

AN: Soo..after staring at the screen for half an our yesterday, I finally know what to do with this story.. (but this few chaps are going to be a bit crappy, I have some family issues and yeah I am just.. tired of them.. ) Buuut I'm going to do my hardest to finish this story before the 2nd of July (since I am leaving for a camp then) soo.. comment and tell me what you feel cause the comments inspire me? x3333



  The next morning Key woke before Jonghyun did. He felt really tired, but safe at the same time. Hearing the heartbeat of his master, he blushed lightly, but smiled to himself. Letting out a long yawn, he decided to take a short nap. He closed his eyes and fell asleep almost instantly. 

About two hours later, Jonghyun woke up. He looked at the peaceful boy sleeping in his arms and smiled fondly, gently brushing some hair out of his eyes. He looked beautiful in the morning light. For hours, Jonghyun just lay there and watched Key sleep, he was fascinated by how peaceful he looked. Suddenly, Key stirred slightly and his eyes fluttered open. He saw that Jonghyun was awake and smiled at him beautifully. Jonghyun smiled back. Key sat up slowly and stretched out, his tail swishing slightly. The elder just looked at him and smiled as he sat up slowly. 'Morning.. 'he said and petted Key's head gently, The other purred softly, his ears twitching happily .'Good morning..' he grinned. He felt energetic for some reason. Suddenly his stomach growled loudly,making him blush. Jonghyun chuckled. 'Come on, we should have some breakfast.' he smiled and led Key to the dining room. He told the maids that the two of them were eating and they were soon bringing them coffee on silver trays. Key giggled softly. 'This is like in those really old movies.. 'he giggled. Jonghyun nodded and chuckled. 'Yeah, my parents are quite traditional and I guess I am too.' Key took a cup but only poured milk into it, grinning to himself softly. He felt at home. Jonghyun smiled and drank some coffee. Soon the maid were there with huge trays of every possible breakfast Key could imagine. His tail swished and his eyes shone as he stared at the food. He hadn't had good food in a long time. 'Help yourself..' Jonghyun chuckled. Key quickly took some chocolaty pancakes, topping it with whipped cream. He started eating, looking like a little kid on Christmas. Jonghyun watched him as he ate his toast and couldn't help but smile. Key was just.. precious. He knew that the boy had secrets still, because not even the cruelest parent would throw out their kid for a 'flaw' that was practically non-existent. It seemed though, that Key's father did, and Jonghyun's hear broke at the thought. Key saw that his 'master' was sad and looked at him curiously, his cat-ears twitching. 'Are you ok?' he asked softly. Jonghyun smiled and nodded. 'Yes, I was just thinking.' Key seemed content with his answer and finished his pancake. Jonghyun smiled and after he finished, he stood up. Key followed him in doing so. 'Umm.. I wanted to ask yesterday, but.. there were problems, so.. May I use the piano just for a while?' he asked softly. He hadn't played in some time, but he could still remember some of the songs he could play. Jonghyun grinned and nodded. He loved playing as well and he could see that the piano was something important to Key. 'Of course you can.. And I am sorry that you had to clean everything, but.. It was your choice in some ways. ' Key rolled his eyes and gave Jonghyun a diva-ish look. 'I managed to clean, hadn't I? That's what matters.' he said and turned away. Joghyun followed him as Key walked back to their shared room. Key sighed then went to Jonghyun's wardrobe and without asking, he picked out some clothes for himself, then choose some for Jonghyun as well. Jonghyun blinked, but took the clothes. He was slightly confused by Key's actions but he liked this side of the boy. He seemed to have chosen some clothes that matched. Moment later, Key disappeared in the bathroom. Almost half an hour later, he came out. Jonghyun was already clothed. Key looked breathtaking, even in the clothes that were a bit baggy on him. Key looked at Jonghyun and blushed lightly. His master looked good as well. 

'So, want to go and play something now?' Jongyhun asked and Key nodded, grinning widely. He practically ran to the music room. Jonghyun followed him, chuckling to himself. Key opened the door and walked into the room timidly. Watching him, Jonghyun was now sure that Key couldn't have done what he was accused of. He felt guilty for punishing him for something he hadn't done, but he did understand Key. Key sat on the piano bench and lifted the top of the grand piano. Gently touching a few keys, he started playing. The tune was soft and something Jonghyun had ever heard before, but it was beautiful. Key closed his eyes as he played, a few tears dropping on his hands. He could still remember when his mother would show him how to play this song. He sniffed but kept on playing. Jonghyun watched him. Key looked even more stunning now. His ears were twitching as he hit the keys and he looked like and angel playing the piano. Jonghyun was determined to make this angel his.

Cathy was mad. Not only did that brat manage to get in the same bed with HER master, they were in the music room now. It seemed to her that they did almost everything together. But she also knew, that her Master had to go to work later that day, even if it was just a check-in, he had to leave Key. And that was her chance.. Smirking to herself, she held the small knife close to her chest. 

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Even though I'm not in Italy right now, I don't know when I'll update cause right now I'm not sure on how to continue this T.T


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saijang #1
Chapter 16: please update this story soon. . . . this is different from the other stories that i have read
Jesminda90 #2
It would be Nice when you continue this Story. I really like your Storys :D and this One is Sweet like oure other Storys :)
Chapter 16: omg im glad i caught up this was really good especially the fluffy parts, so please update soon, but only when you can and if i do become inpatient i will definitely read your other fics^^
BabyKey #4
Chapter 16: seriously, that women need to die! how dare she hurt my key! curse you cathy!

i love the story ! update soon ~ i realize you haven't update in month =3= update soon?
BabyKey #5
Chapter 6: whoa o.o that nasty maid need to disappear a.s.a.p! u hate her!
Dubuu12 #6
Just started reading today. Gahh, this story is too cute! :3
SO Cute and Fluffy!!!!!!! >< love this! can key be any cuter? :D i just wanna squeeze him to bits thanks for updating hope you feel better
hi new reader here i totally love this i love a cute adorable key thanks for the awesomness XD
GwenT95 #9
O.o I Really like the plot and the story is well written can't wait for more kittybum~