that already experienced all the things like this many times and a person that live in the disgusting underworld world long enough to know who are you all.” His lips formed a smile. “Don’t you think I will be more ready to face you and wear a bulletproof vest before come to barge into a place like this so recklessly?”

 Yong Soo’s face paled immediately while he heard Hoya’s words. “But…the blood at your shirt….”

“Ah, you mean this?” Hoya asked nonchalantly while he held up his shirt that still stained with red color. “Sorry~but this is just ketchup that I forgot to throw out while I went out to eat burgers with the others three days ago…. But this red color really similar to blood isn’t it? To make you think that you successfully shot me. And here I thought that people in underworld world will be more careful when they do everything too easily and smoothly.”

Yong Soo’s face looked torn before he smiled and raised his hands. “Really Mr. Lee’s son, I see,” he said softly while he chuckled softly. “So, like you see, I don’t have any energy to fight you now so I just can give up. So, what do you want me to do now? Or is there anyone that you want to know?”

“I want to know…why you kidnap Sunggyu-hyung,” Hoya said while he kept pointing his gun to Yong Soo’s head that now knelt down in front of him. “Why must he? What is the thing that is so special from Sunggyu-hyung to make you kidnap him? I’m sure that the reason why you kidnap him is not because he saw you burnt down all the Infinite’s storages or whatever involved your mission about the fire cases.”

Yong Soo’s face looked hesitant at first before he shook his head. “Somehow…you are too naïve to understand how our underworld world is going on, Hoya-ssi,” he said softly. “In that world, everyone must deceit each other, there are no other people that can be believed except yourself and if you want to reach a place higher than you can get, you must sacrifice everything. And that’s what our goal is…to reach a place higher than now…to be more powerful than now…and to do that we must destroys everything in the way…and Kim Sunggyu is just one of the obstacle to get that goal.”

“Who is Sunggyu-hyung anyway?” Hoya said firmly. “He is not someone that seems to have any relationship with underworld world like you and me! He—“

“How do you know about that, Hoya-ssi? Do you know him close enough to say something that you even not know?” Yong Soo’s words made Hoya immediately stopped talking. “Human, no matter whether they live in the underworld world or not, is a creature that wears hundreds of masks to hide their real faces. No one will know anyone else fully, no matter how close you are to that person. And you not know Sunggyu-ssi that close to know…who is he…actually…. Kim Sunggyu…he is not a person that you think he is all this time, Hoya-ssi.”

 Hoya stood still in front of Yong Soo while he looked like he was deep in thought about what the older black haired man had been said to him. His hand shaken slightly while he bit his lips.

True…he never knew Sunggyu. He never knew who Sunggyu actually was. He didn’t know anything about Sunggyu…to say that he knew what kind of live that the older brown haired man had been through all this time. he just always convinced himself all this time…that Sunggyu lived a peaceful live, far away from blood and violence of mafia or any underworld world’s activities, like himself.

Because he would never wanted to accept…that the person that he loved…maybe deceived him all this time. A person that he always treasured above anything else now…was lying to him and hid something from him.

“It looks like you have feelings for Kim Sunggyu, and quite deep too,” Yong Soo said while he smiled slightly. “Then let me tell you something, Hoya-ssi. You and him…are someone that really far away to be united. You and him stood in the opposites of each other, without any way to unite it. Forget him immediately before you regret yourself, Hoya-ssi, because he is not someone that you can have, especially to love. He is not someone that can give you happiness and love. Because both of you are enemies, Hoya-ssi! Kim Sunggyu is the oldest son of--”


Hoya’s eyes widened when he heard the sound of the gunshot that echoed once more at the room. The black haired man only could just stand still in shock when he saw two bullets pierced through Yong Soo’s head and chest, killed the man instantly. Hoya just only could stood still while he saw the blood that pooled beneath Yong Soo’s corpse.

“I think that’s enough,” said a voice from the door behind Hoya. A familiar voice, that capable to bring shivers through Hoya’s body. “Don’t tell anything more than that.”

Hoya immediately turned around to face the person that now stood behind him. His eyes immediately became full of hatred and rage when he saw the black orbs that looked back at him calmly.

Woohyun’s eyes.

“Woohyun…” Hoya muttered softly. “How dare you! How dare you kill in front of me! And when I am talking to him too! And…”

“Ah~ but he is my target since you even arrive here, Hoya,” said Woohyun nonchalantly while he twirled the gun at his hand. “I’m here to kill him, that’s my goal.”

Woohyun walked into the room, made Hoya’s body stiffened and grabbed his gun. He knew…if he fought with Woohyun now maybe he couldn’t stand a chance because he didn’t prepared anything but…if Woohyun wanted to fight with him, he would not back away, even if the older black haired man killed him here and there.

But what made Hoya became more shocked, Woohyun did something that he really didn’t think about at all.

The older black haired man just smiled to Hoya while he walked past him before knelt down for a moment and brought Sunggyu’s still unconscious form into his arms. The older black haired man immediately lifted the older brown haired man bridal-style at his hands.

“What are you doing?!” Hoya yelled while he looked at Sunggyu’s unconscious face at Woohyun’s embrace. The younger black haired man immediately pulled out his gun and pointed it at Woohyun that now stood calmly in front of him, still with Sunggyu in his embrace. “Release him! I will not let you kidnap him too!”

“Who say I’m here to kidnap him?” Woohyun said while he ruffled Sunggyu’s hair. “I’m here for the same goal as you, to save him. I kill everyone here for him…because they dare to touch and hurt Sunggyu-hyung.”

Hoya just could look at Woohyun with widened eyes, full of shock and confusion. “What? You…know…Sunggyu-hyung? How…? Who is Sunggyu-hyung…to you?”

“Why we know each other is not your business, after all I already tell you to stay away from him, right?” Woohyun said while he cradled Sunggyu closer to his chest. “You aren’t worth enough to be someone to love him, Hoya. With your family….”

“Don’t mention that!” Hoya yelled in frustration to Woohyun. “What happen with our family will stay in the past! I don’t have any reasons to continue anything that had been done by my family to Sunggyu-hyung.”

“Oh, I’m glad to hear that…” Woohyun said while a smirk formed at his lips before looked at the watch at his wrist. “Well…as much as I love talking to you, I don’t have time for this. Sunggyu-hyung’s life is at a stake now so I don’t have any time to talk to you. You can let me go now peacefully, can’t you? After all I’m sure…you also want Sunggyu-hyung to be safe.”

Hoya became silent for a long time before he lowered his gun that he had been pointed to Woohyun. “Just for this time…and just for Sunggyu-hyung,” he said softly before looked back to Woohyun. “But the next time I see you, I will kill you!”

“I will wait for that, even though I think I will be the one that do that to you first,” Woohyun said while he started to walk closer to Hoya. When both of them bumped to each other Woohyun whispered to the younger black haired man’s ears. “And don’t ever ask what is my relationship with Sunggyu-hyung to him, he will not remember who am I anyway. I will tell you when the time is up personally, so just wait for my call to you. I am promise I will tell you soon what my relationship with Sunggyu-hyung to you. Don’t ever dare to burden Sunggyu-hyung because I will not forgive anyone who makes Sunggyu-hyung become sad and troubled him. I will erase everything…that troubled Sunggyu-hyung and make him sad…even if it is you, someone that Sunggyu-hyung thinks as someone so important it almost sickening for me….”

And Hoya just could only stand still in the middle of the room while Woohyun walked out of the room with Sunggyu still in his arms. The younger black haired man immediately turned around to face Woohyun’s back.

“Why?” Hoya asked softly. “Why do all that thing…just for someone like Sunggyu-hyung? Why are you willing to do something as far as kill other people just for Sunggyu-hyung? I am sure there is no other person to ask you to help Sunggyu-hyung, right? You do this with your own decision, and personally too. Why?”

Woohyun became still in his place for several moments before turned his body and smiled to Hoya. A gentle, loving smile that even made Hoya stunned before he whispered something to the younger black haired man and walked out from the room. Let Hoya that stood still in the room in surprise while the last words of Woohyun echoed softly through his ears.

“…Because that’s my job to protect him, to love him, and to keep him happy. I need him to be happy and laugh…as many as he can forever. I think you know what feel I have for him, Lee Howon, because I know…both of us have similar feelings to Sunggyu-hyung. A feelings to let him smile sincerely from the bottom of his heart with pure, real happiness….”


Author note: looks like both of them help Sunggyu in their own way? -getslapped- Oh well, I like it better this way rather than just let one person save Sunggyu while left the other one clueless. After all, I think this is something that Woohyun will do anyway -getslap-

Oh, and what will happen to HoGyu now after Hoya find out about WooGyu's relationship? Will it be for the better or for the worst? Hehehe...I hope you will wait for the next chapter to know more about that, guys~ -getbricked-

Oh well...for the comments:

anchigyu: Well...I hope you're satisfied with how they save Sunggyu now~there's win-win situation, right? no one lose~ -getbricked- okay, thank you so much for your comment and I hope you like this chapter XD

MidnightRune: Well...I hope your WooGyu feels satisfied now because it is still Woohyun that 'bring' Sunggyu out of the mansion X) thank you so much for your comment and I hope you like this chapter XDD

AnoBasho: Hoya is fine he doesn't need Woohyun to save him :) Oh well~I hope you like the way both of them save Sunggyu now. Thank you so much for your comment and I hope you like this chapter X)))

croWn_nd: He's not die...Hoya is fine. but the next chapter maybe he will not be so fine after find out about WooGyu anyway XD oh well, thank you so much for your comment and I hope you like this chapter :D

QEEqahvi: I tell you who is the one that shoot Hoya, and he's not die, don't worry. I don't have a heart to shot my bias (after Sunggyu of course) thank you so much for your comment and I hope you like this chapter :DD

Okay, as usual for now I will just say thank you so much for all the subscribers that I receive, it really make my day and surely make me very happy! That's why please, I hope that you will keep subscribe and comment, okay guys? I really appreciate all the comment and subscribe to my story that I receive, so please do that, okay? You are so kind, guys, I love you and once more thank you so much. My story will be nothing without you all-bows- XDD

Okay, guys, once more I love you ^____^. Have a good day and once more thank you~ ^____^

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Chapter 17: please update soon authorniiiim~~
moonlightangel77 #2
Chapter 17: Update soon!
moonlightangel77 #3
Chapter 9: I luv Detective Conan lol. I immediately thought of that when Sunggyu was kidnapped! XD
ceilzephyr #4
PLEASE update soon
Chapter 1: :O omg!!! sunggyu did?
Chapter 17: ive been waitin for this fic since ever so pllz
Chapter 17: yearing for this fics!!!
Chapter 17: Ypdate s o o n
lilycho #9
Chapter 17: Wow! I really like this fic! I have finished all the chapters you posted! Really look forward to your next chapters!
But you will not let Sungjonggie alone, won't you?! :-s
Chapter 17: did Hyunnie said something worry!