Key's Choice


AN: Here is the second chapter.. Well.. I hope you'll like it..Well.. this could be the end of this fic if everything would go well. Of course it won't, I'm just telling you :3 But yeah, there is a bit more fluff than there should be.. 


 Key was woken up suddenly by the sound of a door being shut forcefully. He rubbed his feline eyes sleepily, and as he looked around, he remembered where he was. 'Of course, my father found a way to get rid of me.. ' he thought sadly. He raised his head and noticed his new master. He glared at the Perfect, but his ears were flattened to his head and his ail was swishing behind him anxiously. He was scared of what was coming next. Only now did he noticed that he was shivering, he wasn't sure if it was from the cold or fear, or maybe both. His master said something, but he didn't actually hear it. He could see that his lips were moving but the only thing he heard was his own heartbeat, 

Jonghyun looked at the scared boy with cold eyes. He didn't want to hurt the cat-demon but he knew that if he was too kind, Key would escape. But the fear in the younger boy's eyes and the way of his small body shivered from the cold just told Jonghyun to embrace him and tell him that everything was going to be alright. He didn't know what to do, his brain was telling him to act like the other masters, but his heart was breaking for the Mistake. Key let out a small, scared whimper. Jonghyun sighed. He wasn't going to trust the boy yet. 'I am telling the rules to you now, boy. ' he said coldly. Key looked into his eyes, his own pair of feline eyes were full of hatred. 'You won't be leaving this room until I say so. You are going to do everything I say, or else you will be punished. You aren't allowed to complain, you are just a Mistake, after all. This is it for now. Anything you do against the rules will cause you to get a punishment. Any questions? ' Key looked down but shook his head. 'No, Master.' he spat, but his whole body was shaking. He was truly scared.

The Perfect stood up and walked out of the room, locking the door. But he didn't leave yet, he stood near the door, listening if Key was trying to escape or took his fate by doing nothing. For a few moments, there was silence. But the next moment, a soft sob was heard from inside. Key has lost it. His slightly clawed hands were tightly clutching the little book he had, they were almost tearing it. His eyes were full of tears, he could barely see through them. As he sobbed, his shoulders were shaking wildly. The next moment, the door opened and Jonghyun walked in. He couldn't bear this. He didn't care if Key escaped, but this was too much for him. His mother always told him that even if Mistakes weren't perfect, they were just like any other people And for Jonghyun, Key was much more. He didn't really now why, but he felt like he needed to protect this seemingly perfect, but still flawed boy. So he kneeled in front of the sobbing cat-demon and touched his shoulder gently. Key whimpered and looked at him with beautiful, but empty, sorrowful eyes. Jonghyun pulled the boy close and wrapped his arms around him gently. Key's eyes widened, he didn't know why was his master holding him. Soon he felt a gently hand rubbing his back. His sobs weakened as he leant his head on the elder's chest. He felt strangely safe. His ears twitched happily as they were scratched gently by the Perfect. Key let out a low purr, but quickly silenced himself. 'W..why a..are you..?' he asked, knowing that Jonghyun would know what he wanted to ask. His voice was still shaky and hoarse from the crying. 'You don't deserve this.. 'Jonghyun whispered. Key sighed tiredly. 'I am sorry to crush your dream, Master, but I do deserve this. I am a Mistake, after all. ' He whispered brokenly. Suddenly Jonghyun grabbed Key's chin forcefully. 'Don't say that. In this house, from now on, it doesn't matter if you are a Mistake. There is only one rule. Don't.think.low.of.yourself! Do you understand?' he looked into Key's eyes, but he would always look away. He still nodded and slipped out of Jonghyun's arms, instantly shivering at the loss of heat. His ears twitched sadly. Sitting on the rags, his tail wrapped around himself, wanting to provide at least some heat as he was really cold. Jonghyun didn't seem to notice this, he didn't feel cold at all, so he took Key's actions of rebelling. 'You know what? Stay here and decide if you wish to live the life of a Perfect, or not!' he ordered Key and left the room. Key knew the answer already, but he was still scared. 'I'll wait until he comes back and I'll tell him.. ' he thought.

Key waited on the rags all day. At first his ears would twitch at any small noise he heard, and he stared at the door impatiently. But after a few hours, the room got even colder and he had to wrap himself in one of the dirty rags. 'Maybe he forgot about me.. 'he thought sadly, and sneezed. He must have caught a cold, which was pretty unusual for him. 

On the other side, Jonghyun waited for a maid to tell him that Key had left his room and was looking for him. He sat in his office and waited. After a few hours, he realized that Key wasn't coming. 'Maybe he wants to be a servant.. ' he scoffed. 'Of course not, that's insane..' he added in his thoughts and decided to find out for himself. Slowly, he stood up and walked to Key's room. He couldn't hear anything, but the door was still slightly open, so Key could leave and find him. Opening the door, the sight that greeted him wasn't what he had expected.

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Even though I'm not in Italy right now, I don't know when I'll update cause right now I'm not sure on how to continue this T.T


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saijang #1
Chapter 16: please update this story soon. . . . this is different from the other stories that i have read
Jesminda90 #2
It would be Nice when you continue this Story. I really like your Storys :D and this One is Sweet like oure other Storys :)
Chapter 16: omg im glad i caught up this was really good especially the fluffy parts, so please update soon, but only when you can and if i do become inpatient i will definitely read your other fics^^
BabyKey #4
Chapter 16: seriously, that women need to die! how dare she hurt my key! curse you cathy!

i love the story ! update soon ~ i realize you haven't update in month =3= update soon?
BabyKey #5
Chapter 6: whoa o.o that nasty maid need to disappear a.s.a.p! u hate her!
Dubuu12 #6
Just started reading today. Gahh, this story is too cute! :3
SO Cute and Fluffy!!!!!!! >< love this! can key be any cuter? :D i just wanna squeeze him to bits thanks for updating hope you feel better
hi new reader here i totally love this i love a cute adorable key thanks for the awesomness XD
GwenT95 #9
O.o I Really like the plot and the story is well written can't wait for more kittybum~