The Surprise Attack

Light And Dark

“I hear you do something again, Woohyun!” said Myungsoo while he tapped his finger to the glass surface of the table in front of him. “Now you go as far as ‘told’ that Lee Howon that his parents kill our family!”

“Why? It’s true, right?” Woohyun said nonchalantly while he played with the knife at his hand. “His parents killed your parents…then took Sunggyu-hyung away to make this Infinite become theirs, because they know you’re the only person that will take over the Infinite except Sunggyu-hyung and you will submit and give away Infinite when you know you will get your beloved brother back.”

“And unfortunately, I’m not that stupid person like they expected me to be,” Myungsoo stated coldly. “I…have grudge against them, how can I will give this organization, that father made with blood and tears to a bunch of incompetent bastard like them?! It would humiliate father’s name, but….”

Myungsoo looked at Woohyun that smiled innocently to the younger black haired boy and sighed.

“But we do the same thing to him, Woohyun. I ordered some of father’s members at organization to kill Lee Howon’s parents to seek revenge. I killed to take revenge for the murders. Lee Howon’s parents kill our parents and in turn I killed his parents. It’s enough. Don’t make that murderer cycle to form again at you, Sunggyu-hyung, and Lee Howon just because…your jealousy and this love triangle or something,” Myungsoo muttered softly.

“I don’t care about that,” Woohyun said while he stood up from his seat and walked towards the wide window at Myungsoo’s office, looked at the blue sky that could be seen clearly from the window with sharp glares. “For me…that Lee Howon…is too close to Sunggyu-hyung. I can’t let that killer’s son feel that he have a right to take Sunggyu-hyung away from me! For me he has the same sin as his parents. I will not let him have Sunggyu-hyung…never!”

Myungsoo sighed again while he looked at Woohyun. At one side of his heart, he knew how much Woohyun cherished Sunggyu since they were a child. Woohyun always took care of Sunggyu, protected him, and be a good friend for his brother. Myungsoo could understand how much important Sunggyu for Woohyun, but the other side of his heart feel that this was not…right.

Because…the human’s feelings could be change through time. Even though Woohyun and Sunggyu loved each other as child…who could guarantee that these feelings would stay the same now? There would be a chance…that Sunggyu’s heart maybe really attracted to someone else now…no matter how much Sunggyu said he loved Woohyun.

“Oh well, whatever. It is your business, as long as you don’t risk your position here and Sunggyu-hyung,” said Myungsoo nonchalantly. “I call you here because there is a task I will give to you.”

Woohyun turned to Myungsoo with curious looks. “Task? What task?” Woohyun asked with a curious tone.

“You know the fires that happen recently at our lodgings’ storage, right?” Myungsoo said. “Sungyeol said that they already got the suspect for that stupid fires and interestingly…there are three people in our organization.” Myungsoo threw a file to Woohyun that immediately caught it and opened it. “I want you, Sungjong, and…whoever else to keep an eye to three of them, look who is the one that really have such a stupid nerve to rebel against me. After you find this stupid person who is responsible for these fires…kill them. I don’t need people that dare to against me.”

Woohyun smiled and closed the files at his hand. “I understand,” said Woohyun. “I will do it.”

“Oh one more thing,” said Myungsoo while Woohyun wanted to walk out from the younger boy. “If the person who responsible for all of this is between two people that also responsible for the murder of our parents six years ago…I want you to kill him more brutal than usual. Let him writhe in his painful, slow death. I give them six years to live and now…I want to take my revenge for that time.”

Woohyun smirked when he heard Myungsoo’s words. The older black haired boy bowed gracefully. “As you wish…L,” said Woohyun before walked out from the door of Myungsoo’s office, still with a deadly smirk at his face.

“Well…since you said that maybe there is a chance that what they say is a lie, we already still can’t make sure who is the culprit,” said Dongwoo while he looked at the documents at his hands. “But surely the culprit from all the fires is the same, because the way he burns it is all the same, with spread oil to all things at  the crime scene and burned it with matches. So, I can surely say that the culprit is at the same.”

“But why must burned all those storages?” said Sungyeol. “Is he really have a grudge against Infinite or it just coincidence that all the storages are Infinite’s?”

“Well…it’s not my division’s job to find out, you know,” said Dongwoo nonchalantly. “But whatever the reason, we need to catch him fast because there is a chance that he knew the route of illegal things and drugs from all the storages that he burned.”

Hoya and Sunggyu just kept silent while looked at the maps where the location the fires being marked. Sunggyu tilted their heads for a moment before looked to Hoya and whispered something to the black haired boy’s ears. Hoya looked at the map for a moment before nodded his head.

“What are you whispering there?” said Sungyeol while he saw Sunggyu and Hoya whispered to each other. “Don’t act lovey dovey with each other in the middle of the serious conversation like this!”

Sunggyu and Hoya blushed for a moment, made Sungyeol and Dongwoo chuckled. Hoya immediately got rid of his blush before coughed. “Well…me and Sunggyu-hyung just curious. We not too sure about this, but we think this crime scene of fires forms a…pattern?”

Dongwoo and Sungyeol looked at the two men immediately.

“Look, this is the first place,” said Hoya while he pointed his pen to the mark at the first fire happened. “This is the second, the third, and the last,” Hoya continued to point each mark at the map. “It formed a shape, right?”

“What’s that?” Dongwoo said while he looked at the map curiously. “An hourglass? It will be like that if we connect the fourth mark to the first.”

“Well…but if we add one mark again, it will form a star,” Sungyeol said hesitantly. “Is it mean that there will be one more fire?”

“I am not sure,” Hoya said while he folded the map at his hand. “But to think this person have a nerve to burn down Infinite’s lodgings and involved with underground activities maybe the possibility to think that this is already end is something too soon to think. But we can’t take any action without any further investigations. But I think for safety reason, maybe we can ask disaster and fire investigators division to prepare themselves if there is next fires really happen, immediate action will be taken but for now…just that.”

Both Sungyeol and Dongwoo looked at Hoya for a moment before they nodded his head.

“Okay, I think it is already enough for today,” Hoya said while he cleaned his table and put away his documents at the files. “Good night everyone, have a nice rest~”

Dongwoo and Sungyeol nodded their head before put their documents and walked away from their office after bid them goodbye.

Sunggyu needed some time to put away his things. His mind still lingered at Hoya’s words. The brown haired boy thought that if they found some evidences that if the place that Hoya suspected as the next crime scene was really a place to place illegal things and drugs then it means Hoya’s words was true. Maybe if he…tried to look at that place….

“Sunggyu-hyung?” Hoya said while he saw that the brown haired boy kept silent. “What are you thinking? You not think something dangerous, right?”

Sunggyu immediately looked at Hoya and smiled to the black haired boy. “No, sorry, I think I just tired,” he said while he closed his files and wore his jacket. “Thank you so much for your hard work today, okay? Good night and sleep well….”

Hoya nodded his head while he also wore his black jacket and took his car keys. Sunggyu walked to Hoya and held the younger black haired boy’s hand, made Hoya looked at Sunggyu curiously. “Hyung?” he said.

Sunggyu tilted his head and kissed Hoya’s cheek tenderly, made Hoya’s eyes widened in surprise. Sunggyu pulled away and smiled. “Don’t think too much and have a nice dream tonight,” he whispered before walked out of the door, left Hoya that still stood motionless at the office.

Sunggyu sighed for a moment when he finally sat at his car. Sunggyu closed his eyes for a moment before pulled out a map that he already marked with the mark of the crime scene of the fires. The brown haired boy measured carefully the gap between each marks at his map before measured the next suspected crime scene in his map. He grabbed his pen and circled a small area in his map before grabbed his cellphone and dialed a number. It didn’t need a long time before there was a voice heard from the other line.

“Hello, Woohyun?” Sunggyu said hesitantly. “Tonight…I am not come home, okay? I must work late with the others, so…don’t wait for me. Good night, sleep well, and have a nice dream tonight, okay? I will make it up for you tomorrow.”

There was an answer from the other line before Sunggyu smiled and nodded his head, even though he knew that the black haired boy would never see him. “Alright, I will do it. Okay, good night,” Sunggyu immediately ended his call and put his cellphone back at his jacket pocket before drove away to somewhere in the silence of the night.

Woohyun smiled when he looked at his cellphone and sighed. “Somehow I wonder whether you ever know that you are too naïve and kind to lie, Sunggyu-hyung,” said Woohyun softly. “How can you say you work late when I can hear your car’s engine at the background? It’s so clear that you are at your car already. So how can you say you work late?” Woohyun threw his cellphone to the table beside him before closed his eyes. “…But think again…it’s the first time that you lie to me too, what happen actually?” the black haired boy looked at his cellphone once more. “I hope…you alright, hyung…” he muttered softly before closed his eyes and fell into an uneasy sleep.

Sunggyu walked out from his car and walked to the old unused building in front of him. The area around him was dark because it was an empty unused building’s area. Was it really…the next target of the fire?

Sunggyu sighed loudly before grabbed his torch from his pocket and walked into the building. In the inside, the brown haired boy saw many boxes there. Sunggyu looked at the boxes and saw that even though the boxes seemed old, the codes still looked new.

“What’s this? Is it illegal drugs?” Sunggyu muttered softly while he looked around him. there were so many boxes that seemed that it never opened before. “Is this really the place? But I don’t see anyone here….”

Sunggyu tried to remember again the result of interrogation that Sungyeol told them. Three of the suspects didn’t have strong alibi. There wasn’t a certain evidence or people that could make sure their statements.

“Wait…” Sunggyu muttered softly. “If I am not wrong, there is a person that said something strange at the interrogation…. Maybe he was the culprit! I really remember that from what Sungyeol said only he that said something strange! I must tell Hoya about this!”

Sunggyu immediately grabbed his cellphone once more and dialed Hoya’s number. The brown haired boy waited impatiently until Hoya answered the call. “What~Sunggyu-hyung? It’s already almost midnight~” he heard the black haired boy’s whine, from the voice Sunggyu knew that Hoya just went to bed not long ago.

“Hoya, I know! I know!” Sunggyu said excitedly.

“Know what~” Hoya whined once more, still not registered the brown haired man’s words through his sleep muddled mind.

“I know who is the culprit! I know who is the culprit of the fires!” said Sunggyu excitedly. A smile formed at his lips.

“Eh, really? How?” Hoya’s voice seemed surprised and more awake than before.

“The explanation is a bit long. But…why you don’t try to catch the person that I said now?”

Without Sunggyu’s notice there was a black figure that sneaked behind the brown haired man. He held a metal pipe at his hand, ready to hit Sunggyu.

“The culprit is….”


A hard hit hit Sunggyu’s head, made the brown haired man’s became unconscious at the dusty floor. His cellphone fell from his hand.

“Hyung? Sunggyu-hyung! Hyung, what happen to you? Sunggyu-hyung!” Hoya called at the other line in panic.

The figure that attacked Sunggyu immediately took Sunggyu’s cellphone.

“Sunggyu-hyung! Hyung, what happen? Hyung, answer me! Hy---”


A sinister smile formed at the mysterious figure when his finger pressed the end call button. He even crushed the cellphone with his feet after he made sure that the cellphone was destroyed completely the figure turned his eyes to the unconscious figure of Sunggyu in front of him.

“You are always too nosy, Kim Sunggyu,” the figure said before he gripped Sunggyu’s wrist and threw the brown haired man’s figure at his shoulder and brought him to his car. He looked at Sunggyu once more and kicked the unconscious brown haired boy’s figure, made the brown haired boy groaned softly in pain. “Not six years ago not now, you are so nosy. Don’t you know that it will end your life? Six years ago we decided to take you hostage to take Infinite but now when you don’t have any use for us, there is no one to stop me to kill you!”


Author note:

Woo~anyone want to kill me because I make Sunggyu get kidnapped? There are? -putshieldimmediately- Well...I think all of you will know by now that I take Sunggyu's attack scene from 'Detective Conan' but don't ask me which episodes of the film and which volumes of the manga because I really forgot about it :P Well...I hope you will be fine with that~ and I hope I don't disappoint all of you XD I hope you like it~

and for the comments:

anchigyu: be honest I think that namu will get fight with Hoya because of Sunggyu, not fight with Sunggyu because of Hoya :) Anyway, thank you for the comment and I hope you like this chapter XD

AnoBasho: I already update it, I hope you like this chapter too XDD thank you so much for your comment, I really love it X)

croWn_nd: Well, I'll tell about their past soon because now Sunggyu's past start to get him XD thank you so much for your comment and I hope you like this chapter X)

Sunggyunf_: well...seeing this story goes on, I think soon there will be time three of them meet soon~I think the one that need to be worried about is not Sunggyu but Hoya because I'm not sure he will still act tender and kind like this to Sunggyu if he know that Sunggyu is Woohyun's 'boyfriend'. Anyway, thank you so much for your comment and I hope you will like this chapter XDD

mitsuchan: Let's pray together that Hoya will not hate Sunggyu first if he find out that Woohyun is Sunggyu's 'boyfriend' XP well...anyway thank you so much for your comment and I hope you will like this chapter X)

And thank you so much for all the subscribers that I receive, it really make my day and surely make me very happy! that's why please keep subscribe and comment, okay guys? I really appreciate all the comment and subscribe to my story that I receive, guys! So please do that, okay? You are so kind, guys, I love you and once more thank you so much. My story will be nothing without you all-bows- XDD

Okay, guys, once more I love you ^____^

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Chapter 17: please update soon authorniiiim~~
moonlightangel77 #2
Chapter 17: Update soon!
moonlightangel77 #3
Chapter 9: I luv Detective Conan lol. I immediately thought of that when Sunggyu was kidnapped! XD
ceilzephyr #4
PLEASE update soon
Chapter 1: :O omg!!! sunggyu did?
Chapter 17: ive been waitin for this fic since ever so pllz
Chapter 17: yearing for this fics!!!
Chapter 17: Ypdate s o o n
lilycho #9
Chapter 17: Wow! I really like this fic! I have finished all the chapters you posted! Really look forward to your next chapters!
But you will not let Sungjonggie alone, won't you?! :-s
Chapter 17: did Hyunnie said something worry!