The Bloody Beginning

Light And Dark

That night, the sky was so dark and cloudy. The dark cloud covered the moon, made the moonlight could only gave a dim light to shine the night. The atmosphere of the night was also so quiet, since it was midnight. People maybe already went to their dreamland, happy with their imaginary world without a care in this world.

But that was not the case at a big mansion that was hidden enough for society. At one room of the mansion a handsome black haired man with a smirk formed at his lips sat still at a chair in the room with a gun held loosely at his hand. At the first glance, that gun looked like just a toy to make him look more manly, never used except for the purpose for entertainment.

And it was true, if we ignored people that now lied motionlessly at the floor beside him with a hole at their head or chest. All of their stares were empty and dark and they already pale, their blood also kept dripping to the floor, stained the once white carpet with a beautiful crimson color.

“So, do you want to say something before I end your life?” the handsome man asked the old man that now knelt down in front of him with fear. “And be grateful I give you time to make your last wish, with L’s rage, he give me order to annihilate you as soon as I see you.” He twirled his gun lazily. “And you also must be grateful that he didn’t send Sungjong here. If that kid is the one he sent here, he will tortured you without mercy until you choose suicide even before you see him.”

The old man, if possible, became more cowered in fear when he heard the handsome black haired boy’s sentences. “P…please Woohyun-ssi…h…have mercy for me…. I…I promise….”

“L doesn’t need your so called ‘promise’ and neither am I,” Woohyun said icily. “And I am not here to hear your stupid bargain! I here to finish all the stupidities you had done…with your death.”

The old man’s face became paler when he saw Woohyun stood from the chair he sat upon and walked to him with a smirk. “Mr. Kim, I must admit your drugs really give a big influence and great benefit to our organization but send the to other organization using our name is a big no-no, it almost exposed us and that something we can’t accept,” Woohyun said cheerfully, gave an eerie feeling to the dark mansion. “That’s stupidity is enough for L to say that you are not competent enough for us and with that…we don’t need you anymore.”

Mr. Kim’s body trembled when he heard Woohyun put the silencer at his gun. “And with that congratulation Mr. Kim, you had signed your death contract with them grim reaper,” Woohyun said before he pointed the gun at Mr. Kim’s forehead. “So…forgive me to fast track your death, Mr. Kim but…I think it’s the time for goodbye.”


Woohyun didn’t give any moment of hesitation to his job. He quickly shoot Mr. Kim at his head, made the old man crumpled in a pool of blood. Woohyun’s eyes looked icily to the corpse before spitted at the corpse and walked away.

“And to be honest, I hate a person that cowardly beg for mercy without done anything to fight back,” Woohyun said while he looked back at the bloody room once more before steeped out to the dark mansion’s corridor. “If you want to live, give me a proof that you worth to live with fighting me back but if you can’t just accept your death, it is as simple as that. Mr. Kim, you such a coward, no wonder L already put you at his blacklist as soon as you enter the organization.”

Woohyun looked at the dark sky outside the window before sighed and walked upstairs. “One more person to kill…” Woohyun said softly.

A brown haired man’s eyes opened softly when he heard the sound of the door to his bedroom opened slightly. A smile formed at his lips when he spun his chair where he sat around, so he could face the intruder that had a nerve to enter his room.

“So you finally come, Nam Woohyun…” the brown haired man said lightly. “Already done to kill father down there?”

Woohyun looked at the man in front of him emotionlessly. The bluntness of the man really irked him. He saw a death reaper stood in front of him and he just smiled like he saw an angel. “You are really something Kim Sunggyu...with this kind of attitude I can understand why your father is such a bastard.”

Sunggyu just shrugged his shoulder off when he heard Woohyun’s words. “Well…like father like son, are we?” he said while he laughed softly. “Anyway…why still stood there? You come to kill me, right? Just shoot me and you will finish your job,” Sunggyu said while he rubbed his chest in an inviting manner, made Woohyun curious…and awed.

This is the first time for Woohyun to see someone invited him to kill him with such challenged ways. Sunggyu seemed so passive to have him invite Woohyun right away to kill him but Woohyun knew under the passiveness there is a challenge. He challenged Woohyun…to kill him. He never met someone that dare to challenge him, other people would cower in fear and beg for mercy and here this man, challenged him to kill him.

Such a beast…trapped in an innocence of a boy. Made Woohyun’s blood boiled to get all that beast for himself.

For Sunggyu himself, he didn’t have any reason to fear Woohyun. Woohyun was just another form of death that came to him. He always knew he would not die in a normal way, so he always prepared to greet all death that came to him. But now…Sunggyu couldn’t deny that the death that came this time…was so handsome and beautiful. The eyes that give him a depth false illusion to assure his heart, made Sunggyu unconsciously blushed when Woohyun looked at him.

“What are you waiting for?” Sunggyu said. “If you can kill father surely kill me will not be such a difficult task, right?”

Woohyun smirked before he walked to Sunggyu and caressed the brown-haired man’s cheeks. “How about…a last kiss before I walk you to your death?” Woohyun asked, made Sunggyu raised his eyebrows in confusion.

“Kiss of death? Never know you are such a greasy type, Nam Woohyun,” said Sunggyu. “Ask for a kiss to someone you will kill.”

“Isn’t death and kiss is the same?” Woohyun whispered when he caressed Sunggyu’s brown lock. “The same sweet and bitter, the same painful and happiness, the same love and hate…. They are the same…and it will be good to have one before the other….”

Sunggyu smiled back when he finally raised his hand and clutched Woohyun’s shirt tightly. “You aren’t afraid…that I will put poison at my mouth and kill you too when I give you a kiss?”

“Kiss of death…is the sweetest kiss I will have from you, Kim Sunggyu…” Woohyun whispered when he bent down and Sunggyu’s ears. “And I will not regret it even for one bit….”

Sunggyu quickly cupped Woohyun’s cheeks and brought their face closer. He kissed Woohyun’s lips softly and lovingly before it became more passionate with Woohyun push his tongue into Sunggyu’s mouth, at the same time the handsome black haired boy raised his gun and pointed it at Sunggyu’s back.

And not long after…the sound of gunshot echoed at the silence of the dark night….


Wow...this story is harder to write than I thought it will be X( well...I hope you like this chapter though guys XD Sorry if I just make WooGyu in here, I will add HoGyu interaction at the next chapter soon X)

and for the comments:

Hysterie_: I love you too XD thank you for liking my story XDD I hope you will like this chapter too :) and thank you for comment X)

mitsuchan: Thank you so much for subscribing, I love you XDD well...I hope you still think this story is awesome after read this first chapter okay X) and thank you for your comment XD

Valerija: Thank you for love my story and your compliments, it really make me happy X)! Sorry since there are not HoGyu interaction yet :( I will added HoGyu at the next chapter so please wait for it, okay? Thank you for your comment XDD 

Well...anyway, thank you for all the subscribers and comments that I receive! And please keep subscribe and comment since it will make me so happy! You are so kind guys, I love you ^____^

Okay, I'll try to update the next chapter soon, so please wait for it patiently okay? Once more I love you guys, Annyeong! ^_____^

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Chapter 17: please update soon authorniiiim~~
moonlightangel77 #2
Chapter 17: Update soon!
moonlightangel77 #3
Chapter 9: I luv Detective Conan lol. I immediately thought of that when Sunggyu was kidnapped! XD
ceilzephyr #4
PLEASE update soon
Chapter 1: :O omg!!! sunggyu did?
Chapter 17: ive been waitin for this fic since ever so pllz
Chapter 17: yearing for this fics!!!
Chapter 17: Ypdate s o o n
lilycho #9
Chapter 17: Wow! I really like this fic! I have finished all the chapters you posted! Really look forward to your next chapters!
But you will not let Sungjonggie alone, won't you?! :-s
Chapter 17: did Hyunnie said something worry!